

Ahlia University


  • اتجاهات الشباب الجامعي نحو مصداقية المواقع الإلكترونية الإسلامية ، دراسة على عينة من الجامعات الإقليمية المصرية Abstract
  • دور مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في إمداد الجالية المصرية بمملكة البحرين بالمعلومات عن أحداث التغيير السياسي في مصر: دراسة ميدانية في إطار مدخل الاعتماد على وسائل الإعلام، د.عبدالصادق حسن (أبريل 2014) مؤتمر فنّ التلاعب والتضليل والدعاية، جامعة قطر. Abstract
  • إدراك المراهقين لمخاطر المضامين الإباحية بالهاتف الخلوي: دراسة مقارنة بين طلبة المدارس الثانوية في مصر والبحرين في إطار نظرية تأثير الشخص الثالث، د. عبد الصادق حسن (يونيو، 2016)، حوليات الآداب والعلوم الاجتماعية – مجلس النشر العلمي- جامعة الكويت ، المجلد 36.
  • القيم التي يكتسبها الشباب الجامعي من برامج تلفزيون الواقع بالفضائيات العربية: دراسة مقارنة بين طلبة الجامعات المصرية والبحرينية في إطار نظرية الغرس الثقافي، ، د. عبد الصادق حسن (ديسمبر، 2016)، حوليات الآداب والعلوم الاجتماعية – مجلس النشر العلمي- جامعة الكويت، المجلد 36.
  • استخدام أطفال للألعاب الإلكترونية في الأجهزة اللوحية والإشباعات المتحققة: دراسة ميدانية على عينة من الأمهات في دولة الكويت د. عبد الصادق حسن (يوليو – سبتمبر ، 2017)، مجلة دراسات الطفولة “نفسية، طبية، إعلامية، المجلد 20، الاصدار 76.
  • The Dependency of the university Students on online advertising as a source of purchasing trends, a field study on a sample of students in private universities in Egypt, Bahrain, Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • The role of talk shows in the Arab satellite channels in Providing the Egyptian community in the Kingdom of Bahrain with information about political issues, a field study, Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • The attitudes of the Arab university Students about the relationship between exposure to Facebook and cultural identity, a comparative study between Egypt and Bahrain, the Journal of Studies Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • The phenomenon of violence as Reflected in the news Shows in specialized Arab satellite channels, analytical study, Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University, Egypt. , Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University, Egypt. Issue 54, Volume 15, January-March.
  • Exposure of university Bahraini Students to social networking sites and its relationship to the traditional means of communication, a field study, the University of Jordan, Journal of Social Research.
  • The relationship between the exposure of university Bahraini Students to cell phone technology and the level of their knowledge of current events: a field study in the context of the theory of knowledge gap, the Journal of Studies Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • Exposure to video games and its Relationship With electronic relationship violence among adolescents, a comparative study among Secondary school students in Egypt, Bahrain, Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • Handling of Arabic electronic newspaper sites to the Egyptian presidential elections in 2012, the study of content analysis of newspapers in the Middle East and Life, University of Sharjah Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sharjah.
  • Realize the dangers of teenager’s pornographic content in cellular phone, a comparative study between high school students in Egypt, Bahrain, in the framework of the theory of the effect of the third person, Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • The motives use of Bahraini Students in Bahraini universities to Internet Radio: An Empirical Study, the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research , Journal of Roua strategic.
  • The motives of the use of Female university students in the Kingdom of Bahrain to Arab Women websites: An Empirical Study, Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University.
  • The Reelections of Arab public Exposure to specialized websites and its relationship to the level of Sports knowledge, Journal of Media Research, Al-Azhar University.
  • The Attitudes of external Public about the role of websites in Bahraini banks: a comparative study between commercial and Islamic banks.
  • The Dependency of the Bahraini youth on electronic sites of newspapers as a source of community information: An Empirical Study, Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University.
  • Teens Attitudes about reality television programs in Arab satellite channels: study within the framework of the theory of social responsibility, Yarmouk University.
  • The role of social networking sites in Providing Egyptian community in the Kingdom of Bahrain with information about the events of political change in Egypt, a field study in the framework of the media Dependency Theory, Qatar University, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Values Gained By The University Students from TV Reality Programs in the Arab Satellite Channels.A Comparative Study Between Egyptian And Bahraini Students In The Framework of The Theory of Cultural Cultivation, Annals of Arts and Social Sciences, Academic Publication Council, Kuwait University.
  • Attitudes of the Egyptian university youth towards credibility of religious content in the islamic websites after the arab revolution, Journal of public relations advertising research , Cairo university, issue 3, april –june 2015.
  • Teenagers’ attitudes towards reality TV in Arabic satellite channels withen the framework of social responsibity theory, Journal of radio and tv research, Cairo university.
  • The public relations practice models in the arab governmental organizations: astudy of Egyptian and Bahrani organisations’ sample, Journal of public relations advertising research, Cairo university.

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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