Goal 10 / 10.6 / 10.6.11

Does your university as a body have anti-harassment policies?

10.6.11 Does your university as a body have anti-harassment policies?


Part of the Harrassment Policy Electronic Virtual Aspects


Ahlia policies against sexual or other harassment apply fully to the e-mail system, and any violation of those policies is grounds for discipline up to and including discharge. Therefore, no e-mail messages shall be created, sent, or received if they contain intimidating, hostile, or offensive material concerning race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or any other classification protected by law’[7].


Ahlia policies against sexual or other harassment apply fully to the e-mail system, and any violation of those policies is grounds for discipline up to and including discharge. Therefore, no e-mail messages shall be created, sent, or received if they contain intimidating, hostile, or offensive material concerning race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or any other classification protected by law.


Material that is fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful, inappropriate, offensive (including offensive material concerning sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or other characteristic protected by law), or violating Ahlia 's equal employment opportunity policy and its policies against sexual or other forms of harassment may not be downloaded from the Internet or displayed or stored in Ahlia 's computers. Employees encountering or receiving this kind of material shall immediately report the incident to their supervisors or the Human Resources section.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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People with Disabilities


Bahrain pays considerable attention to people with special needs, preserving their rights as equal members of society. The Kingdom values the role they play as contributors to society and in supporting SDG efforts. 

Bahrain’s constitution guarantees the rights, enacting laws to protect and support them. 

National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 

The Kingdom’s National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities includes guidelines and plans covering the government sector, civil society institutions, companies, private institutions, the teaching and legal professions, and society as a whole.  

The strategy obligates civil society to adopt practices that guarantee the dignified and respectful treatment of people with disabilities, ensuring that they remain an essential part of society. The state protects their human rights by removing barriers to equality and eliminating all forms of discrimination. 

Legislation Related to People with Disabilities 

A Higher Committee for Persons with Disabilities was formed in accordance with the Law on Persons with Disabilities in Bahrain. It is headed by the Minister of Labour and Social Development, with the membership of senior officials from the Government, civil society, and the private sector. Several laws and official decisions have been issued, which reaffirm the government's commitment. 

The Ministry of Labour and Social Development is the government entity responsible for matters related to people with disabilities. It coordinates with the public and private sectors to facilitate access to services such as social allowances, transportation, including public transport, public utilities, health care, education, rehabilitation, career development, sports, and more. 

Most Government entities and civil society institutions offer people with disabilities special care, providing them with social support, healthcare, and cultural activities, in addition to training and rehabilitation, and helping them to become more integrated into society and the labour market.

Government and Private Sector Initiatives for People with Disabilities 

  • The Government has implemented several initiatives, in coordination with private agencies, to support people with disabilities, including, but not limited to: 
  • A Ministry of Interior initiative to launch a visual service for people with disabilities as part of its emergency services, and equipping it with features, such as sign language 
  • A Ministry of Education initiative to integrate students with disabilities into public schools 
  • Equipping public parks, ministries, commercial centres, airports, hotels, and mosques to accommodate persons with disabilities 
  • Ministries, banks, and commercial centres’ assistance with daily transactions, including the provision of wheelchairs at all the Kingdom’s service centres 
  • An initiative to support people with disabilities in sports under the patronage of the Bahrain Olympic Committee and the Bahrain Sports Federation for Disabilities 
  • A Supreme Council for Youth and Sports initiative to support and integrate people with disabilities into activities and sports such as equestrianism, horse racing, football, and others 

Benefits Offered by the Kingdom of Bahrain to Citizens with Disabilities 

  • Free care, rehabilitation, treatment, and education 
  • Permanent and temporary residential care and daycare 
  • Financial support 
  • Academic and professional qualifications 
  • Prosthetic devices and hearing aids according to specified requirements and regulations 
  • Special privileges to holders of ID cards issued for people with disabilities
  • Free driving lessons 
  • Two hours of rest for employees with disabilities or for those who take care of persons with disabilities. 
  • Assessment and diagnosis, issuance of approved medical reports, and individual treatment plans 
  • Physical, occupational, speech, and language therapy 
  • Quality services for holders of the new national ID

Special Attention to people with special needs 

    Click here to view

Special Attention to people with special needs

To ensure sustainable development, equality between all citizens and ’leaving no one behind’, the Kingdom of Bahrain has always paid great attention to all vulnerable groups within the community and especially the people with disability and special needs as these groups are an integrated part of the community and its overall development. 

