This page is created to communicate all new measures and decisions taken by the university, as related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
Students and stakeholders are encouraged to check this page on a regular basis for the latest updates and communications regarding the University’s official position in relation to COVID-19 developments.
MOH healthalert
Latest Updates
Ahlia University is happy to announce that the starting sessions face to face teaching from Oct 17th 2021 for those who have selected face to face teaching mode. Please check the website for Health and Safety guidelines for Attending Classes on campus.
The manual was approved to serve as guidelines for faculty members. The guide entails the minimum criteria to be considered for teaching and assessing a course through online platforms.
Stemming from our vision and mission, and in line with our core values which include social responsibility and community engagement, the university has donated 10,000 BD towards the ‘Feena Khair’ (There is good in us) campaign launched by HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RFH).
Ahlia University has always believed in the importance of community engagement, and the need to make a positive impact on society, through philanthropic activities and other means, especially during these difficult times as society combats the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Within this context, Ahlia University announced a discount to current students on their tuition fees, and launched a 50% scholarship scheme dedicated for Front Line workers and their children (new applicants) in appreciation of their vital role in combatting the coronavirus.
Front line workers, and their children, including staff from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Defense are eligible for this partial scholarship in all undergraduate programmes.
Ahlia University thanks all front line workers – Our Heroes!
In a recent meeting of the Government Executive Committee, chaired by HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, His Royal Highness reiterated that safeguarding the health of all the citizens and residents remains the Kingdom’s top priority. The Government Executive Committee issued a new set of decisions, effective today (Thursday 23 April) from 7pm.
Effective from 19h00 on 23 April 2020 until 07 May 2020, the following will be implemented:
- Movie theatres, commercial sports gymnasiums, fitness studios, swimming pools, and centres for recreational activities and Salons will remain closed;
- Shisha Cafes, and services offered by these cafes, are limited to takeout and delivery of food only;
- Restaurants, tourist facilities and locations serving food are to remain limited to external orders and delivery services;
- All non-essential medical services provided by private health clinics are to remain suspended;
- The first hour of grocery store openings remains dedicated to the elderly and pregnant women;
- Public gatherings are to remain limited to 5 individuals or fewer. Individuals are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, and only leave home when necessary;
- Face masks are to be worn by all citizens and residents when in public;
- Commercial and industrial enterprises providing goods or services directly to customers are to be limited to online sales and deliveries;
- Telecom service centres will provide customer services under necessary circumstances, while abiding by social distancing measures.
The following preventative measures were reiterated:
• Iftar (breaking fast) should be limited to small family gatherings
• Refraining from organising and/or attending Ramadan Majlises and Ghabga’s
• Refraining from hosting public Iftar banquets
• Refraining from Gerga’oun and Weda’ gatherings
• Refrain from the public distribution of iftar packages
• Zakat Al-Fitr kiosks will be replaced with electronic platforms and applications for the collection and distribution of Zakat Al-Fitr
Additionally, the committee decided that the following commercial and industrial businesses providing goods or services directly to customers will continue to operate as usual:
- Hypermarkets, supermarkets, cold stores, butchers, as well as stores that sell vegetables, fish or meat;
- All forms of bakeries;
- Natural gas fueling stations and liquid fueling stations
- Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and opticians;
- Banks and money exchange agencies;
- Factories and manufacturing enterprises;
- Administrative offices of enterprises whose activities do not involve direct interaction with customers;
- Enterprises that export, import or distribute goods;
- Automotive workshops and garages, and shops that sell spare parts;
- Enterprises in the construction and maintenance sector.
The Government Executive Committee concluded by reiterating the importance of following established public health guidelines, which have been issued to preserve the health and safety of citizens and residents during the holy month of Ramadan and beyond.
