Ahlia University recognizes its responsibility to support the society in their transition toward sustainability. To create a more sustainable future, AU generates the needed knowledge and cultivate citizens and leaders who have the skills and commitment to put that knowledge into practice. The decisions and actions taken by AU reflects its role and duty to the current and future generations. The University provides the strategic guidance, support, and resources to be an institutional model of sustainability for society. In partnership with students, staff, and faculty, we advance the vision for sustainable research, education, connectivity, operations, and governance.As a leading institution for higher education, Ahlia University’s Mission is to move forward the frontiers of human knowledge and elevate the social and living standards of the society.
In support of this mission, the University is committed to:
’ Producing graduates who are distinguished by their professional competence, humanistic outlook and uncompromising ethics.
’ Providing the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research.
’ Establishing Ahlia University as an acknowledged center of excellence in certain fields of knowledge.
’ Working in partnership with local and regional communities to support societal and economic needs.
Thus, Ahlia University believes in the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental which are embedded in its adopted approach. Sustainability in Ahlia University is framed around research, education, connectivity, operations and governance & administration through which the University can make a difference to society and move toward a sustainable future.
Affirming our commitment to promoting entrepreneurship and developing the national economy, His Excellency MP Ahmed Sabah Al-Salloum, President of the Bahrain Society for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, received a delegation from Ahlia University, led by Dr. Amina Shiboh and Dr. Salah Khalifa.
The founding president of the university, Professor Abdullah bin Yousef Al-Hawaj, praised the importance of continuous cooperation between the association and the university. The role of the Economic Decision Makers Program and the Arab Business Accelerators and Incubators Conference in supporting youth and entrepreneurs in the Kingdom was also highlighted, contributing to promoting innovation and economic growth.
To Spread the National Awareness in Society
A Mutual MoU between ’Bahrain Institute for Political Development’ and Ahlia University
Based on the enhancement of collaboration, the Bahrain Institute for Political Development signed a mutual memorandum of understanding with Ahila University. This MoU aims to spread national awareness in society and support the academic aspects, scientific research, and the political awareness of the students at the university campus.
In signing the agreement, the Institute was represented by Ms. Eman Janahi, the Executive Director, while Ahlia University was represented by Prof. Mansoor Al-Aali, Ahlia University President.
On this occasion, Ms. Eman Janahi, Executive Director of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development praised this MoU, considering it a beneficial agreement to both parties. It will provide the University the academic staff to present the activities of the Institute and support the Institute’s efforts in raising awareness of the youths.’ Through this agreement, the Institute seeks to provide training and awareness-raising programs that target the University students.
Ms. Janahi added that the agreement comes in line with the Institute goals of disseminating a culture of democracy, supporting and consolidating the concept of democratic principles, providing training, studies and research programs related to the constitutional and legal field, in addition to its role in developing programs of human rights studies in the field of political systems and constitutional law.
For his part, Prof. Mansoor Al-Aali, the President of Ahlia University, affirmed that the Bahrain Institute for Political Development is one of the institutions emanating from the reform project of His Majesty the King just like Ahlia University. Both institutions share a set of goals related to enhancing community awareness and developing its staff. Also, both institutions work in the research field that aims to contribute positively to the development of society.
He explained that Ahlia University and the Institute can achieve a lot, which shed more light on the march of political and democratic development in the Kingdom of Bahrain through participation in conferences and discussion seminars to inform the community of the pioneering Bahraini model in the field of democratic transformation and the developments that gained the trust and respect of the international community.
According to the MoU, the two parties, to achieve their goals, will seek joint cooperation in the field of training and student capabilities development, and support the process of exchanging experiences between our national private and government institutions. Besides, exchanging experiences and studies depending on the available resources and providing consultations and developing programs and activities that fall within their competence, on condition that this does not contradict the laws and regulations binding on them.
Within the memorandum, Ahlia University expressed its readiness to support the Bahrain Institute for Political Development with specialized academic staff, while the Institute expressed its full readiness to cooperate in preparing training programs related to the rehabilitation of students expected to graduate from Ahlia University for the labor market in the areas of political participation of youth and promoting children’s rights and people with special needs.
