Goal 5 / 5.3 / 5.3.2

University Policy on Women’s Access and Participation

5.3.2 Does your university as a body have a policy (e.g. an Access and Participation plan) addressing women’s applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the university?

Unified Access for All:

Visit us at Dhahran Mall


Gate (5) in Khobar at Saudi Arabia

We are honored by you

         Thursday to Saturday

         5 - 7 September 2024

         10:00 am to 11:00 pm

For more information:

Website: www.ahlia.edu.bh

This announcement was submitted with the approval of the Higher Education Council - Approval Number (C E/B/ 2024 / 11 )


Registration is open now/ Master in Information Technology and Computer Science/ Hurry up



Tel: +973-17298550

WhatsApp: +973-17298550

Email: [email protected]


Registration is open now/Master of Science in Engineering Management from George Washington University/ Hurry up



Tel: +973-17298550

WhatsApp: +973-17298550

Email: [email protected]

This announcement was submitted with the approval of the Higher Education Council - Approval Number (C E/B/ 2024 /15 )


Registration is now open/Bachelor in Accounting and Finance/ Hurry up



Tel: +973-17298550-WhatsApp: +973-17298550

Email: [email protected]

This announcement was submitted with the approval of the Higher Education Council - Approval Number (C E/B/ 2024 /15)


Directorate of Admission & Registration


We welcome applications from all students regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, nationality or physical or learning disability.

Admission to AU is based on merit. We have a limited number of places available for each programme and suggest you apply well in advance of our deadlines. We hope you find all the information you need here.

Recruitment and Student Selection

Ahlia University offers high quality education which aspires to produce graduates who are distinguished by their professional competence, humanistic outlook and uncompromising ethics.

Ahlia University admission policy is responsible for ensuring the following:

         Selecting students based on their academic ability and potential

         Providing students with accurate, transparent and consistent information

         Using appropriate methods to select suitable students for their chosen programme

         Selecting students that are committed and self-disciplined

Information to Applicants

Ahlia University materials are accurate, relevant, current, and accessible and provide information that will enable applicants to make informed decisions about their options. Ahlia University admission policy complies with the Bahraini Ministry of Education, Higher Education Council rules and regulations affecting the admission of students and credits transfer. To provide transparency of information for applicants, the course information, entry requirements are advertised in the prospectus and the website. Furthermore, all Ahlia University course related information is available in the Student Guide to Higher Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain Booklet produced by the Bahraini Higher Education Council and all approved programmes are listed under the Bahraini E-government website.

Admission Policy

1. Introduction

Ahlia University (AU) offers high quality education designed to produce graduates who are distinguished by their professional competence, uncompromising ethics and responsible global citizenship.

Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, nationality or physical or specific learning disabilities. Admission to AU is selective and competitive based on academic achievements, and up to the limits of available seats as determined by the university.

2. Inclusiveness and Diversity

In line with Ahlia University’s core values which include inclusiveness, the University is committed to widening access and participation through outreach and financial aid. Admission is purely based on merit whereby AU strives to ensure a clear, fair, and equitable admission process, that leads to diversity, and equal opportunity for all learners.

3. Disability and Special Needs

Ahlia University welcomes students with disability and special needs to any program offered. Students with disability and special needs are identified as students with physical or specific learning/invisible disabilities that require additional support and care, in order to reach their full academic potential. Examples include, but are not limited to, hearing and vision impairment, limited motor skills, Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and limitations in executive functioning.

Applicants are required to officially declare their disability or special need during the application stage by filling in the relevant section in the application form.


4. Selection and Offers

Ahlia University operates a clear and transparent framework for application, selection, and admission. The Deanship of Student Affairs is responsible for overseeing the selection and offer process via a centralized and dedicated constituent directorate. The Directorate of Admission and Registration is responsible for all operational aspects of the process and provides advice and support to prospective students. The selection and offer process is conducted in partnership with the academic departments in all colleges.

The admission policy is designed to ensure the following:

- Selecting motivated students based on their academic ability and potential

- Providing students with accurate, transparent, consistent and timely information

- Using appropriate methods to select suitable students for their chosen program

- Selecting students that are committed and self-disciplined

An admission offer to Ahlia University is contingent on the applicant demonstrating sufficient academic preparation and potential for success.



