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Directorate of Student Counseling & Advising

Ms. Rasha Alnajdi

Director of Counseling, Student Counseling Directorate

The counseling Department has been set up with intent to provide support to ALL students enrolled at Ahlia University (AU). Counselor’s here at AU work for, and in favor of students, with intent to empower them to achieve their optimum potential. We encourage students to utilize the counselor’s available: to help them with any concerns coming in the way of meeting academic success. We believe that all students have dignity and worth and have the right to a safe, mutually respectful, healthy and orderly learning environment. We respect and appreciate diversity, while aiming to cultivate unity among our students, faculty, staff and community.

Students are provided with student-centered counseling services; addressing prevention, intervention and student developmental needs. We hope to help student’s develop lifelong skills that can assist them in pursuit of their life goals.


To meet student’s academic, social and emotional needs. We are here to assist students in overcoming challenges that interfere with learning; and to ensure all students will have equal access to counseling. Please note that all information shared during a personal counseling session is kept confidential/secret (unless authorized by law or in interest of student safety).


Students can visit a counselor for several reasons. Please consider meeting with a counselor if you are experiencing any of the above concerns, or even otherwise. Counselors at AU have an open door policy, where the counselor-student relationship is viewed as unconditional in nature, not restricting frequency or purpose of contact. For concerns we cannot resolve we will refer you to the appropriate body.

Counseling Appointment

How can you schedule a counseling appointment?

Come by the counselor’s office located in the Admission and Registration area, within the Deanship of Student Affairs- Office #1F- 26.

Call the counselor during working hours of 8 am- 4 pm, Sunday through Thursday, on +973 17298552, or e-mail at counselling 

 For online appointment please Contact us on Whatsapp

Facilities and support for special need students

Ahlia University is equally inclusive to special needs students and non-special needs students. Students with special needs are welcomed to apply in all Ahlia University programmes. Admission of students with special needs is done through a special needs admission committee, which assess the potential of candidates to succeed in their chosen academic programme.

Special needs students are given support and guidance by Ahlia University faculty and staff, Directorate of Student Activities and Services and Directorate of Student Counseling. The university has a special needs committee that is responsible to pursue the welfare of all students with special needs.

In the case of undeclared special needs or in the case of a  new development of any kind of special needs, the university’s special needs committee, faculty and staff at Ahlia University will endeavor to identify the special needs and will support students and their needs.


Car Park: AU provides, where possible, special car parking slots for disabled students and students with special needs,

Bathrooms: AU provides suitable bathrooms for disabled students and students with special needs,

Entrances: AU provides suitable ramps on entrances as well as railings and elevator services (where appropriate) for disabled students and students with special needs,

Classrooms: Where needed, especially designed seating facilities in classrooms and labs are provided.

AU will not provide a medical treatment for students with special needs. Rather, every effort will be made to provide these students with guidance to obtain medical treatment in public and private facilities in proximity to the University. The university has a full time nurse in the campus for any consultation and emergencies.

Classrooms and labs

Assistive Devices: AU will allow students with special needs to use assistive devices in classrooms and labs and, where possible, will provide some supportive or adaptive devices that will help them learn better.

Support in classrooms and labs: AU will respond adequately to the kind of impairment that the special needs student The impairments could be physical (like visual impairment or hearing impairment) or mental such as  certain disorders (autism or epilepsy or others).


  1. Location and Duration of Exam: Where needed, the students with special needs will be provided with a separate location in a suitable environment to write the exam. Where necessary, additional exam time as appropriate will be provided for students with special needs to complete their exams,
  2. At all times, discretion in dealing with students with special needs is observed; an example would be if there is tardiness on arrival or difficulty in reaching the exam room,
  3. Where needed, we will provide necessary support for the student special needs to complete the exam and this support could be, for example, in the form of note-taking (or other).


Ahlia University strives to offer a healthy and enriching environment to support, guide, and encourage students with special needs to participate in general student activities within the university and/or beyond. We encourage all students to participate in local, regional, and international events that are designed to celebrate the achievements of all students in addition to events specifically designed for students with special needs.

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Ahlia University

Directorate of Student Counseling & Advising

Ahlia University

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