Goal 4 / 4.3 / 4.3.2

Does Your University Provide Access to Educational Resources for Non-Students?

4.3.2 Does your university as a body host events at university that are open to the general public: public lectures, community educational events?

The 3rd International Conference On Global Economic Revolutions (ICGER)


This year, Ahlia University is organizing and hosting its International Conference on Global Economic Revolutions (ICGER 2024). The theme of the conference centers around ’Artificial Intelligence for Business Innovation and Economic Diversification’. The conference will be held from 1-3 October 2024.


ICGER 2024 is a top-tier international conference, spanning both academia and industry. It offers a great platform for networking and integrating with the professional and academic communities. The conference will feature leading international experts as keynote speakers.


It is expected that the event this year will attract around 200 participants from around the world due to the relevance of its theme in the region and beyond. This will give high exposure to any associated organizations and companies.


The unique factors of this event are the possibility to connect the corporate side of the digital economy to the newest research advances, as well the chance to meet and listen to some of the most renowned names within the field including regulators. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend this momentous event.


Note: In addition, if you are interested, ICGER has opened its call for sponsorship. ICGER sponsors contribute towards success of the conference and at the same time gain greater visibility and branding.


Your sponsorship (if you are interested) will improve the quality of the conference experience for all attendees and students worldwide.


Moreover, as a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to showcase your organization’s corporate social responsibility and support towards the sustainable development goals.


For inquiries about the types of sponsorships, please contact the Executive Chair of the conference:

Dr. Abdalmuttaleb Al-Sartawi

[email protected],

[email protected]

[email protected]

For further information about the conference, please visit the conference website:



The 2nd Forum on Integrating Students with Special Needs in Higher Education Institutions



Under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Ahmed bin Salman Al-Musallam, Speaker of the Council of Representatives. The Deanship of Student Affairs at Ahlia University is excited to invite you to participate in its Second Forum on Integrating Students with Special Needs in Higher Education Institutions. The forum focuses on supporting and empowering students with special needs and aims to enhance our approaches and interactions with these students in schools, universities, and various community settings.

The forum is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Wyndhum Grand Hotel, in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The proposed discussion topics include:

         Strategies for integrating students with special needs in educational institutions.

         Assessing the readiness of educational facilities for accommodating these students.

         Preparing teachers and staff to effectively support students with special needs.

         Sharing successful projects and experiences in supporting students with special needs.


Orientation Fall Semester 2024


Dear all,

An orientation program for new and current students in using the library resources effectively will be held during the dates listed below; interested students may register their names and suitable timing with the library directorate.

Dates of Orientation:

         24 Sep 2024 10am to 5pm

         25 Sep 2024 10am to 5pm

         26 Sep 2024 10am to 5pm

The library directorate provide a special training that covered the following:

         Introduction on the library facility, resources, and services.

         Basic database searching techniques.

         How to Locate resources and services within the library

         How to navigate the OPAC (online catalog).

         How to explore the library website

Students are requested to utilize this opportunity and use the library’s resources effectively.


Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Security Field


The Directorate of Student Counseling & Advising invites you to attend a lecture on ’Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Security Field’ in collaboration with the General Directorate of Traffic ’ Ministry of Interior. on Sunday, July 28, 2024, at 10:00 AM in MS Teams platform.


What’s AI:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that creates systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and decision-making. AI uses techniques like machine learning and neural networks to analyze data, recognize patterns, and make predictions. In the security field, AI helps prevent crime, predict events, and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of security agencies.


Security institutions always aim to create an integrated security system that leverages modern and advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, to prevent crime, predict events, and act proactively before incidents occur. This enhances the capabilities of specialized agencies to efficiently, effectively, and professionally handle all matters related to the security of individuals and society.



Ms. Amina Ali Hasan,

Lecturer, College of Arts & Science.


Innovation Camp


’Explore the spirit of Entrepreneurship’

The Innovation Camp is an exciting one-day workshop that will challenge students to find an innovative solutions to a real business challenge using creativity, thinking outside of the box, and teamwork. Students will experience leadership, critical thinking, presentation skills and learn about business start-ups in a fun way. Students will be divided into teams that compete against each other through a set of educational activities and recreational games. Students are given a business challenge to which they have to propose a solution within a very limited time, given access to tools, information and resources. Students will have the possibility to foster an understanding of the world of work and the spirit of entrepreneurship through the principle of learning by doing. They will be able to develop their interpersonal as well as problem-solving skills and learn to work under tight deadlines. The workshop is delivered by trained corporate volunteers from the private sector. The volunteers will help them expand their horizons and direct their team towards an entrepreneurial future.