3.1 Admission Policy

Admission to Ahlia University is selective based on academic achievements. Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality or physical or learning disability. Admission is purely based on merit. Applicants are selected based on the best qualified candidates amongst all of applicants and up to the limits of available space determined by the university. Ahlia University admits students to undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

3.2 Admission to Undergraduate Programs

To be eligible for consideration for admission at the undergraduate level, an applicant should normally hold a recently issued recognized secondary school certificate or its equivalent. The requirements for admission stated by the University are in all cases the minimum demanded for admission, and their fulfilment by a candidate does not automatically ensure his /her selection. Prior to enrolling at Ahlia University, citizens of non-GCC States should secure residence permits in the Kingdom of Bahrain; otherwise, their admission will be conditional and subject to being rescinded at the discretion of the University.

3.2.1 Recognized Secondary Certificates

1. Bahraini secondary school certificate (Tawjihia)

2. Secondary school certificates awarded by private secondary schools in the Kingdom of Bahrain provided such certificates are endorsed by the Bahraini Ministry of Education.

3. Arab secondary school certificates awarded by Arab Ministries of Education. Where applicable, the streams of these certificates are given the same consideration as the Bahraini Tawjihia.

4. Any other certificates recognized by the Bahraini Ministry of Education as equivalent to a Tawjihia certificate.

3.2.2 General Admission Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission for undergraduate programs, applicants must meet the following entry requirements set by the university in-line with Bahraini Higher Education Council requirements:

- The applicants must hold a recognized and endorsed secondary school certificate or its equivalent by the Bahraini Ministry of Education.

- The applicant must be medically fit for the academic program they wish to enroll in.

3.2.3 Program Specific Admission Requirements

The applicants who meet the following programme specific admission requirements will be admitted to the Ahlia University:


Admission Policy


Admission to Ahlia University is selective based on academic achievements.

Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality or physical or learning disability. Admission is purely based on merit. Applicants are selected from the most promising of the eligible applicants and up to the limits of available space determined by the university. Ahlia University admits students to undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Online Application




Registration Application Form


Among the documents to apply for admission, there are the documents of "Undergraduate Programs Application Form" and "Master's Programs Application Form", where it can be seen that they apply for the gender, only to keep a record of the number of men and women who make the request.


The ’Undergraduate program application form’ is:




The ’Postgraduate program application form’ is:




"Al-Ahlia" opens admission to all bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs


We welcome all those looking for university education with modern specifications

Employing interactive e-learning in the educational process

Ahlia University announced the opening of admission to all its bachelor's, master's and doctoral academic programs for new and transferred students in the first semester of the new academic year 2021/2022 in accordance with the academic regulations of the General Secretariat of the Higher Education Council.

Mr. Ammar Al-Hawaj, Acting Assistant President for Media, Marketing and Public Relations, revealed the university's intention to provide a wide range of partial scholarships of up to 50% of the total tuition fees, as this package benefits all outstanding, distinguished and creative students, frontline workers in the face of the pandemic and their children, in addition to orphan students and students with special needs.

He said that the doors of admission for new students will be open starting next week, while priority will be given to precedence, especially in graduate programs, stressing that the university aspires to receive a number of students looking for excellence, creativity and openness to modern education characterized by the international level.

Addressing high school graduates who are about to study at university, Al-Hawaj said: "Let our students and their parents trust that when they enroll in Al-Ahlia study, they will obtain, God willing, a world-class and modern education within a national framework consistent with the identity of this country and its ancient history.

He added: "We are confident in our ability to provide education with high efficiency despite the challenges of the pandemic and the use of interactive e-learning, and we have succeeded in maintaining the highest quality in the educational process after the transition to interactive e-learning, which ensures that the university maintains its advanced level in this field."

Al-Hawaj pointed out that Al-Ahlia University has obtained institutional accreditation deservedly from the Higher Education Council and tops the quality lists in institutional and academic performance, and it is one of the first universities to be included in the National Qualifications Framework, and it has recently achieved first place among Bahraini private universities and the twenty-first Arab in the prestigious "Scopus" research base, stressing the keenness of the university leadership to continue cooperation with relevant institutions, especially the Higher Education Council led by His Excellency the Minister of Education, as well as the Education and Training Quality Authority.

