
Master’s of Science in Financial Technology – FinTech (MSFT)

College of Business & Finance
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Ahlia University has offered its FinTech programme and has developed it to match curricula offered by leading business schools with a view to future enhance the attractiveness of its sought-after graduates for executive and leadership positions in financial technology, blockchain and cryptocurrencies technologies, big data analytics, cybersecurity & RegTech.

Programme Aims

  • To equip students with opportunity to develop critical knowledge, analytical skills and technical expertise in Financial technology in real-world setting.
  • To provide students with competence in applying a range of research, tools, skills, approaches techniques of relevance to a wide variety of sustainable setting in Financial Technology
  • Provide students with opportunity to develop lifelong learning skills, autonomy and professional leadership, sensitivity to ethical issues and social responsibility to contribute to businesses and society at large.
  • To develop student’s leadership potential through a variety of soft skills such as effective communication, teamwork, global and sustainable thinking as well as change management.

Career and Employability

Potential career pathways for graduates from Postgraduate Degree in FinTech will include:

  • Innovation and FinTech experts
  • Crypto portfolio manager.
  • Joining a FinTech start-up or developing a new technology or idea,
  • Big Data analyst.
  • Working as a banking and regulatory bodies professional,
  • FinTech consultant in banks, FinTech firms, regulatory bodies, governmental entities, etc.
  • Financial manager.
  • Data scientists,
  • Entrepreneurs (creating own or returning to a family business), and
  • Academia, including further PhD study.

Programme Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

A1. Concepts and Theories

Demonstrate a critical understanding of key principles, theories, and concepts of financial technology.

A2. Contemporary Trends, problems and Research

Demonstrate an extensive detailed knowledge of contemporary trends, current developments as well as niche topics of research in the field of financial technology.

A3. Professional Responsibility

Demonstrate extensive detailed knowledge and understanding of the professional and legal responsibilities related to day-to-day professional practices and operations of a specialist in financial technology.

B. Subject-Specific Skills

B1. Problem Solving

Use professional and specialized range of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools to analyze and solve problems in Financial Technology.

B2. Modeling and Design

Apply a range of standard and specialized research models and methods (e.g. big data analytics, machine learning, sensitivity analysis, simulation) to capture real-world complexities in financial technology.

B3. Application of Methods and Tool

Use range of specialized software-based FinTech to analyze quantitative problems in finance to probe into a finance technological problems using specialized methods/ techniques and interpret the obtained results.

C. Critical-Thinking Skills

C1. Analytic skills

  • Critically analyze and evaluate extended knowledge and big data related to real-world financial technology cases and prioritize problems to identify possible solutions.

C2. Synthetic Skills

  • Utilize big data and machine learning and information from a variety of sources to conceptualize, define and formulate new financial opportunities.

C3. Creative Skills

  • Demonstrate creativity and originality both in the application of knowledge and in the development of solution to complex business problems and issues.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development)

D1. Communication Skills

  • Communicate effectively at professional level complex ideas and information in the functional areas of business to well-informed audiences and specialists using oral and written formats.

D2. Teamwork and Leadership

  • Demonstrate effective teamwork and leadership skills within the framework of class-group projects and presentations.

D3. Organizational and Developmental skills

  • Operate at a professional level in variable and complex business contexts and employ reflective practice skills for self-development as part of a wider program for continuing professional development.

D4. Ethics and Social Responsibility

  • Assimilate a personalized world-view of the role of ethics in the profession of finance and technology informed by ethical codes of conduct for business professionals.

Programme Structure

The FinTech program comprises of 36 credit hours distributed as follows: 18 hours core courses, (6) hours electives, in addition to 12 credit hours for thesis as illustrated in the following plan:

Course title Credit hours
Core Courses
Fundamentals of Financial Technology 3
Corporate Finance 3
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Technologies 3
Portfolio Theory & Investment Analysis 3
Research Methodology 3
Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Finance 3
Elective Courses (2 courses out of 4)  
FinTech Ethics and Risks 3
Cybersecurity & RegTech 3
Entrepreneurship in FinTech 3
Algorithm and High-Frequency Trading 3
MCs Thesis
Dissertation in FinTech 12
Total credit hours 36

Entry Requirements

Admission to Ahlia University (AU) is selective based on academic achievements. Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, nationality, physical or learning disability. Admission is purely based on merit.

General Requirements

Ahlia University accepts Master programme applicants holding undergraduate degrees to join the University as new students provided that they meet the entry and application requirements set by the University and are in-line with the Bahraini Higher Education Council requirements.

  • The applicant must hold a recognised bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
  • The applicant must hold a recognised secondary school certificate or its equivalent.
  • The applicant must be medically fit for the academic programme they wish to apply for.
  • All applicants will be interviewed by a relevant programme committee

Only successful applicants in the interview will be considered for admission. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to stipulate deficiency requirements to any applicant offered admission where, in the judgment of the Committee, the mastery of the relevant subject matter has not been conclusively demonstrated by the academic transcript.

Programme Specific Requirements

Applicants admitted into the Master of FinTech Program will be admitted under the Ahlia University admission requirements for a master’s program which include:

GPA GPA ≥ 2.5
Subject to passing an interview.
Student with GPA <2.5 are subject to passing an interview and taking foundation courses
Accepted Specializations A bachelor’s degree in Business from an approved university.
Students with non-Business Background are subject to take foundation courses.
Proficiency in English language A minimum score of 5.5 in IELTS or its equivalent or passing Ahlia University English level examination.

Postgraduate Tuition & Fees

The estimated duration for completion of the MSc in FinTech programme at Ahlia University is 2 years. This is structured around 36 credit-hours covering 8 courses along with a dissertation. The duration of the study for each course is fifteen weeks, covering approximately 45 studying hours.

Application Fee BD 40
Registration Fee BD 300
HEC ID Fee BD 30
Foundation Courses (if applicable) BD 960
Course Fees BD 5,280
Dissertation Fees BD 2,640

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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