The National Task Force for Combating the Coronavirus is doubling its dedicated efforts to combat the coronavirus through a proactive approach that focuses on the health and safety of all the citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Within this context, and following the most recent report raised by the National Task Force for Combating the Coronavirus, the Government Executive Committee has issued a new set of decisions, effective today (Thursday 9 April) from 7pm.
The University Council in its meeting no. UC/07/2019-20 held on Wednesday 1st April 2020 decided the following with regards to the assessments of the students enrolled in Ahlia master programmes during the Second Semester 2019/2020 in the light of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) situation:
- Students will be assessed continuously using a variety of assessment methods: assignments, take-home-assessments including tests and quizzes, projects and presentations.
- All assessments are to be aligned/mapped to the appropriate course ILOs and courses are to be subjected to internal verification and external moderation processes as per AU policies and procedures.
- With regards to course final results, students will be assigned grades as per AU normal grading system depending on the results they achieved in the assessments listed in point 1 above.
- Upon officially posting second semester 2019/2020 course results in ADREG, students with concerns about their results may apply for a “challenge of grade” as per AU policies and procedures.
- For dissertation courses, dissertation defences/examination will be conducted online.
القرار رقم: UC / 1998/07 / 2029-20
تقييم طلبة الماجستير خلال فترة فيروس كورونا (COVID-19)
قرر مجلس الجامعة في جلسته رقم (UC / 07 / 2019-20) المنعقدة يوم الأربعاء 1 أبريل 2020 ما يلي:
فيما يتعلق بتقييم طلبة الماجستير خلال الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2019/2020 في ضوء الإجراءات المترتبة خلال فترة فيروس كورونا (COVID-19) :
- يتم تقييم الطلبة بصورة مستمرة بإستخدام طرق مختلفة تشمل الواجبات والإختبارات والمشاريع والعروض التقديمية.
- يجب أن يتم ربط كل تقييم بمخرجات التعلم للمقرر الدراسي، كما يجب أن تخضع المقررات لعمليات التحقق الداخلي وعمليات التحقق الخارجي وفقًا لسياسات وإجراءات الجامعة الأهلية.
- فيما يتعلق بالنتائج النهائية للمقررات الدراسية، سوف يمنح الطلبة درجات وفقًا لنظام الدرجات الاعتيادي في الجامعة وذلك بناءً على النتائج التي سوف يحققونها في التقييمات المدرجة في النقطة (1) أعلاه.
- بعد إعلان نتائج الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2019/2020 رسميًا في (ADREG) ، يمكن للطلبة الذين لديهم اعتراض بشأن نتائجهم التقدم بطلب للتظلم على الدرجة التي حصلوا عليها في أي مقرر وذلك بحسب سياسات وإجراءات التظلم(Challenge of Grade) المتبعة في الجامعة.
- بالنسبة لمقرررات الأطروحة/المشاريع، سيتم مناقشة الأطروحات/المشاريع عبر الإنترنت (Online).
The Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain is continuously monitoring the coronavirus situation in the country through the Executive Committee that is chaired by HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. Within this context, our E-Government has recently launched an application (BeAware Bahrain) which is available on the Google Play store and the Apple App store. This mobile application is an innovation that will allow you to enable location tracking on your mobile phone, and receive notifications (if any) in case you were approaching a location where an active (Coronavirus) case is detected, or if you happened to be in close proximity to a confirmed active case. The application will also provide you with information and statistics on COVID-19 developments.
For more information, please visit:
Stay home and stay safe.
- Students will be assessed using a variety of assessment methods: assignments, take-home-assessments including tests and quizzes, projects and presentations.
- All assessments are to be aligned/mapped to the appropriate course ILOs and courses are to be subjected to internal verification and external moderation processes as per AU policies and procedures.
- With regards to course final results, the following will be applied:
- students can opt for any of the following options in any course/courses of their choice:
- Option #1: students will get either a Pass or Fail (P/F) grade depending on their assessment results based on point 1 above. A Pass (P) indicates a minimum result of (60%) in the course.
