Identifying and Selecting The Right Source Type For Your Research
Event Information: WEBINAR Event status: Not started (Register) Date and time: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 4:00 am Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) Change time

When You Picture a Scientist, Who Do You See?
A panel conversation on advancing diversity and inclusion in STEM Dear Faculty, Join Nobel Prize winning co-inventor of CRISPR technology, Dr. Jennifer Doudna &

Sustainability and supply chains – how strong is the link?
Delighted to welcome John Ferguson, The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) back for another interactive session. Join us to discuss supply chains, sustainability, and the

Turn Data into Action: Measure the reach and influence of your dissertations and theses
Using data-based decisions to drive the strategic direction of our institution’s programs and services is critical to advancing our university’s multi-faceted mission. In this webinar,