
Dr. Suresh Subramanian Publications

Ahlia University


  • Angeline Christobel, S Subramanian (2020). “Efficient Image De-Blurring Using PSF for High Definition Medical Image”, Journal of Information and Computational Science, ISSN: 1548-7741, Volume 10, Issue 7, Pages 718-730, July-2020.
  • Angeline Christobel, S Subramanian (2020). “Predicting the Diseases using Optimal K value in K nearest neighbor for Human safe”, Journal of Green Engineering ISSN: 1904-4720, 2245-4586 – Manuscript accepted (Scopus Indexed)
  • T Omran, BT Sharef, K Hadjar, S Subramanian (March 2020). “Machine Learning for Improving Teaching Methods Through Sentiment Analysis”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, ISSN – 19350090, 23250399, Volume 14, Issue 2-Pages 309-317, (Scopus Indexed)
  • Stalin Subbiah &Suresh Subramanian (2018). “Biomedical Arrhythmia Heart diseases Classification based on Artificial Neural Network and Machine Learning Approach”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 10-14 27(7).
  • Stalin S & Suresh S (2015). “Computer Simulation and Modeling with Nemo 3D and Quantum Dots of Nano Materials”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, e-ISSN:2395-0056, P-ISSN:2395-0072, Vol.2,Issue 9.
  • Suresh S & Sivaprakasam P (2014). “Stochastic Web Data Mining using Genetic Algorithm with a Ranking Based Objective Function with Distance Calculation and Duplicate Keywords”, International Journal of Internet and Web Technology, ISSN:20516213, Vol.39, Issue.1.
  • Suresh S & Sivaprakasam P (2014). “Efficient Algorithm for Removing Duplicate Documents International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)”, ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-6.


  • Goh W. B, Sohail S, Rehan A, Suresh S (2018). “Graphical Authentication Based on Anti-Shoulder Surfing Mechanism”. International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems.
  • Suresh S (6–7 April 2017). “Recognizing the static prior sentiment values of word in phrases – A Lexicon based approach on Sentiment Analysis”, IT Innovations in Knowledge Discovery, Downtown Rotana Hotel, Manama, Bahrain.
  • Suresh S (28-29 March 2016). “An efficient approach in Near Duplicate Document Detection using Shingling”, Fourth Annual Research Forum, Ahlia University, Bahrain.
  • Suresh S & Ammar A (20-21 February 2015). “Efficient Approach in Elimination of Noisy Information from WebPages”, National Conference on Bigdata and Cloud Computing, Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, Tamilnadu, India.

Book chapters

  • Adel M. Sarea and Subramanian, S. (2020) Web-Based Financial Disclosures by using machine learning analysis: Evidence from Bahrain, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Series Ed.: Kacprzyk, Janusz; Spring Book; ISSN: 1860-949X. (accepted to publish)
  • Maki, M. A., & Subramanian, S. (2020). Using an Artificial Neural Network to Improve Email Security. In Albastaki, Y. A., & Awad, W. (Ed.), Implementing Computational Intelligence Techniques for Security Systems Design (pp. 131-145). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2418-3.ch006.

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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