- Option #2: students who want/need to improve their CGPA can opt for a grade as per AU normal grading system. The grade will be based on a final exam and the coursework assessments listed in point 1 above.
- for option #1, the Pass (P) grade will not change the student CGPA; however, the course credits will be counted as part of the credits passed. The Fail (F) grade will not change the student CGPA and will not change his/her credits passed.
- for option #1, a statement clarifying the (P/F) grade will be written against the course in the student transcript
- for option #2, students will be given “I”/”IN” grade and will sit for a final exam at a later stage
- students will be assigned to option #1 by default.
- students who wish to choose option #2 can select this option during the period from 11th April to 19th April 2020 through a specially prepared module which will be shown in the student menu in ADREG.
- upon officially posting second semester 2019/2020 course results in ADREG, students with concerns about their results may apply for a “challenge of grade” as per AU policies and procedures.
- Students are not allowed to change their choice of option #1 or option #2 after 19th April 2020 or after getting their final results.
- students can opt for any of the following options in any course/courses of their choice:
- يتم تقييم الطلبة بإستخدام طرق مختلفة تشمل الواجبات والإختبارات المنزلية والمشاريع والعروض التقديمية.
- يجب أن يتم ربط كل تقييم بمخرجات التعلم للمقرر الدراسي، كما يجب أن تخضع المقررات لعمليات التحقق الداخلي وعمليات التحقق الخارجي وفقًا لسياسات وإجراءات الجامعة الأهلية.
- فيما يتعلق بالنتائج النهائية للمقررات الدراسية، سيتم تطبيق ما يلي:
- يمكن للطلبة اختيار أحد الخيارين التاليين في أي من المقررات الدراسية:
- الخيار رقم 1: الحصول على درجة النجاح أو الرسوب (P / F) اعتمادًا على نتائج التقييم المدرجة في النقطة (1) أعلاه؛ حيث يشير التقييم (P) إلى أن الطالب قد حصل عل تقييم يعادل (60%) أو أكثر.
- الخيار رقم 2: يمكن للطلبة الذين يرغبون في تحسين معدلهم التراكمي (CGPA) أو يحتاجون إلى ذلك أن يقوموا بإختيار الحصول على درجة وفقًا لنظام الدرجات الاعتيادي في الجامعة؛ حيث سيخضع هؤلاء الطلبة لامتحان نهائي، وستعتمد درجة المقررعلى درجة الإمتحان النهائي بالإضافة إلى نتائج التقييم الأخرى للمقرر بحسب ما هو مدرج في النقطة (1) أعلاه.
- بالنسبة للخيار رقم 1، لن تؤثر درجة النجاح (P) على المعدل التراكمي للطالب (CGPA) ؛ ومع ذلك، سيتم احتساب عدد الساعات المعتمدة للمقرر كجزء من الساعات التي تم اجتيازها. أما درجة الرسوب (F) فإنها لن تؤثر على المعدل التراكمي للطالب كما أن الساعات المعتمدة للمقرر لن تحتسب ضمن الساعات المجتازة أيضاً.
- بالنسبة للخيار رقم 1، سيتم توضيح درجة النجاح (P/F) لكل مقرر في كشف درجات الطالب.
- بالنسبة للخيار رقم 2، سيتم منح الطلبة الذين فضلوا هذا الخيار درجة "I" / "IN" وسيخضعون لامتحان نهائي في وقت لاحق.
- سيتم تحديد الخيار رقم 1 لجميع الطلبة تلقائياً.
- يمكن للطلبة الذين يرغبون في الخيار رقم 2 أن يقوموا بتحديد هذا الخيار لبعض أو لكل المقررات المسجلة لديهم لهذا الفصل خلال الفترة من 11 أبريل إلى 19 أبريل 2020، وذلك من خلال خاصية جديدة سيتم اضافتها في (ADREG).
