
Master of Science in Sustainable Management (MSSM)

College of Business & Finance
Academics Survey
Alumni Survey
Employer Survey
External Advisory Board Survey

Master of Science in Sustainable Management is a full-fledged programme that covers different aspects related to executive leadership, governance, digital transformation, and strategic innovation. The MSc in Sustainable Management is derived from United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) with a focus on sustainable businesses. The programme is designed to be offered with giving the options to learners to select between two streams (1) luxury brand management (2) circular economy management. The programme is designed to be placed on NQF level 9 with total of 36 credits equal to 144 NQF credits. The originality of this academic programme is to provide an executive level of skills to build a strategy serving sustainable management and sustainable businesses. The streams provide a clear pathway for business owners that aims to expand their businesses to be globally recognized as luxury branding as well as to ensure sustainable businesses by covering a number of aspects such as crisis management and digital transformation. This programme is designed capturing academic and professional aspects which is aligned with Bahrain Vision 2030.

Programme Aims

  • To equip learners with opportunity to hone their adaptability and resilience towards sustainable businesses.
  • To provide learners with competence in applying a range of values, skills, approaches techniques of relevance to a wide variety of sustainable management and green economy.
  • To equip learners with executive leadership skills and promote the development of entrepreneurship based on sustainable competence and circular economy.
  •  To equip learners with digital competence and lifelong learning skills, including research and sensitivity to ethical issues and social responsibility to transform sustainable business practices.

Employability & Career Pathways

  • Sustainability Specialist
  • Manager Communication & Sustainability
  • Sustainability Engineer
  • Sustainability Business Strategy Manager
  • Environmental Data Consultant
  • Talent Acquisition Manger
  • Generation Z, Sustainability, & Inclusivity

Programme Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and understanding

A1. Concepts and Theories
Demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of concepts and specialist theories related to sustainable management.

A2. Contemporary Trends, Problems and Research
Demonstrate an extensive detailed knowledge and awareness of business resilience issues and latest trends and research findings.

A.3 Professional Responsibility
Demonstrate extensive detailed knowledge and understanding of the social responsibility to transform sustainable business practices.

Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, group work, group discussions, Course projects, Literature review, assignments, case studies, Research project/dissertation, Guided self-study.

Assessment Methods
Closed book examination, Online research, graded homework, projects, research projects, graded case studies.

B. Subject-Specific Skills

B1. Problem solving
Use professional and specialized range of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools to analyze and solve functional-area-business at crisis and situations.

B2. Modelling and Design
Apply a range of standard and specialized research models and methods (e.g. sensitivity analysis, simulation) to capture real-world complexities towards sustainable businesses.

B3. Application of Methods and Tools
Use a range of specialized software to analyze quantitative problems in business to probe into a business problem using specialized methods/ techniques and interpret the obtained results.

Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, group work, group discussions, Course projects, Literature review, assignments, case studies, Research project/dissertation, Guided self-study.

Assessment Methods
Closed  book  examination,  Problem  sets,  graded  homework,  In-lab  exercises,  projects,  case studies, oral participation.

C. Critical Thinking Skills

C1. Analytic Skills
Critically analyze and evaluate extended knowledge and data related to real-world circular economy issues  to inform decisions in towards sustainable business.

C2. Synthetic Skills
Utilize data and information from a variety of sources (e.g. critical analysis) to conceptualize, define and formulate sustainable business strategies and governance solutions.

C3. Creative Skills
Demonstrate creativity and originality both in the application of knowledge and in the development of solution to complex business crisis and instability.

Teaching and Learning Methods
Group  discussions, debates,  demonstration and  practical  sessions, assignment  and problem solving, case studies and class projects, Research project/dissertation.

Assessment Methods
Closed Book examination, Case studies, projects, graded homework, graded assignment.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development)

D1. Communication skills
Communicate effectively at professional level complex ideas  and  information  in  the  functional  areas  of sustainable management to well-informed audiences and specialists using oral and written formats.

D2. Teamwork and Leadership
Operate at professional level effectively as a executive leader managing teams  in order to manage  project according to deadlines.

D3. Organizational and Developmental skills
Operate at a professional level in variable and complex business contexts and employ reflective practice skills for self-development as part of a wider program for continuing professional development.

D4. Ethics and social responsibility
Demonstrate ability to respond to social ethical challenges and conduct sustainable management to business transactions according to ethical and social norms.

Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, group discussions, debates, demonstration and practical sessions, assignment and problem solving, case studies and class projects, Research project/dissertation.

