

Ahlia University


  • Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 201-213 “Gravitational Signature of Matter-Antimatter Interaction” Al Dallal, S., Azzam, W.J. and de Fez, M. (2015).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys.J. C20 (2001) 617-637 “A Measurement of the tau topological branching ratios” P. Abreu et al. (April 2001) (mentioned for completeness only).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • CERN/LHCC/96-39 “Status report on the Front End Driver for the CMS tracker”. MDM de Fez Laso et al. (26th October 1996).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. A 382 (1996) 533-544 “Beam test performance of the APV5 chip”. MDM de Fez Laso et al. (31st May 1996).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • IC/HEP/ 95/ 5 (1995) “Design and evaluation of devices from the second processing run at AEA Harwell”. MDM de Fez Laso et al. (June 1995).
    Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C66 (1995) 323 “Measurement of Gb– b /Ghad using Impact Parameter Measurements and Lepton Identification” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (17 January 1995).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. B347 (1995) 447 “Production of Charged Particles, K0 s , K±, p and L in Z —> b– b Events and in the Decay of b Hadrons” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (5 January 1995).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C67 (1995) 1 “First Measurement of the Strange Quark Asymmetry at the Z0 Peak” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (20 December 1994).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C67 (1995) 69 “Search for heavy neutral Higgs bosons in two-doublet models”
    P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (19 December 1994).
    Journal link / Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. B345 (1995) 598 “Observation of Orbitally Excited B Mesons” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (19 December 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C66 (1995) 341 “Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of charm and bottom Quarks at the Z Pole using D*± Mesons” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (29 November 1994).
    Journal linkJournal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. B342 (1995) 402 “First evidence of hard scattering processes in single tagged g g collisions” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (17 October 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C65 (1995) 569 “Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of e+e_ —> Z —> b– b using prompt leptons and a lifetime tag” P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (22 September 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. B338 (1994) 409 “Measurement of time dependent B0d-B0_d mixing”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (5 August 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C65 (1995) 555 “Measurement of the Gb– b /Ghad Branching Ratio of the Z by Double Hemisphere Tagging”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (4 August 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C65 (1995) 587 “Production Characteristics of K0 and Light Meson Resonances in Hadronic Decays of the Z0”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (4 August 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C65 (1995) 603 “A Study of Radiative Muon-Pair Events at Z0 Energies and limits on an additional Z’ gauge Boson”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (22 July 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. B341 (1994) 109 “J/y Production in the Hadronic Decays of the Z”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (29 June 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. B334 (1994) 435 “Charged Kaon Production in Tau Decays at LEP”.
    P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (8 June 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C64 (1994) 183 “Search for pair-produced heavy scalars Z0 decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 June 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 332B (1994) 488 “Measurement of the B0 -– B0 mixing parameter in Delphi”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (2 May 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B421 (1994) 3 “Search for the standard model Higgs boson in Z0 decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (18 March 1994) Search for the standard model Higgs boson in Z0 decays.
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 327B (1994) 386 “Measurement of the e+e_ —> gg(g) cross section at LEP energies”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (25 February 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B418 (1994) 403 “Improved measurements of cross sections and asymmetries at the Z0 resonance”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (23 February 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area:
  • Phys. C63 (1994) 3 “A precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (February 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 324B (1994) 500 “A measurement of the B0s meson mass”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (4 February 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B417 (1994) 3 “Measurements of the Lineshape of the Z0 and Determination of Electroweak Parameters from its Hadronic and Leptonic Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (12 January 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C62 (1994) 357 “Study of hard scattering processes in multihadron production from g g collisions at LEP”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 January 1994).
    Journal linkJournal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 323B (1994) 242 “Interference of Neutral Kaons in the Hadronic Decays of the Z0”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 January 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C63 (1994) 17 “Invariant mass dependence of particle correlations in final states from the decay of the Z0”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (5 January 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 322B (1994) 459 “Measurement of the B0-– B0 Mixing using the average electric charge of Hadron-Jets in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (16 December 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C61 (1994) 407 “Production Rate and Decay Lifetime Measurements of B0s mesons at LEP using Ds and f mesons”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (30 September 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • PhD Thesis (1994) “Medida de las probabilidades de desintegración del leptón tau a la energía del Z0”. MDM de Fez Laso (16 December 1994).