- بعد إعلان نتائج الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2019/2020 رسميًا في (ADREG) ، يمكن للطلبة الذين لديهم اعتراض بشأن نتائجهم التقدم بطلب للتظلم على الدرجة التي حصلوا عليها في أي مقرر وذلك بحسب سياسات وإجراءات التظلم(Challenge of Grade) المتبعة في الجامعة.
- لن يُسمح للطلبة بالتنقل بين الخيارين رقم 1 و رقم 2 في أي مقرر بعد انتهاء المدة المحددة لتحديد خياراتهم بتاريخ 19 أبريل 2020 أو بعد الحصول على نتائجهم النهائية.
- يمكن للطلبة اختيار أحد الخيارين التاليين في أي من المقررات الدراسية:
Following the announcement of the first coronavirus case in Bahrain, Ahlia University took swift action to ensure the health and safety of the Ahlia community on-campus. The frequency of cleaning was increased, to ensure all surfaces are cleaned thoroughly and more frequently to minimize the chance of spread and/or infection. Additionally, hand sanitizer stations were installed at various points throughout the campus, and staff at university gates were equipped with no-contact thermo-guns to measure and log the temperatures of staff maintaining duty on-campus.
The campus remains coronavirus-free. The number of hand sanitizer stations was recently increased, and the number of telecommuting staff (working remotely from home) has seen a substantial increase - more than 50% of staff - following President Decision (15) of the Year 2020.
The University Council approved a decision with regards to the Undergraduate Students Assessments during the COVID-19 Period, whereby a P/F option was introduced for undergraduate students only in order to take into account the adjustment of students during this period. The decision was taken in compliance with HEC directives.
The University Council approved decisions with regards to Master Students Assessments during COVID-19 Period. The decision approved a new set of assessment methods, such as taken-home assignments, projects, and presentations, to take into account the challenges from Covid-19 pandemic. Students are to be assigned grades using normal AU grading policy based on the results achieved through the new assessment methods. The decision was taken in compliance with HEC directives.
The University Council approved a decision with regards to Assessments of Students with Pending (I) and (IN) Grade during COVID-19 period. In light of the Covid-19 situation, the decision states that "I"/"IN" grades will be temporarily "frozen" to give the students the chance to complete the course requirements during the extension period.
أبنائي الطلبة
أتفهم مشاعر القلق التي تراودكم بشأن عملية تقييمكم والدرجات المتعلقة بذلك. كما تعلمون فإن هناك خيارات مختلفة متاحة تحافظ على مصالح ومكتسبات الطلبة ولقد اطلعنا على عدة مقترحات لجامعات محلية وخليجية وعالمية. عليه، أود أن أطمئنكم بأن الجامعة حريصة كل الحرص على اتخاذ كل ما فيه مصلحة الطلبة بتفهم تام للصعوبات الناتجة عن الظرف الراهن وسوف نوافيكم بالقرار في القريب العاجل. أرجو منكم الاستمرار في حضور المحاضرات والتواصل مع أساتذتكم وعمل الواجبات. كما أرجو منكم المحافظة على صحتكم والتقيد بالتوجيهات الرسمية.
أ.د. منصور العالي
رئيس الجامعة
نظمت الجامعة الأهلية حملة لتطهير وتعقيم المبنى والمرافق التابعة لها، تطبيقاً للإجراءات الاحترازية والوقائية حفاظاً على ارواح الاساتذة والموظفين والطلبة من فيروس (كورونا) المستجد.
It has been one month since suspension of face-to-face classes. This was a purely precautionary/preventive measure enacted by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and since then, many other parts of the world have followed-suit, with the unfolding of coronavirus-related developments and its spread across national borders. Nevertheless, Ahlia University is in its 4th week of online webinar-style course delivery, and you should be following and “attending” all your registered courses online. For the time being, no exams or tests will be administered, however, you may be given assignments and projects to work on as part of your assessment.
