

Ahlia University


  • اعتماد الجمهور على الإعلام الجديد كمصدر للمعلومات عن قضايا التنمية المستدامة – دراسة ميدانية على الجمهور البحريني، د. رضا أمين (ابريل – يونيو، 2017)، المجلة العربية لبحوث الإعلام والاتصال، العدد 17، ص 100-109.
  • Social networks and their relationship to maintain the security of the society: A field study on the media elite in Bahrain, Reda Abdel Waged Amin (2017) , Arab Journal for Security Studies , Naif University, Saudi Arabia.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Social networking sites and their roles  in the definition of the Prophet Mohammad,  Field study based on (cultural implantation) theory , Reda Abdel Waged Amin , ( May 2017) , Arab Journal of Information and Communication , Saudi Association for  Media and Communication , King Saud University .
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The impact of social networking sites on social relations, a field study in light of the theory of  Technological determinism And  Value determinism , Reda Abdel Waged Amin (April –June 2016) scientific journal for research of Public Relation & Advertisement , Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Open source journalism and its impact on print journalism, WikiLeaks as model, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2014), Arab Journal of Information and Communication, Saudi Association for Media and Communication, King Saud University.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The technical possibilities in the websites of Arab electronic newspapers, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2008), Journal of the Faculty of Arabic Language at Al-Azhar University, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Islamic discourse in electronic media , Reda Abdel Waged Amin, ( 2008) , Journal of Studies in Islamic Affairs , Islamic World League, Mecca , KSA .
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Islamic discourse in the  blogs  on the Internet , , Reda Abdel Waged Amin, ( 2006 ) , Journal of Media Research , Department of Journalism and Information, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt .
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The image of women in the religious newspaper , Reda Abdel Waged Amin , ( 2006) , Journal of the Center for Family Studies , Association of Islamic Universities , Cairo , Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication


  • Bahraini Audience Depend on Online Newspaper Accounts on Social networks as a Source  of  News , Reda Abdel Waged Amin ,( 20-220April 2017) , The 3rd World Conference on Media and Mass Communication – MEDCOM 2017 Information, Persuasion, Relationships, Power: The Many Functions of Media , organized by  The International Institute of Knowledge Management ,  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Social networking sites and rumors, fire and wildfire , Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (November 2016 ), Controls of  the social networks in Islam , Islamic University,  Madinah , in cooperation with the Prince Nayef bin Saud Prize for the Prophetic Sunnah and Contemporary Islamic Studies, Madinah, KSA.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Professional and ethical controls for media between the texts of legislation and codes of honor, Case study on the Kingdom of Bahrain , Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (27-28 April 2016 ) , Media ethics and laws in the GCC countries , University of Sharjah , UAE.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Information methods in raising awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities , Reda Abdel Waged Amin ,  (30 March 2016 ) , The first forum for the integration of students with special needs in higher education , Ahlia University , Bahrain.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The role of social networking sites in rumors promoting  , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (25-27 November 2014 ) , International Conference on Information and rumors  , King Khalid University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Information and Communication , Abha , KSA .
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Media and the cultural crisis in the countries of the Islamic world , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (4-6 Dhul Hijjah 1435- 28-30september 2014) , Fifteenth Mecca  Conference, Islamic Culture: Authenticity and  Modernity, Islamic World League , Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
    Conference linkResearch area: Mass Communication
  • Social networking sites and their roles  in the definition of the Prophet Mohammad,  Field study based on (cultural implantation) theory , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (10-11 December 2013) , Dialogue Conference and its impact on the defense of the Prophet Mohammed  peace be upon him , Imam Mohammed bin Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Abuse to Prophet in social networking sites and ways to face it , Reda Abdel waged Amin ,( 26-27 November 2013 ) , World Conference on the Prophet peace be upon him and his rights to humanity , Islamic University (Madinah, Saudi Arabia).
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • New media, term problematic and theoretical approaches , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (11-12 March 2013) , Third International Symposium on the Concepts of Communication and New Media , University of Abdel Hamid Ben Badis, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, , Mostaganem ,  Algeria.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The role of the media in  disability reducing , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (30 November to 1 December 2011) , Conference on the role of nongovernment  organizations in the prevention of disability in the GCC countries , Bahrain Society for Child Development, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain .
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The role of the media in  extremist ideas promoting , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (20-22 September 2011) , World Conference on the phenomenon of atonement causes, effects, treatment , Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Contemporary Islamic Studies and Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University, Medina, Saudi Arabia.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Open source journalism and its impact on print  journalism, WikiLeaks as  model , , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (2-4 October 2010) , The Open Sources and the Leaked American Diplomatic Cables discussed at the ACRPS Symposium , Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies , Beirut, Lebanon.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The role of   media in youth educating about social responsibility programs and ways to overcome their obstacles, Reda Abdel waged Amin, (2-4 October 2010) , 11th Conference of the World Islamic Youth Forum (Youth and Social Responsibility) , World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Jakarta, Indonesia.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The position of Islamic civilization from the globalization of media and culture. Critical vision, Reda Abdel waged Amin, (28-29 April 2010) , Conference on Unity and Diversity in Islamic Civilization , University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The use of networks in university education and its role in achieving the knowledge society, Reda Abdel waged Amin, (6-8 April 2010), Conference on the role of e-learning in the knowledge society promoting, Zain Center for e-Learning, University of Bahrain.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Children’s channels and their relation to the strengthening of social values in the Arab world , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (17-18 March 2010) , Conference on Social Policy for Children:  Reality and Challenges , University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • YouTube usage by University youth   in Bahrain , Reda Abdel waged Amin ,  (7-9 April 2009) , First International Conference of the Department of Communication , University of Bahrain (New Media, New Technology for a New World) , University of Bahrain.
    Conference linkResearch area: Mass Communication
  • Social interaction in virtual societies on the Internet , Reda Abdel waged Amin, (15-17 March 2009) , International Conference on Communication Technologies and Social Change , King Saud University, College of Arts, Department of Mass Communication , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The role of  media in sustainable development achieving in the Islamic world , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (17-19 May 2008) , International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Islamic World under Globalization , Association of Islamic Universities and Islamic Development Bank, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The attitudes of the religious elite towards the reality and future of Islamic satellite channels, a field study , Reda Abdel waged Amin ,( 11-13 December 2007) , International Conference on Satellite Channels and Cultural Identity , University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The attitudes of journalists towards relationship between the Internet and  freedom of opinion and expression in the Arab Journalism , Reda Abdel waged Amin , (23-24 October 2007) , The 4th Conference of Akhbar Al Youm Academy, The Arab Press under the Political, Economic and Technological Transformation , Akhbar Al Youm Academy,  Cairo , Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Islamic discourse in blogs on the Internet , Reda Abdel waged Amin, (13-15 November 2006 ) , The First International  Conference of the Department of Journalism and Information at Al-Azhar University, Islamic Discourse between the Constants and the International Variables , Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Arabic Language, Department of Journalism and Information, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The technical possibilities in the websites of Arab electronic newspapers, Reda Abdel waged Amin, (6-10 August 2006) , Arab Media and Internet Conference , Arab Organization for Administrative Development , the League of Arab States, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The image of women in the religious Journalism ,  Reda Abdel waged Amin , (14-16 March 2006) . Conference of Muslim women between the religious constants and the luster of foreign cultures, Al-Azhar University and the Association of Islamic Universities , Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication


  • . التأثيرات الاجتماعية للمواقع الإباحية – دراسة ميدانية على الشباب الجامعي بدول الخليج العربي، د. رضا أمين (2017)، دار جامعة نايف للنشر.
  • New Media, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2015), Dar Alfajr for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, Egypt.
    Publisher link/Research area: Mass Communication
  • Writing for the Country in Media &Politics, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2013), Information Affairs Authority, Ministry of information, Manama, Bahrain.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Electronic Journalism, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2007), Dar Alfajr for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, Egypt.
    Publisher linkResearch area: Mass Communication
  • Media & Globalization, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2007), Dar Alfajr for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, Egypt.
    Publisher linkResearch area: Mass Communication
  • The art of news, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2007), Author, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Planning for advertising campaigns, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2007), Author, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Media Production, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2007), Author, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The theories of electronic media, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2007), Author, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • Media documentation from paper bibliography to network information systems, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2006), Author, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication
  • The art of propaganda and persuasion, Reda Abdel Waged Amin, (2006), Author, Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: Mass Communication

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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