    Thesis linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • DELPHI 94-140 PHYS 449 “A measurement of the topological branching ratios of the t particle at the Z0 peak”. MDM de Fez Laso and J.J. Gómez Cadenas (21 September 1994).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • DELPHI 93-138 PHYS 346 “A study of the Delphi microvertex detector using the DST 92C data”. MDM de Fez Laso (1 December 1993).
    Journal linkJournal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 318B (1993) 249 “Production of L and L -– L Correlations in the Hadronic Decays of the Z0”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (15 September 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 316B (1993) 620 “Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from Z0 decays at LEP”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (5 August 1993).
    Journal linkJournal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 312B (1993) 253 “A Measurement of the Mean Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral B-Hadrons”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (13 May 1993).
    Journal linkJournal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B403 (1993) 3 “Search for Z0 Decays to two Leptons and a charged Particle-Antiparticle Pair”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (3 May 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 59 (1993) 533 “A Measurement of D Meson Production in Z0 Hadronic Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (28 April 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 311B (1993) 408 “Determination of as from the scaling violation in the fragmentation functions in e+e_ annihilation”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (26 April 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 307B (1993) 221 “Determination of as for b quarks at the Z0 Resonance”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (31 March 1993).
    Journal link/Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 59 (1993) 21 “Determination of as using the Next-to-Leading-Log Approximation of QCD”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (12 March 1993).
    Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 311B (1993) 379 “Measurement of Lb production and lifetime in Z0 hadronic decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (22 February 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 59 (1993) 357 “Measurement of the Triple-Gluon Vertex from 4-Jet Events at LEP”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (16 February 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 302B (1993) 356 “A Measurement of the Tau lifetime”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (28 January 1993).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 301B (1993) 145 “A Study of B0-– B0 Mixing using Semileptonic Decays of B Hadrons produced from Z0”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (2 December 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 298B (1993) 247 “A Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in Z0 decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (5 November 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 298B (1993) 236 “Measurement of Inclusive Production of Light Meson Resonances in Hadronic Decays of the Z0”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (26 October 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 57 (1993) 181 “A Measurement of B Meson Production and Lifetime Using D l- Events in Z0 Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (14 October 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 295B (1992) 383 “Classification of the Hadronic Decays of the Z0 into b an c Quark Pairs using a Neural Network”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (15 September 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. 386B (1992) 471 “Multiplicity Fluctuations in Hadronic Final States from the Decay of the Z0”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (16 July 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 289B (1992) 199 “Evidence for B0s Meson Production in Z0 Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (25 June 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 56 (1992) 47 “Measurement of the partial width of the Z0 into B-– B Final States using their Semi-Leptonic decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (13 May 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 286B (1992) 201 “Bose-Einstein Correlations in the Hadronic Decays of the Z0”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 May 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 56 (1992) 63 “Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions for Fixed Number of Jets in Z0 Hadronic Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (15 April 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 281B (1992) 383 “Measurement of the Z0 Branching Fraction to b Quark Pairs Using the Boosted Sphericity Product”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (24 January 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 276B (1992) 536 “A Measurement of the B-– B Forward Backward Asymmetry Using the Semileptonic Decay into Muons”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (3 December 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 277B (1992) 371 “A Measurement of sin2(JW) from the Charge Asymmetry of Hadronic Events at the Z0 Peak”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (25 November 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 275B (1992) 231 “Production of Strange Particles in the Hadronic Decays of the Z0”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (19 November 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 276B (1992) 254 “Multiplicity Dependence of Mean Transverse Momentum in e+ e_ Annihilations at LEP Energies”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (11 November 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 54 (1992) 55 “Determination of as in Second Order QCD from Hadronic Z Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (25 October 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 274B (1992) 230 “Searches for Heavy Neutrinos from Z Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (15 October 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 53 (1992) 555 “Study of Final State Photons in