Goal 17 / 17.2 / 17.2.1

Does Your University Contribute to National Government SDG Policy Development?

17.2.1 Does your university as a body have direct involvement in, or input into, national government SDG policy development -including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management?


Government 2030’s Vision and the Alignment of the University with this Vision


National Development Strategy: Bahrain Vision 2030


To ensure the enduring well-being and prosperity of all Bahrainis, the Government of Bahrain is committed to ongoing strategic planning to inform policy within a foundational understanding of the opportunities and limitations that face the country.

The Economic Vision 2030


About Ahlia University Sustainability


Ahlia University recognizes its responsibility to support the society in their transition toward sustainability. To create a more sustainable future, AU generates the needed knowledge and cultivate citizens and leaders who have the skills and commitment to put that knowledge into practice. The decisions and actions taken by AU reflects its role and duty to the current and future generations. The University provides the strategic guidance, support, and resources to be an institutional model of sustainability for society. In partnership with students, staff, and faculty, we advance the vision for sustainable research, education, connectivity, operations, and governance.

As a leading institution for higher education, Ahlia University’s Mission is to move forward the frontiers of human knowledge and elevate the social and living standards of the society.

In support of this mission, the University is committed to:


         Producing graduates who are distinguished by their professional competence, humanistic outlook and uncompromising ethics.

         Providing the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research.

         Establishing Ahlia University as an acknowledged center of excellence in certain fields of knowledge.

         Working in partnership with local and regional communities to support societal and economic needs.

Thus, Ahlia University believes in the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental which are embedded in its adopted approach. Sustainability in Ahlia University is framed around research, education, connectivity, operations and governance & administration through which the University can make a difference to society and move toward a sustainable future.



Ahlia University recognizes its responsibility to support the society in their transition toward sustainability. To create a more sustainable future, AU generates the needed knowledge and cultivate citizens and leaders who have the skills and commitment to put that knowledge into practice. The decisions and actions taken by AU reflects its role and duty to the current and future generations. The University provides the strategic guidance, support, and resources to be an institutional model of sustainability for society. In partnership with students, staff, and faculty, we advance the vision for sustainable research, education, connectivity, operations, and governance.



University Policy on Healthy Environmental

Ahlia University is committed to fulfilling its academic mission and managing all resources in harmony with our natural environment as well as to meeting our social, scientific, ethical and educational leadership responsibility in actively promoting the restoration and preservation of a healthy environment for the future and in contributing to building an equitable world.

The University recognizes the importance of rethinking and correcting if necessary the heavy reliance on and the wasteful habits in the use of resources we take for granted. The commitment of the University to raising environmental awareness is demonstrated in its daily teaching and research activities, in the services the University provides to the community and society at large, and in the individual and collective decisions the University takes to offset the negative impact of the University’s operation and activities on the Environment. Moreover, the University is committed to increasing the University community’s awareness of environmental issues, by fostering the appropriate values, knowledge, and skills to enable us to work towards the restoration and preservation of the Environment.

AU shall strive to be recognized as an environmentally safe and responsible institution of learning, and as a model of environmentally responsible living. For this purpose, AU community shall make every reasonable effort to:

         Encourage all members of the AU community to be environmentally aware and the University Policy on Healthy Environment Policy to be well publicized;

         Encourage all members of the AU community to Re-think/Reduce/Re-use/Recycle. Given the costs that recycling entails, reduce and re-use options shall always be considered first; and

         Prevent the over-consumption of energy and other resource and reduce the production of waste, and the release of substances harmful to the biosphere;

         Maintain purchasing practices that are environmentally safe and responsible whenever possible;

         Seek additional ways of achieving our goal of being environmentally safe and responsible.

University Policy on Efficient Use of Paper

All academic and administrative units of the University shall abide by the commitments made under the University Policy on Healthy Environment Policy in order to implement the principle of ’rethink ’ reduce ’ reuse ’ recycle’ in its paper usage by:

         Encouraging the use of electronic-based instead of paper-based versions of communication (of documents, memorandums, exams, handouts, etc.) whenever possible;

         Printing and copying double-sided, when appropriate;

         Allowing and encouraging students to submit double-sided assignments.

         Purchasing paper with greater recycled and post-consumer content, when economically feasible

For this purpose, academic and administrative units shall make every reasonable effort to:

         Encourage the use of electronic and web-based communications, documents, assignments, etc.

         Set the default on printers and copiers as double-sided;

         Encourage students to submit assignments double-sided;

         Print and copy double-sided (documents, memorandums, exams, handouts, etc.)

         Use effectively the Moodle System to post syllabi, notes and notices in a way that reduce the over consumption of paper (e.g. post PowerPoint slides six to a page) [1]


Sustainability in Research

Research does not take place in a vacuum. AU is firmly situated in the Bahraini community and so pledges to share its scholarly expertise through research in partnership with the community to find solutions to local problems. In other words, AU is committed to undertaking socially responsible research that has a positive impact on local challenges.

