Ahmed, Jenan and S. Awad, Wasan, “Developing a Heart Disease Prediction System using Fuzzy Database”, Academic Journal of Science (AJS), Volume 5, No. 1.
Jenan Moosa, Tatiana Kalganova and Wasan Awad (2021), “2021 intelligent community detection: comparative study (COVID19 dataset)”, Proceedings of the European, Asian, Middle Eastern, North African Conference on Management & Information Systems (EAMMIS), Turkey.
Moosa, Jenan and Kalganova, Tatiana and S. Awad, Wasan (2020), “Intelligent Community Detection: Review”. Proceedings of the Industrial Revolution & Business Management, 11th Annual PwR Doctoral Symposium (PWRDS), Bahrain.
Jenan Moosa (2018). “Developing a fuzzy Database in heart disease prediction”, Research Presentation, the 4th annual research forum, Ahlia University, Bahrain.
Jenan Moosa, Wasan Awad (31 January – 4 February 2016). “Developing a fuzzy Database in heart disease prediction”, International conference for Academic Disciplines, Al Ain University of Science and Technology, UAE.