Assessment Methods
Oral participation, assignments, case studies, Closed Book examination, group and individual projects and presentations.

Study Plan

The programme comprises of 36 credit hours, the learner should select one of the two streams by considering the stream by successfully the two courses within the selected stream followed by conducted dissertation in the
stream topic.

Course title Credit hours
Foundation Courses
Business Studies and Global Challenges 3
MSSM First Semester (Year 1)
Responsible Sustainable Management 3
Strategic and Innovation Management 3
Stream Course I* 3
MSSM Second Semester (Year 1)
Human Resources and Talent Management 3
Research Methodology and Ethics 3
Stream Course II* 3
MSSM First Semester (Year 2)
Governance and Executive Leadership 3
Organizational Digital Tranformation 3
MSSM Second Semester (Year 2)
Dissertation in Sustainable Management 12

Note * The program comprises of 36 credit hours, the learner should select one of the two streams

Stream 1 – Luxury Brand Management

MSSM 515 – Luxury Brands and Creativity
MSSM 516 – International Luxury Marketing Management

Stream 2 – Circular Economy Management

MSSM 517 – Business data analytics and sustainability
MSSM 518- Life Cycle Assessment in Circular Economy

Entry Requirements

Admission to Ahlia University (AU) is selective based on academic achievements. Applications are welcomed from all students regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, nationality, physical or learning disability. Admission is purely based on merit.

General Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission into postgraduate programmes, applicants must meet the stipulated entry requirements as set by the university and in-line with the regulations of the Higher Education Council of Bahrain. All applicants must hold a recognised and endorsed secondary school certificate (Tawjihiya) or its equivalent, in addition to a recognised and endorsed bachelor degree.

All postgraduate applicants will be interviewed by a specialised committee. Admission to the academic programme is contingent on passing the interview and demonstrating potential for academic success.

Programme Specific Requirements

In addition to satisfying the general admission requirements, applicants are expected to meet the following programme-specific admission requirements for admission into the Master of Science in Sustainable Management (MSSM):


Required Specialisation Recognised and endorsed bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in any business and/or management related disciplines.

Applicants who hold a recognised and endorsed bachelor’s degree in any other discipline, may be accepted in the programme subject to passing the interview at the programme level and successful completion of the foundation course(s).

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) requirement Minimum CGPA normally required at the Bachelor’s Degree ≥ 3.00 out of 4.00 or its equivalent.

Applicants with CGPA lower than 3.00 or its equivalent at the undergraduate level may be considered for admission, subject to passing the interview at the programme level, and successful completion of the foundation course(s).

Passing an Interview All applicants must pass an interview, the interview will be assessed through detailed rubrics, applicants must score 60% and above.

The interview outcome will determine whether the applicant must take the foundation courses. Credits accrued from the foundation course will be considered extra credits and will not be counted towards the Master programme credits requirement for the completion of the degree.

Foundation Course Applicants who hold a recognised and endorsed bachelor’s degree in any other discipline, may be accepted in the programme subject to passing the interview at the programme level and successful completion of the foundation course(s).

Applicants with CGPA lower than 3.00 or its equivalent at the undergraduate level may be considered for admission, subject to passing the interview at the programme level, and successful completion of the foundation course(s).

Work Experience and Professional Courses/Certificates Work experience and professional courses/certificates in any related disciplines will be an added advantage.
Transferred Students Applicants transferring from other postgraduate programmes will be subject to the above admission criteria and may receive exemption from equivalent courses completed in their former programme in line with Ahlia University External Transfer Policy.
Language Requirements Applicants must demonstrate a level of English proficiency consistent with the demands of an English-medium of instruction academic programme that is taught and assessed exclusively in the English language.

This can be done in one of the following ways:

    •  Having completed an undergraduate degree from an English-medium institution
    • Having attained an acceptable score on an internationally recognised examination of English language proficiency, typically either IELTS or TOEFL.
    • Achieving an acceptable score on the University English language placement test.
Criteria Score
IELTS ≥ 6.0 or its equivalent
TOFEL (ibT) ≥ 60 or its equivalent
Pass English Placement Test ≥ 70%

The Final admission will be based on the merit list of the applicants.

Postgraduate Tuition & Fees

The estimated duration for completion of the Master of Science in Sustainable Management at Ahlia University is 2 years. The program comprises of 36 credit hours. The fee per credit hour is BD220 (BD 660 per course).

Application Fee BD 40
Registration Fee BD 300
HEC ID Fee BD 30
Subject Fees BD220 per credit *36 Credit BD 7,920
Foundation Course BD160 per credit * 3 Credit Course BD 480

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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