

Ahlia University


  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S., Al-Dharrab, A., “A proposed undergraduate curricula in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences. Published by Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 1994.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Abu Sbeih, M., Ayoubi, I. “The Development of Computer Based Calculus Courses” approved, by the Research Committee at KFUPM . Project number MS/CALCULUS/146. 1993
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Al-Shakhs, A., Ben Jalawi, F., Abou Ali, S. ” The application of the Second International Study in Mathematics (SIMS) in the schools of the Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia” Submitted to King Abdul Aziz City For Science and Technology. (KACST). 1992
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Hjelmfelt, E., “Uses of Computers in Calculus: Suggestions drawn from the experience of Calculus & Mathematica at the University of Illinois”, International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology. 1992, Vol.23No.3,399-402
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Brown, D., Hjelmfelt, E., “Basic Review of Mathematica”, International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 1991, Vol. 22, No. 2, 207- 221.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Al-Rabeh, A., Al-Tayim, H., Budair, M., Al-Humaidan, S., “A Proposed Academic Programme” for King Fahad Naval Academy, 1985.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., “Reforms in School Mathematics: The Saudi Experience”, Abstracts of Short Communications, Oral presentations PP 111, Fifth International Congress of Mathematics Education, Adelaide, South Australia, August 1984.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., “Secondary Mathematics Teacher Education Programs in Saudi Arabia”, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, December, 1979.
    Research area: NA


  • Hassan, B., Bishop, P. , London, R., Maher, P., Thurston , E. “Learning (or not Learning) mathematical concepts.” Proceedings of the Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference held at the University of Nottingham, September. 1991. PP 34-41
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Travers, K., “Replication of SIMS at KFUPM”, Book of abstract 7Th International Congress on Mathematical Education Aug.1992, p.47.11. Hassan, B., Chellone, D., Damerell, R., Gilbert, J. ,Hayes, A. Jackson, T., Robinson, E., Tanner, D., Williams, H. “Using Symbolic Algebra Packages with first year Undergraduate” Proceedings of the Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference held at the University of Nottingham, September1990. PP 65-71.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S., Al-Dharrab, A., “Proposed Curriculum for Intermediate & Secondary Schools (Grade VII to XII) in Mathematics; Statistics and Computer Science for Muslim Countries”, Proceedings of the First Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, 1989, Vol. 3 PP, 1976-1690.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Al-Tayim, H., Al-Rabeh, A., Al-Tayyeb, M., “Goals of General Education Policies in Mathematics and Science in light of the Saudi Development Plans”, Proceedings of Planning Education Conference, Ministry of Planning, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1984.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Al-Rabeh, A., “Mathematics Education at the Elementary & Intermediate Stage: Present Status   and Future outlook”, Proceedings of Elementary and Intermediate Education Conference, Ministry of Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 1984.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., “The New Mathematics Experience in the U.S. and its reflection on the Saudi Experience”, Proceedings of the conference on “New Mathematics: Positives and Negatives”, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, April 1981.
    Research area: NA


Books, chapters Published
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S, Thaheem, T. “Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science Grade XII Higher Secondary School Level”. Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 2002.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S, Thaheem, T. “Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science Grade XI Higher Secondary School Level”. Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 2002.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S, Thaheem, T. “Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science Grade X Higher Secondary School Level”. Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 2002.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S, Thaheem, T. “Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science Grade IX Secondary School Level”. Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 2001.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S, Thaheem, T. “Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science Grade VIII Secondary School Level”. Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 2001.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S, Thaheem, T. “Teacher’s Guide in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science Grade VII Secondary School Level”. Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 2001.
    Research area: NA
  • Hassan, B., Ahmad, M., Ibrahim, S., Al-Dharrab, A., “Modernized Curricula in Mathematics; Statistics and Computer Science (7-12 Grades). Published in three languages; Arabic, English and French. Published by Islamic, Educational and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Rabat, Morocco, 1992. The book was originally written in English; translated by ISESCO to Arabic and French.
    Research area: NA

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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