Following participation in the program, students will be able to:

         Think of self-employment as a serious option and apply critical skills and concepts to their learning.

         Evaluate an entrepreneurial idea and pitch it.

         Demonstrate basic planning skills and evaluate the marketing, financing, and management aspects of a business.

Activities Titles and Summaries

         Activity One: Compass walk The activity aims to develop the sense of trust between team members and test their listening and Communication Skills

         Activity Two: BINGO It is important for the student to be familiar with their environment. The student will be given a chance to approach other students and gather information to win.

         Activity Three: Inspiration The students will be introduced to the concept of inspiration, which raises the awareness and importance of having a motivational cause.

         Activity Four: My Skills The student will learn the difference between learned and inherited skills. Student will identify their skills.

         Activity Five: Problem Solving Students have to come up with a product or a service that addresses a need for the given topic.

         Activity Six: Business Plan Students will be given a challenge to come up with the most innovative business idea. Teams will prepare their business plan and present their idea to the judging panel, which will announce the winning team for the day.


Orientation Summer Semester 2024


Dear all,

An orientation program for new and current students in using the library resources effectively will be held during the dates listed below; interested students may register their names and suitable timing with the library directorate.


Dates of Orientation:

         4 June 2024 from 10am to 5pm

         5 June 2024 from 10am to 5pm

         6 June 2024 from 10am to 5pm

The library directorate provide a special training that covered the following:

         Introduction on the library facility, resources, and services.

         Basic database searching techniques.

         How to Locate resources and services within the library

         How to navigate the OPAC (online catalog).

         How to explore the library website

         Students are requested to utilize this opportunity and use the library’s resources effectively.


7th Equal Opportunities Conference


Under the patronage of his excellency Mr. Ahmed Bin Salman Al Musalam, Speaker of the Council of Representatives. Ahlia University cordially invites you to 7th Equal Opportunities Conference ’Digital Innovation and Business Sustainability’. organized by Ahlia University in collaboration with Brunel University London and the University of Business and Technology KSA, the conference will take place 6th -8th February 2024, Gulf Hotel, Manama Bahrain.

This conference aims to shed the light on topics related to the use of digital innovation and business sustainability that could support policy makers, business leaders and higher education institutions in various ways in relation to usage of different digital innovative tools to support operations and business sustainability. The audience will benefit from different research papers from national, regional, and international scholars discussing real issues tacking the use of digital innovation in different aspects including governance, education, communication, and other related fields. In line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the conference is focused on Gender Equality and therefore topics will be presented with a gender quality focus.

The conference aims to tackle issues related to the following aspects:

Assess the impact of Digital Innovation and Business Sustainability on organizational effectiveness.

         Shed light on different Digital Innovation tools and techniques in relation to the business sustainability in different contexts.

         Publish high-quality research that focuses on gender quality in terms of application, use or practice of different digital innovation tools in a transformative business environment covering various contextual factors.

         Act as a guide for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers while devising or revising policies and procedures related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information, please visit the conference page.


Biannual Graduation Project Exhibition 12/2023 ’ College of Engineering


On behalf of the College of Engineering, We would like to invite you to the Exhibition of Engineering Graduation Projects on Wednesday 13 Dec 2023 at 12:00 pm Near the Near the Theatre Hall.

The College of Engineering organizes a biannual Graduation Project Exhibition which is a great opportunity to present the fruits of our graduate students work. The Graduation Project Exhibition is an excellent event to link between the academic and industrial sectors.

In Addition, it is great an occasion for our graduate students to practice and improve their engineering,

communication and presentation skills.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Highlights from AU Mentorship Program




On Sunday, October 27th, Ahlia University hosted its third mentorship session of the year with the inspiring Mrs. Zainab Almadhi, Head of Credit and Treasury Audit at NBB. With her CPA qualifications and over 10 years of experience in both external and internal auditing, Mrs. Almadhi shared valuable insights on:


The importance of professional qualifications and effective time management.

🌍 The rewarding experience of secondment programs and how to seize opportunities.

📈 Climbing the career ladder in audit firms.

⚖️ Balancing professional and personal life while prioritizing tasks.

🎓 The critical role of internships for university students.


A big thank you to everyone who joined us! Stay tuned for more exciting sessions this semester!


