
Master Degree Graduation Requirements

Ahlia University

To earn a Master’s degree from Ahlia University, a student must complete thirty-six (36) credit hours.  The MITLS programme consists of Twenty-four (24) credit hours comprising a combination of core courses [eighteen (18) credit hours] and elective courses [six (6) credit hours].  For the remaining twelve (12) credit hours, the student may opt for either a dissertation (Track 1) [12 credits], or an applied project (Track 2) [6 credits] with the completion of additional elective courses [six (6) credit hours]. 

The dissertations and applied projects must be in the area of the student’s specialization and are subject to a defence which includes an external examiner.  Each student undertaking a dissertation or an applied project will be assigned to an academic supervisor.  An internal examiner and one external examiner, together with the student academic supervisor shall normally participate in the public assessment of the dissertation defence.

Master’s degree candidates opting for the dissertation (Track 1) (12 credits) ought to register for the dissertation after the completion of the following:

  • At least 21 credit hours 
  • Research Methodology course with a minimum of “B” grade
  • Attaining a CGPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0.

Dissertation (Track 1) are graded on a Pass “P” / Fail “F” basis.  An “IG” grade which refers to (In Progress) is to be accorded to the student on an interim basis after the first semester, if the student has not completed the dissertation work and has a valid excuse.  This “IG” grade shall be changed to either “IP” or “IF” upon completion of the dissertation.  An “IW” grade is assigned if the student does not complete his/her dissertation within the period specified by the University, which is one academic semester.

Master’s degree candidates opting for the applied project (Track 2) (6 credits) ought to register for the applied project after the completion of the following:

  • At least 24 credit hours 
  • Research Methodology course with a minimum of “B” grade
  • Attaining a CGPA of at least 2.8 out of 4.0.

Applied Project (Track 2) grading is based on the ordinary letter grade system.

The graduation requirements to earn the Master’s degree from Ahlia University, the student must complete thirty-six (36) credit hours with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 or higher.


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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