Angeline Christobel, S Subramanian (2020). “Efficient Image De-Blurring Using PSF for High Definition Medical Image”, Journal of Information and Computational Science, ISSN: 1548-7741, Volume 10, Issue 7, Pages 718-730, July-2020.
Angeline Christobel, S Subramanian (2020). “Predicting the Diseases using Optimal K value in K nearest neighbor for Human safe”, Journal of Green Engineering ISSN: 1904-4720, 2245-4586 – Manuscript accepted (Scopus Indexed)
T Omran, BT Sharef, K Hadjar, S Subramanian (March 2020). “Machine Learning for Improving Teaching Methods Through Sentiment Analysis”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, ISSN – 19350090, 23250399, Volume 14, Issue 2-Pages 309-317, (Scopus Indexed)
Stalin Subbiah &Suresh Subramanian (2018). “Biomedical Arrhythmia Heart diseases Classification based on Artificial Neural Network and Machine Learning Approach”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 10-14 27(7).
Stalin S & Suresh S (2015). “Computer Simulation and Modeling with Nemo 3D and Quantum Dots of Nano Materials”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, e-ISSN:2395-0056, P-ISSN:2395-0072, Vol.2,Issue 9.
Suresh S & Sivaprakasam P (2014). “Stochastic Web Data Mining using Genetic Algorithm with a Ranking Based Objective Function with Distance Calculation and Duplicate Keywords”, International Journal of Internet and Web Technology, ISSN:20516213, Vol.39, Issue.1.
Suresh S & Sivaprakasam P (2014). “Efficient Algorithm for Removing Duplicate Documents International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)”, ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-6.
Goh W. B, Sohail S, Rehan A, Suresh S (2018). “Graphical Authentication Based on Anti-Shoulder Surfing Mechanism”. International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems.
Suresh S (6–7 April 2017). “Recognizing the static prior sentiment values of word in phrases – A Lexicon based approach on Sentiment Analysis”, IT Innovations in Knowledge Discovery, Downtown Rotana Hotel, Manama, Bahrain.
Suresh S (28-29 March 2016). “An efficient approach in Near Duplicate Document Detection using Shingling”, Fourth Annual Research Forum, Ahlia University, Bahrain.
Suresh S & Ammar A (20-21 February 2015). “Efficient Approach in Elimination of Noisy Information from WebPages”, National Conference on Bigdata and Cloud Computing, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, Tamilnadu, India.
Book chapters
Adel M. Sarea and Subramanian, S. (2020) Web-Based Financial Disclosures by using machine learning analysis: Evidence from Bahrain, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Series Ed.: Kacprzyk, Janusz; Spring Book; ISSN: 1860-949X. (accepted to publish)
Maki, M. A., & Subramanian, S. (2020). Using an Artificial Neural Network to Improve Email Security. In Albastaki, Y. A., & Awad, W. (Ed.), Implementing Computational Intelligence Techniques for Security Systems Design (pp. 131-145). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2418-3.ch006.