👉 For information on upcoming events, visit [https://lnkd.in/d2zZqr2X].


The Third edition of the Economic Resources Conference - The Era of the Digital Economy


Ahlia University organized the activities of the third edition of the Economic Resources Conference - The Era of the Digital Economy, in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Juma, Minister of Education and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Education Council, and with the participation of a number of Gulf and Arab universities, under the slogan "Artificial Intelligence for Business Innovation and Economic Diversification" at the Wyndham Grand Hotel in Bahrain Bay for three days.

In the opening session, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Yousef Al-Hawaj, Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al-Ahlia University, delivered a speech in which he thanked His Excellency the Minister of Education and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Education Council for kindly attending the conference, pointing out that Al-Ahlia University has been keen since its inception to read the various scenes and variables that surround the emerging world after the millennium, technologically, scientifically, educationally and research, and has done its best and put most of its attention, and has been keen to keep pace with the rapid developments in the world of Digital update of the various program outputs that it provides to the student so that he is ready to enter the labor market while he is fully mentally and scientifically fit.

Then Prof. Mansour Al-Aali, President of Ahlia University, gave a speech in which he noted that the conference represents a vital platform for the exchange of ideas and strategies aimed at facing contemporary economic challenges among a group of scientists, thinkers, academics and specialists participating in it, expressing his gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this conference, especially scientists, academics and researchers participating with their scientific papers.

Then Dr. Abdul Muttalib Al-Sartawi, Head of the Department of Accounting, Financial and Banking Sciences at Ahlia University, CEO of the Conference, gave an introductory speech about the conference.

At the end of the opening session of the conference, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Juma, Minister of Education and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Education Council, honored the conference's strategic partners and keynote speakers.


Ninth Annual Research Forum Call for Papers


The Ahlia University Ninth Annual Research Forum under the theme ’Multidisciplinary Research Forum for Sustainable Innovation’ is planned to take place from Sunday 4th December to Tuesday 6th December 2022. The Research Forum is an ongoing tradition at Ahlia University to showcase recent research, books, posters, and creative projects.

The objective of the forum is to gather leading academicians, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas as well as to discuss current development in multidisciplinary fields.’ Research is one of Ahlia University’s strategic pillars reflecting on Ahlia’s values and strategic mission. Upon that, we encourage every scholar, academic faculty, postgraduate, and graduate student to participate in the upcoming 9th Research Forum which is an ongoing tradition.

We are pleased to invite you to take part in the success of this event by submitting your abstract by clicking here.

Please submit your abstracts by Tuesday 25th October 2022.

Bahrain National Day Celebrations


Under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulrahman bin Rashid Al Khalifa ’ Capital Governor, and on behalf of Prof. Abdulla Yusuf Al Hawaj ’ Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, it gives us great pleasure to invite you all to AU National Day Celebrations and to mark the occasion of the Bahrain National Day and H. M. King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Accession to the Throne.

Happy National Day.


Award-wining Female Researchers at the 14th Ph.D. W.R Symposium



February 23, 2023

The Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ahlia University Prof. Abdullah Al Hawaj and the President of Ahlia University Prof. Mansoor Alaali confirmed that the Ph.D. symposium, organized annually by Ahlia University in collaboration with Brunel University, London, demonstrated distinguished and competitive researchers, noting that Bahraini women showed an excellent participation in presenting and discussing their scientific papers and studies that tackled the recent issues in order to find effective solutions and provide recommendations for future studies.

In her keynote, Dr. Zakeya Sanad shared her experience in the Ph.D. program. She is an active reviewer and won the ’Young Woman Researcher in Corporate Governance Award’ on 23rd January 2023. Dr. Zakeya provided tips to ease the phase of obtaining a Ph.D. degree. These tips illustrated the importance of listening to the supervisor’s advice, do not compare yourself to others, learning to rest not to quit if you get tired, and establishing a routine. Further pieces of advice confirmed the importance of submitting the research studies to at least 3 ’ 4 journals, participating in workshops and presenting the papers in conferences to receive comments and take advantage of the recommendations from the scientists and other researchers, joining different associations and bodies to be updated of the recent developments.

Ms. Aysha Aljawder discussed part of her research paper titled ’Assessing the adoption of Key Principles for a Sustainable Lean Interior Design in the Construction Industry: The Case of Bahrain’. She illustrated that the annual construction waste is expected to reach 2.2 billion tons globally by 2025, and 30% of building materials delivered to a construction site can end up as waste. Therefore, the study aimed to critically investigate potential factors influencing the effect of lean management for sustainable interior design in the public construction sector.