He explained that the partial scholarships amount to 50% for all orphans and students with special needs, while ranging between 20 and 50% for all students who obtain 80% or more in the secondary stage, where the university offers students who obtain 80% in high school a partial scholarship equivalent to 20%, and for students who obtain 90% partial scholarship equivalent to 25%, and for students with 95% partial scholarship equivalent to 50%, and noted that the opportunity is available to other students to benefit from partial scholarships if They proved their excellence during their university studies.

He mentioned that the students of Ahlia University represent all the mosaic of Bahraini society with its cultural and social diversity, in addition to the university's other distinction by embracing students of multiple nationalities from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Arab countries, Europe and many other countries of the world, which reflects positively on the university environment and the values of tolerance and harmony among its members and students themselves through opportunities for interaction and contact with multiple types of cultures, interests and human experiences.

Shuwaikh: Admission and registration procedures at Ahlia University are available electronically


Stressing the university's leadership in the field of interactive e-learning

The Acting Dean of Student Affairs at Al-Ahlia University, Dr. Faisal Al-Shuwaikh, confirmed that Al-Ahlia University has succeeded in developing an integrated system of interactive e-learning comparable to the most prestigious international universities, so that this system accommodates all admission and registration procedures electronically, including submitting placement exams, personal interview, registering courses and paying tuition fees, whether payment is in full or in installments according to the desire of the student and his guardian.

He explained that the university has taken the initiative to offer partial scholarships of up to 50% of tuition fees for five segments of society, where these scholarships benefit outstanding and distinguished students, in addition to orphans, people with special needs and creative students, in addition to all medical and security cadres working in the front lines and their children, as the university aspires to receive a number of students looking for excellence, creativity and openness to world-class education.

Al-Shuwaikh pointed out that the university has harnessed all capabilities to help students during these exceptional circumstances through a set of facilities that help students during the study period, most notably the flexibility in the process of paying installments through the student's ability to pay his tuition fees in a group of easy payments throughout the study period.

The university has reviewed its experience in the transformation of interactive e-learning in international conferences that have received the attention and appreciation of many specialists and experts around the world, as universities and educational institutions face the challenge of maintaining education with its quality and productivity after the transition to electronic spaces, which is what Al-Ahlia University has achieved an impressive achievement, as it maintained the progress of the educational process in accordance with the annual calendar of the university without recording any defect or disruption to any of the university's faculties and programs, while the students of Ahlia University are the heroes of this achievement

Al-Ahlia University is now accepting admissions for all its programs for the upcoming academic year.


Al-Ahlia University has announced the opening of admissions for all its academic programs, including bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, for new students in the first semester of the new academic year 2024/2023, in accordance with the academic regulations of the General Secretariat of Higher Education.


Al-Ahlia is moving to expand the international student exchange program


Al-Hawaj: The doors to benefit from the program are available to all our students

The Executive Director of Communications and International Relations at Ahlia University, Mr. Ammar Al-Hawaj, stressed the determination to expand the international student exchange program at the university by encouraging a larger number of university students to engage in the international student exchange program because of its positive impact on refining the personality of the university student, enhancing his life skills, and upgrading his scientific and professional capabilities in his field of specialization.

Al-Hawaj explained that Ahlia University allows all its students enrolled in bachelor's programs under certain conditions to benefit from the services of the international student exchange program by studying at a university in the United Kingdom or the Republic of France for a semester or two, then returning and completing their university studies for a bachelor's degree at Ahlia University.

He pointed out that the university periodically receives visiting students for one or two semesters from Europe and multiple countries as part of the international student exchange program, which enhances the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a leading center for education in the region.

Al-Ahlia University had recently announced the opening of admission to its bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs until the study seats allocated to new students for the first semester of the new academic year 2022/2023 run out in accordance with the academic regulations of the General Secretariat of the Higher Education Council and quality requirements, where the university offers grants of 50% for orphans and people of determination, and also provides partial scholarships for outstanding students in the secondary stage, so it offers secondary graduates who have 80% partial scholarships equivalent to 20%, and for high school graduates who have 90% Partial scholarships equivalent to 25%, and for high school graduates who have obtained 95% partial scholarship equivalent to 50%, and the opportunity is available for other students to benefit from partial scholarships if they prove their excellence during their university studies, all within the university's keenness to adhere to its social responsibility towards this dear country.