Ahlia University recognizes its responsibility to support the society in their transition toward sustainability. To create a more sustainable future, AU generates the needed knowledge and cultivate citizens and leaders who have the skills and commitment to put that knowledge into practice. The decisions and actions taken by AU reflects its role and duty to the current and future generations. The University provides the strategic guidance, support, and resources to be an institutional model of sustainability for society. In partnership with students, staff, and faculty, we advance the vision for sustainable research, education, connectivity, operations, and governance.
Ahlia University is committed to fulfilling its academic mission and managing all resources in harmony with our natural environment as well as to meeting our social, scientific, ethical and educational leadership responsibility in actively promoting the restoration and preservation of a healthy environment for the future and in contributing to building an equitable world.
The University recognizes the importance of rethinking and correcting if necessary the heavy reliance on and the wasteful habits in the use of resources we take for granted. The commitment of the University to raising environmental awareness is demonstrated in its daily teaching and research activities, in the services the University provides to the community and society at large, and in the individual and collective decisions the University takes to offset the negative impact of the University’s operation and activities on the Environment. Moreover, the University is committed to increasing the University community’s awareness of environmental issues, by fostering the appropriate values, knowledge, and skills to enable us to work towards the restoration and preservation of the Environment.
AU shall strive to be recognized as an environmentally safe and responsible institution of learning, and as a model of environmentally responsible living. For this purpose, AU community shall make every reasonable effort to:
’ Encourage all members of the AU community to be environmentally aware and the University Policy on Healthy Environment Policy to be well publicized;
’ Encourage all members of the AU community to Re-think/Reduce/Re-use/Recycle. Given the costs that recycling entails, reduce and re-use options shall always be considered first; and
’ Prevent the over-consumption of energy and other resource and reduce the production of waste, and the release of substances harmful to the biosphere;
’ Maintain purchasing practices that are environmentally safe and responsible whenever possible;
’ Seek additional ways of achieving our goal of being environmentally safe and responsible.
All academic and administrative units of the University shall abide by the commitments made under the University Policy on Healthy Environment Policy in order to implement the principle of ’rethink ’ reduce ’ reuse ’ recycle’ in its paper usage by:
’ Encouraging the use of electronic-based instead of paper-based versions of communication (of documents, memorandums, exams, handouts, etc.) whenever possible;
’ Printing and copying double-sided, when appropriate;
’ Allowing and encouraging students to submit double-sided assignments.
’ Purchasing paper with greater recycled and post-consumer content, when economically feasible
For this purpose, academic and administrative units shall make every reasonable effort to:
’ Encourage the use of electronic and web-based communications, documents, assignments, etc.
’ Set the default on printers and copiers as double-sided;
’ Encourage students to submit assignments double-sided;
’ Print and copy double-sided (documents, memorandums, exams, handouts, etc.)
’ Use effectively the Moodle System to post syllabi, notes and notices in a way that reduce the over consumption of paper (e.g. post PowerPoint slides six to a page) [1]
Research does not take place in a vacuum. AU is firmly situated in the Bahraini community and so pledges to share its scholarly expertise through research in partnership with the community to find solutions to local problems. In other words, AU is committed to undertaking socially responsible research that has a positive impact on local challenges.
The Mission of the University with respect to research is to carry out research in partnership with business, industry and the local community to provide innovative solutions to identified needs; and furthermore, to disseminate the findings of research in order to make a difference to the prosperity of the Bahraini community and the wider Gulf region. Goal 8 of the Strategic Plan 2016-2020 expresses AU’s determination to make a positive contribution to the development and prosperity of its communities. We work with faculty members, students and external partners in both industry and community to support world-class research and enterprise and to develop a sustainable portfolio of activities that strengthen and underpin the University’s research base.
A rich diversity of research is conducted at AU where both basic and problem-oriented research is valued to generate knowledge and contribute to society. Recognizing the interconnected nature of complex local, regional and global issues, our researchers collaborate across disciplines to inform and advance solutions to contemporary problems. AU is fully aware of and responsible for the environmental, economic and social implications of its research.
