

Ahlia University


  • الرموز غير اللفظية على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي – دراسة تحليلية لموقع “فيس بوك” في ضوء مدخل التحليل السيميولوجي، د. حسام محمد الهامي (ابريل – يونيو، 2017)، المجلة العلمية لبحوث العلاقات العامة والإعلان،ص ص . 327-384
  • Hossam Elhamy (2013), Social variables affecting the production of scientific knowledge in the field of mass communication: A study in sociology of knowledge.  A paper submitted for publishing in: The Egyptian Journal for Mass Communication Research.
  • Hossam Elhamy (2011), Intellectual construction of social movements: a model of Egyptian Movement for Change (Kefaya). A paper presented as a part of the research project: “sit-ins and protests in Egypt: A Study in the framework of the social movements’ theory”, Cairo: National Centre for Social and Criminological Research, 2011
  • Hossam Elhamy (2007), Technics of Analyzing Political and Media Information. A paper Presented to the program of “Political Communication Skills : How to Deal with Political Information” Arab Administrative Development  Organization ARADO 15-19 July, 2007
  • Hossam Elhamy (2005), Journalism Education: A study in Beginnings and Evolution, Al- Tarbia (Journal Of Education) – Quarter


  • Hossam Elhamy (2011), The role of media in shaping characteristics of Egyptian National character: a study of theories of media impact. A Paper presented in the symposium: “Egyptian Character and construction of the Egyptian Renaissance: Reflections for the Revolution of January 25, 2011,” Institute of National Planning, Center for Human Development, 26 – 27 July 2011.
  • Hossam Elhamy (2010), The Media Discourse of Social Movements: An analytical study of the social protest movements’ web sites. A paper Presented to the 16th International Conference of Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University: “The Media and the issues of poverty and the marginalized people: Reality and Challenges”, 13 to 15 July 2010
  • (The paper is selected in the list of the best research papers presented at the Conference by the jury)
  • Hossam Elhamy (2010), Character in Journalistic Text: A Narrative Analysis, A paper Presented to the 2nd International Conference of Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University: “Media and the Arabic language “. Cairo, Egypt. March 7-9 , 2010 (This paper won the award for best research paper in the conference)
  • Hossam Elhamy & Maha Abdul Mageed (2007), Islamic Political Groups Functional Use of internet: An Analytical study, A paper Presented to IAMCR Conference: “Knowledge Societies for All: Media and Communication Strategies “. Cairo, Egypt. July 23-29 , 2006

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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