’ Founding Body: Arab Academy for Research and Studies
’ Inaugurated: 2001/2002
’ First students enrolled: 2003
’ Student population: 2,500
’ Student ratio: 54% female /46% male
’ Degree Programs: 17
’ Electives: 450
’ Quality: First category University according to the NAQQAET
Since inception, Ahlia University has championed equal opportunity and women empowerment. This is manifest in the University’s core values: Excellence, inclusiveness, integrity, collegiality, ambition, and engagement.
Equal Opportunity Plan Aims:
’ To promote the principle of equal opportunity through gender-responsive policy design that achieves coherent linkage with the national legislative/policy framework within the context of multilevel (international, nationally, organisational) policy frameworks on inclusion, equal opportunity and women empowerment.
’ To empower women by integrating their needs in development programmes.
’ To foster a safe and supportive work environment that ensures work-life balance, life-long learning, and competitiveness for women.
’ To collaborate with allies and partners to mainstream the culture of equal opportunity to society at large.
’ To support national strategies as a progressive and model organization for women.
’ Develop a systematic and sustainable approach to equal opportunity and women empowerment through institutionalization of practice.
’ Create a centralized advisory body to oversee progress and institutionalize practice
’ Employ a targeted approach vis-’-vis professional development, capacity-building, and up-skilling programs to redress gender imbalance issues
’ Leverage partnerships for knowledge sharing and exchange of best practice in the areas of equal opportunity and women empowerment.
’ Organize conferences/symposia with a focus on equal opportunity and/or women topics
’ Develop a common understanding and framework with local and international partners on topics related to equal opportunity and women in STEM
’ Champion the principle of equal opportunity through awareness campaigns, activities, and events.
’ Plan and organize women-focused events for students and staff
’ Develop gender-responsive policies that foster work-life balance and life-long learning
’ Develop and utilize data collection instruments to gauge and measure awareness/impact
In line with our core values, from inclusiveness to integrity, the Equal Opportunity Committee at Ahlia University has recently conducted a self-evaluation exercise in relation to women empowerment and equal opportunity at the University.
The results published cover the period 2016-20, in line with the former institutional strategic plan 2016-20.
We look forward to achieving new milestones as we work to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and continue our efforts to mainstream the principle of equal opportunity throughout the university and beyond.
Dear students,
we are glad to announce the appointment of the following mentors for the academic year 2022-2023 during the initial phase of the AU mentorship program.’ The program will begin in the summer of 2023 and run through the first and second semesters of the following academic year, 2023’2024.
Ahlia mentorship programs are created to offer an ambitious platform that endeavor to offer a dynamic and lively learning atmosphere while being inclusive in involving all types of stakeholders of both genders.
The University takes pride in being able to give its students the opportunity to be paired with an experienced industry, academic or alumni mentor, through one of our four mentoring programs.
1. Alumni Mentoring Programme:
Through this program you will engage with AU Alumni professionals who have a wealth of expertise across a wide range of fields and sectors, thus you will be able to develop professional connections and networking, gain an expert advice on where to apply and how, and hear a real-life example from someone who was previously in your shoes. Available to all undergraduate students.
2. Industry Mentoring Programme:
This program is available to all undergraduate students who will get the opportunity to learn from an industry figure who will reflect on ways of improving one’s different skills to ensure post-graduation professional growth.
3. Academic Mentoring Programme:
This program is available to all undergraduate students who will get the opportunity to learn from an industry figure who will reflect on ways of improving one’s different skills to ensure post-graduation professional growth.
4. Entrepreneur Mentoring Programme:
This program is available to all undergraduate students and would be a great opportunity for aspiring young Bahraini to learn from an established and successful entrepreneur.
All AU currently registered students are eligible to register in any of the above mentorship schemes. You simply need to be aware of where you do fit, and which program will help you the most. I advise you to take me time to consider who in each plan will be of the most benefit to you in planning your future endeavors. The decision of where to register is yours to make.
