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Mr. Hasan Alaswad

Hasan Alaswad received his master’s degree in cyber security from the University of Bahrain with first-class honors, building upon his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from the same university.

Prior to his current position, he served in several technical and leadership roles, progressing from Web Developer to Senior Systems Engineer. He then applied his growing expertise as a Lead Information Security Analyst, further developing his cybersecurity skillset. In addition, he has taken on high-profile Information Security Officer and Data Protection Officer secondment roles for prominent financial institutions, interfacing directly with C-suite executives and Boards of Directors to drive security governance and regulatory compliance.

As a seasoned cybersecurity and technical professional, he served as Information Security Manager at global consulting and advisory firm contributing his expertise to institutions such as Baker Tilly, Arcapita, Osool, Khaleeji, Tatweer and Supreme Council for Women.

His expertise has been instrumental in implementing robust Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), Quality Management Systems (QMS), and Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) across diverse organizational contexts.

Under his leadership, organizations have consistently achieved substantial improvements in their security posture through comprehensive risk management programs. His contributions to organizational security extend beyond implementation to include comprehensive risk management programs and team development.

Alaswad has consistently built and led high-performing teams while fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning. His expertise in governance and compliance frameworks has made him an asset such as in his role as a reviewer for Aramco’s Third-Party Cybersecurity Compliance Certificate program, where he has overseen more than 50 certifications.


A combined Blockchain and zero-knowledge model for healthcare B2B and B2C data sharing. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 30(1), 179-196.

Moosa, H., Ali, M., Alaswad, H., Elmedany, W., & Balakrishna, C. (2023).

A blockchain enabled system for enhancing fintech industry of the core banking systems. In 2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT) (pp. 209-213). IEEE.

Al-Jeshi, S., Tarfa, A., Al-Aswad, H., Elmedany, W., & Balakrishna, C. (2022, November).

BZKP: Blockchain-based zero-knowledge proof model for enhancing healthcare security in Bahrain IoT smart cities and COVID-19 risk mitigation. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 28(1), 154-171.

Al-Aswad, H., El-Medany, W. M., Balakrishna, C., Ababneh, N., & Curran, K. (2021).

A hybrid circuits-cloud: Development of a low-cost secure cloud-based collaborative platform for A/D circuits in virtual hardware E-lab. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(2), 1197-1209.

Mayoof, S., Alaswad, H., Aljeshi, S., Tarafa, A., & Elmedany, W. (2021).

Towards a blockchain-based zero-knowledge model for secure data sharing and access. In 2019 7th International conference on future internet of things and cloud workshops (FiCloudW) (pp. 76-81). IEEE.

Al-Aswad, H., Hasan, H., Elmedany, W., Ali, M., & Balakrishna, C. (2019, August).

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