
Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information Systems (BSMIS)

Business & Finance
Student Satisfaction
Industry Internship Supervisor
Alumni Satisfaction
Employer Satisfaction
College External Advisory Board

This programme integrates information systems with a managerial perspective, to equip graduates with the subject knowledge and ethical standards required for project management in any level of an organisation.

BSMIS students gain knowledge of the methods of collecting and transmitting data so strategic business decision making can use business data, IT and management methodologies in order to support organisational operations.

The past few years have seen a tremendous need for MIS skills and graduates are in high demand. There is an increasing requirement for high level technology-proficient graduates because web based communication and database technologies are essential as organisations expand.

MIS professionals have to be “tech savvy” and they also need to have people skills. This is the key aspect of our programme: to provide the business analysis skills that make a MIS professional more than just a programmer.

A business/system analyst, or a consultant, is now a critical IT pillar for problem solving in today’s organisations. Such an analyst is the critical point of connection between the business user and the problem solution.

Programme Facts

  • Department/Center: Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems.
  • Title of Final Award: Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information Systems.
  • Awarded Level (NQF): 8.
  • Modes of Attendance offered: Full time

  • Aligned the programme with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Introduced Market related courses (Business Data Analytics, Business Cloud Computing, Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation, Artificial Intelligence Applications in Business, Marketing Principles, e-Governments concepts and Implementation)
  • Expanded the list of options of Major Elective Courses
  • Increased Major elective courses (to take two major electives instead of one to increase employability)
  • The programme is aligned with 6 papers exemptions with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and is aligned In terms of content with COBIT 5 as professional certification

Educational Objectives

  • To equip the students with knowledge and skills including programming design tools and techniques required for managing business information systems that is required to succeed in the job market within the region that are constantly evolving as technology trends change.
  • To provide students with competence in applying practical and non-practical skills in the areas of business information, data analytics and technology to prepare the student to pursue a career in business and management information system
  • To provide students with the necessary analytical skills to develop based on intellectual research information system solutions for any type of organization based on contemporary technology management approaches.
  • To develop student’s innovation and leadership potential through a variety of soft skills such as communication, teamwork and global citizenship.
  • To enable students to align IT strategies to sustainable business strategies to manage information systems in organization taking into account strategic information systems and professional responsibility.


The Bachelor’s  of Science degree in Management Information Systems (BSMIS) imparts core analytical skills in systems analysis & design, e-commerce, managing enterprise systems, knowledge management, database management systems and computer skills, in addition to a range of soft skills in communication and management, to enable graduates to secure a variety of entry-level MIS positions including but not limited to:

  • Business Analyst
  • Business Application Developer
  • IT Consultant
  • Systems Analyst
  •  IT Development Project Leader
  • Database Administrator
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Systems Developer
  • Database Analyst
  • Web Developer
  • Network Administrator
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • Information Systems Manager
  • IT User Liaison

Target employers are all companies and governmental units in Bahrain spanning what is known as the “IT sector.”  However, a particular sub-sector of interest to current and prospective graduates are telecommunications companies (telecoms).

Programme Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding

A1. Concepts and Theories
Demonstrate detailed and critical knowledge and understanding of the advanced concepts, principles, techniques, paradigms and theories of contemporary management information systems leading to the competitiveness of a given organizations.

A2. Contemporary Trends, problems and Research
Demonstrate an informed and critical awareness of the current problems, research issues and methods, technological advancements pushing the frontier of knowledge in the field of Management Information Systems.

A3. Professional Responsibility
Operate specialized level with significant professional responsibility related management information systems standards to manage information systems infrastructure within the organizational social boundaries.

B. Subject-Specific Skill

B1. Problem Solving
Use specialised level to identify, formalize, and solve management information systems problems related to business frameworks.

B2. Modelling and Design
Relate some specialized theories and concepts to design and develop models for management information systems, components, or processes to meet desired business needs within realistic constraints resulting in business competitiveness.

B3. Application of Methods and Tool
Demonstrate creativity in the application of advanced methods and tools in terms of software used in modern practices.

C. Critical-Thinking Skills

C1. Analytic skills
Use range of approaches to critically analyse and determine sustainable and secure management information systems.

C2. Synthetic Skills
Synthesize and evaluate the magnitude of management information systems issues to support the organization performance efficiency at strategic level.

C3. Creative Skills
Demonstrate insight and creativity to produce innovative management information systems solutions.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development)

D1. Communication Skills
Express and communicate specialist ideas professionally, persuasively and effectively, in written and oral form, to a diverse range of audiences and stakeholders.