While Ms. Zainab Majed’s study focused on the effects of flipped classroom practice on improving students’ engagement when interpreting relations between geometrical shapes. The research had highlighted the benefits of collaborative learning practice and technology in the flipped classroom environment. In addition, the findings provided evidence of the positive effect of in-class collaborative working on students’ involvement, cohesiveness, and satisfaction. It also highly supported previous research, acknowledging that flipped classroom promote student motivation as a result of the active learning environment.

The study of Ms. Reem Syed Mansoor concluded that there is a relationship between technology, market accessibility, and market classifications. Hence, the financial markets with advanced technology and better market accessibility conditions are promoted to higher market classifications considering the better environment the provide to investors. This is measured through three factors such as market infrastructure, regulations, and openness to foreign ownership.

Ms. Maryam AlDhaen’s paper titled ’Artificial Intelligence enabled sustainable Banking Sector Ecosystem in Kingdom of Bahrain’, explained the relationship between AI and sustainable decision-making plan, as well as studied how the banking sector faced the challenges of AI. The study concluded that the adoption of AI in the system will lead to effective multiple managed decisions, better than the classical and traditional way.

Ms. Hanin AlDoy presented a literature review of her research which aimed at the emerging employee engagement concepts, the anchoring theories of the development of employee engagement, and the strategies and constructs of employee engagement in the workplace.

For her part, Ms. Maha AlSadoon discussed the benefits of using edge computing, which is represented in reduction of latency by processing the data closer to the costumer, providing more security than computing at the cloud because it is less vulnerable to numerous varieties of threats to its scope, sending data from edge to the cloud takes up spectral resources, there’s just not enough bandwidth for data transportation. Lastly, by processing data at the edge, you eliminate network reliability problems. The study concluded that cloud computing and edge computing are complementary and mutually reinforcing. Despite edge computing’s promise, vital issues still hinder its rapid implementation and development.

Female Researchers won the research awards, where Ms. Zainab Jaber won the best research paper and the second-best presentation, Ms. Reem Sayed Mansoor won the second-best scientific paper and Ms. Maha Al Sadoun won the first-best presentation.

Nine Annual Research Forum


Ahlia University has the pleasure to invite you to the ’Nine Annual Research Forum’ on 4th of December ’ 6th of December 2022 from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM in the Theatre Hall.

Under the patronage of Prof. Abdulla Y. AlHawaj, founding president Chairman of the board of trustees and Prof. Mansoor Alaali, president, the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Research cordially invites you to attend its Ninth Annual research forum to be held on the 4th of December ’ 6th of December 2022.

The Ninth Annual Research Forum for this year will be held under the theme ’Multidisciplinary Research Forum for Sustainable Innovation’. Research activities will be a showcase of recent research, books, posters, and creative projects.

Ahlia University Research Forum

The Research Forum features oral presentations, poster displays and book exhibition representing faculty, scholars and graduate students from diverse disciplines. The Research Forum is an opportunity to showcase the recent research, books and creative projects and to receive valuable feedback from professional attendees.

Ice Cream Social


The College of Business and finance cordially invites you to the ’Ice Cream Social’ on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, at 3:30 PM in the gosi parking area. to express our gratitude for being a part of Ahlia University’s Success in collecting two tons of plastic for the benefit of people with disability.

The event serves as a perfect opportunity for us to express our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable contribution to Ahlia University’s Success! Your dedication and support in collecting an astounding two tons of plastic for the benefit of people with disabilities have left a lasting impact on our community.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Orientation Summer Semester 2023


Dear all,

An orientation program for new and current students in using the library resources effectively will be held during the dates listed below; interested students may register their names and suitable timing with the library directorate.

Dates of Orientation:

         4 JUNE 2023 10am to 5pm

         5 JUNE 2023 10am to 5pm

         6 JUNE 2023 10am to 5pm


The library directorate provide a special training that covered the following:

         Introduction on the library facility, resources, and services.

         Basic database searching techniques.

         How to Locate resources and services within the library.

         How to navigate the OPAC (online catalog).

         How to explore the library website.

         Students are requested to utilize this opportunity and use the library’s resources effectively.

Bahraini Productive Families Exhibition


Ahlia University’s Community Engagement Unit in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development Marking Community Partnership and National Belonging Day Cordially invite you to attend the Bahraini Productive Families Exhibition on Monday, 20th March 2023 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Ahlia University ’ First Floor.