The Mission of the University with respect to research is to carry out research in partnership with business, industry and the local community to provide innovative solutions to identified needs; and furthermore, to disseminate the findings of research in order to make a difference to the prosperity of the Bahraini community and the wider Gulf region. Goal 8 of the Strategic Plan 2016-2020 expresses AU’s determination to make a positive contribution to the development and prosperity of its communities. We work with faculty members, students and external partners in both industry and community to support world-class research and enterprise and to develop a sustainable portfolio of activities that strengthen and underpin the University’s research base.

A rich diversity of research is conducted at AU where both basic and problem-oriented research is valued to generate knowledge and contribute to society. Recognizing the interconnected nature of complex local, regional and global issues, our researchers collaborate across disciplines to inform and advance solutions to contemporary problems. AU is fully aware of and responsible for the environmental, economic and social implications of its research.

Taking into account AU’s teaching and learning programmes and staff profile, as well as the needs of the Bahraini community, Economic Vision 2030, and the Bahrain National Strategy for Research, AU decided that it can make a strong contribution in the four niche areas of Entrepreneurship, Islamic Banking and Finance, Information and Communication Technology as well as a community-based research project. These encompass the goals, strategic objectives and KPIs of the AU Strategic Plan 2016-2020. They also demonstrate AU’s commitment to providing support for research to be undertaken in four niche (focus) areas, which will have strong outputs, and will have a positive impact on industry, business, and/or society. In particular, AU is committed to undertake socially responsible research with a particular emphasis on ICT that has a positive impact on local challenges and which meets national needs.

Student Research in Sustainability


AU students have the opportunity to bridge the gap between theories taught in the classroom and their practical application. Through the applied learning process, the students explore their ideas and live out their research within their studying environment.

Many student projects are designed to find solutions to real-life challenges to balance the environmental, social, and economic dimensions where actionable recommendations are then implemented to create a sustainable impact in the community. These may involve a lack of resources, negative environmental practices, or obstacles in reaching common goals. Collaboration is key throughout such research where usually students find interesting real-life issues that they want to tackle, they reach out to community partners and clients, they find a supervisor, they do the research, and they make a recommendation that can be directly implemented in the community. The cycle can repeat itself again, with students asking more questions, in different orders, and building upon further recommendations.


Students are expected to take ownership over the development of their research strategy and oversee the realization of their project. Their work must adhere to academic standards of quality and add value to the pursuits and endeavors of their community client. Supervisors are responsible for overseeing the work of the student. They help develop a research strategy, give feedback, provide academic resources, ensure the adherence to academic standards, and evaluate the final product.

Sustainability research teaches students how to make real-world impacts. It creates opportunities for students to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom. It provides a testing ground for sustainable ideas, concepts and solutions. The University is big enough to test out widely applicable solutions, while it is small enough to control and measure impacts. It uses already-available resources to help solve real problems on campus. Students spend countless hours working on their assignments and papers for courses. It builds networks between students, supervisors and stakeholders. Sustainability research projects provide opportunity that benefits the whole community and demands collaboration and communication between multiple stakeholders.


Times Higher Education Ranks Ahlia University First in Bahrain


Ahlia University Achieves Multiple Successes and Paves Its Way Towards Global Recognition Prof. Al-Hawaj: We are proud to attract students who are seeking excellence and distinction The University Ranks 15th Globally in Education Quality

Ahlia University has achieved a high ranking in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. The University is ranked 101+ out of the best 1591 universities selected from different countries worldwide, which are the highest in impact and achievement of sustainable development goals. According to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Ahlia University was ranked first locally and fifteenth globally in education quality index.


This achievement represents the value of responsibility that the University adopts towards the community. The University is committed to achieving specific standards for United Nations SDGs as part of its strategic plan, including education quality, gender equality, decent work, economic growth, reducing inequalities, and partnerships.


The World University Rankings (QS) has ranked Ahlia University 201-250 globally in the field of accounting and financial science based on the high academic reputation of the College of Business and Finance, the high satisfaction of stakeholders and institutions in the labor market with graduates, and advanced achievements in scientific research published by the University’s professors and students.


Locally, the University obtained institutional accreditation from the Higher Education Council in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and from the Education and Training Quality Authority for its commitment to quality assurance standards.


On this occasion, the Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Abdulla Al-Hawaj, emphasized that this great achievement is a source of pride and honor, and it is primarily attributed to the wise leadership. Without the support, sponsorship, guidance, and assistance of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain, and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander, and the Prime Minister, and various government ministries and institutions, including the Ministry of Education and the Higher Education Council, Ahlia University would not have achieved this global position.


Institutional Accreditation from HEC


Ahlia University’s President, Prof. Mansoor Alaali, congratulated the University’s members and partners on its achievement in the Times Higher Education ranking, noting that this annual ranking compares the performance of universities worldwide and measures their effectiveness in relation to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, such as good education, decent work, economic growth, and reducing inequalities.


