
Meet Our Faculty

Ahlia University

Prof. Bakr Ahmad Mohammed Hasan

Professor Emeritus
Senior Advisor for Academic Affairs

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  • Joined Ahlia University in 2008 as Vice President for Planning & Development
  • Currently holds the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Worked as the Chairman of the Mathematical Sciences Department for more than six years at KFUPM
  • During his chairmanship the first Ph.D. Programme in mathematics in the Gulf region was established at KFUPM


Professor Bakr A. Hassan was born in 1946 in Medina, Saudi Arabia. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, from University of Oregon, Eugen, Oregon in 1979 and his Master and BS in Mathematics from Arizona State University in Tempe Arizona. He joined Ahlia University in 2008 as Vice President for Planning & Development.

Professor Bakr worked in the Mathematical Sciences Department at King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia from 1973 to 1993. He worked as the Chairman of the Mathematical Sciences Department for more than six years, during his chairmanship the Ph.D. Programme in mathematics was established at KFUPM, which was the first in the Gulf region. He also established a bilingual preschool in KFUPM where he was the Chairman of the Board for thirteen years. He was chosen by the Islamic Educational Scientific & Cultural Organisation (ISESCO) in Rabat, Morocco as the Chairman of the Expert Committee to Develop Mathe­matics Curriculum for the Muslim Countries at the Intermediate and Secondary Levels and authored seven books for this purpose. He was also selected as a member of the National Committee (Ministry of Education) to review the New Mathematics Texts at elementary and intermediate levels. He was KFUPM representative in many national and International committees. He also worked as a visiting professor/scholar in the University of Illinois in Champaign, Urbana in the US, the University of Cambridge in England in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education University of Nottingham in England. He joined Saudi Aramco Oil Company in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia in 1993. He was initially in charge of the technical training in the area of computer and communications; then he became the Champion for preparing the IT workforce for the future (The IT workforce consisted of more than 1800 employees at that time). He was overseeing the IT Specialist Development Programme which graduates world class specialists in specialties needed by the company. The candidates are top performing employees with high college GPA. He was Saudi Aramco representative in the Long Term Comprehensive Plan for the Science & Technology Team in Saudi Arabia, as well as the company representative in reviewing the math, science and Technology curriculum in a number of colleges and universities in Saudi Arabia.

He is an active member in the community. He is an IEEE Senior Member and held a number of positions such as the Chairman of the IEEE Education Society in the Gulf/Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Chapter won the best 2006 chapter award for small/medium chapters in Region 8 which includes Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Additionally the Chapter won the best Educational Chapter Award 2008 worldwide from the IEEE Education Society. He also won the Leadership Award of the IEEE Education Society in 2008 worldwide. He also held the position of IEEE Educational Activities in Region 8. He is currently a member of the IEEE Global Accreditation Committee and the chair of the IEEE Gulf Accreditation Committee.

He is also a member of the Saudi Computer Society where he held several positions and is also a member of the Arab Thought Forum and the Gulf Development Forum. When he was a Ph.D. student at the University of Oregon, he won the Most Outstanding International Student Reward in 1976.


  • Ph. D. ( Secondary Mathematics Teacher Education Programmes in Saudi Arabia, 1979, University of Oregon, USA
  • M.Sc. Mathematics, 1973, Arizona State University, USA)
  • B.Sc., Mathematics, 1969, Arizona State University, USA )


  • IEEE Education Society Leadership Award worldwide, 2008
  • IEEE Education Best Chapter Award worldwide, 2008 (Chapter’s Chairman)
  • IEEE Best Chapter Awards for small/midsize for region 8 which includes Europe, Africa & the Middle East 2006 (Chapter’s Chairman)
  • Outstanding International Student Award, University of Oregon, USA. 1976


  • IEEE Global Accreditation Committee, Member
  • IEEE Gulf Accreditation Committee, Chair
  • IEEE Educational Activities in R8, Chair


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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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