The exhibition will feature around 15 local families who will be showcasing their unique products, including abayas, traditional dresses, spices, crafts, homemade pickles, Ramadan products, wooden items, and much more. The exhibition serves as a platform for these families to display their hard work and achievements to the public.

The purpose of the exhibition is to promote and encourage an entrepreneurial culture in our community, motivating individuals to invest in their homes, and contribute to the economic and social development of their communities. The event will also provide an opportunity for you to support productive families and help consolidate and preserve the nation’s heritage and handicrafts to strengthen its cultural identity.

We hope that you will join us in this initiative and support our local families. Your attendance and support can make a significant difference in the lives of these families and their businesses.


         Encouraging an entrepreneurial culture.

         Motivating the community to establish home investments.

         Supporting productive families to contribute to economic and social development in their communities.

         Providing space for families to display their products.

         Consolidating and preserving the nation’s heritage and handicrafts to strengthen its cultural identity.


Ahlia Promotional Pavilion at the City Center


The Private University inaugurated its promotional pavilion at the City Center complex this morning, Wednesday, July 13, 2022, to introduce the university, its academic programs, and the services it offers to students. The pavilion showcases a diverse range of academic programs, including two doctoral programs in partnership with Brunel University in the UK, and five master's programs, one of which is in partnership with George Washington University in the USA. In addition, there are 11 bachelor's degree programs, all of which are closely aligned with the needs and requirements of the job market.

Dr. Faisal Al-Shwaikh, Acting Dean of Student Affairs at the Private University, explained that, thanks to the support of the wise leadership and the efforts of the Higher Education Council, the university has achieved advanced positions in terms of quality and educational efficiency, as evidenced by all assessment results and reviews announced by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority, a professional government entity.

He added, "Global rankings achieved by the Private University also confirm its outstanding results in terms of quality and effectiveness in serving the community, as well as in research and scientific aspects. This has made many government and private institutions hold the university and its graduates in high regard."

Al-Shwaikh invited all those interested in learning about the university's programs for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, as well as its academic and cultural achievements, to visit the promotional pavilion at the university, which starts today, Wednesday, and continues for four days at the City Center complex.

On her part, the Assistant to the President for Media, Marketing, and Public Relations stated that the admissions and registration for the new academic year will remain open throughout the summer for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs, whether offered by the university on its own or in partnership with leading international universities. Examples include the Master of Engineering Management program offered by the university in partnership with George Washington University in the USA, or the doctoral programs in management and information technology offered in partnership with Brunel University in the UK.

Al-Shirawi emphasized that the university offers partial scholarships to outstanding high school students of up to 50% to attract distinguished and deserving students to receive leading education. Other students also have the opportunity to benefit from partial scholarships if they demonstrate excellence during their university studies.

The promotional pavilion for the Private University at the City Center will continue until the evening of the following Saturday, July 16, 2022."

The activities of the Scientific Research Forum at Al-Ahlia University


With the participation of Prof. Aboulela Atifi from Cairo University

The activities of the Scientific Research Forum at Al-Ahlia University will be launched on Tuesday morning, where a number of professors and researchers will review over two consecutive days of the forum a range of new research and studies in multiple scientific fields, including issues of academic and scientific research, management sciences, finance, health fields, media, cultural and historical issues, space and many other sciences.

On this occasion, the Assistant President for Media and Public Relations Affairs, Dr. Thaira Al-Shirawi, explained that Al-Ahlia University adopts a policy of encouraging scientific research and supports various scientific and research initiatives submitted by university professors, students and all its affiliates.

Al-Shirawi explained that the activities of the forum for this day, March 23, 2021, will include the speech of the sponsor of the forum, the founding president of the university, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Abdullah Al-Hawaj, a welcome speech by the President of the University, Prof. Mansour Al-Aali, and the participation of Dr. Aboulela Atifi Hassanein, Professor of Intelligent Systems at the Faculty of Computing at Cairo University, who is one of the most prominent smart systems scientists as a keynote speaker in the forum.

She added: "Jalal Majeed will also participate as a keynote speaker in the first consulting forum at Gavcon Performance and Productivity Consulting, where he will write a paper related to entrepreneurship in the GCC.