Moreover, the impact ranking shows the institution’s commitment to supporting the United Nations’ sustainable development goals in the fields of education, scientific research, and knowledge transfer, as well as its internal practices.


This achievement is a significant addition to the University’s accomplishments that has achieved in recent years, including obtaining institutional accreditation from the Higher Education Council and topping institutional and program quality lists according to reports issued by the Education and Training Quality Authority. Additionally, the University has distinguished partnerships with several prestigious international universities, including Brunel University London and George Washington University ’ USA.


Ahlia University conducts and implements world-class scientific research and builds strategic partnerships with prestigious universities and educational institutions worldwide.


Successful in International Student Exchange


The University has attracted groups of international students through its international student exchange program with a number of European universities. Additionally, the University has provided some of its interested students with the opportunity to study in UK and France for a semester or more, to enhance their academic and specialized capabilities in this field.


Moreover, the University has graduated many students from Ph.D. programmes. These programmes are offered in collaboration with Brunel University London and designed citizens, Gulf nationals, and residents who desire to complete their higher studies without traveling to the university’s headquarters in London. The University provides students with all necessary support, including experienced academic advisors and scholars from the world’s top universities, as well as research resources and massive databases available in the university’s library for all its students and members.


As a result, the students have been able to conduct studies at the highest scientific and research levels, which have been praised and appreciated by many experts and professionals at Brunel University London.


Ahlia University Graduates Occupy Top Leadership Positions


The University has graduated 17 cohorts, who have taken up high-level leadership positions in government and private sectors. Others have become successful entrepreneurs, creating job opportunities, and contributing to the economy. The graduates have showcased their creativity and innovation in various fields, including Amina Al-Hawaj, who has won several international awards for her inventions in physical therapy.


Ahlia University Founding President, Prof. Abdulla Al-Hawaj, aims to make the University one of the top 500 universities globally and one of the top five private universities in the region. The University sets continuously strategic plans to achieve the ambition and attract experienced scholars and professors from top universities worldwide. The University focuses on quality academic programs, research, teaching, and attracting elite students.


50% Scholarships for High Achievers, Orphans, and People with Disabilities


The University offers partial scholarships to its high-achieving, outstanding, and creative students, as well as orphans and people with disabilities. The University also allows all its students to benefit from partial scholarships for those who achieve advanced grades during their university studies.


Ahlia University President, Prof. Mansoor Alaali, emphasizes the University’s intention to offer new distinguished programmes that align with the requirements of the labour market, and to continue its efforts in publsihing scientific research papers and conduct research that serves Bahrain, and employ the latest teaching and learning methods to produce distinguished, creative, and productive graduates.


Distinguished Programmes Meet the Labour Market Requirements


Prof. Alaali notes that Higher Education Council’s efforts have a significant impact on coordinating the programmes offered by higher education institutions, providing graduates with a competitive edge and diversity that helps them enter the labour market, create new jobs, and provide solutions to the issue of offering similar programmes by higher education institutions.


Ahlia University is the first private university in Bahrain, with around 2,000 students enrolled in its four colleges: the College of Information Technology, the College of Business and Finance, the College of Arts and Science, and the College of Engineering. The University has aimed to provide a high-quality education since its establishment, enhancing Bahrain’s pioneering role in higher education.

The 11th Consultative Meeting with Civil Society Institutions



Success Stories Have Been Achieved Through Cooperation with Civil Society Institutions


The Deanship of Students Affairs organised the 11th consultative meeting, conducted at Awal Ballroom at Gulf Hotel, and attended by several representatives and the leaderships, academic faculties and members of Ahlia University, as well as chairpersons of civil, charity, professional, social societies.


Prof. Abdulla Al-Hawaj, the Founding President of Ahlia University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, stressed on the strategic importance of providing education for everyone, in line with the United Nations sustainable development goals and Bahrain vision 2030, noting the role of civil society institutions in supporting the universities and educational institutions to achieve their goals.


The meeting included honoring the civil society institutions due to its role in community service and its positive cooperation with Ahlia University. Prof. Al-Hawaj said that the civil society institutions are the key partners in success, stressing that Ahlia University provided support to these institutions, especially in education and research fields.


Many Chairpersons of civil societies called for more partnerships and collaborations with Ahlia University in order to enhance the educational and training opportunities for community members especially the youths.


6th Equal Opportunities Conference



The 6th Equal Opportunities Conference ’Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management’ is organized by Ahlia University in collaboration with Brunel University London and the University of Business and Technology KSA, the conference will take place 6th -8th February 2023, Wyndham Grand Manama, Manama, Bahrain.


The Conference aims to gather leading academics, professionals, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas and discuss current developments in the field of Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management focusing on Equal Opportunities in relation to leadership and sustainable management. This conference aims to shed the light on topics related to the use of technology and innovation management that could support business sustainability and leadership engagement.


The conference aims to tackle issues related to the following aspects:


         Assess the impact of sustainable leadership, technology, and innovation on organizational effectiveness.