The University is deliberating over possible final exam assessment alternatives, in order to safeguard students’ rights whilst ensuring the integrity of the learning process and fairness to the students in these exceptional circumstances. After consultation with the senior management team, and following a recent meeting of the Ahlia University Steering Committee for Learning Continuity (Coronavirus-related Developments), it was agreed that international exchange students would be allowed to return to their home country, whilst maintaining enrollment at Ahlia University, for the rest of the semester through continuing to follow and attend classes online via e-learning platforms.
If you decide that you would like to exercise this option and return to your home country, whilst maintaining enrollment at Ahlia University, you are kindly asked to inform the Directorate of International Relations in order to maintain records and support you where possible.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Your safety and well-being are our primary concern.
You may also refer to the University’s dedicated COVID-19 webpage ( or contact the newly established Student Support Call Centre for any technical issues related to your course and academic journey. The Student Support Call Centre’s operating hours are Sunday-Thursday between 8 am – 6 pm [+(973) 17313503 or +(973) 17313504].
Kind regards,
The Directorate of International Relations
In line with national efforts and precautionary measures enacted to combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), and with the health and safety of the Ahlia University community in mind, the Ahlia University Steering Committee for Learning Continuity (Coronavirus-related Developments) has effectuated the following new measures, as per the President Decision (16) of the Year 2020:
Article (1)
- Establishment of a Student Support Call Centre (Operating hours: Sunday-Thursday between 8 am – 6 pm)
In line with national efforts and precautionary measures enacted to combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), and with the health and safety of the Ahlia University community in mind, the Ahlia University Steering Committee for Learning Continuity (Coronavirus-related Developments) has effectuated the following new measures, as per the President Decision (15) of the Year 2020:
Article (1) – Female Administrative Staff
- Staff with a leave balance of more than 30 days are encouraged to apply for annual leave.
Staff have the option to telecommute (work from home), or maintain normal duty on-campus for 6 hours daily, with the prior permission of the line-manager.
In all cases, priority is to be given to female administrative staff of the following categories:- Pregnant
- Nursing Mothers
- Staff with chronic/severe diseases
- Staff with low/weak immunity
Article (2) - Male Administrative Staff
- Staff with a leave balance of more than 30 days are encouraged to apply for annual leave.
Staff have the option to telecommute (work from home), or maintain normal duty on-campus for 6 hours daily, with the prior permission of the line-manager.
In all cases, priority is to be given to male administrative staff of the following categories:- Staff with chronic/severe diseases
- Staff with low/weak immunity
Dear Ahlia Family,
It has been over two weeks now, since the activation of our learning continuity plan, and we have already received a great deal of informal feedback from faculty, staff, and students, on their experiences thus far. The feedback at this stage is generally positive and quite encouraging, which reflects the high level of cooperation, support, and commitment demonstrated by the majority of faculty and staff at Ahlia University. Faculty members experiencing issues in utilizing MOODLE and Microsoft Teams are advised to immediately seek assistance from the designated support units/staff to overcome these issues, and ensure optimal utilization of e-learning tools. As you have been informed by the President, and in line with the HEC directives, we will be formally evaluating the satisfaction of all users (faculty and students) through newly developed questionnaires to scientifically measure, gauge, and assess the situation.
Ahlia University has swiftly and successfully activated contingency plans to deal with the coronavirus situation and the suspension of face-to-face classes. We are re-evaluating the contingency plans on a continuous basis through a newly formed Steering Committee for Learning Continuity. The health, safety, and well-being of all faculty, staff, and students, is our primary concern. The activation of contingency plans has allowed the university, for the time being, to mitigate any serious negative effects on operations in general, and the learning process in particular. The resilience that Ahlia University has demonstrated during such difficult times will serve as an example to much of the learning community in Bahrain and the region. Within the space of a few days, we have successfully deployed e-learning platforms and tools for the initiation of interactive webinar-style lectures in order to secure learning continuity.