The undergraduate programs offered by the university include: Finance and Banking, Accounting and Finance, Management and Marketing, Management Information Systems, Economics and Finance, Mobile and Network Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Multimedia Systems, Interior Design, Media and Public Relations, while the master's programs include: Master of Science in Criminal Accounting, Master of Science in Financial Technology "Fintech", Master of Information Technology and Computer Science, Master of Business Administration and Master's In Media and Public Relations, in addition to a master's degree in engineering management, which is issued by George Washington University, USA. Doctoral programs include PhD in Administrative Sciences and PhD in Information Technology, both of which are offered in partnership with Brunel University, which issues the final certificate to graduates of these programs.




Open Public Introductory Events for All:

Ahlia University Launches a Virtual Introductory Exhibition This Evening


Al-Hawaj: Our students can benefit from the benefits of the International Student Exchange Program

Ahlia University announced the opening of admission to its academic programs for new students in the first semester of the new academic year 2021/2022 in accordance with the academic regulations of the General Secretariat of the Higher Education Council, in conjunction with the launch of the "Open Day", which includes a virtual platform through the Thames program to introduce the academic programs offered by the university and live and direct communication between the public, deans of faculties and university professors in general.

The activities of the open day will be launched via cyberspace at four o'clock in the evening on Monday and tomorrow, Tuesday, via the Thames platform, with the aim of introducing visitors and interested citizens, residents and Gulf nationals to the university's bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs, and they can also participate in the program through the university's website www.ahlia.edu.bh.

The Director of the International Relations Department at Al-Ahlia University, Mr. Ammar Al-Hawaj, stressed that the university was keen to provide various requirements for the quality of education in light of the pandemic, noting that the doors of admission for new students will remain open throughout the summer period, while the priority in admission will be precedence, especially in master's and doctoral programs, as the university aspires to receive a number of students looking for excellence, creativity and openness to world-class education.

Al-Hawaj said that Ahlia University deservedly holds the institutional accreditation certificate from the Higher Education Council and tops the quality lists in institutional and academic performance according to the results of the Education and Training Quality Authority, and it is one of the first universities to be included in the National Qualifications Framework.

He said that Al-Ahlia University allows all its students enrolled in the bachelor's program within certain conditions to benefit from the services of the international student exchange program by studying at a university in the United Kingdom or the Republic of France for a semester or two and then returning and completing their university studies for a bachelor's degree at Ahlia University, within the framework of the university's endeavor to expand the circles of knowledge among its students, raise academic awareness, and transfer practical experiences to them.

He added: "On the other hand, we receive annually visiting students for one or two semesters from the Republic of France and multiple countries, as this enhances the global position of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a leading center for education in the region, which is one of the lofty goals of the international student exchange program at Ahlia University."

Al-Hawaj said that a number of the university's programs have received international recognition and accreditations from British and European professional associations in accounting and marketing, such as ACCA,CIM and CIMA, which reflects the sobriety of the educational process at Ahlia University and enables its graduates to meet the requirements of the labor market.

Dr. Ahmed Jadidi in the activities of the open day at Ahlia University


The Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Ahmed Jadidi, confirmed that the bachelor's programs in computer and communications engineering and the bachelor's degree in mobile phone and network engineering offered by Ahlia University have achieved full confidence in the programmatic review of the Education and Training Quality Authority, like all other university programs, and that the university administration is keen to be at the highest levels of professionalism, whether in terms of qualifying learners scientifically and academically or in terms of keeping the two programs in line with the requirements of the labor market.

Dr. Ahmed Jadidi said in the open day activities organized by the university with the aim of introducing new students, their parents and those interested in the university's programs that the two programs are also supported by professional courses offered by "Cisco" and "Microsoft", which are important courses in the labor market, and the holders receive double wages compared to their peers with academic qualifications only.

Dr. Ahmed Jadidi gave a full introductory explanation of the Faculty of Engineering, whether in terms of organizing a limited study group that does not exceed twenty students or in terms of the proximity of students to university professors.