The people with disability and special needs are supported and a core focus in the community by law and many entities play key role this field such as Ministry of Labour & Social Development Ministry of Education , Ministry of Interior, Information & eGovernment Authority Ministry of Health Ministry of Information Affairs Ministry of Works Electricity and Water Authority Ministry of Industry ,  and many related NGO's that provides numerous facilities through social support, healthcare and training skills to be integrated into society and the business market.

Care and Rehabilitation

The Ministry of Labour & and Social Development  is the  primary care giver to the vulnerable groups including people with disability and special needs. They provide them with the welfare offering and many services to support their employment, training, education, guidance consultations, conducting specialised researches, psychiatric diagnosis, physical, functional therapy and financial disbursement for their caregivers as disability allowance. The ministry has dedicated a special hotline facilitated with video call and sign-language for on-spot support. There are more than 9 centres throughout Bahrain dedicated to people with special needs, in addition to online services to benefit from and with the support of the hot-line facility.

Integration in Education

The Ministry of Education  has taken serious steps to maintain equality and harmony among the community. MOE has initiated to integrate the people with disability and special needs in public schools with giving special focus on preparing the appropriate environment in term of awareness, facilities and special training in dealing and interacting with disabled people. 

The Schools accept special needs cases without discrimination and integrat them with other students. There are around 175 schools that have implemented the special education programme in different levels of education set by the Ministry. 

Examples of the schools have implemented the Special Education programme based on disability type such as:

The list of intellectual disabilities Schools .

The list of hearing disabilities schools  

The list of visual disability schools 

The list of physical disability schools 

The list of schools contains students with autism spectrum disorder  

Rehabilitation centres affiliated to the Ministry of Education   

Bahrain Ministry of education



Department of Special Education at Ministry of Education



Equity and diversity policy of Ahlia University

Click here to view

As a higher educational institution Ahlia University is committed to maintain equity amongst its diverse community of students, faculty and staff. The University ensures that all members of the university community are treated equitably and with respect ın accordance with the following definitions:

Diversity: Appreciation and acknowledgement of differences amongst the members of the university community that promote acceptance and belonging, regardless of factors that span age, color, disability, employment status, ethnic or national origins, language, family status, marital status, race, religious or spiritual belief, gender, socio-economic circumstances and taste.


Equity: A standard of treatment of people that involves reasonable efforts to ensure fairness in decisions impacting all members of the university community. However, equitable treatment does not necessarily mean equal treatment as a range of interests impacting all parties need be balanced.


I. Equity and diversity among the student body is as follows:

Ahlia University believes that all students, regardless of color, race, religion, and physical or learning disability, have the right to the best education. Admission to Ahlia University is selective based on prior academic achievement. The most qualified candidates -- regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sect or disability -- will be selected to fill the available places. In the course of student participation in the educational life at the university, academic and non-academic, Ahlia University is committed to a discrimination-free learnıng environment for all students -- regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sect or disability. based on principles of fairness and equity.


II. Equity and diversity among staff is as follows:

Ahlia strives to treat its staff fairly by maintaining a healthy, safe and productive work environment which is free from discrimination based on any other factor that is unrelated to Ahlia legitimate interests. Ahlia shall not tolerate any offensive, intimidating or inappropriate statements or behavior undermining equity ın the work environment. Harassment in all its manifestations is prohibited. Committed to applying an effective recruitment policy that is based on the principles of equity and fairness, and equal employment opportunity, Ahlia shall ensure to identify, efficiently and effectively, the right candidates for vacancies in Ahlia and recruitment shall be based on qualifications, experience, and merit. Supervisors and managers are expected to ensure that work-related decisions regarding task allocation, compensation, performance evaluations, the administration of Ahlia benefits et. al. reflect principles of fairness and equity.


The University mandates that members of the University community pay heed to applicable codes of conduct as well as to the University’s Anti-Harassment Policy.


Employee complaint and grievance page 22-23


Every employee has the right to complain and lodge their grievance/ complaint in writing within ten (10) working days of an occurrence and/ or within ten (10) working days of the employee having reasonable knowledge of the occurrence of the event that induced such grievance.

All grievances shall be submitted to the employee’s Dean / Director with a copy to the HR Director.

Upon receipt of complaint/grievance the Dean / Director shall promptly address the complaint along the following lines:

         Step 1: The Dean/Director shall try and resolve the complaint at his/her level as within a week of receiving the complaints.