         Shed light on different sustainable leadership practices in relation to the use of digital sustainability, technology, and innovation.

         Publish high-quality research that focuses on sustainable leadership in a transformative environment covering various contextual factors.

         Act as a guide for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers while devising or revising policies and procedures related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information, please visit the conference page.


QS World University Rankings



Ahlia University is proud to be ranked 651 in the QS World University Rankings for the year 2023. This recognitition and ranking places Ahlia firmly on the international map, as the university continues on its path to further internationalisation and global excellence


Private universities topped and ranked 21st in the Scopus base

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2021 Ahlia University achieves a new research achievement in the year

Prof. Al-Hawaj: The support of the wise leadership is the secret of excellence and success of "Al-Ahlia"

Prof. Abdulla Alhawaj

In a new achievement that raises the balance of achievements of Ahlia University, the university was able to achieve significant research progress in the SCOUPS database through the publication of university professors and researchers 111 solid scientific research through which all Bahraini private universities were topped, which enhances the role of Ahlia University in the field of scientific research at the national and international levels.


On this occasion, the founding president of Ahlia University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, affirmed the university's thanks and appreciation to its professors and researchers for this great achievement, directing all thanks, appreciation and gratitude to the wise leadership and the esteemed government led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister - may God protect him - and to the Higher Education Council headed by the Minister of Education, Dr. Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, stressing that the support and assistance enjoyed by Ahlia University and various Bahraini universities from the wise leadership is a secret Its excellence and success.


Prof. Al-Hawaj said that the escalating growth in scientific publishing at Ahlia University is a real reflection of the success of the strategies of the Higher Education Council and Al-Ahlia University in the field of scientific research, stressing that the university will continue to provide various forms of support and assistance to its professors and researchers for excellence and creativity in the field of scientific research and targeting international refereed periodicals in a way that enhances the image of Al-Ahlia University and the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the global scientific research map in general, which is in line with Bahrain's Economic Vision 2030.


For his part, the President of Al-Ahlia University, Prof. Mansour Al-Aali, stressed that Al-Ahlia University's achievement of the first rank among private universities according to the decisions of the SEMACO classification of Middle East universities constitutes an important achievement for Al-Ahlia University, especially since this classification is based on 3 main axes for each university, namely scientific research in terms of its impact and quality, and innovation in terms of patents for each university, in addition to the number of citations for university research.


Prof. Al-Aali stated that Al-Ahlia University ranked 21st in the Arab world, and 40th among the countries of the Middle East and North Africa in the field of economic and financial studies, stressing his congratulations to all professors, students, graduates and affiliates of Al-Ahlia University and its partners in this achievement from government bodies, institutions and companies, stressing that the shift achieved by the university in the field of scientific research was contributed by all university professors and students by publishing distinguished and adequate research in many international refereed journals.


The Acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Munir Al-Mubarak, noted the effort undertaken by the leadership of Al-Ahlia University in achieving this achievement by supporting and supporting the various initiatives and steps taken by the university's professors in the field of scientific research and publishing with open arms, stressing the importance of the pioneering role of the university's leadership represented by its founding president, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Professor Abdullah Al-Hawaj, and the University Council headed by the President of the University, Prof. Mansour Al-Aali.


Al Mubarak noted the efforts undertaken by the research teams formed in response to the advanced visions of the scientific research strategy set by the General Secretariat of the Higher Education Council, thanking at the same time the members of the research groups and teams for their great and appreciated efforts in this direction, as they presented a wonderful package of research and studies interested in local affairs and economic and service challenges in line with the aspirations of the Higher Education Council's strategy.


"Al-Ahlia" hosts the forum of universities' efforts in achieving sustainable development goals



Al-Hawaj: We succeeded in including 7 sustainable development goals in our educational curricula

Academics call for enhanced learning through analysis and scientific research


’Officials, academics and researchers stressed the importance of the participation of universities and various private sector institutions in achieving the sustainable development goals, stressing the importance of education in addressing many emerging issues and challenges, provided that it is quality education and keeps pace with the rapid developments in the labor market.


Participants in the Forum called for the impact of higher education efforts on the SDGs to benefit from the experience of education in light of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to enhance self-learning options, learning through research and analysis, and optimal investment in intellectual capital.


This came at the Forum on the Impact of Higher Education Efforts on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, organized by Al-Ahlia University, with the participation of a number of universities, educational bodies, quality bodies, international accreditation bodies, and representatives of students and employers.


The founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ahlia University, Prof. Abdullah Al-Hawaj, opened the forum and praised the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their positive effects on the development of economies, especially the Bahraini experience, in which the esteemed government under the leadership of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, may God protect him.Towards building a strong economy in accordance with Vision 2030, the Kingdom of Bahrain, according to this vision, will be a country of excellent services in education, health, tourism and various fields.


Prof. Al-Hawaj stressed the interest of Al-Ahlia University in integrating 7 of the sustainable development goals into its educational curricula and university activities, which resulted in the inclusion of the university among the United Nations partners in achieving the goals of eligibility, stressing the importance of partnership between universities and scientific institutions and the efforts of the United Nations in achieving the sustainable development goals.


