
Meet Our Faculty

Ahlia University

Dr. Ebrahim Ahmed Ali Abdulla Malalla

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Received his PhD in Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms, from McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Currently he is the Acting Dean of the College of Arts & Science
  • He is an active member of the Mathematical Sciences, Languages and General Studies Department in the College of Arts & Science


Dr. Malalla has a B.Sc. (1994) in Mathematics from University of Bahrain, and a Master (1997) in Pure Mathematics from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. In 2004, he received his Ph.D. in Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms from McGill University. He joined Ahlia University in 2004 and have held various academic positions: Chairperson of IT Department (2008-2011), Acting Chairperson of Computer Engineering Department (2012), Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research (2012-2014), President Assistant for University Compliance (2015-2017), Chairperson of the Master Program in Engineering Management offered by the George Washington University and hosted at Ahlia University (2012-2017), and currently he is an active member in the Mathematical Sciences, Languages and General Studies Department in the College of Arts and Science.  He developed many university policies, processes and procedures that play vital rules in Ahlia University Quality Management System. He helped to prepare for many quality reviews conducted by the Bahraini Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA) at Ahlia University. He contributed significantly to many Institutional and Program Reviews including Programs-Within-College-Reviews conducted by BQA as well as Institutional Listing, Qualification Placement and Alignment of Foreign Qualifications applications submitted to the National Qualification Framework (NQF) by Ahlia University. Furthermore, Dr. Malalla participated in many institutional and program reviews conducted by BQA for other national HEIs in Bahrain. He worked with BQA as an external reviewer for IT and Computer Science Programs and as a member of many Evaluation Panels for institutional listing and qualification placement in the NQF.

Dr. Malalla also worked previously (2005-2008) as an Assistant Professor in the Information and Computer Sciences Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and lately (in 2018 & 2019) as a Visiting Associate Professor of Engineering and Applied Science teaching and supervising graduate students in the Online and Off-campus Programs in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the George Washington University, USA. His research interest includes probabilistic analysis of algorithms and data structures, randomized algorithms, algorithms with predictions, random data structures, allocation processes, and load balancing. He has collaborated with international authors and published many papers in well-respected refereed conferences and journals such as SIAM Journal on Computing and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. He supervised and examined tens of research projects, praxes and dissertations of M.Sc., D.Eng. and Ph.D. students in interdisciplinary fields such as Computer Science, IT, Engineering Management and System Engineering in various universities including Ahlia University, KFUPM and GWU. Dr. Malalla is an active member of the Association for Computing Machinery since 2005 and participated in the review of many journal and conference papers.


Dr. Malalla has supervised many students conducting undergraduate senior projects and master dissertations in computer science and information technology at Ahlia University and KFUPM. He has also supervised and examined tens of research projects, praxes and dissertations of M.Sc., D.Eng. and Ph.D. students in the Department of Engineering Management and System Engineering at the George Washington University, USA.

Teaching Areas

  • Parallel and advanced algorithms
  • Design and analysis of Algorithms
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Theoretical aspects of computer science
  • Models of computation and systems
  • Formal languages
  • Foundations of computing
  • Software engineering and object oriented methodologies
  • Operating Systems
  • Interactive system design
  • Calculus courses
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Real analysis
  • Linear programming
  • Matrix computation

Research Areas

  • Probabilistic analysis of algorithms and data structures
  • Randomized algorithms
  • Random data structures specially hashing and graphs
  • Randomized allocation processes and load balancing


Search By Type

Two-Way Linear Probing Revisited

Ebrahim Malalla, Ketan Dalal, Luc Devroye

On a Batch Arrival Queue with Second Optional Service, Random Breakdowns, Delay Time for Repairs to Start and Restricted Admissibility of Arrivals during Breakdown Periods

Ebrahim Malalla, Kailash C. Madan

Two-way chaining with reassignment

K. Dalal, L. Devroye, E. Malalla,, E. McLeish

On the k-orientability of random graphs

L. Devroye, E. Malalla

Two-way chaining for non-uniform distributions

E. Malalla

A Single Server Bulk Input Queue with Random Failures and Two Phase Repairs with Delay

K. C. Madan, E. Malalla

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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