♦ Fairness refers to the equitable treatment of different people, or groups, conforming to a consistent set of standards. Employees are entitled to expect fair treatment at Ahlia and are expected to treat others fairly. That also requires employees to conduct Ahlia operational so that Ahlia reputation for fair dealings is sustained and enhanced.
♦ Employees
’ Ahlia strives to treat its employees fairly by maintaining a healthy, safe and productive work environment which is free from discrimination or harassment based on any other factor that is unrelated to Ahlia legitimate operational interests. Ahlia shall not tolerate sexual advances, actions or comments or racial or religious slurs, jokes or any other comments or conduct in the workplace that creates, encourages or permits an offensive, intimidating or inappropriate work environment.
♦ Business Alliance/Partners
’ Ahlia shall form many business alliances with JV partners, affiliates/ associates and other investments. Some relationships may be highly contractual, exclusive bond in which both entities commit to certain activities or alternatively, it may be very loose arrangement designed largely for operational needs to overcome competition. In all types of partnerships Ahlia shall explicitly lay its intentions and objectives for partnering and treat all partners fairly and work collaboratively in all its operational activities.
♦ Suppliers
’ Ahlia weighs the facts impartially to determine the best supplier in deciding among competing suppliers. Employees and BoD members follow this principle whether they are in a purchasing job, a decision making committee or any other part of the operational. The objectiveness and unbiased supplier evaluation is applicable regardless of the value of the contract or purchase under consideration. Ahlia uses a competitive evaluation process to select the best suppliers and contractors.
’ Whether or not an employee is in a position to influence decisions involving the evaluation or selection of suppliers, one must not exert or attempt to exert influence to obtain "special treatment" for a particular supplier, or contractor. Prices and other information submitted by suppliers and Ahlia evaluation of that information are confidential to Ahlia. Employees and former employees may not use any of this information without written permission from the management.
♦ Customers
’ Ahlia shall treat all its external customers with respect and in good faith. All the customers and potential customers shall be treated equitably regardless of their length of relationship, value of operational, size and nature of entity or individual etc. Customer feedback is encouraged. Complaints and grievances shall be dealt with care and in confidence ensuring fast response. ○ General Guidelines to Employees
♦ All employees shall be aware of the following facts regarding the discussed key areas under Fairness:
♦ Avoid Unethical/ Illegal Activities
’ The acceptance and payments of bribes or facilitating payments such as gifts, fees, favours and other advantages is not allowed under any circumstance.
♦ Avoid Favourable Treatment
’ Employees in a position of selecting contractors, vendors and other suppliers need to act in a fair and consistent manner. In no situation is it acceptable that a person in such a position has a relationship with such a party beyond normal operational relationships.
♦ Treat Others Fairly and with Respect
’ Employees are required to treat each other with respect and professionalism. Discrimination in all instances is prohibited. Employee who supervises others are expected to ensure that work related decisions regarding work allocation, compensation, performance evaluations or the administration of Ahlia benefits are based on principles of fairness, equity and equality. Policies and procedures have been developed to guide employees in the conduct of their related roles and responsibilities.
’ Full Time Staff
The Employee Relations Division is responsible for preparing salaries, which are paid via bank transfer to Bahraini bank accounts on a monthly basis.
’ Part time Professional Staff
Part time administrative employees are paid monthly based on the number of hours of work put in in a month as agreed in the contract/offer. Payment for the work put in a month is made in the following month. The Employee Relations prepare a payment issue letter once the attendance sheet of the part time administrative employee is signed by his/her direct supervisor.
’ Part time Faculty
Part time faculty is paid per course taught by the end of the semester as agreed on the contract/offer. The college officer prepares a payment issue letter at the end of each semester.
’ Overtime work is by definition an allocation of work beyond the required mandatory working hours
and should be either in excess of official working hours on a working day, or official holidays or days
officially declared as holidays by the university redundant.
’ The Dean/Director concerned shall maintain and approve the overtime register detailing:
- Dates on which the employee has been assigned overtime work
- A breakdown of total hours worked by the employee
- Reasons for overtime
’ The Dean/Director concerned shall forward the overtime register to the HR Directorate for further
processing and payment to the employee before the end of each month.
’ Claim for overtime compensation shall only be made for period of time of work in excess of official duty hours..
’ Incidental or unplanned overtime hours beyond the regular schedule of working hours shall not be
treated as authorized work put in as overtime, and the employee shall not be compensated for
the same. This includes working hours at the discretion of the employee or their Dean/Director to
compensate for time lost due to authorized absence / time off during normal working hours.
’ Employees working more than 36 hours per week (6 hours per day) during the holy month of Ramadan are
eligible for overtime payment subject to the approval from the d Dean/Director concerned.
’ Compensation calculation for overtime would be as per the labour law of Bahrain.
Ahlia University policies include salary scales set for all levels of employees, maintaining an equitable
level, and attracting and retaining staff whose calibre helps the university achieve its operational and
strategic objectives.
Starting salary is determined through careful consideration of market factors, internal equity, and
the new employee’s qualifications, experience, and responsibility level.
’ Faculty promotion follows the academic bylaws for promotion, which are available in
’the university SharePoint.
’ Ahlia University shall consider the following points while awarding promotions to any employee:
- A position becomes available within Ahlia university
- Positions are considered vacant in accordance with the annual approved manpower plan
of the organization
- Consistent good performance
- A distinct increase in duties and responsibilities; and
- The employee possesses the minimum qualifications for the higher position in
consideration or has clearly demonstrated the ability to perform at a higher level,
- An employee must have been with Ahlia University for at least one (1) continuous year
’ All promotions must be approved by the President.