She added that the two-day forum will review 23 new scientific studies for a group of university professors, researchers and graduate students, noting that the university is doing everything in its power to emphasize the importance of scientific research in the Kingdom of Bahrain and promote this vital field, as such forums provide spaces for researchers to develop their ideas and enhance their scientific skills, enabling them to achieve remarkable contributions and provide solutions to many social, economic, health and technological problems faced by local communities.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at Ahlia University works to create the appropriate environment for conducting research so that students can manage their research in an innovative manner, by consolidating the foundations of scientific research and arming students with its various rules and requirements, enabling students and students to reach new discoveries that conform to higher standards and be able to pass the rigorous examination to reach the stage of publication in refereed scientific journals. This would lead university students at the master's and doctoral levels to obtain the desired degrees.


Exhibition of Engineering Graduation Projects


On behalf of the College of Engineering, we would like to invite you to the Exhibition of Engineering Graduation Projects on Tuesday 02nd May 2023 at 12:00 pm near the Theatre Hall.

The College of Engineering organizes a biannual Graduation Project Exhibition which is a great opportunity to present the fruits of our graduate students’ work. The Graduation Project Exhibition is an excellent event to link between the academic and industrial sectors.

In Addition, it is great an occasion for our graduate students to practice and improve their engineering, communication and presentation skills.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Huawei, Ahlia University to establish ICT academy in Bahrain


Huawei has signed two memorandums of understanding (MoU) with Ahlia University in Bahrain to establish Huawei ICT Academy and develop a research group focused on Internet of Things (IoT). 

The agreements aim to bring smart solutions to the University’s research centres and strengthen the skills and capabilities of students in the ICT sector by providing quality courses and support services for the university experts and students via the Huawei Authorised Information and Network Academy program (HAINA). 

The MoU was signed by Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Bahrain, and Professor Abdulla Yusuf Abdulwahab Al Hawaj, Founding President, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Ahlia University, in the presence of Lixiangyu (Spacelee), Vice President of Huawei Middle East, Professor Mansoor Ahmed Hasan Al A’ali, President of Ahlia University, and other representatives from both parties.

Under this partnership, Huawei will establish its ICT Academy at Ahlia University to deliver training programs to instructors and students through HAINA and utilise the company’s global expertise in the ICT sector to meet the local students’ requirements and build their capacities. Huawei will also support the University in building the IoT research group in collaboration with the college of IT and engineering with the aim to empower students in the IoT field and achieve the first pilot project titled ’Sustainability and Life Quality in Smart Bahrain Cities’. 

The main objective of this strategic partnership is to further build the local ICT talent ecosystem in Bahrain and help achieve the digital transformation vision that the kingdom aspires to.

Commenting on this partnership, Cao said: ’Huawei is committed to building local ICT talents and enable the future generation of leaders in Bahrain that will ultimately support the kingdom’s ICT ecosystem and contribute towards the realisation of Bahrain’s digital transformation journey and the development of its digital economy. We are proud to partner with a Ahlia University to empower and nurture their students and support in upskilling their ICT capabilities through our global expertise and world-class training programmes.’

From his side, Professor Abdulla Yusuf Abdulwahab Al Hawai, Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Ahlia University, said: ’At Ahlia University, our main objective is to continuously provide our students with the necessary tools that will ultimately empower them to contribute towards the Kingdom’s digital transformation journey. Partnering with a global technology company like Huawei showcases our commitment to bring the best training available in the ICT sector and develop our students’ ICT skills to play a role in the nation’s development journey.’

Launched in 2013, the Huawei ICT Academy helps universities cultivate ICT talent that meets industry requirements, providing high-quality workforce for the sector’s development. As a leading global ICT solutions provider, Huawei advocates for an open, shared, ICT talent ecosystem that benefits all parties. Through this initiative, Huawei builds a talent supply chain covering the entire process of learning, certification, and employment’by deepening the cooperation mechanism between universities and enterprises, aiming to promote industry development, and innovate talent development models based on enterprise requirements. -- Tradearabia News Service

International Conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond


Attend Conference via Zoom

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the outcome of more than two centuries of scientific advancement in a wide range of disciplines. It has witnessed several periods of development that allowed the transition from farming and feudal society to more advanced society of revolutionized mental and intellectual spirit. This transition allowed contemplating new horizons of prosperity and opulence.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution encompasses ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are incorporated to improve automation, upgrade communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. There are several major aspects that drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as technological development, high-speed internet, artificial intelligence automation, big data analysis, and cloud technology.

