
Bachelors Degree in Interior Design (BSID)

College of Arts & Science
Alumni Satisfaction
External Advisory Board
Internship Supervisor
Student Satisfaction Survey

The Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design at Ahlia University aims to attract imaginative students from varied study backgrounds, ages, gender, and nationalities to develop their knowledge, skills and attributes transform them into professional innovators in the interior design of built environments. The programme introduces an integrated de-sign approach of the interior space as a holistic environment composed of physical space, along with the people and the surrounding furniture, objects, activities & inter- actions within this space.

In stimulating studio-based educational environments, students are taught, learn, and work collaboratively to gain the design experiences of several types of interior environ- ments. In the studios the students are supported by theoretical, historical and tech- nical knowledge and practice; in a teamwork environment the students cultivate their oral, written and visual communication skills.

In order to meet the industry demands, our students are empowered by problem solv- ing, critical intellect and futuristic thinking skills. Associated with self-development, teamwork and leadership, our graduates are resourceful in a wide spectrum of design fields including interiors architecture, furniture, gardens, T.V & theater set design, exhibitions & event planning. Additionally, their awareness on sustainability and the socio-cultural issues on Green Design can qualify them to deal creatively with the challenges of human health, lifestyles and communities’ development in Bahrain and beyond.

Programme Aims

The aim of the programme is to:

  • To equip learners with depth and breath of knowledge and skills to express competence in the field of interior design in accordance with local, regional, and international standards.
  • To equip leaners with transferable skills to respond to global challenges such as climate change and unexpected pandemics while maintaining aesthetics and functional design outcomes.
  • To equip learners with practical abilities in conceptualization, holistic design, and project communication with professionals and clients.
  • To empower learners to successfully pursue careers as interior designers motivated to engage in research and sustainable life-long learning in ways that serve the societal needs.

Career Opportunities

Graduates from the department of Interior Design have the opportunity to work in the interior design, interior architecture and architecture offices. They can either establish their own offices or work in the private and public sectors conducting design, implementation and commercial activities. Besides, they have the opportunity to become instructors in universities after continuing their higher education.

Programme Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding

A1. Concepts and Theories
Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of concepts and required theories of features, techniques, and terminologies in Interior Design.

A2. Contemporary Trends, Problems and Research
Use specialized level of skills to apply research methods in the field of interior design to keep the students aware of contemporary issues in the field.

A.3 Professional Responsibility
Get insights into technical aspects in the field of professional interior design practice and responsibilities towards virous stakeholders.

B. Subject-Specific Skills

B1. Problem solving
Demonstrate creativity in solving design problems relevant to design brief, user expectations, and site constraints while keeping aesthetic and socio-cultural factors in mind.

B2. Modelling and Designing
Use specialized level of skills to deal with technical details, systems, and finishing materials to meet desired needs within realistic constrains of building and safety codes.

B3. Application of Methods and Tools
Use specialized manual and digital tools necessary for interior design practice.

C. Critical Thinking Skills

C1. Analytic Skills
Use range of approaches to analyze specific interior design problems / solutions with a view to practical implementation in interior design.

C2. Synthetic Skills
Demonstrate insight in integration of information and concepts within the common understanding of interior design to generate a cohesive conclusion.

C3. Creative Skills
Demonstrate creative and innovative design solutions for specific types of interior spaces and related products.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development)

D1. Communication skills
Operate at specialized level of skills to communicate ideas and make formal presentation on design related topics using effective written, verbal, and visual mediums.

D2. Teamwork and Leadership
Operate with a significant responsibility as a member of a team on specialized activities in the field of interior design.

D3. Organizational and Developmental skills
Demonstrate ability to engage in scientific life-long learning to improve professional and sustainable organizational skills.

D4. Ethics and social responsibility
Gain insight into ethical dimensions on interior design and the role of the interior designer as a positive agent to improve the quality of livable contexts at the local, regional, and international levels.