D2. Teamwork and Leadership
Operate at specialist level with responsibility to work in team with decision making responsibilities related to management information systems.

D3. Organizational and Developmental skills
Engage at specialised level in variable contexts related to life-long learning and continuing self-development to hone professional and organizational skills and global citizenship.

D4. Ethics and Social Responsibility
Use specialized level of skills to apply ethical code of conduct related to management information systems and respond to social responsibility and global citizenship.

Study Plan

First Year

Students are exposed to a range of foundation level accounting, management, IT and language courses. The aim is to equip students with prerequisite foundational knowledge.

The first academic year starts the students off with the basic required knowledge for them to continue their journey into the field of Management Information Systems.

Second Year

From the information technology perspective, students are exposed to computing systems followed by an overall comprehension of management information systems.

Students also learn the principles behind macroeconomics, financial management. At this stage, MIS students start to use programmeming and object oriented languages to web based applications and services.

Third Year

In the third year of a MIS student’s academic journey, the student gains knowledge pertaining to data networks, internet services and security, data management design and application as well as operations management followed by business statistics.

The next step is to understand web-based application design, knowledge management, ethics and professional business practices, quantitative analysis and human resource management.

Fourth Year

In their final year MIS students gain experience of practical applications through their research-led project which demonstrates their knowledge and skills in the field of MIS.

Programme Exemptions

Exemptions from the following CIMA examinations during the programme:

  • BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics
  • BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting
  • BA3 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
  • BA4 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law
  • E1 Organisational Management

The student can sit for the first CIMA exam at the end of his/her 3rd year

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission at the undergraduate level, an applicant should normally hold a recently issued recognized secondary school certificate or its equivalent. The requirements for admission stated by the University are in all cases the minimum demanded for admission, and their fulfilment by a candidate does not automatically ensure his /her selection. Prior to enrolling at Ahlia University, citizens of non-GCC States should secure residence permits in the Kingdom of Bahrain; otherwise, their admission will be conditional and subject to being rescinded at the discretion of the University

English Language Proficiency

Applicants must demonstrate a level of English proficiency consistent with the demands of an academic programme taught and assessed almost exclusively in the English language. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Submission of an internationally recognized certificate of English language proficiency, e.g. Cambridge ESOL SCE or City & Guild’s Pitman Intermediate Level.
  • Attainment of an acceptable score on an internationally recognized examination of English language proficiency, typically either IELTS or TOFEL.
  • Passing the University English language placement test.

Recognized Secondary Certificates

  • Bahraini secondary School certificate (Tawjihia).
  • Secondary school certificates awarded by private secondary school in the Kingdom of Bahrain provided such certificates are endorsed by the Bahraini Ministry of Education.
  • Arab secondary school certificates awarded by Arab Ministries of Education. Where applicable, the streams of these certificates are given the same consideration as the Bahraini Tawjihia.
  • Any other certificates recognized by the Bahraini Ministry of Education as equivalent to a Tawjihia certificate.

Programme Specific Requirements

The applicants who meet the following programme specific admission requirements will be admitted to the programme:

Academic Score in the Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihia) or its Equivalent

  • Unconditional Acceptance: 60%
  • Conditional Acceptance; Passing an interview: 50%
  • Tracks Accepted: All Tracks

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

The estimated duration for completion of a Bachelors Degree at Ahlia University is 4 years. This is structured around 134 credit-hours covering 45 courses.

The duration of study for each course is fifteen weeks, covering approximately 45 study hours.

Application Fee BD 20
Registration Fee BD 200
HEC ID Fee BD 30
100 Level Courses – 12 courses ( BD 300 Per Course ) BD 3,600
200 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 330 Per Course ) BD 3,630
300 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 360 Per Course ) BD 3,960
400 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 390 Per Course ) BD 4,290
Total BD 15,730
Placement Tests Fee (if required) BD 40
Orientation Courses (if required) BD 1,200
Item Fee
Application Fee BD 20
Registration Fee BD 200
Placement Tests Fee ( if applicable ) BD 40
Orientation Courses ( if applicable ) BD 1,200
100 Level Courses – 12 courses ( BD 300 Per Course ) BD 3,600
200 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 330 Per Course ) BD 3,630
300 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 360 Per Course ) BD 3,960
400 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 390 Per Course ) BD 4,290

Available Scholarships

Orphans and people with special needs 50%
High school average of 95% or above 50%
High school average of 90% or above 25%
High school average of 80% or above 20%
Item Discount
Orphans and people with special needs 50%
High school average of 95% or above 50%
High school average of 90% or above 25%
High school average of 80% or above 20%

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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