Woman Empowerment
Event Details
Time:1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location:Conference Room
Experience with the Windsor Leadership Trust-Woman in Leadership Programme
Speaker(s): Dr. Maria Saberi
Organizer: HR Directorate & College of Business & Finance
Description: Academic Faculty
Ahlia Entrepreneurship Center
Cordially invites you to attend the woman Entrepreneurship event:
The stories studio: The startup journey
In collaboration with equal opportunity committee in Ahlia University
Cordially invites you to attend
Woman Entrepreneurship
’The Entrepreneurship Journey Towards Success’
Created in 2008, Global Entrepreneurship Week is considered as the world’s largest celebration of the innovators, entrepreneurs, and economists who collaborate to drive economic growth and expand human welfare.
During one week each November, more than 160 countries celebrate the week by hosting thousands of events and competitions inspiring millions to engage in entrepreneurial activities and connecting them to potential collaborators, mentors, and investors.
Supported by many world leaders and a network of 10,000 partner organizations, each year GEW empowers roughly 25 million people through more than 25,000 activities.
Global Entrepreneurship Week is organized by Global Entrepreneurship Network and powered by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
’ To support Bahraini individuals developing their ideas into reality in order to drive economic growth forward
’ To enhance the entrepreneurial spirit and inspire innovation across all business sectors leading to economic development in line with the Kingdom’s 2030 vision.
’ To spread entrepreneurship awareness and gather Bahraini experts in business and investments sectors.
’ To emphasize the establishment of such initiatives in the Kingdom leading role to keep pace with global economic developments.
Dear Ahlia Faculty and Staff
on behalf of
Prof. Mansoor Al’Ali
President, Ahlia University
You are invited to
Bahraini Women’s Day 2018
The College of Engineering hosted a mentorship session organised by the Supreme Council for Women (SCW). For the celebration of the Bahraini Women’s Day this year the SCW is endorsing women’s role in engineering. As part of this initiative they held an interactive session to inform female students about the opportunities and challenges women face in the engineering sector.
Ahlia University celebrates Bahraini Womens’ Day.
The College of Engineering hosted a mentorship session organised by the Supreme Council for Women (SCW). For the celebration of the Bahraini Women’s Day this year the SCW is endorsing women’s role in engineering. As part of this initiative they held an interactive session to inform female students about the opportunities and challenges women face in the engineering sector. External Speakers: Mr. Mohammed AlMasqati ’ GPIC
The Fifth Conference on Equal Opportunities organized jointly by Ahlia University and Brunel University London focuses on the important theme of ’Partnership, Fairness & Competitiveness.’
● Women win all research awards at the 13th PhD Conference
Under the Patronage of
Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Ahlia Center For Entrepreneurship (ACE)
TogetherSAFE team
Cordially invite you to attend
The Z Entrepreneurs
Collaboration agreements with public and private sector institutions in order to provide female students with training opportunities in several needed professions
Brunel University welcomes Ahlia University students through its exchange programme. Eligible students may spend up to one full academic year at Brunel. Additionally, Ahlia University offers the Brunel PhD Without Residence Programme. This 3-year Programme is fully accredited by the UK government and is considered equivalent to a degree provided on Brunel’s campus. Upon successful completion of the programme, the certification will be issued by Brunel University.
In collaboration with the George Washington University, Ahlia University offers the Master’s Degree in Engineering Management. The MSEM programme is designed to develop leaders for technically oriented organizations and prepare them for the future. The programme is run by the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) Off-Campus Programmes Office, and the award is issued by the George Washington University (GWU).
An acclaimed institute of IT and an established partner of Ahlia University for
several years, EPITECH gives students all over the world the opportunity to
learn IT through a unique pedagogical method focused on project work and
hands-on IT experience.
