

Ahlia University


  • On a M/G/1 Type Single Server Queue Subject To Two Types of Random Failures With Heterogeneous Repair Time Distributions, Kailash C. Madan (2018), Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Vol. 106, No. 1, PP. 183-193
    Research area: Mathematics
  • On Optional Deterministic Server Vacations in a Single Server Queue Providing Two Types of First Essential Service Followed by Two Types of Additional Optional Service, Kailash C. Madan (2018), Applied mathematical Sciences, Vol. 12, issue 4, pp. 147-159.
    Research area: Mathematics
  • Bernoulli Schedule Vacations in a Single Server ‘Queue with Two Phase First Essential Service Followed by Optional Two Phase Additional Service’ , Madan, Kailash C. (2017), Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (India), Vol. 101, Isseu 6, pp. 1313-1326.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • On a Batch arrival Queue with Second Optional Service, Random Breakdowns, Delay Time for Repairs to Start and Restricted Admissibility of Arrivals During Breakdown Periods’, Madan, Kailash C. and Malalla, E. (2017), Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (UK), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 175-188.
    Research area: NA
  • ’On Four Models of a Three Server Queeu withOptional Server vacations,Madan, Kailash C. (2016),  International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 10,  No. 8, pp.379-383.
    Journal link / Research area: NA
  • Time-dependent and Steady State solution of an M(X)/G/1 queueing system with server’s long and short  vacations’, Madan, Kailash C. and Hadjar, Karim (2016), Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (UK), Vol. 6,  No. 3, pp. 486-506.
    Research area: NA
  • On optional deterministic server vacations in a batch arrival queueing system with a single server providing first essential service followed by one of the two types of additional optional service’, Madan, Kailash C. (2016), Malaya Journal of Matematik  (Singapore), Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 25-36.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • A batch arrival single server queue with generalized Coxian-2 service and optional generalized Coxian-2 vacation‍’, Madan, Kailash C. (2015), Mathematical Sciences and Applications E Notes (Slovakia), Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 33-44.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On a M^[x]/(G_1,G_2)/1  Queue with Third-Stage Optional Service and Deterministic Server Vacations’‍, Madan, Kailash C. (2015) , Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (UK), Vol. 5 No. 2, 195-206. Scientific and Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A Single Server Bulk  Queue with Random failures and Two Phase Repairs with Delay’, Madan, Kailash C. and Malalla E. (2015), Investigacion Operacional (Cuba), Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 45-59.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On a Single Server Queue with Arrivals in Batches of Variable Size, General Service in Three Fluctuating Modes, Balking, Random Breakdowns and a Stand-by Server During Breakdown Periods.’, Madan, Kailash C. (2014), Investigacion Operacional (Cuba), Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 189-200.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A Batch Arrival Singel Server Queue with Server Providing General Service in Two Fluctuating Modes and Reneging During vacations and Breakdowns’, Monita Baruah, Kailash C. Madan and Tillal Eldabi (2013), Journal of Probability and Statistics, (USA),Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 319318, 12 pages.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A Two StageBatcharrival Queue with Reenging During Vacation and Breakdown Periods’, Monita Baruah, Kailash C. Madan and Tillal Eldabi (2013), American Journal of Operations Reserach   (USA),  Accepted for Publication 10 October  2013.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A Batch Arrival Queue with Second Optional Service and Reneging During Vacation Periods’, Monita Baruah, Kailash C. Madan and Tillal Eldabi (2013), Investigacion Operacional   (Cuba),  Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 244-258.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘Two stage heterogeneous service in a batch arrival vacation queue vacation queue with balking and optional re-service’, Monita Barua, Kailash C. Madan and Tilal Eldabi, Applied Mathematical Sciences (Bulgaria), Vol. 7, No. 17, pp. 837-856, 2013.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘Balking and re-service in a vacation queue with batch arrival and two types of heterogeneous service’, Monita Barua, Kailash C. Madan and Tilal Eldabi (2012),  Journal of Mathematics Research (Canada), Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 114-124.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On an M(X)/G/1 queuing system with random breakdowns, server vacations, delay times and a stand-by server’, Rehab F. Khalaf , Kailash C. Madan and Cormac A. Lukas (2012),International Journal of Operational Research (USA), Vol.15, No. 1, pp. 30-47, 2012.