Goal 8 / 8.2 / 8.2.8

Does Your University Have a Process for Employee Appeals on Rights and Pay?

8.2.8 Does your university as a body have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay?


Employee Relations and Disciplinary Codes.pdf attached in the evidence file

Ahlia's policy encompasses the establishment of a structured salary scale for all positions within various employee grades. This approach ensures that our compensation packages remain competitive, aiming to both attract and retain personnel of the requisite caliber to successfully fulfill Ahlia's operational objectives.

In line with our commitment to fair employee treatment, we acknowledge that every employee possesses the right to voice concerns and register grievances pertaining to their rights or compensation. This essential facet is an integral component of our comprehensive complaint management process, as defined in sub-section 10.4.1 "Grievance" within section 10, titled "Employee Relations and Disciplinary Codes."

Employees are encouraged to articulate their grievances or complaints in writing within ten (10) working days of an incident occurring or within ten (10) working days of becoming aware of the incident. Subsequently, employees should engage in a discussion with their respective Dean/Director to provide a detailed account of their complaint. The Dean/Director will make every effort to expeditiously resolve the issue.

Managers and Directorate Heads also have the option to request a reclassification of a job by submitting justifications and highlighting changes that have transpired in the role. The Human Resources Directorate will assess such requests, considering benchmark positions, increased responsibilities, market dynamics, internal equity, and the affected employee's qualifications, seniority, experience, and new level of responsibility. Upon completing the evaluation, the Human Resources Directorate will present the findings to the relevant Vice President for discussion and approval by the President.

Should an employee remain dissatisfied with the response received from the Dean/Director or if the complaint remains unresolved, the employee is entitled to escalate the matter by submitting their grievance in writing to the Vice President. The Vice President will provide a written response within one (1) week of receiving the complaint.

Furthermore, if the employee's dissatisfaction persists or if the grievance remains unaddressed, the employee may escalate the matter further by submitting a written complaint to the President. The President will undertake a thorough investigation and verification process and respond within one (1) week of receiving the complaint.

The decision rendered by the President will be considered final in all matters pertaining to the grievance. We are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent process for addressing employee concerns and maintaining a harmonious work environment at Ahlia.


Ahlia policy includes setting a salary scale for all levels across the different employee grades, maintaining an equitable level to attract and retain staff of the caliber required to achieve Ahlia operational objectives.

The employee always has the right to appeal and complain about employee rights and/or pay. This is part of the complaint management process that is defined in sub-section 10.4.1 ’Grievance’ under section 10 ’Employee Relations and Disciplinary Codes.pdf’.



Every employee has the right to complain and lodge their grievance/ complaint in writing within ten (10) working days of an occurrence and/ or within ten (10) working days of the employee having reasonable knowledge of the occurrence. The employee shall speak to the Dean/Director and explain in detail their complaint. The Dean/Director shall try and resolve the complaint as promptly as possible. Managers/Directorate Heads may submit a request to the Human resources Directorate to reclassify a job giving justifications and changes that have incurred on the job. The Human Resources Directorate will study the request based on comparison with the benchmark jobs and the level of increased responsibility. Consideration will also be given to market factors, internal equity and the affected employee’s qualifications, seniority, experience, and a new level of responsibility. Once the Human Resource Directorate completes the study, the Directorate will submit it to the VP concerned in order to be discussed and approved by the President. Shall the employee not be satisfied by the Dean/Director's response or the complaint does not get resolved, the employee must submit to the Vice President in writing their grievance. The Vice President shall respond to the employee’s complaint in writing within one (1) week of receiving the complaint.


Furthermore, shall the employee not be satisfied with the response or the grievance persists, the employee must submit a complaint in writing to the President, who must respond after properly investigating and verifying within one (1) week of receiving the complaint.


The President shall personally meet with the employee concerned and settle the grievance within one (1) week of the complaint being referred. The decision by President shall be deemed as final.