Taking into account AU’s teaching and learning programmes and staff profile, as well as the needs of the Bahraini community, Economic Vision 2030, and the Bahrain National Strategy for Research, AU decided that it can make a strong contribution in the four niche areas of Entrepreneurship, Islamic Banking and Finance, Information and Communication Technology as well as a community-based research project. These encompass the goals, strategic objectives and KPIs of the AU Strategic Plan 2016-2020. They also demonstrate AU’s commitment to providing support for research to be undertaken in four niche (focus) areas, which will have strong outputs, and will have a positive impact on industry, business, and/or society. In particular, AU is committed to undertake socially responsible research with a particular emphasis on ICT that has a positive impact on local challenges and which meets national needs.
AU students have the opportunity to bridge the gap between theories taught in the classroom and their practical application. Through the applied learning process, the students explore their ideas and live out their research within their studying environment.
Many student projects are designed to find solutions to real-life challenges to balance the environmental, social, and economic dimensions where actionable recommendations are then implemented to create a sustainable impact in the community. These may involve a lack of resources, negative environmental practices, or obstacles in reaching common goals. Collaboration is key throughout such research where usually students find interesting real-life issues that they want to tackle, they reach out to community partners and clients, they find a supervisor, they do the research, and they make a recommendation that can be directly implemented in the community. The cycle can repeat itself again, with students asking more questions, in different orders, and building upon further recommendations.
Students are expected to take ownership over the development of their research strategy and oversee the realization of their project. Their work must adhere to academic standards of quality and add value to the pursuits and endeavors of their community client. Supervisors are responsible for overseeing the work of the student. They help develop a research strategy, give feedback, provide academic resources, ensure the adherence to academic standards, and evaluate the final product.
Sustainability research teaches students how to make real-world impacts. It creates opportunities for students to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom. It provides a testing ground for sustainable ideas, concepts and solutions. The University is big enough to test out widely applicable solutions, while it is small enough to control and measure impacts. It uses already-available resources to help solve real problems on campus. Students spend countless hours working on their assignments and papers for courses. It builds networks between students, supervisors and stakeholders. Sustainability research projects provide opportunity that benefits the whole community and demands collaboration and communication between multiple stakeholders.
Waste at the University is collected by specialized waste management companies for recycling purpose. Different type of wastes are collected in special containers to be delivered to the recycled waste management companies.
Buildings and Utilities
Sustainability in building and utilities recognizes that institution need to take all sorts of steps to lighten the footprint of its infrastructure.
For example, Ahila University is committed to sustainability through the following:
’ Buildings are generally the largest user of energy and the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions on campus.
’ Buildings also use significant amounts of potable water.
’ To reduce electricity consumption all campus’ lighting system uses’ LED lights (Light Emitting Diode) which is recommended by Bahrain electricity and water authority.
’ Housing the university in Gosi complex where there is efficient use of water, automated lighting facility, clean environment within Gosi Complex, and the use of transparent roof to ensure efficient use of sunlight and lesser use of electricity.
’ Encouraging recycling of paper and other products in the operations of the University and improving the service to the students and other stakeholders using modern technology that removes the use of paper, pen and other resources.
Institutions can design, build, and maintain buildings in ways that provide a safe and healthy indoor environment for inhabitants while simultaneously mitigating the building’s impact on the outdoor environment. Sustainability is a core commitment in AU’s Master Plan, and is taken into account in all infrastructure decisions related to the new campus in Northern City. AU also has a comprehensive set of Design Standards which it adheres to in its Project Management.
Ahlia is committed to ensure that it uses energy saving methods on its campus, apply renewable energy concepts and encourage energy saving across the campus. Examples include:
The campus is housed in a building where use of sunlight as the source of light during day time is evident. The roof is transparent and sunlight lights the entire campus. Photographs of the campus indicating the use of transparent roofs could be provided. During winter, the transparent roof enables the Sun to warm up the campus eliminating the need to use heaters.
The use of translucent glasses as partitions in all classrooms and office spaces alongside large transparent glass windows to allow sunlight to pass through and make the classrooms and office rooms bright. Photographs can be given.
The appliances in the classrooms like computers and projectors are equipped with automatic switch-off facilities when not in use. This saves electrical energy.
The campus is housed in a building that uses electrical devises that are energy conserving like LED bulbs.