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘An M(X)/G/1 queue with Bernoulli schedule general vacation times, general extended vacations, general repair times  for repirs to start and general repair times’, Rehab F. Khalaf , Kailash C. Madan and Cormac A. Lukas (2011), Journal of  Mathematics Research (Canada) , Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 8-20.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On a batch arrival queueing system equipped with a stand-by server during vacation periods or the breakdown periods of the main server’, Rehab F. Khalaf , Kailash C. Madan and Cormac A. Lukas (2011), Journal of Probability and Statistics (USA), Vol. 2011,  Article ID 812726, pp. , pp. 1-11, 2011.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A Non-Preemptive Priority Queueing System with a Single Server Serving Two Queues M/G/1 and M/D/1 with Optional Server Vacations Based on Exhaustive Service of the Priority Units’, Madan, Kailash C. (2011), Applied Mathematics (USA), Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 791-799,  2011.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘An M[X]/G/1 queue with Bernoulli schedule, general vacation times, random breakdowns, general delay times and general repair times’, Rehab F. Khalaf , Kailash C. Madan and Cormac A. Lukas (2011), Applied Mathematical Sciences (Bulgaria), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 35-51.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A single queue with mutually replacing m servers’, Madan, Kailash C. (2011), Journal of Mathematics Research (Canada), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 03-08.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘queue with restricted admissibility of arriving batches and modified Bernoulli schedule server vacations based on a single vacation policy, Madan, Kailash C. (2010),  Applied Mathematical Sciences (Bulgaria), Vol. 4, No. 46, pp. 2271-2292.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘Bernoulli schedule vacation queue with batch arrivals and random system breakdowns having general repair time distribution’, Farzana Maraghi, Kailash C. Madan and Kenneth Darby-Dowman,(2010), International Journal of Operational Research (USA), Vol. 7, No. 2,  pp. 240-256.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘Batch arrival vacation queue with second optional service and random system breakdowns’,  Farzana Maraghi, Kailash C. Madan and Kenneth Darby-Dowman (December 2010), Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (USA), Vol. 3, No. 4.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘Batch arrival Bernoulli schedule vacation queue with two types of general heterogeneous service and random system breakdowns’,  Farzana Maraghi, Kailash C. Madan and Kenneth Darby-Dowman (August, 2009), Journal of Probability and Statistical Science (China), Vol. 7, No. 2,  pp. 229-244.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On an M/G/1 queue with optional server vacations based on exhaustive service and a single vacation policy’, Madan, Kailash C. (2009), Systems Science (Poland) , Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 21-25, 2009.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘Batch Arrival Queueing System with Random Breakdowns and Bernoulli Schedule  Server Vacations Having General Vacation Time Distribution’Farzana Maraghi, Kailash C. Madan and Kenneth Darby-Dowman (March, 2009), International Journal of information and Management Sciences (China), Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 55-70.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A batch arrival Bernoulli vacationqueue  with a random set up time under restricted admissibility policy’,  Gautam Choudhury and Kailash C. Madan (2007), International Journal of Operational Research (USA), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 81-97.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A batch arrival queue with with Bernoulli vacation schedule under multiple vacation policy’, Gautam Choudhury and Kailash C. Madan (2006), International Journal of Management Sciences (Korea)), Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.1-18.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘Steady State Analysis of an M(x)/(G1,G2)/1 Queue with Restricted Admissibility and Random Setup Time’Kailash C. Madan and Gautam Choudhury (2006), International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (China),  Volume 17, Number 2, pp 33-56.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A two-stage batch arrival queueing system with a modified Bernoulli schedule vacation under N-Policy’, Gautam Choudhury. and Kailash C. Madan (2005), Mathematical and Computer Modeling (USA), Volume 42, pp 71-85.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A single server queue with two phases of heterogeneous service under Bernoulli schedule and general vacation time’, Kailash C. Madan and Gautam Choudhury (2005), International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (China), Vol.  16, Number 2,  pp 1-16.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A two-stage batch arrival queueing system with a random set-up time under modified Bernoulli schedule vacation’,Gautam Choudhury and Kailash C. Madan (2005), Revista Investigacion Operacional (Cuba), Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 238-250.