The Director of the National Framework Process Department at the Education and Training Quality Authority, Ms. Esmat Jaafar, participated in the forum, who reviewed the role of the National Qualifications Framework in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on the fourth goal in particular: quality education.


She said that the National Qualifications Framework contains 10 integrated stages that accommodate education in its various dimensions, stages and institutions, and reviewed the efforts of the Education and Training Quality Authority in helping higher education institutions achieve the quality of education.


She stated that the national framework is concerned with the quality of educational institutions as well as the quality of their programs, and more than that, it motivates educational institutions to respond optimally to the requirements of the labor market.


The Head of the Scientific Research Department at the Higher Education Council, Dr. Amina Bouallay, participated in the forum, where she spoke about intellectual capital and its essential role in achieving higher education with good specifications, and stated that intellectual capital is important for many students, institutions, countries and sectors.


She stressed that attention to intellectual capital creates better opportunities for universities, and said that the reputation and standards of universities can be affected negatively or positively depending on the type of knowledge they determine, create and provide to students. She said that intellectual capital has become different after the Corona virus pandemic crisis, as students have the option of education in universities or distance education, which in turn changed the concept of intellectual capital, due to the change in teaching and teaching methods.


She stressed the responsibility of academics to follow educational methods that keep pace with current and future changes and developments.


’The President of the World Organization for Sustainable Development (WSD), Professor Allam Ahmed, participated in the forum, who stressed the importance of the role of universities in achieving the goals of sustainable development, stressing that the success of the great countries in this field was thanks to the initiative of having their universities. He said that the role of universities does not end with graduating competencies, but rather helping them integrate into the labor market and be positive elements in society in playing an effective role in order to achieve positive change.


Professor Allam Ahmed reviewed the Egyptian experience in developing a sustainable development plan, noting that each country has some of its own peculiarities in achieving the sustainable development goals and that gender equality and providing quality education opportunities are one of the most important priorities for sustainable development in the Arab region.


The President of the Regional Network for Social Responsibility, Professor Youssef Abdel Ghaffar, also spoke during the activities of the forum, addressing the issue of unemployment in the Arab world and the role of education in addressing this problem by keeping pace with developments and developments. In his speech, Professor Youssef Abdel Ghaffar called for strengthening academic freedom, the independence of educational institutions and the involvement of universities in societal concerns in order to participate positively in addressing them. While stressing the need to enhance the presence of practical training in university programs and curricula, Abdel Ghaffar stressed the importance of demonstrating the spirit of partnership and cooperation between different universities instead of competition among them.

UNDP Economist Betty Luffy spoke about the impact of sustainable development measures by higher education institutions, stressing the importance of universities' participation in enhancing communities' awareness of global challenges such as poverty, education, the environment, etc.


Luffy stressed the United Nations' conviction that sustainable development cannot be achieved solely on the efforts of governments, as efforts must be made by society and various sectors to achieve it. He talked about the four basic roles that higher education institutions play in sustainable development, as they must teach students about sustainable development and even include it in their educational curricula, support research related to sustainable development, and the participation of universities in society, where they not only teach but also apply, and universities must share knowledge with other universities. He stressed that sustainable development includes everyone, including poor and rich countries, and that everyone can play an important role in its implementation.


Huawei and Ahlia University sign for scientific and technological partnership

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"Ahlia embraces Huawei ICT Academy services


Prof. Al-Hawaj: We aim to localize technology and actively contribute to its development


In a step that confirms the high position enjoyed by Ahlia University locally and regionally, Huawei, the world's leading provider of ICT infrastructure and devices, and Ahlia University signed two memorandums of understanding under which the two parties cooperate in exchanging experiences and services, partnering in refining the skills of Bahraini youth and providing job opportunities in the fields of information technology and communications engineering, in addition to cooperation and partnership in a number of research fields. Under this partnership, Ahlia University will host the services of the Huawei ICT Academy, which allows Bahrainis to expand their knowledge in the world of ICT.


The two MoUs were signed by Prof. Abdullah Al-Hawaj, Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Professor Mansoor Al-Aali, President of the University, and Mr. Zhao Hongyu, CEO of Huawei Bahrain.


According to the two signed memorandums, Huawei will provide accredited training programs and certificates at the Huawei ICT Academy for students of the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology at Ahlia University through the Huawei Information and Network Academy (HAINA) program. Huawei will also provide the necessary equipment for training.


Ahlia University is responsible for providing classrooms and other educational facilities to accommodate Huawei ICT equipment, nominating professional trainers to become Huawei Academy Certification Instructors, and integrating HAINA Certification Courses into Ahlia University's academic and scientific curriculum.