The economy has always been a major force in transforming societies. Currently, however, changes, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are occurring at an accelerating rate impacting all aspects of human societies. They also alleviate the economic system to new horizons of affluence and create values that engage people and organizations in a new behavior.

Modern technologies are affecting our interactions, smoothing our economies, impacting our environment, and channeling information upon which individuals and institutions are influenced. It is essential, therefore, that we manage the risk of technological change not only to lessen its impact on society, but also to preserve human values. The aim of the conference is to address issues relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by emphasizing the road to achieve progress and development for a sustainable future.

Under the patronage of

Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza

Head, Sustainable Energy Authority


All papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the following Scopus indexed journals.

Call for Papers

Ahlia University international virtual conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution will take place in Manama, the Kingdom of Bahrain from 17th ’ 19th January 2022. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for academicians, students, engineers, policy makers, and researchers to discuss new ideas and reflect on the impact that new technologies will have on human societies.

Current technological and knowledge gaps hinder some nations from quick adoption of the new industrial revolution driven by such disruptive technologies as robotics, automations, virtual reality, the internet of things (IOT) and artificial intelligence.

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that collective global efforts are necessary to overcome some of the challenges facing nations. The conference aims to address the emerging technological trends and provide solutions to remedy the current state of global insecurity and inequality.

The university hosts an expert in utilizing the ProQuest database


’Al Ahlia’ library is shared in 46 global databases

Hosted by the Ahlia University, Library faculty, within its training sessions for its Staff and students, the expert Tawheed Sharif from the database company

ProQuest to present a workshop in scientific use from the basis, and to introduce the professors of the university and its students in general the opportunities in benefiting greatly from expansion of digital services in the library.

The First Design Gallery


The College of Art and Science’s Interior Design Department cordially invites you to attend The First Design Gallery due to be hosted on the 4th of July 2022.

Art Gallery (11:00 ’ 15:00)

This exhibition is for all Ahlia university students and staff from all departments. If you have a creative skill or a work of art that you’d like to show, the moment has come!

Workshop (11:30 ’ 13:30)

The workshop, which is prepared by Dr. Hasan Saeed and Mrs. Fatima AlHawaj, will focus on still life art using different artistic materials such as water colors, acrylics and charcoal pencils. At the end of the workshop, all displayed work will be evaluated by judges to choose the best art work.

Touch of Arts / Stationary 

The Touch of Arts / Stationary section will sell and Display drawings sketchbooks, paintings, and design tools at special prices for students. The participants will be introduced to different painting materials as well as various techniques depending on the participants’ preferences of the type of drawing he/she chooses.

Societal Impact Seminars Series (Session 1)


SDG3 Health and Well-being

As part of Ahlia University initiatives related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and its relationship with creating an impact to the society through the integration of strategies, operations, curriculum and policy standards. AU planned a series of seminars that are conducted virtually. The seminars will tackle (impact) of UNSDGs in different sectors including (education, wellbeing, climate change, gender and reduced inequalities).

The first event will tackle SDG3 and will be conducted as a Round Table discussions by inviting a number of guest speakers to tackle niche issues and used to develop/revise policies and practices. The aim of this event to share practices with leaders of higher education, policy makers and regulators important topics at national and international level. The event will support increasing awareness and integration of UNSDGs at multiple sectors and ensures engagement of AU to be the lead towards integrating UNSDGs.

The session will be conducted as a round table will discuss the following topics related to SDG3:

         Challenges to maintain good health and well-being post COVID-19

         Role of Higher Education Institutions in maintain good health and well being

         Proposed recommendations to policy makers and regulators

Target Audience:

         Leaders of Higher Education Sector

         Healthcare Professionals

         Students and Parents

         Faculty Members

         Support Staff

Book Launch ’ Dr. Rafeeqa Rajab

تفاصيل الفعالية

Start Date: 17/04/2022

Time: 14:00

Location: Theater, Ahlia University Campus

           Technical Analysis for Financial Market

The College of Business & Finance cordially invites you to attend the workshop titled ’Technical Analysis for Financial Market’ due to be held on the 6th of April on Microsoft Teams.

Workshop Speaker

Mr. Abdulrahman Ahmed

Workshop Objectives

  • Introduction to technical analyses.
  • Show the power and importance of technical analysis as a tool.