There is an automatic lighting and switching off mechanism provided in Gosi that switches on the lights of the corridor automatically when sun sets and switches off when sun rises. It is governed by a timer device. At midnight all corridor lights are automatically switched off every day saving electrical energy.
Security staff have been strictly instructed to monitor the premises to see unattended office rooms and classrooms where electrical power consuming devices like air-conditioners and lamps that are not controlled automatically are switched off.
Recently there was a seminar on Indian economy conducted by Indian Embassy that highlighted sustainability as a need of the hour which indicates that we encourage sustainability. UN participated in this seminar.
We are committed to adopt sustainable energy conserving mechanisms in our new campus.
In addition, Ahlia organizes conferences and seminars where research findings are presented and knowledge on energy sustainability is disseminated. Examples of papers that addressed energy sustainability are available:
Securing the future of Food, Water and Energy in the GCC
An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain: entrepreneurial opportunity
One of the PhD students investigated on the topic of sustainable buildings and is about to complete it. Title of the thesis is ’Enhancing Environmental Sustainability of Healthcare Facilities: A System Dynamics Analysis Approach’.
Water sustainability efforts of Ahlia are visible as follows:
’ Use of water within Ahlia campus is ensured to be optimum. For instance cleaning of the premises is done by efficient machines that use minimum water to clean. By this method water saving is achieved to the tune of at least 80%. Similarly only mopping practices are used to minimize water consumption.
’ Debris are usually brushed and water is seldom used to clean debris. No hose is used to clean floors and parts of the building with water.
’ Automatic devices are used in rest rooms to minimse the quantity of water used in flushing.
’ Where plants are used, water spraying techniques are used to minimize consumption of water.
’ Plants used within campus are those that consume lower quantity of water (photo of plants).
’ Full-fledged maintenance team ensures that any leakage of water is addressed quickly (Gosi maintenance).
At the macro level, the university is building a campus that is designed to consume minimum quantity of water and is expected to use water saving methods in watering plants, cleaning premises and support human requirements. The campus is envisaged to be eco-friendly.
In addition, Ahlia organizes conferences and seminars where research findings are presented and knowledge on water sustainability is disseminated. Examples of papers that addressed water sustainability are available:
Securing the future of Food, Water and Energy in the GCC
Water governance and technologies in the South-West national capital region of Delhi: challenges of transformative sustainable change
Experimental application of Centrifugal Separation Techniques ’CST’ on reclaiming produced wastewater from oil refinery, Khartoum State
An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain: entrepreneurial opportunity
Ahlia University purchases a wide variety of materials, goods and services to carry out its operations and support its educative mission. Most obviously, the University, as a large organization, requires a vast variety of goods and services such as IT equipment, furniture, paper, energy using appliances, travel services, cleaning products, laboratory equipment, and so on. In a way, AU finds itself as an end station for products provided through many complex global supply chains.
AU recognizes that its demand for goods and services can generate social, economic and environmental impacts, both locally and abroad. That is why the University is committed to Sustainable Procurement, life-cycle thinking, and the consideration of triple bottom line (economic, environmental and social) principles throughout its purchasing activities [1].
The SDGs will be an important influencing factor in the strategies and actions of governments, companies and organizations, as well as development finance flows, over the next 15 years. Ahlia University appeared in the inaugural THE Impact Ranking (2019), which is the first global ranking designed to assess HEIs against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ahlia University's overall ranking was in the 301+ band of universities worldwide, with a 201-300th impact rating for Quality Education. Great attention has been paid to these goals with a strong commitment to diversifying the economy to help increase productivity, raise living standards, and create job opportunities for citizens. As a result, the government of Bahrain has established multiple institutions in order to support the vision of SDG 2030 through:Helping support the citizen.
’ Providing systems for protection like social care and health care.
’ Supporting development of education’s quality and its outputs.
’ Addressing social inequality.
’ Supporting vulnerable segments of the society.
’ Providing opportunities for economic empowerment for the younger generation.
’ Supporting political and economic participation of the Bahraini women.
’ Supporting preservation of environmental resources.
The 6th Equal Opportunities Conference ’Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management’ is organized by Ahlia University in collaboration with Brunel University London and the University of Business and Technology KSA, the conference will take place 6th -8th February 2023, Wyndham Grand Manama, Manama, Bahrain.
