
Active Employees: Benefits

Ahlia University

Active Employees: Benefits

Ahlia University provides various types of benefits to the Academic Faculty and administrative employees as a supplement the pay package in certain instances, and to promote the principles of fairness and social obligations towards all categories of employees.

Car Parking
  • Parking is provided in designated areas of the University’s parking premises.
Airline Tickets for Expatriates
  • Expatriate employees, based on the position and type contract are granted airline tickets once a year or every two years as per the procedure of the University to travel to their home country.
  • Travel fund equivalent to return economy class tickets to and from the home country will be provided as part of this benefit.
  • Employees must inform the Human Resources Department of their intent to utilize the travel at the time of applying for their annual leave.
  • Tickets not utilized in a given year shall not be carried over into the next year.
Tuition Fees Reimbursements
  • The University provides financial assistance for the spouse and dependents/ children who are enrolled at any of the Ahlia University graduate or post graduate programs.
  • The eligible spouse and dependent children who wish to become candidates for a graduate or post graduate program must be admitted to the University through the usual procedures and meet the published criteria for admission.
  • In order to utilize this facility, the employee must obtain a letter from the Human Resources Directorate indicating the names of the concerned spouse and/or dependents/children who wish to enrol in Ahlia University program.
Medical Insurance

All Academic and Administrative staff of Ahlia University has medical insurance coverage. The medical insurance is renewed on a yearly basis and the employees have the option of adding their dependents to be members in the insurance pool. In such a case the employees is responsible to pay for their dependents.

Life Insurance

Covered Benefits

  1. Death due to Any Cause (Worldwide 24 hours)
  2. Accidental Death Benefit (Double Indemnity)
  3. Permanent Total Disability (Accident and Sickness)
  4. Permanent Partial Disability (Accident and Sickness)
  5. Repatriation (Max. of BHD 3,000/- per insured life)
Leave Indemnity
  • At the termination of an expatriate employee’s contract of employment, leave indemnity is paid by the University as per Bahrain Labour law.
Social Insurance
  • The University provides insurance coverage against industrial accidents for all employees as per the terms and conditions of the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI). Additionally, the University provides insurance for pensions of all Bahraini employees as prescribed by GOSI. Both the University and the employees contribute towards providing pension insurance. An employee’s contribution is deducted monthly via payroll deductions, details of which could be found in the payslip.

Aspects of Support Provided to Male and Female Workers Enrolled in the PhD Program in Cooperation with Brunel University London

  • Considering requests to reduce the teaching load of doctoral students by not more than two courses, in a manner that does not conflict with the interest of work, and after obtaining the approval of the University President.
  • Granting paid leave in the official training periods relating to the PhD program – autumn school / symposium / spring school.
  • Allowing the submission of requests for an additional reduction in the number of courses that are distributed in the semester to the category of maternal and pregnant female workers, subject to the availability of justifications and the explanation of circumstances.
  • Granting 5 (paid)  days within the annual leave to attend the graduation ceremony in the event of traveling abroad.

The Workload of the Pregnant Female Worker

  • Reducing working hours for the pregnant female worker by not more than two hours per day, in a manner that does not conflict with the interest of work, taking into account the provision of a medical report advising a light burden throughout her pregnancy until the expected date of delivery and after obtaining the approval of the director concerned.

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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