I’SEG School of Management, or Institut d’’conomie Scientifique et
de Gestion, is a French Grande ’cole and member of the Conf’rence des Grandes
’coles. The school is one of the most prestigious higher education institutions
in the country and hosts 4800 students on both campuses, with over 2000
international students including over 900 exchange students from partner
universities who come to study at IESEG every year.
To Spread the National Awareness in Society
A Mutual MoU between ’Bahrain Institute for Political Development’ and Ahlia University
Based on the enhancement of collaboration, the Bahrain Institute for Political Development signed a mutual memorandum of understanding with Ahila University. This MoU aims to spread national awareness in society and support the academic aspects, scientific research, and the political awareness of the students at the university campus.
In signing the agreement, the Institute was represented by Ms. Eman Janahi, the Executive Director, while Ahlia University was represented by Prof. Mansoor Al-Aali, Ahlia University President.
On this occasion, Ms. Eman Janahi, Executive Director of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development praised this MoU, considering it a beneficial agreement to both parties. It will provide the University the academic staff to present the activities of the Institute and support the Institute’s efforts in raising awareness of the youths. Through this agreement, the Institute seeks to provide training and awareness-raising programs that target the University students.
Ms. Janahi added that the agreement comes in line with the Institute goals of disseminating a culture of democracy, supporting and consolidating the concept of democratic principles, providing training, studies and research programs related to the constitutional and legal field, in addition to its role in developing programs of human rights studies in the field of political systems and constitutional law.
For his part,
Prof. Mansoor Al-Aali, the President of Ahlia University, affirmed that the
Bahrain Institute for Political Development is one of the institutions
emanating from the reform project of His Majesty the King just like Ahlia
University. Both institutions share a set of goals related to enhancing
community awareness and developing its staff. Also, both institutions work in
the research field that aims to contribute positively to the development of
He explained that Ahlia University and the Institute can achieve a lot, which
shed more light on the march of political and democratic development in the
Kingdom of Bahrain through participation in conferences and discussion seminars
to inform the community of the pioneering Bahraini model in the field of
democratic transformation and the developments that gained the trust and
respect of the international community.
According to the MoU, the two parties, to achieve their goals, will seek joint cooperation in the field of training and student capabilities development, and support the process of exchanging experiences between our national private and government institutions. Besides, exchanging experiences and studies depending on the available resources and providing consultations and developing programs and activities that fall within their competence, on condition that this does not contradict the laws and regulations binding on them.
Within the memorandum, Ahlia University expressed its readiness to support the Bahrain Institute for Political Development with specialized academic staff, while the Institute expressed its full readiness to cooperate in preparing training programs related to the rehabilitation of students expected to graduate from Ahlia University for the labor market in the areas of political participation of youth and promoting children’s rights and people with special needs.
An academic delegation from Ahlia
University including Prof. Abdulla Yusuf Al Hawaj, Prof. Mansoor Ahmed Alaali,
Dr. Samia Costandi, and Dr. Allam Hamdan, visited Doha Institute in Qatar which
was represented by Dr. Yasir Suleiman Malley, Acting President; Dr. Rashid El
Enany, Dean of School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Dr. Abderrahim
Benhadda, Associate Dean of School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Dr. Farid
Elsahn, Professor of Public Administration; Dr. Yousef Daoud, Head of
Developmental Economics Program; Dr. Aziz Douai, Head of Media and Cultural
Studies Program; and Mr. Omar Chaikhouni, Senior Manager of Communications and
External Relations.
The delegation discussed many points
that will be the first steps in establishing an academic
partnership between the two institutions including: visits from Doha
Institute faculty to Ahlia University in Bahrain to introduce students to the
Doha Institute graduate studies programs, meetings between heads of programs
from both sides, as well as inviting Doha Institute faculty to deliver academic
lectures at Ahlia University in Bahrain. Doha Institute for Graduate Studies is
an independent academic institution which currently offers 13 MA programs
across two schools. For more information please see the link below:
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