         Step 2: If the complaint/grievance is not resolved, the employee has the right to submit the written complaint to the Vice President in writing for a resolution his/her grievance. The Vice President shall respond to the employee’s complaint in writing within one week of receiving the complaint. If the grievance still persists, the employee can submit a complaint in writing to the President.

         Step 3: The President shall personally meet with the concerned employ.


Non-Retaliation Policy



In this sense, Ahlia strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or student who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that her or she reasonably believes to be in violation of Ahlia’s Code of Conduct or policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations.


No employee or student should be discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, intimidated, coerced, or retaliated against in any other manner as a result of him or her making a good faith complaint or assisting in the handling or investigation of a good faith complaint. Ahlia prohibits employees or students from being retaliated against even if their complaints are proven unfounded by an investigation, unless the employee or student knowingly made a false allegation, provided false or misleading information in the course of an investigation, or otherwise acted in bad faith. Employees and students have an obligation to participate in good faith in any internal investigation of retaliation.

Ahlia takes all complaints of retaliation very seriously. All such complaints will be reviewed promptly and, where appropriate, investigated.

If you believe you have been retaliated against or that any other violation of this policy has occurred, or if you have questions concerning this policy, you must immediately notify Human Resources, or your immediate supervisor/advisor. You may also contact the Unit of Legal Affairs and Compliance.

Any employee or student who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary actions.




Student Enquiry / Complaint System, page 43



Ahlia University takes student concerns very seriously. In order to deal with them in an effective manner, an automated system has been set up to route any enquiry or complaint quickly and efficiently. If the student has an enquiry or a complaint, he/she should log into the ADREG system through the Ahlia website (www.ahlia.edu.bh) and submit his/her ’Enquiry/complaint’ to the Deanship of Student Affairs Office. Thereafter, the Student Support Officer will process the enquiry/complaint and will inform the student about any decision taken.

Please note that in case of any academic or non-academic complaint, you can directly contact the Deanship of Student Affairs or any directorate within the Deanship of Student Affairs. Students can refer to the Ahlia University website for further in-depth rules and regulations related to the academic and administrative procedures.

Please note that all Ahlia University academic and administrative staff members are available to helpyou overcome any obstacles or problems you may face. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the Deanship of Student Affairs for any query or request. We will be pleased to assist and provide you with appropriate advice and guidance.





Ahlia provides adequate space to make complaints and Suggestions to the entire academic community through its website, that is performed as from login in:



All students at Ahlia University have access to a fair complaints system whereby students can file any enquiry, request or complaint they have into ADREG system. The Inquiry/complaint system is monitored and managed on a daily basis by the Student Support Officer (SSO ’ Dedicated staff member within the Deanship of Student Affairs), who works as a liaison between student, relevant faculty/staff members and the Dean of student Affairs.


Students may send their complaints to the Deanship of Student Affairs using the following link: https://ahlia-regapp.ahlia.edu.bh/AdmissionsandRegistrationSystem/User/login.aspx




1.      Student code of conduct

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2.      Student Code of Conduct letter


’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Figure 10. Taken from [9]





Ahlia University has anti-discrimination and harassment policies, which allow an optimal development of educational activity, where members of the university community who may have some kind of inconvenience of this nature, have the tools to resolve the situation. Ahlia University protects staff members through its policies, they can report discrimination due to educational or labor disadvantage, reports of this type of activities must be made in accordance with the STAFF HANDBOOK, in general they must be informed to HRD by email, a written letter or in person, in this way the university maintains its policies of equity and diversity, which seeks an ideal study and work environment free from any type of harassment or discrimination.

"Bahrain bans discrimination, sexual harassment at work", 10 December 2018


’... [L]abour minister... Jamil bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan said decree law number 95 issued by monarch King Hamad made it illegal for employers to discriminate against workers based on sex, origin, language, religion or creed, Bahrain News Agency reported. The law also criminalises sexual harassment at work ’by reference, speech, act or by any other means’ and guarantees wages are paid to workers according to specific mechanisms. Ali Humaidan said the changes would intended to harmonise national legislation with international conventions and labour standards including International Convention No. 111 of 1985 on Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation. He warned that employers would face penalties if found to engage in discrimination or if they fail to pay wages on time. The sexual harassment law will also see both the employee accused of the act and the employer punished if it is proven...’ [10]


Ahlia University complying with the current disability law in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It remains committed to respecting their rights and seeking forms of inclusion without any form of discrimination.


Figure 12. Taken from [11]













Ahlia University complying with the current disability law in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It remains committed to respecting their rights and seeking forms of inclusion without any form of discrimination.


Figure 13. Taken from [12]

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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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