On this occasion, the founding president and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ahlia University, Prof. Abdullah Al-Hawaj, stressed the interest of Al-Ahlia University in keeping pace with the knowledge economy and paying attention to the digital economy and technological developments that the Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be of utmost and growing importance in various aspects of life, stressing the desire of Al-Ahlia University to be an active and influential element in the localization of technology and contribute positively to its development, which is reflected in the graduates of the university's programs in this field from the students of the Faculty of Engineering and the College of Technology. Information who have always proven distinguished and remarkable brilliance in the labor market.


Mr. Zhao Hongyu, CEO of Huawei in the Kingdom of Bahrain, expressed his pride in the partnership and cooperation with Al-Ahlia University with the aim of nurturing and developing ICT talents to contribute to meeting the needs of the industry and providing the necessary workforce to develop the technical sector, which makes Huawei an effective contributor to meeting the requirements of the educational process and providing certificates and job opportunities for students, by strengthening cooperation between universities and institutions to contribute to the development of the technical sector and innovate plans and strategies for talent development in line with the objectives of Institutions and companies.


For his part, the President of Ahlia University, Prof. Mansour Al-Aali, stressed that there are broad prospects for cooperation between Ahlia University and Huawei, the two signed memorandums constitute the first building block for it, especially since the university is an active member of the Global Network of Technological Universities and the founding president of the university is the vice president of this network, stressing the growing importance of technology education, innovation and creativity in these fields in the near future in order to keep pace with the rapid changes and developments in the fields of production and various fields of the labor market.


The two memorandums of understanding between Ahlia University and Huawei include multiple activities that seek to employ the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution such as artificial intelligence, cloud data, the Internet of Things and fifth generation technology in the educational process and work to support the innovation process, through competitions, programs and courses in which university students will participate, which in turn contribute to refining their skills and developing their capabilities in various fields of information technology.


Under this partnership, Huawei will establish the ICT Academy at Ahlia University to provide training programs for professors and students through the "HAINA" program and benefit from the company's global experience in meeting the requirements of ICT students and building their capabilities. Huawei will also support the university in preparing a research group related to the Internet of Things in cooperation with the College of Information Technology and the College of Engineering with the aim of empowering students in the field of learning and achieving the first pilot project entitled "Sustainability and Quality of Life in Bahrain's Cities". smart".


Research, innovation, education, and awareness are supportive pillars of sustainable development.


Several scientists, intellectuals, and academics emphasize the importance of incorporating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the strategies of universities and institutions. They stress the need to create a supportive societal environment that understands and aligns with these goals, which will enable the achievement of their outcomes in the journey of development and addressing various social and economic challenges in the coming years.


Scientists and academics are researching matters related to governance and sustainable energy.


Dr. Thaira Al-Shirawi, Assistant to the President for Media, Marketing, and Public Relations at Al-Ahlia University, emphasized the great success of the sixth edition of the Gender Equality Conference in terms of the scientific papers presented and the organization of the event. She affirmed that Al-Ahlia University received positive feedback from numerous scholars, academics, and researchers who participated in the conference sessions. The conference was organized in partnership with the University of Business and Technology in Jeddah and Brunel University in the United Kingdom.


Sustainable Partnership and Stakeholder Engagement


This event will focus on the successes and sustainability of the strategic partnership between Ahlia University and Brunel University London. The event will demonstrate the power of leveraging knowledge partnerships towards fostering thought leadership and positive societal impact. Key stakeholders will be involved, from PhD (WR) Researchers, PhD (WR) Alumni, to members from Brunel University London.

The main aim of this event is to engage a cross-section of stakeholders in order to gather critical insights that will contribute to the development of the partnership, towards ensuring sustainability. Stakeholders will be apprised of some of the best practices that have contributed to the longevity of this unique partnership ’ for over 15 years. The event will highlight the overall achievements and successes of the programme.

The event will serve to extend the relationship with stakeholders by expanding the scope of intellectual contribution through collaborative research and other modes of engagement.

Due to COVID-19 the event will be conducted virtually, which is a vital opportunity to invite all graduates located internationally.

Main Purpose

         Launching Research Affiliate Funding Scheme

         Highlights covering BQA Quality Review Achievements

         Awarding Exceptional Alumni’s

         Establishing Database for Future Collaboration

         Registration for Brunel PhD (WR) Alumni Network


The International Conference On Global Economic Revolutions (ICGER 2021)



The International Conference on Global Economic Revolutions: The Era of the Digital Economy (ICGER 2021)’ Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology’ will be held as hybrid conference, on 15th & 16th September 2021. The conference is the premier platform for the presentation of new insights and research results in the transformation and advancement of the digital economy. This prestigious conference is organized by the Accounting Finance and Banking department, Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain to provide a discussion forum for the academics, researchers, policymakers, industrial participants, and students to share their research findings and network with other like-minded individuals.

Academics and professionals world-wide are still looking for the ultimate answer to sustainability and sustainable development. Accordingly, the ICGER 2021 introduces the theme ’Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology’ as a discussion platform to explore diverse topics within the following five tracks:

         Artificial Intelligence and sustainable finance.

         Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Technology.

