
Active Employees: Leaves for Administrative

Ahlia University
Paid Holidays
Public Holidays

Official holidays shall be granted by Ahlia University to its employees as declared by the government of Bahrain. The HR Directorate will announce these holidays as and when declared by the government.
During official holidays, the employee is entitled to get full pay.
Official holidays with full pay are granted as follows:Al Hijra New Year: 1st of Muharam

  • Ashoora: 9th & 10th of Muharam
  • Prophet Mohd Birthday: 12th Rabia Al Awal
  • Eid Al Fitr: 1st,2nd,3rd of Shawal
  • Eid Al Adha: 9th,10th,11th,12th, of Del Heja
  • National Day: 16th & 17th of December
  • Gregorian New Year: 1st of January
  • Labour Day: 1st of May
Annual Leave
  • An employee who has completed at least one year’s service shall be entitled to annual leave on full pay of not less than 30 calendar days which is accumulates at the rate of 2.5 days for each completed month of service.
  • All staff who have more than 60 days should settle the number of days accumulated not later than the end of the year as cited in Article 59 of The Labor Law for the Private Sector which states that the employer shall settle the balance of annual leave and the corresponding wage thereof every two years (60 days) as a maximum. If the balance of the employee’s leave exceeds 60 days, the mentioned legal article will be applied authorizing the employer to write off the excess days from the accumulated leave of the employee.
  • Public holidays that fall during the employee’s annual leave that are compensated in accordance to the relevant policies and procedures.
Al Hajj (Pilgrimage) leave
  • A Muslim employee who has served for a continuous period of 5 years are entitled to leave on full pay for 14 working days to perform pilgrimage obligations.
Marriage Leave
  • Ahlia University shall grant 3 days marriage leave to employees as stipulated by the Bahraini Labor Law.
Bereavement Leave
  • Ahlia University shall grant 3 days of Bereavement leave in the event of the death of a spouse or a relative to the fourth degree of kinship and in the case of death of his/her spouse’s relatives to the second degree of kinship as per Labor Law of Bahrain.
Leave without pay
  • Ahlia University shall grant leave without pay to an employee due to exceptional personal reasons in accordance with the following guidelines:
  • The employee shall have no available leave.
  • The request for leave without pay shall be made in writing by the employee with proper justification.
  • The leave must be approved by the concerned Dean/Director.
  • The employee shall cease to receive salary for the period of absence.
  • The duration of absence without pay shall be limited to fifteen (15) calendar days per year; and unpaid leave period shall not be considered as employee’s service period.
  • Official holidays and weekends falling within a period of unpaid vacation are included within the leave.
  • An employee who has completed service of at least three consecutive months at Ahlia University has the right to be granted sick leave of 15 days per year as per Labour Law of Bahrain.
Maternity Leave
  • Female employees are entitled to 60 consecutive calendar days as Maternity Leave, provided that a medical certificate attested by the health authorities concerned clearly states the expected date of confinement. Such leave may include the period before or after confinement.
  • Female employees may also avail an additional leave without pay for fifteen calendar days after the completion of their maternity leave.
  • Following childbirth, The female worker shall be entitled after the end of her maternity leave and until her child reaches one year of age to two breastfeeding periods of not less than one hour each. The female worker shall be entitled to join these two periods and these two additional periods shall be deemed part of the working hours and shall not entail any wage deduction.
  • The above maternity and feeding hour benefits must be coordinated with the respective Director, College Dean/Chairperson to avoid interruption of normal duties.
Paternity Leave
  • Ahlia University shall grant three days leave for the male employee on the birth of a new child.
Eddah Leave
  • A Muslim female employee shall have the right to one month leave on full pay in the unfortunate event of death of her husband. She shall also be entitled to complete the death Eddah from her annual leave for up to three months and ten days. If she does not have annual leave in balance, she shall be entitled to avail leave without pay.

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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