Study Plan

First Year

The curriculum for the Interior Design programme includes study of space, form, colour, and light in collaboration with the pragmatic investigation of building codes, materials, finishes, construction methods and business practices. An important focus is on the history of interior environments. This four-year, undergraduate programme is for the student interested in becoming a professional interior designer. The professional interior designer is a person qualified by education, experience, and examination.

Second Year

In year two students develop knowledge and skill bases in interior design that will prepare them for upper level interior design studio courses (IDES 301, 302, 400 and 401) to enable successful entry into the interior design profession.

Third Year

In year three the students will further their studies to gain greater knowledge and skill bases in interior design that will prepare them for upper level interior design studio courses (INTD 300 and 310) and so help students to progress to the final year.

Fourth Year

The senior year culminates with a thesis project which requires students to develop a body of research on a particular issue of interior design , which they then develop as a design project at the end of fall semester.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for admission at the undergraduate level, an applicant should normally hold a recently issued recognized secondary school certificate or its equivalent. The requirements for admission stated by the University are in all cases the minimum demanded for admission, and their fulfilment by a candidate does not automatically ensure his /her selection. Prior to enrolling at Ahlia University, citizens of non-GCC States should secure residence permits in the Kingdom of Bahrain; otherwise, their admission will be conditional and subject to being rescinded at the discretion of the University

English Language Proficiency

Applicants must demonstrate a level of English proficiency consistent with the demands of an academic programme taught and assessed almost exclusively in the English language. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Submission of an internationally recognized certificate of English language proficiency, e.g. Cambridge ESOL SCE or City & Guild’s Pitman Intermediate Level.
  • Attainment of an acceptable score on an internationally recognized examination of English language proficiency, typically either IELTS or TOFEL.
  • Passing the University English language placement test.

Recognized Secondary Certificates

  • Bahraini secondary School certificate (Tawjihia).
  • Secondary school certificates awarded by private secondary school in the Kingdom of Bahrain provided such certificates are endorsed by the Bahraini Ministry of Education.
  • Arab secondary school certificates awarded by Arab Ministries of Education. Where applicable, the streams of these certificates are given the same consideration as the Bahraini Tawjihia.
  • Any other certificates recognized by the Bahraini Ministry of Education as equivalent to a Tawjihia certificate.

Programme Specific Requirements

The applicants who meet the following programme specific admission requirements will be admitted to the programme:

Academic Score in the Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihia) or its Equivalent

  • Unconditional Acceptance: 60%
  • Tracks Accepted: All Tracks
  • Proficiency Skills (Aptitude Test):
    • All applicants need to score at least 60% in the BSID aptitude test.
    • Applicants who score between 50%-59.9% in the BSID aptitude test must pass an interview at the department level and submit a portfolio.

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

The estimated duration for completion of a Bachelors Degree at Ahlia University is 4 years. This is structured around 134 credit-hours covering 45 courses.

The duration of study for each course is fifteen weeks, covering approximately 45 study hours.

Application Fee BD 20
Registration Fee BD 200
HEC ID Fee BD 30
100 Level Courses – 12 courses ( BD 300 Per Course ) BD 3,600
200 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 330 Per Course ) BD 3,630
300 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 360 Per Course ) BD 3,960
400 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 390 Per Course ) BD 4,290
Total BD 15,730
Placement Tests Fee (if required) BD 40
Orientation Courses (if required) BD 1,200
Item Fee
Application Fee BD 20
Registration Fee BD 200
Placement Tests Fee ( if applicable ) BD 40
Orientation Courses ( if applicable ) BD 1,200
100 Level Courses – 12 courses ( BD 300 Per Course ) BD 3,600
200 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 330 Per Course ) BD 3,630
300 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 360 Per Course ) BD 3,960
400 Level Courses – 11 courses ( BD 390 Per Course ) BD 4,290

Available Scholarships

Orphans and people with special needs 50%
High school average of 95% or above 50%
High school average of 90% or above 25%
High school average of 80% or above 20%
Item Discount
Orphans and people with special needs 50%
High school average of 95% or above 50%
High school average of 90% or above 25%
High school average of 80% or above 20%

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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