
The George Washington University Master of Science Degree in Engineering Management

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College External Advisory Board
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The Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) Off-Campus programs office at
the George Washington University (GWU) in the US offers the Master of Science in Engineering
Management (MSEM) in Bahrain at Ahlia University.

The program is designed with a focus on Engineering and Technology Management, providing student with an interdisciplinary understanding of leadership skills. Specifically, the skills needed to become effective managers in technology-driven organizations and government entities. Throughout the program, students acquire knowledge of technical engineering principles and engineering contracts within a management context.

Graduates of this program are equipped with the skills to effectively lead diverse engineering teams, oversee complex projects, implement innovative strategies, and drive organizational success. In addition, our graduates are prepared to take the Project Management Professional Examination (offered by the Project Management Institute) to receive the PMP certification.

The program consists of 12 courses (three credit hours each), totaling 36 required credit hours.
Students can expect to graduate within 18 months upon enrolment. Students will benefit from the
expertise of GWU’s leading faculty, with select courses delivered by GWU approved faculty from Ahlia University. In this way, students in Bahrain and the region can gain access to one of GWU’s time-honored programs which is offered at a convenient location in the Middle East.

Program Learning Objectives

  • Apply principles of engineering management effectively in a business setting, particularly in
    organizations focused on manufacturing, construction, engineering, technology, or production,
    to lead and work efficiently.
  •  Manage key organizational aspects—such as organizational management and behavior,
    operations, project management, marketing, cost and quality control, finance, personnel,
    technical requirements, and engineering contract management—and oversee technical
    progress while ensuring optimal performance.
  •  Prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam, a certification provided by the
    Project Management Institute, to enhance professional standing and credentials.

Employability and Learning Pathways

The MSEM degree combines core business analytical skills with specialist skills in engineering
subfields including systems analysis and operations research. The degree produces graduates
suitable for positions with technical organizations. Large manufacturing enterprises,
increasingly relying on automated assembly lines, as well as resource extractive enterprises,
particularly value the skill mix afforded by newly minted MSEM graduates:

  •  Engineering Manager
  • Technology Manager
  • Product Development Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Systems Engineering Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Hardware Engineer
  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Process Improvement Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • R&D (Research and Development) Manager
  • Technical Program Manager

Programme Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding

A1. Concepts and Theories
Demonstrate critical knowledge understanding of the key concepts, principles, techniques, paradigms and theories of engineering management

A2. Contemporary Trends, Problems and Research
Apply specialized research methods with technological advancements pushing the frontier of knowledge in the field of Engineering Management.

A3. Professional Responsibility
Operate professional and legal standards as an Engineering Management Practitioner.

B. Subject-Specific Skills

B1. Problem Solving
Use professional level of skills to deal with complex real-life business and Engineering Management

B2. Modeling and Design
Design subsystems and integrate them to form and test systems and simulate designs, and to assess them for quality conformity.

B3. Application of Methods and Tools
Demonstrate creativity and originality in the application of Engineering Management methods and tools related to manufacturing, construction, engineering, technology, or production.

C. Critical Thinking Skills

C1. Analytic
Critically analyze complex problems in conceptual terms related to Engineering Management

C2. Synthetic
Identify critical functions of an organization to supervise technical development and implementation processes from start to finish while maintaining high performance.

C3. Creative
Demonstrate insight on new concepts, techniques, methods, tools, and theories in the field of Engineering Management.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development)

D1. Communication
Express and communicate ideas cogently, persuasively and effectively, in written and oral form, to a diverse range of audiences and stakeholders.

D2. Teamwork and Leadership
Work effectively as a member/leader of a team of technical people who may plan, design, implement, manage, monitor and evaluate a programme, project, system or process.

D3. Organizational and Developmental Skills
Engage in life-long learning and continuing self-development to hone professional and organizational skills.

D4. Ethical and Social Responsibility
Operate at professional level with substantial ethical and social responsibility related to Engineering Management

Programme Structure

The curriculum of the MSEM Program consists of 12 courses totaling 36  American semester credit-hours (144 NQF credits). This includes 6 core courses (18 credits), 5 focus courses (15 credits) and one capstone project (3 credits).

Course TitleCredit HrsCredit Hrs
Foundation Courses* (If Required)31
Core Courses186
Focus Courses155
Capstone Project31

* Not counted towards the 36 credit-hours necessary for the Master of Science in Engineering Management Degree

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hrs
Core Courses
EMSE 001The Management of Technical Organizations3
EMSE 020Decision Making with Uncertainty3
EMSE 410Survey of Finance and Engineering Economics3
EMSE 692Negotiation and Conflict Resolution3
EMSE 695Special Topics: Research Methods For The Em3
EMSE 801Systems Engineering I3
Total Six Courses18
Focus Courses
EMSE 005Organizational Behavior for The Engineering Manager3
EMSE 026Technical Enterprises3
EMSE 035Marketing of Technology3
EMSE 505Knowledge Management I3
EMSE 770Techniques of Risk Analysis And Management3
EMSE 790Logistics Planning3
EMSE 820Program and Project Management3
EMSE 850Quantitative Models in Systems Engineering3
Total Five of The Above Courses18
Research Project
EMSE 609Problems in Engineering Management & Systems Engineering Capstone3
Total Credit Hours36

Entry Requirements

Admission to Ahlia University (AU) is selective based on academic achievements. Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, nationality, physical or learning disability. Admission is purely based on merit.

Programme Requirements

Admission to the MSEM program is based on the George Washington University requirements. Applicants applying for the MSEM Program must meet the current entry requirements of GWU’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). Eligible candidates for the program will meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum grade point average of B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher in the last two years of undergraduate study.
  • Grade of C or better in the two college calculus courses – this  is a prerequisite to all graduate programs in the EMSE department. Applicants who do not meet this requirement in full but are otherwise qualified may be conditionally admitted and required to take an additional 3-credit hour course, EMSE 197 – Special Topics: Quantitative Methods in Engineering Management, during the first year of graduate study at Ahlia University. If required, EMSE 197 counts as the 13th course and the student’s program the requires 39 credit hours.
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, computer science, business administration, or information technology from an accredited institution.

GWU considers a candidate’s entire background, and all submitted materials when reaching an admission decision.

Application Procedure

The following documents should be submitted to Ahlia University Admission and Registration Office in line with Higher Education Council requirements prior to forwarding it to GWU for processing and  final admission decision:

  • Completed graduate application form with a non-refundable application fee
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.
  • Your Resume / CV
  • Any evidence provided by applicants from countries where English is not the official language to demonstrate proficiency in English will be helpful; for example, scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOFEL) or other appropriate English examinations.
  • A personal interview is also required.


The Master of Science in Engineering Management consists of 36 credithours covering 12 courses, including a capstone project. The program is 1.5 years in duration. The cost of one credit-hour is BD 285 and therefore one course (consisting of 3 credit-hours) cost BD 855.

Application Fee BD 40
Registration Fee BD 300
36 Credit (BD 285 per Credit) BD 10,260
Foundation Courses (if applicable) BD 855

Contact Information

Shahram Sarkani, Ph.D., P.E,
GW University Campus

Dr. Ammar Al Hawaj, Ph.D.
Ahlia University Campus

Prof. Allam Hamdan
Ahlia University Campus


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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