The Conference aims to gather leading academics, professionals, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas and discuss current developments in the field of Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management focusing on Equal Opportunities in relation to leadership and sustainable management. This conference aims to shed the light on topics related to the use of technology and innovation management that could support business sustainability and leadership engagement.
The conference aims to tackle issues related to the following aspects:
’ Assess the impact of sustainable leadership, technology, and innovation on organizational effectiveness.
’ Shed light on different sustainable leadership practices in relation to the use of digital sustainability, technology, and innovation.
’ Publish high-quality research that focuses on sustainable leadership in a transformative environment covering various contextual factors.
’ Act as a guide for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers while devising or revising policies and procedures related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information, please visit the conference page.
With the participation of Prof. Aboulela Atifi from Cairo University
The activities of the Scientific Research Forum at Al-Ahlia University will be launched on Tuesday morning, where a number of professors and researchers will review over two consecutive days of the forum a range of new research and studies in multiple scientific fields, including issues of academic and scientific research, management sciences, finance, health fields, media, cultural and historical issues, space and many other sciences.
On this occasion, the Assistant President for Media and Public Relations Affairs, Dr. Thaira Al-Shirawi, explained that Al-Ahlia University adopts a policy of encouraging scientific research and supports various scientific and research initiatives submitted by university professors, students and all its affiliates.
Al-Shirawi explained that the activities of the forum for this day, March 23, 2021, will include the speech of the sponsor of the forum, the founding president of the university, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Abdullah Al-Hawaj, a welcome speech by the President of the University, Prof. Mansour Al-Aali, and the participation of Dr. Aboulela Atifi Hassanein, Professor of Intelligent Systems at the Faculty of Computing at Cairo University, who is one of the most prominent smart systems scientists as a keynote speaker in the forum.
She added: "Jalal Majeed will also participate as a keynote speaker in the first consulting forum at Gavcon Performance and Productivity Consulting, where he will write a paper related to entrepreneurship in the GCC.
She added that the two-day forum will review 23 new scientific studies for a group of university professors, researchers and graduate students, noting that the university is doing everything in its power to emphasize the importance of scientific research in the Kingdom of Bahrain and promote this vital field, as such forums provide spaces for researchers to develop their ideas and enhance their scientific skills, enabling them to achieve remarkable contributions and provide solutions to many social, economic, health and technological problems faced by local communities.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at Ahlia University works to create the appropriate environment for conducting research so that students can manage their research in an innovative manner, by consolidating the foundations of scientific research and arming students with its various rules and requirements, enabling students and students to reach new discoveries that conform to higher standards and be able to pass the rigorous examination to reach the stage of publication in refereed scientific journals. This would lead university students at the master's and doctoral levels to obtain the desired degrees.
Nasser Center for Vocational Training and Professional Development signs memoranda
On June 22nd, in Manama, the Nasser Center for Vocational Training and Professional Development continues to sign memoranda of understanding, based on the principle of community partnership and shared visions and goals between the parties involved. The latest agreement was signed with Al-Ahliyya University. This memorandum aims to foster collaboration between the two parties in the fields of training and scientific research in artificial intelligence. Both parties seek to exchange expertise in these areas, in light of Nasser Center's announcement of the establishment of the Sheikh Nasser Center for Research and Development in Artificial Intelligence.
The memorandum of understanding was signed on behalf of the Nasser Center for Vocational Training and Professional Development by Dr. Abdullah Nasser Al Nuaimi, the Executive Director, and on behalf of Al-Ahliyya University by Prof. Mansour Al Aly, the University President.
It is worth mentioning that one of the main objectives of the Sheikh Nasser Center for Research and Development in Artificial Intelligence is to find solutions in the field of artificial intelligence for both the public and private sectors. This is achieved through collaborative efforts with universities and higher education institutions, involving academics and students in artificial intelligence research and innovations in a single central location while providing guidance from experienced experts in the field.
These initiatives are aimed at reducing the costs of laboratories, applications, and individual efforts. Furthermore, researchers will gain insights into the various requirements of the job market in the field of artificial intelligence.