         Sustainability and Governance digitalization.

         Big Data, Blockchain and Security.



International Conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the outcome of more than two centuries of scientific advancement in a wide range of disciplines. It has witnessed several periods of development that allowed the transition from farming and feudal society to more advanced society of revolutionized mental and intellectual spirit. This transition allowed contemplating new horizons of prosperity and opulence.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution encompasses ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are incorporated to improve automation, upgrade communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. There are several major aspects that drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as technological development, high-speed internet, artificial intelligence automation, big data analysis, and cloud technology.

The economy has always been a major force in transforming societies. Currently, however, changes, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are occurring at an accelerating rate impacting all aspects of human societies. They also alleviate the economic system to new horizons of affluence and create values that engage people and organizations in a new behavior.

Modern technologies are affecting our interactions, smoothing our economies, impacting our environment, and channeling information upon which individuals and institutions are influenced. It is essential, therefore, that we manage the risk of technological change not only to lessen its impact on society, but also to preserve human values. The aim of the conference is to address issues relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by emphasizing the road to achieve progress and development for a sustainable future.


Education Excellence Sustainability I-II


Recently the university has held virtual forums in order to create steps for the future, the forum will discuss HEI practices and reforms with a panel of experts and leaders from distinguished HEIs, Quality and Regulatory Authorities and the United Nations to ensure effective planning for sustainable development, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Higher education leaders and policymakers considered making decisions and changing strategies related to future teaching and learning, including blended learning and education sustainability in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals [2]’[3], The first session of the forum is shown below as it is made up of two parts.


Education Excellence Sustainability II


Below is the second part of the forum focused on new practices for the sustainability of learning in times of the pandemic and the challenges to develop new strategies aimed at the SDGs’[4].




International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science


         Ahlia University to give more knowledge about the SDGs developed the initiative to hold the "2. International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science" this time in its second edition, the conference talked about how in Bahrain, society You can contribute to the achievement of each goal and the benefits that this means [5].





Together SAFE initiative (TSI)


Together SAFE initiative (TSI) is a social Initiative that has been initiated to create a culture of togetherness within the society and to stimulate positive social change by promoting co-existence, resilience, and social cohesion. This initiative’s mission is to educate and impact the mainstream society and guide them to get a vivid and unprejudiced image of each other. TSI aims to build a more cohesive, united and inclusive society for the next generation.


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The Second Accounting and Economics Webinar (AEW)


COVID-19 and Economic and Environmental Sustainable Developments Goals

The year 2020 welcomed us with the emergence of a highly transmissible virus by the name of COVID-19. To slow the transmission of the virus, governments around the world are intervening by following different strategies and schemes by shutting down most sectors of the economy, while the only social contact remains through technology. The sudden implications of social distancing are leading to an economic fallout with suspension of global trade, market disruption, and millions of local businesses and jobs lost. The combination of the pandemic and the shutdowns is shaping a new economy and a new way of life. People are increasingly using technology in working from home, e-learning, and online shopping, which is presenting a new set of economic, social and socioeconomic problems as well as opportunities. Moreover, the strict quarantine measures and traffic restrictions have short-term implications on both the environment and economy. These measures have led to a decline in global carbon emissions and energy consumption. However, will these improvements continue? What precautions should governments and societies take to prevent the negative impacts of economic and environmental changes to maintain their sustainable development goals?


         The impact of COVID-19 on Education economics and Sustainabilit

         The impact of COVID-19 infodemic and misinformation on economic and environmental behavior.

         The impact of COVID-19 the sustainability of Small and Medium Businesses.

         Government interventions in mitigating the negative effects of COVID-19 on the economy and the environment.

         Economic transformation through digitalization to achieve economic and environmental sustainability.


Faculty CV



The University has input through its constituent faculties, and various Professors, such as:

      Prof. Abdulla Al-Hawaj ’ Chairman of the Board of Trustees ’ who was appointed as a member of the national advisory committee to the Bahrain Education & Training Quality Authority which reports to the cabinet.



Prof. Foad Shehab a Faculty member in the College of Arts & Science - who is a member of the Community Engagement Committee that reports directly to the Ministry of Information’[6].



Figure 7. CV Prof. Foud Saleh Hasan[6]



Bless the Minister of Finance and Economy


On February 2, 2020, Al-Ahlia University and all its affiliates bless the Minister of Finance and Economy after the award for Best Minister of Finance of the Middle East for the year 2020 granted by The Banker International Magazine of the Financial Times Foundation, Sheikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Finance and National Economy.



4th conference on equal opportunities


It is currently conducting the 4th conference on equal opportunities in collaboration with several universities.





Cooperation between Brienz and Ahlia University

Click here to reviewed

On January 2, 2019, a meeting and cooperation were held between Brienz and Ahlia University, to study the aspects of cooperation in the field of welcoming the creative and innovative minds of university students, and activating efforts in the field of creativity, innovation and the science of the future, as well as enabling researchers, inventors, and innovators to contribute to the nation's economic renaissance.