Ahlia has the purpose of offering its employees good work practices which ensure the worker has the optimal conditions to perform the tasks in the safest way and avoiding problems that may affect their health and well-being, in addition to providing benefits and compensation in case If there is a problem that prevents the employee from performing the job, salary ranges, policies and manuals that allow the employee to know their rights at work. The practices carried out by the university can be observed from the point 8.2.6.
Ahlia University is committed to define and execute its policies and procedures that include ’PayScale Gaps’ measurement and elimination. Section 5 ’Compensation and Benefits.pdf’ in AU’s HR Policies & Procedures document tackles this subject.
The purpose of the section is to document the compensation and benefits set for all the employees of Ahlia University in order to provide a standard framework across Ahlia. Implementation of this policy is the prime responsibility of the HR Director in coordination with the Financial Controller, Director of Financial affairs, Vice President of Admin and Finance and under the direct supervision of the President if required. It is also the responsibility of the Dean/Director to provide the HR Director with pertinent information that has an effect on compensation structures and periodic payroll payments.
Ahlia University salary scale for all levels across the different employee grades, maintaining an equitable level to attract and retain staff of the caliber required to achieve Ahlia operational objectives inline and above the Government Defined minimum wage.
’ The ’basic salary’ consists of a monthly remuneration paid to Ahlia employee for their work, excluding allowances, air ticket allowance, payables for overtime, bonus, commissions, incentives, and other payables. This excludes deductions made in respect of financial assistance, advances, and securities.
’ Ahlia salary components shall have a basic salary component. Basic salary is a fixed component of the total compensation package.
’ An employee's salary may be increased, based on results of a performance appraisal, a promotion, or an exception approved by the President.
’ Ahlia shall set level of compensation for each employee based exclusively on their job grade. Any salary uplifts over the maximum salary applicable for the grade requires approval of the President, irrespective of the percentage of uplift.
’ The salary scale shall be reviewed annually or as and when required, by Ahlia management in accordance with the market demand, in order to be aligned with salaries offered in the local and regional market and to retain key employees of Ahlia and to fairly compensate the new recruits. Amendments made to the salary scales do not imply an immediate increase in the employee's actual salaries.
’ Ahlia employees shall be eligible for Ahlia allowances and benefits following satisfactory completion of the employee’s probation period.
’ If an employee is promoted, the difference between the allowance amounts shall be paid inaccordance with the scale for their new position/grade effective from the date of promotion notification.
’ Fixed Salary is the monetary compensation provided by Ahlia for an employee’s work effort as agreed in the employment contract. Any amendments to the employee salary from time to time by Ahlia in the form of increments or other salary adjustments approved by President shall be through Ahlia official notification and duly recorded on a Change of Status form.
’ Fixed salary is the composition of the monthly basic salary, housing, and transportation allowances.
’ The salary scale depicts the minimum, median (midpoint), and maximum levels of the basic salary and allowances.
’ The decision to provide the incumbent with the minimum, median, or maximum of the job grade’s basic salary in accordance to the employee's fitment into entry, competent, and experienced levels is that of the concerned Dean/Director in coordination with the President.
The following salary structures have been designed by benchmarking with the University of Bahrain for the academic positions and with the Civil Service Bureau for non-academic positions. Each grade level reflects comparative levels of knowledge, skills, abilities, and responsibilities as well as market forces. The Salary Structures are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure competitiveness with the market.
This policy has been created in 2012 and is reviewed in 2017 (every 5 years).
Also, Ahlia University provides various types of benefits to the Academic Faculty and administrative employees as a supplement the pay package in certain instances, and to promote the principles of fairness and social obligations towards all categories of employees [3].
Car Parking:
’ Parking is provided in designated areas of the University’s parking premises.
Ahlia University provides a space for its administrative staff and students to learn about their equal opportunities, as shown below:
As a founding member of the World Technology Universities Network, Ahlia University is proud of playing a key role in the development of a gender equality pledge for the network of 20+ members from across the World.
Equal Opportunity Plan Aims:
1. To promote the principle of equal opportunity through gender-responsive policy design that achieves coherent linkage with the national legislative/policy framework within the context of multilevel (international, nationally, organisational) policy frameworks on inclusion, equal opportunity and women empowerment.
2. To empower women by integrating their needs in development programmes.
3. To foster a safe and supportive work environment that ensures work-life balance, life-long learning, and competitiveness for women.
4. To collaborate with allies and partners to mainstream the culture of equal opportunity to society at large.
Full time employees are those who normally work a minimum of 40 hours per week and are paid monthly salaries with all benefits offered by Ahlia University as specified in their relevant initial offer letters and the contracts of employment.
Part time employees are those who are offered employment contracts for the purpose of fulfilling regular vacancies for a specified period of time. Employees in this category are paid in lump sum amounts at the end of each month or semester or as agreed in the part time employment contract.
Student employment, Ahlia University provides the opportunity for students to work on a part time basis.
Ahlia policy includes setting a salary scale for all levels across the different employee grades, maintaining an equitable level to attract and retain staff of the caliber required to achieve Ahlia operational objectives. This assures the elimination of any gender gaps where gender does not have any effect on the salary scale. Similarly, all additional job allowances and benefits that meet legal requirements like housing, transportation, furniture, schooling and mobile allowances in addition to medical insurance, air tickets depending on the job grade and structure do not have any gender interference. Regarding Job Grades, all the positions/jobs are classified according to Ahlia's job grade structure and as per the pay scale document.
Regarding Annual Increments, annual increments shall be awarded on the basis of the assessed performance of each employee irrelative of the gender. For the sake of fairness, Ahlia University monitors salary movements regularly in the competitive market, as pay levels could vary from time to time. The salary scale gets reviewed annually or, as needed, by Ahlia management, in accordance with the market demand, in order to be aligned with salaries offered in the local and regional markets and to retain key employees of Ahlia and to fairly compensate the new recruits.
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