Al-Ahliyya University will benefit from using the facilities of the Nasser Center for Artificial Intelligence, contributing to research and development efforts. The center serves as a pivotal point for all artificial intelligence research and innovations offered by students and researchers in this field.
Dr. Abdullah Al Nuaimi expressed his delight at signing this memorandum with Al-Ahliyya University, emphasizing that this collaboration will achieve one of the main objectives for which the Sheikh Nasser Center was established: finding innovative solutions in the field of artificial intelligence. This memorandum of understanding reinforces the shared interests of both parties in creating a new generation of youth distinguished by competence and technical skill at the highest international standards.
Participation of students and graduates of Al-Ahliyya University in the Ninth Gulf Conference for Human Development, titled "Individual Performance Measurement System and Institutional Excellence."
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the outcome of more than two centuries of scientific advancement in a wide range of disciplines. It has witnessed several periods of development that allowed the transition from farming and feudal society to more advanced society of revolutionized mental and intellectual spirit. This transition allowed contemplating new horizons of prosperity and opulence.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution encompasses ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are incorporated to improve automation, upgrade communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. There are several major aspects that drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as technological development, high-speed internet, artificial intelligence automation, big data analysis, and cloud technology.
The economy has always been a major force in transforming societies. Currently, however, changes, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are occurring at an accelerating rate impacting all aspects of human societies. They also alleviate the economic system to new horizons of affluence and create values that engage people and organizations in a new behavior.
Modern technologies are affecting our interactions, smoothing our economies, impacting our environment, and channeling information upon which individuals and institutions are influenced. It is essential, therefore, that we manage the risk of technological change not only to lessen its impact on society, but also to preserve human values. The aim of the conference is to address issues relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by emphasizing the road to achieve progress and development for a sustainable future.
Recently the university has held virtual forums in order to create steps for the future, the forum will discuss HEI practices and reforms with a panel of experts and leaders from distinguished HEIs, Quality and Regulatory Authorities and the United Nations to ensure effective planning for sustainable development, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Higher education leaders and policymakers considered making decisions and changing strategies related to future teaching and learning, including blended learning and education sustainability in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals [2]’[3], The first session of the forum is shown below as it is made up of two parts.
Below is the second part of the forum focused on new practices for the sustainability of learning in times of the pandemic and the challenges to develop new strategies aimed at the SDGs.
’ Ahlia University to give more knowledge about the SDGs developed the initiative to hold the "2. International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science" this time in its second edition, the conference talked about how in Bahrain, society You can contribute to the achievement of each goal and the benefits that this means.
It is currently conducting the 4th conference on equal opportunities in collaboration with several universities.
The CBF International Conference on Business and Technology (CBF’2022), organized by Ahlia University. It will be held on March 23-24, 2021 (Wednesday/Thursday) at Wyndham Grand,’ Manama, Bahrain. The CBF’2022 Theme: ’Explore Business, Technology Opportunities, and Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic’. The objective of the CBF’2022 Conference is to gather leading academicians, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas as well as to discuss current development in the fields of business, education, social, and technology. The CBF’2022 aims to achieve many objectives as the following:
’ Highlighting business and technology problems that are faced by institutions in a scientific way, in addition to finding the possible practical solutions for them.
’ Encouraging scientific research in business and technology areas which may contribute to sustainable improvements to it.
’ The conference also offers opportunities for academicians and industry experts to meet and interact with local and international participants.
’ Enable the researchers to publish their contributions in high-ranked journals and indexed proceedings by Scopus.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the outcome of more than two centuries of scientific advancement in a wide range of disciplines. It has witnessed several periods of development that allowed the transition from farming and feudal society to more advanced society of revolutionized mental and intellectual spirit. This transition allowed contemplating new horizons of prosperity and opulence.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution encompasses ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are incorporated to improve automation, upgrade communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. There are several major aspects that drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as technological development, high-speed internet, artificial intelligence automation, big data analysis, and cloud technology.
The economy has always been a major force in transforming societies. Currently, however, changes, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are occurring at an accelerating rate impacting all aspects of human societies. They also alleviate the economic system to new horizons of affluence and create values that engage people and organizations in a new behavior.