Hadronic Z0 Decay and Limits on New Phenomena”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (10 October 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 275B (1992) 222 “Search for Scalar Leptoquarks from Z0 decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (29 August 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B373 (1992) 3 “A Search for Neutral Higgs Particles in Z0 Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (22 August 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 53 (1992) 567 “Measurement of the Average Lifetime of B Hadrons”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (22 August 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • DELPHI 92-152 PROG 191 “Detector Description Database for the Delphi Time of Flight counter”. MDM de Fez Laso et al. (2 November 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 55 (1992) 555 “A Study of the Decays of Tau Leptons Produced on the Z Resonance at LEP”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al.(15 April 1992).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B367 (1991) 511 “Determination of Z0 resonance parameters and couplings from its hadronic and leptonic decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al (17 June 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 267B (1991) 422 “A Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau Lepton”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (19 July 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 268B (1991) 296 “The Reaction e+ e_—> g g (g) at Z0 Energies”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (5 July 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 53 (1992) 41 “Search for Excited Charged Leptons in Z0 Decays”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (27 June 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 274B (1992) 498 “Study of Orientation of 3-jet Events in Z0 Hadronic Decays Using the Delphi Detector”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (17 May 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C 52 (1991) 271 “Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions in Restricted Rapidity Intervals”. P.Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (17 May 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 260B (1991) 240 “A study of the reaction e+ e_ —> m+m- around the Z0 pole”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (7 March 1991).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C51 (1991) 25 “Search for low mass Higgs Bosons produced in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (19 December 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 255B (1991) 466 “Experimental Study of the Triple-Gluon Vertex”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (16 November 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. C50 (1991) 185 “Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions in Z0 Hadronic Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (16 November 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • CERN-PPE/90-167 “Search for Non-Standard Z0 Decays in Two-Particle Final States”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (13 November 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • CERN-PPE/90-163 “Search for Higgs Bosons Using the Delphi Detector”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (7 November 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Tesis de Licenciatura (1990) “Calibración del detector de Tiempo de Vuelo (ToF) de Delphi”. MDM de Fez Laso (October 1990). Thesis
    Research area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 252B (1990) 140 “Measurement of the Partial Width of the Decay of the Z0 into Charm Quark Pairs”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (29 August 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 252B (1990) 149 “Energy-Energy Correlations in Hadronic Final States from the Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (29 August 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • CERN-PPE/90-119 “Delphi results on the Z0 Resonance Parameters Through its Hadronic and Leptonic Decay modes”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (16 August 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • CERN-PPE/90-118 “A Measurement of the Partial Width of the Z0 Boson into b Quark Pairs”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (August 1990).
    Journa l linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • CERN-PPE/90-117 “Charged Multiplicity and Rapidity Distributions in Z0 Hadronic Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (30 July 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 247B (1990) 167 “A Comparison of Jet Production Rates on the Z0 Resonance to Perturbative QCD”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (22 June 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 247B (1990) 157 “Search for Sleptons and Gauginos in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 June 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 247B (1990) 148 “Search for Scalar Quarks in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 June 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 247B (1990) 137 “A Study of Intermittency in Hadronic Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 June 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 245B (1990) 276 “Search for Pair Production of Neutral Higgs Bosons in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (9 May 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 242B (1990) 536 “Search for the t and b’ Quarks in Hadronic Decays of the Z0 Boson”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (6 April 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Phys. B342 (1990) 1 “Search for Light Neutral Higgs Particles Produced in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (4 April 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 241B (1990) 449 “Search for Heavy Charged Scalars in Z0 Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (9 March 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics
  • Lett. 241B (1990) 435 “A Precise Measurement of the Z Resonance Parameters Through its Hadronic Decays”. P. Abreu, …, MDM de Fez Laso et al. (9 March 1990).
    Journal linkResearch area: Experimental Particle Physics

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