
Library Policies

Ahlia University

The Library is open to faculty, staff and students for use within the physical premises.


Instructors prepare the list of books to be ordered and the request is routed to the Dean concerned. The Dean approves the selection and forwards it to the Librarian. Once the list is passed by the Deans, the Librarian checks for any duplication and determines its appropriateness for inclusion in the Library collection.


Academic and administrative staff , as well as students are eligible to borrow books and other materials from the library for a specific period of time. However reference materials, Library copy of textbooks, magazines and periodicals are considered as non-circulatory items. Students are expected to produce the valid university identity card to borrow any materials.


Borrowing privileges are available to faculty, staff and currently enrolled students.

  1. Individuals must complete a registration card and receive a library barcode in order to borrow materials from the Library.
  2. For faculty, staff, currently enrolled students and PhD students, barcodes are attached to AU identification cards at the beginning of each semester or any other convenient time. This card must be presented to avail of all borrowing facility in library transactions. Library Department staff will create a four digit number for the newly joined patrons.

The Library protects the confidentiality of patrons. The library staff will not disclose information regarding any patron’s circulation record, i.e., what materials are checked out to him/her. If a book is urgently needed, the staff will attempt to contact the patron to request early return.


Patrons who borrow materials from the Library are granted the following loan periods:


10 days for General Circulations – 1 day for References ( Textbooks’ only) and Special Collections such as ( dissertation , dictionary etc, .. are not allowed to be taken out of Library.


10 days for General Circulations – 7 days for References (Textbooks only) – Special Collections such as (dissertation, dictionary etc, are not allowed to be taken out of Library.


10 days for General Circulations – 1 day for References ( Textbooks only) & Special Collections such as ( dissertations , dictionaries … etc, are not allowed to be taken out of Library.


7 days for – References and One Semester for General Circulations – Five books only, (Instructors may borrow the text books from the Library and return them at the end of the semester). However, if an instructor continues teaching the same course in the next semester, she/he may keep the text book untill the end of that semester.) – Special Collections such as (dissertation, dictionaries… etc are allowed to be taken out of Library for the classroom purpose of use.

  1. Books are checked out to the patron upon presented the ID card. Students & Staff members may check out up to three books. Faculty may check out up to five books
  2. Part Time Faculty may check out up to five books only upon presenting the Personnel ID Card.
  3. Materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk during Library official working hours.
  • Click here to search for titles online, patrons must access the Library Online Catalog (OPAC)
  • Patrons must indicate the details of the book and mobile number in their request.
  • To borrow a book from Ahlia University Library Catalog, patrons have to send an email to [email protected] (the library directorate will ONLY accept official AU E-mail address). 
  • The Library Directorate will notify the patron through a call when to collect the book by presenting the patron ID card and CPR.

Patrons may renew any materials borrowed from the Library provided that no other person has made a booking request for the same item. On-campus students and local patrons must present the book and a current identification card at the Circulation Desk.


Registered patrons of the Library may place a hold on an item that is checked out to another patron.


Faculty members may place materials needed for course assignments on reserve in the Library. Students may request these reserve materials from the Circulation Desk. Most reserve books are for use only in the library, unless the instructor requested a limited circulation period.

  1. Materials borrowed from the Library are subject to the following overdue fines:
    • All Books overdue :100 fils per day
    • Weekends and days during which the library is closed are included when overdue fine is calculated
    • The book drop is always available for returns.
  2. Overdue notices will be sent out of courtesy. Failure to receive a notice does not constitute a basis for altering or negating a fine.
  3. Patrons must present their library card to pay overdue fines. Patrons will not be allowed to check out further materials until their record is cleared. Defacement or mutilation of any library material will result in a fine of 100 fils and appropriate disciplinary action. Delinquent borrowers will not be permitted to receive grades, transcripts, or other credit for work completed at University until all charges are cleared.
  4. Patrons who lose books are expected to pay the replacement cost of the book at the Accounts Department and present the final receipt of payment to the circulation desk to clear their record at the Library system .Patrons who lose books are expected to pay the replacement cost of the book.

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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