Modern technologies are affecting our interactions, smoothing our economies, impacting our environment, and channeling information upon which individuals and institutions are influenced. It is essential, therefore, that we manage the risk of technological change not only to lessen its impact on society, but also to preserve human values. The aim of the conference is to address issues relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by emphasizing the road to achieve progress and development for a sustainable future.
The Fifth Conference on Equal Opportunities organized jointly by Ahlia University and Brunel University London focuses on the important theme of ’Partnership, Fairness & Competitiveness.’
We are delighted to have this conference under the patronage of Her Excellency Mrs. Fawzia Bint Abdulla Zainal the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, in recognition of the vital role it plays in the stimulation and development of communities and organizations that tackle and drive some of society’s most important social causes: Women development.
The conference theme was selected carefully as, it goes to the heart of king Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa 2030 vision one of the contemporary most important goals, namely women advancement and female participation in all society field.
The International Conference on Global Economic Revolutions: The Era of the Digital Economy (ICGER 2021)’ Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology’ will be held as hybrid conference, on 15th & 16th September 2021. The conference is the premier platform for the presentation of new insights and research results in the transformation and advancement of the digital economy. This prestigious conference is organized by the Accounting Finance and Banking department, Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain to provide a discussion forum for the academics, researchers, policymakers, industrial participants, and students to share their research findings and network with other like-minded individuals.
Academics and professionals world-wide are still looking for the ultimate answer to sustainability and sustainable development. Accordingly, the ICGER 2021 introduces the theme ’Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology’ as a discussion platform to explore diverse topics within the following five tracks:
’ Artificial Intelligence and sustainable finance.
’ Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Technology.
’ Sustainability and Governance digitalization.
’ Big Data, Blockchain and Security.
’ Digitalization.
Ahlia University has organized an ’Equal Opportunities’ international conference for three consecutive years, with the last having been held end of November 2019. The conference is spearheaded by the ’Equal Opportunities’ university standing committee at Ahlia and is organized in collaboration with Brunel University London. In 2018, the conference included international experts such as Ms. Elen Pugh from Advance-HE, as a keynote speaker. This year the conference saw a higher turnout, with a number of participants from various civil sector societies and women-led societies. Additionally, the conference included the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) as a strategic partner. The Supreme Council for Women is an advisory body that was established by the King and is presided over by the King’s wife as the chair. The SCW is the reference for all official bodies in the country with regards to women affairs, and is the council leads national efforts and strategies for dealing with some of the SDGs such as SDG # 5 on Gender Equality. The Equal Opportunities conference has come to represent a national forum, with a palpable international dimension, for sharing knowledge and ideas on strategies and best practice vis-’-vis SDG # 5, and this is evident by the Patronage of the National Parliament (House of Representatives), and the participation of:
' H.E. Hala Ramzi Fayez - Head of Women & Child Committee in the Upper House of Parliament (Shura Council) as a keynote speaker, with a talk on ‘Role of Legislative Authority in implementing Gender Equality’
' Ms. Hanan Al Madhaki - Director of Legal Affairs Department in the Lower House of Parliament (Council of Representatives) as a keynote speaker with a talk on ‘Equal Opportunity: Quality Education as a goal of SDGs’
' H.E. Dr. Sawsan M. Kamal - Member of Parliament (Council of Representatives) with a presentation on ‘Steps on the path of Women’s Empowerment towards Gender Equality (Mastering the self, a personal journey)’
Ahlia University contributes with inputs to national SDG development through the Annual Research Forum that it hosts, which in recent years has included the themes of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Sustainability in Research and Society are core foci. The research forum draws a number of external guests, and always counts key figures from the Higher Education Council in Bahrain, among its speakers and audience.
The Research Forum featured oral presentations, poster displays, and book exhibitions representing faculty, scholars, and graduate students from diverse disciplines. The Research Forum was an opportunity to showcase the recent research, books, and creative projects and to receive valuable feedback from professional attendees.
Ahlia University appreciated and supported the research productivity of its faculty, so all participants received recognition. Furthermore, to encourage collaborative research and experience exchange, Ahlia University was welcoming participation from outside it.
حقوق الطبع والنشر 2024 © جميع الحقوق محفوظة. جامعة الأهلية