Within this context, I would like to express my appreciation for the leadership of the senior management team, which has allowed Ahlia University to move forward with plans that ensure learning continuity. I would also like to highlight the dedication demonstrated by the Website Support team, ICT Centre, and others that supported the fast and timely activation of our e-learning platforms. Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank all the faculty and staff for their cooperation, as none of this would be possible without your commitment and support. The full commitment and support of all staff and faculty is a matter of critical importance, in order to facilitate the buy-in, confidence, and satisfaction of students and other stakeholders.
During these times of uncertainty, I ask you all to reflect on our organisational core values and ethos, from academic excellence to the provision of service of the highest quality. These core values will guide us through the storm to the shores of safety. For this, we need the full cooperation and support of each and every single staff and faculty member. And just as Ahlia University needs your full cooperation and support, our beloved country needs our support and solidarity as well. I am happy to inform you that I have personally registered on the national e-volunteer platform. I encourage all faculty and staff to do the same, through coordination with supervisors and line managers, and trust that Ahlia University will support you in this noble endeavor should you choose to follow suit.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
أهدي لكم خالص التحية وأشكركم على حسن تجاوبكم معنا في هذا الظرف الطارئ الذي ترتب عليه تفعيل التدريس عن طريق التعليم الالكتروني (eLearning) بدلاً من التدريس في الحرم الجامعي.
ثقوا بأن الجامعة تعمل على قدم وساق من أجل تطويع جميع السبل والتقنيات المتاحة مثل برنامج (MS Teams) للاستمرار في العملية التعليمية وضمان سير المحاضرات الدراسية بحسب الجدول الدراسي الاعتيادي. وللعلم، فإن الجامعة قد قررت عدم اعطاء امتحانات في هذه الفترة لجميع برامجها الأكاديمية المحلية. كما أن الجامعة تعكف حالياً على دراسة اجراءات تقييم الطلبة في ضوء ما تم تدريسه خلال فترة التعليم الالكتروني بهدف الحفاظ على مصالح الطلبة وطمأنتهم ومراعاة للصعوبات التي قد يواجهونها. إننا في الجامعة الأهلية على تواصل حثيث مع التعليم العالي للاطلاع على أي مستجدات بهذا الشأن.
إن هذه المرحلة تتطلب منا جميعاً -أساتذة وطلبة - أن نتعاضد وأن تتظافر جهودنا من أجلكم ومن أجل جامعتكم الغراء. وعليه، أرجوا منكم التواصل مع أساتذتكم بشكل مستمر ورئيس القسم وعميد الكلية إذا دعت الحاجة. كما أرجوا منكم مشاركتنا مقترحاتكم وتوجيه استفساراتكم إلى مكتب عميد شؤون الطلبة عبر رقم الوتساب المخصص للاستفسارات (36222244) أو عبر استخدام نظام الاستفسارات والشكاوى (Complaints) بنظام القبول والتسجيل (أدرج) حيث سيتم دراستها فوراً والرد عليكم .
تمنياتي الخالصة لكم ولأسركم الكريمة بموفور الصحة والسلامة، راجياً منكم الاستمرار في الالتزام بالتوجيهات الرسمية الرامية إلى الحفاظ على صحتكم وصون مملكتنا العزيزة.
What is COVID-19?
Main clinical symptoms
- Cough
- Fever
- Shortness of Breath
What are the ways of transmission of the virus?
It can be transmitted from person to person by:
- Direct contact
- Droplets from sneezing, coughing, or talking

Our offices are open from 8 am to 7 pm (Sunday to Thursday) and from 9 am to 3 pm (Friday and Saturday).

To reach the Student Support call center call :
+(973) 1729 8550

Technical Support
If you are facing problem in Moodle or Teams, please feel free to talk to us via WhatsApp: +(973) 17298933

Admission Support
If you have any question about admission and registration, please feel free to talk to us via WhatsApp: +(973) 1729 8550