
DR. AHMED JEDIDI Publications

Ahlia University


  • Application Source Code Modification for Processor Architecture Lifetime Improvement”, Montassar Ben Saad, Ahmed Jedidi, Smail Niar and Mohamed Abid (2017), International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 9 No2.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • “Attacks Management in All-Optical Networks”, A. Jedidi and M. Abid (2013),  Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices Vol. 8, No. 3 Issues on Communication & Signal Processing Volume: 3, Publisher Shaker Verlag.
    Journal linkResearch area: NA
  • “Detection and localization of crosstalk in an all-optical network”, A. Jedidi, R. Regeb and M. Abid (January, 2011), Journal of optics, volume 13, number1, Publisher IOPScience.
    Research area: NA
  • “Detection  and  Localization  of  Crosstalk  in Optical Time Division  Multiplexed Transmission Systems”, A.  Jedidi  and  M.  Abid (April 2010),  Journal of Telecommunications, Volume 2, Issue1.
    Journal linkResearch area: Performance in Embedded Systems, MPSoC and VLSI design, Optical communication, Wireless sensor network


  • Crosstalk Noise Controller in WDM Optical Network on Chip Routers, Ahmed Jedidi (18-20, November 2018), Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT 2018), Bahrain
    Conference link
  • “History Trust Routing Algorithm to improve efficiency and security in Wireless Sensor Network”, Ahmed Jedidi, and Alwi Mohammad A Bamhdi (March 28 – 31, 2017), The International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices 2017, Marrakech, Morocco.
    Research area: NA
  • “Monitoring and prediction of Intra-Crosstalk in All-Optical Network”, Ahmed Jedidi, Mesfer Mohammed Alshamrani, and Alwi Mohammad A Bamhdi (26-27 January 2016), 18th International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
    Conference linkResearch area: NA
  • “Code Compilation Exploration for Thermal Dissipation Reduction in SoC”, M.  Ben Saad.  A.  Jedidi, S. NIAR and M.  Abid (14-17 December 2014), 26th International Conference on Microelectronics, Qatar.
    Research area: NA
  • “Compilation Optimization Exploration for Thermal Dissipation Reduction in Embedded Systems”, M. Ben Saad. A. Jedidi, S. NIAR and M. Abid (2012), 7th International Design and Test Symposium, Qatar.
    Research area: NA
  • “Attacks Management in All- Optical Networks”, A.  Jedidi, Nawel ghamgui and M.  Abid (22-25 March 2011), 8th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, (SSD 2011), Tunisia.
    Research area: NA
  • “Optimal Crosstalk Monitoring and Identification Method for All-Optical Networks”, A. Jedidi, and M. Abid (28-30 April, 2009), The Sixth IEEE and IFIP International Conference on wireless and Optical communications Networks (WOCN2009), Cairo, Egypt.
    Research area: NA
  • “Performance Monitoring Method for All-Optical Networks”, A. Jedidi, and M. Abid (30-31 May, 2009), International Conference on Networking and Digital Society (ICNDS 2009), Guiyang, China.
    Research area: NA
  • “Design of Fractal Image Compression on SOC”, Ahmed Jedidi, Badreddine Rejeb, Mohamed Abid (7-9 April, 2008), IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI,  ISVLSI  2008,  ,  Montpellier,  France, IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3170-0.
    Research area: NA
  • “Hardware- based monitoring method for all-optical components”, A.  Jedidi, R.  Rejeb,  B. Rejeb,  M. Abid (December, 2007),  M.S. Leeson,  and  R.J.  Green, IEEE International     Conference     on     Transparent     Optical     Networks, ‘Mediterranean Winter’ (ICTON- MW07), session Fr2B.2, Sousse.
    Research area: NA
  • “Design of  Monitoring  Device  Block  for  All-Optical  Components”,  .  A. Jedidi, R. Rejeb, B. Rejeb, M. Abid (December 2007), M.S. Leeson, and R.J. Green, IEEE International     Conference on Transparent   Optical  Networks – ‘Mediterranean    Winter’    (ICTON-    MW07),    session    Fr2B.23,    Sousse.
    Research area: NA


  • Détection & Localisation des Diaphonies dans les Réseaux tout-Optiques, Ahmed Jedidi, Ahmed Jedidi (May, 2017), Editions universitaires europeennes, PP. 132, ISBN-13: 978-3-330-87119-9, ISBN-10: 3330871199, EAN: 9783330871199.
    Publisher linkResearch area: NA

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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