Impact of the pandemic on Education


In conjunction with universities in India and Nigeria, the Ahlia University held a debate to analyze the impact of the pandemic caused by the corona on education, in this way to carry out and review research strategies that can be implemented in this process of covid19 or others pandemics.


Reimagining the Future of Design & Architecture


The ’1st International Conference: Reimagining the Future of Design & Architecture: Creating a Sustainable Ecosystem’, organized by Ahlia University in partnership with the Woxsen university to be held virtually between March 16-17, 2022.


The Conference will focus on a broad range of topics related to new trends in architecture and design. The Conference organizers invite papers and presentation proposals relevant to the conference themes. Considering the theme of the conference, papers with any of the following or related subjects:


         Post-COVID Architecture & Interior Design

         Net-Zero Energy Building Concept

         Interior Landscape in the corporate world

         Approach of interiors in the heritage building

         BIM in Architecture and Interior Design

         Artifical Intelligence in the growth of Interior Design

         3rd printing in Interior Design

         Sustainability and vernacular Architecture


The 1st International Conference: Reimagining the Future of Design & Architecture: Creating a Sustainable Ecosystem, aims to bring together experts from several institutions such as universities, administrative organizations, architects, engineers, and designers, at the framework of conference topics of building, architecture, interior design, product, material, etc. High-level academicians, professionals, and design students from around the world will explore the intersection of design, architecture, and best practices with leaders from the design professionals. The participation of early-career scholars and postgraduate researchers is also positively encouraged.


The SDGs will be an important influencing factor in the strategies and actions of governments, companies and organizations, as well as development finance flows, over the next 15 years. Ahlia University appeared in the inaugural THE Impact Ranking (2019), which is the first global ranking designed to assess HEIs against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ahlia University's overall ranking was in the 301+ band of universities worldwide, with a 201-300th impact rating for Quality Education. Great attention has been paid to these goals with a strong commitment to diversifying the economy to help increase productivity, raise living standards, and create job opportunities for citizens. As a result, the government of Bahrain has established multiple institutions [1] in order to support the vision of SDG 2030 through:Helping support the citizen.

    Providing systems for protection like social care and health care.

    Supporting development of education’s quality and its outputs.

    Addressing social inequality.

    Supporting vulnerable segments of the society.

    Providing opportunities for economic empowerment for the younger generation.

    Supporting political and economic participation of the Bahraini women.

    Supporting preservation of environmental resources.


For example, at the High-Level Political Forum, the Kingdom of Bahrain's first Voluntary National Review of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 was launched. [2].


Figure 17. Voluntary national review, taken from [7]


Policy Impact and Big Data Conference



Directly, Ahlia University in 2017 gave a conference in order to analyze the impact on the SDGs, in the same way to be able to have innovations, ideas, applications and plans in this context.





Ahlia Strategic Plan 2016-2020


Ahlia University has a strategic plan for the period 2016-2020, which is built on the institutional core values, such as Educational Opportunity, and Social Responsibility, and draws on a number of external reference points such as the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, and the National Strategy for Higher Education.


Ahlia University Strategic Plan (2016 ’ 2020) was developed by a team of officials of the Directorate based on a process of consultation across the University and echoes the input provided by several internal and external stakeholders as well taking into consideration regulatory standards. Progress in achieving the strategic objectives delineated in the strategic plan is monitored using the key strategic performance indicators and reported to the President and discussed at USPC regularly.



Ahlia Objectives


         To increase public awareness about the environment.

         To promote the Economic Vision 2030.

         To enhance understanding of the relationship between energy consumption and the environment.

         To highlight the state of the art development in renewable energy sources.

         To encourage investment in alternative energies.

         To highlight the importance of sustainable development.

         To encourage research in future sustainability.

         To ensure economic stability and reduce the risk of oil price instability.


Ahlia Mission and vision


Between these different external reference points, and within the strategy roadmap, the concepts of ’sustainability’ and ’competitiveness’ are found to be among the most prevalent themes. Ahlia University’s mission is encapsulated in the statement:


’As a leading institution for higher education, Ahlia University’s Mission is to move forward the frontiers of human knowledge and elevate the social and living standards of the society’[10]. In support of this mission, the University is committed to:


                     Producing graduates who are distinguished by their professional competence, humanistic outlook and uncompromising ethics.

                     Providing the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research. Establishing Ahlia University as an acknowledged center of excellence in certain fields of knowledge.

                     Working in partnership with local and regional communities to support societal and economic needs.’




WASD Fifteenth International Annual Conference


This major international event will provide a forum for academics, government and industry to discuss the various challenges facing the world particularly the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries in their efforts to achieve a sustainable knowledge-based inclusive development.

This three-day conference will be a great opportunity for all scholars, government representatives and policy makers to get an external, unbiased point of view on the matters relating to their fields of practice.


To watch the video (day 1) click here

To watch the video (day 2) click here

To watch the video (day 3) click here


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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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