Jadidi touched on the distinguished presence of the practical side in qualifying the college students to become engineers of the highest levels of professionalism and professionalism through the partnerships held by the college with many relevant institutions and companies in order to refine students' skills and gain them high experience.

The Head of the Communications Department at the College of Engineering, Dr. Ammar Al-Dalal, spoke about the bachelor's programs in the College of Engineering, which are divided into a bachelor's degree in computer and communications engineering and a bachelor's degree in mobile phone and networks engineering, and Al-Dalal explained that these disciplines are designed in their specializations and scientific materials based on the requirements of the labor market. Al-Dalal touched on the college's recent interest in including cybersecurity in the college's curricula as an area of growing importance globally.

For his part, Dr. Ayman Al-Alawi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer, confirmed that the college's programs are carefully designed to meet the skills required by the labor market, as most of the graduates of the Faculty of Engineering were employed in large companies, and this indicates the effectiveness of the college and its obtaining the confidence of the labor market.

Al-Alawi also touched on the achievements of the college students through their participation in a number of local and international competitions such as the annual Huawei ICT competition at the global level, where it selected a number of students of the Faculty of Engineering at Ahlia University based on accurate criteria and covered the costs of their scholarship and study in China.

He pointed out that the journey of studying at Ahlia University opens the horizons of innovation and excellence for its students through effective education and an exceptional environment that encourages production where everyone behaves in the university environment with high comfort.

In conclusion, the number of students of the College of Engineering expressed their opinions and impressions about their experience in it, and the student Rawan Abdul Jalil said that the family environment and everyone's passion for helping at this university dissuaded her from changing the engineering major to the medical field, noting that the university's return is not limited to the academic aspect, but expands to include the personal side as well.

Student Najla Ibrahim Al-Hammadi said that the educational staff is making a wonderful effort, for which she was hesitant at the beginning of her university journey, but she gained a sense of belonging to the university due to the parents' treatment and welcoming of the professors.

The student Ammar Abdul Majeed stressed the words of his two colleagues and praised the humility of everyone who works at the university, which encouraged him to pay attention to studying more than ever, noting that he did not face any difficulty in communicating with professors, and said that his experience at Ahlia University goes beyond education and seeks passion, as all difficulties at the university contain and address smoothly. The student, Iman Al-Mannai, praised the keenness of Al-Ahlia University to comfort the student and encourage the production of ideas.

Al Ahlia concludes its introductory exhibition at City Centre this evening


Ahlia University concludes its introductory exhibition at the City Center complex this evening, Saturday, August 7, 2021, after it formed a vital platform in which a number of university leaders, professors and the university's introductory team interacted with many academics, labor market leaders, elites and faces of society, as well as students and parents, a large number of whom expressed their admiration for the university's scientific status, and topped many platforms of excellence and quality in Bahrain and abroad.

The Assistant to the President for Media, Marketing and Public Relations Affairs, Dr. Thaira Al-Shirawi, explained that the exhibition, which began on August 4, 2021 and lasted for four days, succeeded in achieving its objectives taking into account all the required precautionary measures.

She said that the exhibition achieved its desired objectives in introducing students and parents in a beautiful social atmosphere to the university's programs, objectives and activities, noting that the university team's meetings with students and their parents also provided the university with a glimpse of the nature of their interests and tendencies regarding the academic disciplines they wish to join.

She stated that the students of Ahlia University represent all the mosaic of Bahraini society with its cultural and social diversity, in addition to its other distinction by embracing students of multiple nationalities from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Arab countries, Europe and many other countries of the world, which reflects positively on the university environment and the values of tolerance and harmony among its members and students themselves through opportunities for interaction and contact with multiple types of cultures, interests and human experiences.

Ahlia University is the first private university in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and today about 2000,5 students are enrolled in it, as it prepares to graduate the fifteenth cohort of its students, including graduates with bachelor's and master's degrees from <> scientific colleges: the College of Information Technology, the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the College of Graduate Studies and Research. The mission of the university is to provide a high-quality model of international education locally within the framework of strengthening the leading role of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of higher education.

حقوق الطبع والنشر 2024 © جميع الحقوق محفوظة. جامعة الأهلية


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details