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AI vs EIQ in Enhancing Organization’s Performance

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College of Business and finance are cordially invites you to attend “AI vs EIQ in enhancing organizations’ performance” By Mr. Ali Taqi (Ahlia Alumni). Mr. Taqi has been invited as a visiting speaker to MAGT324 (Organizational Behavior) course by Dr. Maria Saberi.

Session Objectives:

– To understand the difference between AI and human EIQ and the benefits of each for organizations.
– To appreciate the uniqueness of human capital EIQ based creativity and how this enhances organizations’ performance.

About the Instructor Mr. Ali Tariq:

Self-Motivated, Creative and Effective Human Resources Professional Certified in AI and its implication on business strategy from MIT university, Certified Trainer in Leadership from Oxford & Cambridge university with master’s in business administration, MBA from Depaul University.

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