Event Links[16]

Attend via Microsoft Teams

Join conversation (microsoft.com)

Research Day (2022)


Research Day is a training session organized by Library Directorate to enlighten and introduce our students about the effective use of library electronic resources subscribed by the university. This session covers information search and retrieval techniques, demonstration of how to search through examples, explanation of the different search methods and overview of one of the platforms. All faculties and undergraduate, postgraduate students are encouraged to attend this ones-in-a-year event. This session will be conducted by professional library staff, and is designed to showcase the library’s wealth of digital resources.

Psychological Effects and Virtual Reality


The Directorate of Student Counseling & Advising invites you to attend an awareness lecture titled Psychological Effects and Virtual Reality on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12 noon in AU Seminar Hall.

Start Date: 30/03/2022

Time: 12:00 - 13:00

Location: Virtual & Seminar Hall, Ahlia University Campus

Media and the Challenges of the Digital Revolution

Artificial Intelligence and New Journalistic Formats

The College of Arts and Sciences at Ahlia University ’ Bahrain, in cooperation with the College of Mass Communication at Al-Azhar University ’ Egypt, will hold their first international scientific conference under the slogan ’Media and the challenges of the digital revolution: Artificial intelligence and new journalistic formats’ on the 12المرتبة and 13المرتبة of October 2022. This interdisciplinary conference is open to humanities and social studies contributions from the specializations of media and public relations, Arabic and foreign languages, sociology, psychology, law, linguistics, and discourse analysis.

Conference Topics

Digital press, media education, citizen journalism, new media, investigative journalism, integrated communication, digital PR, new journalistic formats, immersive journalism, news media, structured journalism, 360’ video reports, data-driven journalism (DDJ), virtual reality and augmented reality applied to journalism, news games, human-computer Interaction, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), neural nanorobotics.

How to participate

Those wishing to participate can follow the required procedures found on the conference page.

Ahlia University Sustainability Initiative



Ahlia University considers Social Responsibility and Sustainability as part of its prioritized strategies that is embedded in its core functions including teaching, research and community. The University is committed to contribute and work towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through encouragement of research in various research areas such as quality education, equal opportunities and sustainable growth. In order to create a recognized impact Ahlia University promotes partnership with national and international organizations tackling UNSDGs.

Implementation of the Project/Activity

Ahlia University (AU) aligned the UNSDGs initiatives as part of it strategies, a University Sustainable Development Plan (2021-2025) was developed and approved with clear set of initiatives to contribute to the overall UNSDGs with prioritized measures. In the next 5 years AU is committed to increase the number of publications in specific areas including gender equality, quality education and sustainable growth. AU is also committed to revise the structure of the curriculum to include higher percentage of critical long term sustainable thinking skills with social responsibility across all fields. AU aims to produce society ready graduates equipped with social responsibility and life-long learning skills to support managing global growth and sustainability. In order to assure effective implementation of the planned initiatives within the Sustainable Development Plan (2021-2025) the plan will be evaluated by Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance and reported to the University senior management for decision making. The actions will be measures the contribution in increasing number of research in relation to sustainable growth, contribution in various out-reach activities considering social responsibility and promoting life-long learning skills.


Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance at Ahlia University will be responsible to communicate with other national and international networks to engage and share best practices of implementing and contributing to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through contributing in events at both levels hosting and contributing. In addition, the Centre will be also the focal point for revising policies and procedures to support the implementation of UNSDGs.


Career day














Build your first Website


The purpose of this educational event was for participants to learn how to create their own website either for their business or for educational and experience purposes, AU considers that the technological age is increasingly advancing rapidly, in this sense AU wants to share knowledge of this guy with the whole society.

The future of Cybersecurity in the Engineering Field


The purpose of this event was to teach the future of society in question of technology, the field of engineering and cybersecurity, projects were taught to the participants about these topics, this event was free of charged.


Be A Digital Marketer for a Day


In this event led by Dr Maryam Al Mahdi, Assistant Professor, Management, Marketing and Information Systems Dept, I talk about "A career in digital marketing is more than a fun and rewarding way to earn a living, it is a lifestyle that offers opportunities. to create, learn, grow and make a difference in the world. Digital marketers engage in deep creative work, complex problem solving and team collaboration to support your marketing goals. ", this event was free of charged [24].

Open Day


Ahlia University in celebration of its 20 years held the "Open Day", in which the general public could access the campus and see, projects carried out by students in different fields, in addition to participating in workshops, all the events held in the event They were free of charged.

حقوق الطبع والنشر 2024 © جميع الحقوق محفوظة. جامعة الأهلية


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details