Employment and Labor Laws and Regulations Bahrain 2022


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Every employee has the right to complain and lodge their grievance/ complaint in writing within ten (10) working days of an occurrence and/ or within ten (10) working days of the employee having reasonable knowledge of the occurrence of the event that induced such grievance.

’ All grievances shall be submitted to the employee’s Dean / Director with a copy to the HR Director.

’ Upon receipt of complaint/grievance the Dean / Director shall promptly address the complaint along the following lines:

Step 1:

The Dean/Director shall try and resolve the complaint at his/her level as within a week of receiving the complaints.

Step 2:

If the complaint/grievance is not resolved, the employee has the right to submit the written complaint to the Vice-President in writing for a resolution his/her grievance. The Vice-President shall respond to the employee’s complaint in writing within one week of receiving the complaint. If the grievance still persists, the employee can submit a complaint in writing to the President.

Step 3:

The President shall personally meet with the concerned employee and settle the grievance /complaint. The decision by President shall be deemed final.


Upon receipt of any grievance/complaint, Ahlia University shall decide to investigate internally or set up a disciplinary committee.

’ Investigation of the situation or incident has to be conducted as soon as possible.

’ In this investigation, the Dean/Director shall record all facts and statements of all witnesses to the event, including those of the employee concerned, and any witness the employee may wish to call.

’ All statements must be recorded in the first person, and the Dean/Director shall prepare a complete report along with the recommendation of the Vice-President and Legal Counsel (if any) and submit them to the President. After review of the report by the President, if accepted, Dean/Director issues a written warning to the concerned if found guilty in the presence of the Vice-President.

Disciplinary Committee

’In the case of formulation of a disciplinary committee, to be appointed by the President, the disciplinary committee shall advise the concerned employee by a copy of the referral decision and of the date, time and venue of the committee’s first session at least one (1) week before the date specified for the first disciplinary session by a letter that needs to be delivered to the employee personally. If it is not possible to make a personal delivery to the employee, it may be sent by registered mail to the employee’s latest known address.

More detailed information about Disciplinary committee proceedings is available in the HR policy and procedure manual available in the University SharePoint.

Disciplinary Actions

As per the Bahrain labour law, a range of disciplinary actions can be imposed on employees if found guilty of an offence, ranging from verbal or written notice-of-attention or written warning, or termination of service.

Employee’s Refusal to Accept the Written Warning

In case of those employee(s) found guilty of an offence, the findings and decision of the disciplinary committee deemed is final, subject to the approval of the President. In the event of the employee refusing to accept the decision, the employee shall be informed of the action that will be taken, and a copy shall be filed in the employee file.


The decision of the disciplinary committee is subject to the approval of the President. Upon approval by the President, the employee will be informed of the decision and same will be implemented as per university policies and Bahrain Labour Law.

More information is available in the Policy and Procedure HR manual available in the SharePoint of Ahlia University and can be accessed through www.ahlia.edu.bh

Conflict Resolution


Ahlia University ensures the availability of appropriate mechanisms to deal with grievance, and conflict resolution in a professional manner.


Non-Retaliation Policy


Ahlia strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or student who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that her or she reasonably believes to be in violation of Ahlia’s Code of Conduct or policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations.

No employee or student should be discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, intimidated, coerced, or retaliated against in any other manner as a result of him or her making a good faith complaint or assisting in the handling or investigation of a good faith complaint. Ahlia prohibits employees or students from being retaliated against even if their complaints are proven unfounded by an investigation, unless the employee or student knowingly made a false allegation, provided false or misleading information in the course of an investigation, or otherwise acted in bad faith. Employees and students have an obligation to participate in good faith in any internal investigation of retaliation.

Ahlia takes all complaints of retaliation very seriously. All such complaints will be reviewed promptly

and, where appropriate, investigated.

If you believe you have been retaliated against or that any other violation of this policy has occurred, or if you have questions concerning this policy, you must immediately notify Human Resources, or your immediate supervisor/advisor. You may also contact the Unit of Legal Affairs and Compliance.

Any employee or student who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary actions.

Staff Handbook


Attached in the evidence file







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Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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