
Meet Our Faculty

Ahlia University

Dr. Hasan Saeed Hasan Ali Ahmed

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Holds a PhD in Plastic Arts (Islamic Architecture & Arts) with distinction obtained in 2010
  • Currently an active member in the college council and E-learning at Ahlia University
  • Has participated and acted as a judge in various art festivals and exhibitions


For 5 years I have been an Assistant Professor of Interior Design in Ahlia University Bahrain, 2010-2015. I graduated from Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sarbonne in France, PhD in Plastic Arts (Islamic Architecture & Arts) with distinction in 2010.

I hold Master 1 & Master 2 in (Plastic Arts in design & colors), after I finished my Bachelors in Plastic Arts in the same university in France.

I am currently an active member in the college council and E-learning at Ahlia University and of the Bahrain Potters Society which is part of the ministry of culture.

I have contributed towards many events in Bahrain which include the following:

  • Participation in garden design exhibitions in Bahrain in April 2015 – Province Capital Governorate (design of indoor vase plants and design of small garden for houses).
  • Participation in art exhibitions in RasRomman youth centre in 20/12/ 2014 (Two Acrylic colours size A2 paintings in the Bahraini traditional heritage). – Participation in art exhibitions in Al najma club on 05/01/2015 (Two Acrylic colors paintings size A2 about Bahrain from traditional to contemporary ).
  • Participation in the Al-alia Arts Festival in May 2015- of Plastic Arts (Acrylic colour and water colour paintings size A2, Camel Caravan and Manama City )
  • Participation in Bahrain Potters Society in April 2015 (four free size porcelain Mural about the Bahraini traditional heritage and contemporary).
  • Participate as a judge in RasRomman youth centre in the Plastic arts in the summer of the year 2013-2014.
  • Elected as a board member of Bahrain Potters Society in 2009, Secretary in 2011 and financial secretary in 2013-2015.
  • Arrange meetings between Bahrain Potters Society and the state institutions (Youth and Sport Organisation, Bahrain heritage Organisation and Ministries).
  • Supervision and regulation of exhibitions (every two months between October to May) and the annual exhibition of the Bahrain Potters Society.
  • Arrange lectures and workshops between Bahrain potters Society and other Societies and school.
  • Prepare and plane the financial statements and the literary reports of Bahrain Potters Society.


Event Organizer for Bahrain Potters Society workshops in 2015:

  • Gypsum templates design in February 2015 for two weeks (how to prepare gypsum mold and materials that can be used in plaster with gypsum mold).
  • Porcelain and Mural design in April 2015 for two weeks (What types of ceramics can be used in murals design in homes and the correct methods of the installation of ceramic on the walls).
  • Sculpture art (clay) in May 2015 for two weeks (preparation of the clay for sculpture, methods of carved form clay and tools work).

Event Organizer and lecturer for Seminars of the Bahrain Potters Society:

  • Mosaic art in building design in March 2015 (Presenting a research about the benefits of mosaics buildings and their value and the history of mosaics in interior design).
  • Islamic art and architecture (1700-1780) in February 2015 (Presenting of Islamic architecture of the Safavid and Mongolian Empire in interior planning, materials and colors with garden design).
  • Ultra –modern design in architecture in February 2015 (Lecture about the definition of this style, how it can be applied in architectural design and the type of materials that could be used in design with colors).

Teaching Areas

  • Mosaic art in Islamic Architecture in terms of decoration, colours and geometric elements shape

Research Areas

  • Health
  • Procurement


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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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