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On a single server queue with phase type service and optional phase type server vacations based on exhaustive service under  a single vacation policy’, Kailash C. Madan and Adel Z. Abu Al-Rub (2005), Journal of Applied Statistical Science (JASS) (USA), Vol. 15, issue 1, pp 49-66.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On   M(X)/(G1/G2)/1/G(BS)/Vs queue with batch arrivals, two types of general heterogeneous service and general vacation times with Bernoulli schedules under a single vacation policy’, Kailash C. Madan, Ziad Al-Rawi and Amjad D. Al-Nasser (2005), Advances in Decision Sciences (New Zealand), Vol. 2005, No. 3, pp. 123-135.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘On the  M(X)/G/1 queue with feedback and optional server vacations under a single vacation policy’, Kailash C. Madan and Mohammad Rawaash (2005), Applied Mathematics and Computation (Netherlands), Vol 160, No. 3, pp. 909-919.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘An M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli schedules and Coxian-2 server vacations’, Kailash C. Madan and Masuad M. Jahromi (2004) , Systems  Science (Poland), Vol. 29, No. 4, 2004, pp 69-83, 2004.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘Steady State Analysis of an M/(G1,G2)/1 queue with restricted admissibility of arriving batches and modified Bernoulli server vacations under a single vacation policy’, Kailash C. Madan and Gautam Choudhury (2004), Journal of Probability and Statistical Science (China), Vol. 2(2), pp. 167-185.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA


  • On an M/G/1 type single server queue subject to two types of random failures with heterogeneous repair time distributions, Kailash C. Madan (26-27 April 2018), FIAM 2018 Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, India
    Research area: Mathematics
  • On a M/G/1 Queue Subject to Random Breakdowns with General Repair Times and Server’s Choice for Deterministic or General Server Vacations, Kailash C. Madan (31-8, 2018 to 2-9 2018), ICMSC – 2018, International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    Research area: Mathematics
  • ‘On Four Models of a Three Server Queue with Optional ServerVacations’, Kailash C. Madan (04-5 August 2016), 18th International Conference on Mathematcs, Statistics,  and Scientific  Computing held at Vancouver, Canada.
    Conference linkResearch area: NA
  • ‘A Queueing System Equipped with two Components Subject to Random Failures and Heterogeneous General Service with Fluctuating Rates Depending on State of the Components’, Kailash C. Madan (31 August  -03 September 2015) ‘4th Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications’ held on at Athens, Greece.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A batch arrival single server queue with generalized Coxian-2 Service and Optional Generalized Coxian-2 Vacations’, Kailash C. Madan (25-28 August  2014), the Third Eurasian Conference on ‘Mathematical Sciences and Applications’ held on at Vienna, Austria.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘On an M(x)/G/1 Queue with Random Time- Homogeneous System Failures and Reneging During Breakdown Periods’, Kailash C. Madan (2013), International Conference on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics (ICEORS 2013) organized by WASET (World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology ) held on 30-31 July 2013 at Zurich, Switzerland: Paper published in WASET conference proceedings , Issue 79, pp. 2168-2174.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘A Batch Arrival Single Server Queue withGeneral Service Times, Random Time-Homogeneous Failures and General Delay Times’, Kailash C. Madan,  A (2012), International Conference on Mathematical Computational, Statistical Science  and Engineering (ICMCSSE 2012) held at Kuaal Lumpur, Malaysia on 28-29 August, 2012.  Paper published in WASET conference proceedings, Issue 68, pp. 1697-1706.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘Steady state analysis of an M(X)/G/1 Queue with Bernoulli Schedule General Vacations, Random Breakdowns and Exponential Repair Times with Delay’, was presented  by my Ph. D. student at the World Congress on Science, Rehab Khalaf,  Kailash C. Madan and Cormac A. Lucas,  A paper entitled (2010), Engineering and Technology (WASET)Conference  held at Paris, France on 28-30 June 2010.  Paper published in WASET conference proceedings, Issue. 66, pp. 2798-2812.
    Research area: NA
  • ‘On a Batch Arrival M(X)/M(a,b) (RB/ G(D)/G®/1 Queue with Exponential Service in Batches of Variable Size [a, b]’, Time-Homogeneous Random Breakdowns, General Delay Times and General Repair Times, Kailash C. Madan (2009), Sixth International Conference on  Operations Research, held at Penang, Malaysia, on  26-28 February, 2009. Paper published in conference proceedings, Vol. 38, pp. 1399-1411.
    Research area: NA

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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