Goal 3 / 3.3 / 3.3.4

University Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Students

3.3.4 Does your university as a body provide students access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services?

Ahlia’s sexual and reproductive health-care services


Ahlia University in Bahrain is committed to promoting the well-being of its students by providing them with access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health-care services. These services encompass a range of offerings, including information and education services, which are made available through special clinics, awareness campaigns, events, and informative lectures. The university recognizes the importance of ensuring that students have the knowledge, resources, and support they need to make informed decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health. This proactive approach not only fosters a culture of well-being and empowerment on campus but also contributes to the overall physical and emotional health of its student community.

Health Clinic


A health clinic is located in the third floor and is staffed by a full-time nurse who is responsible for providing medical first aid services. During emergencies that cannot be addressed by the nurse, the nurse will arrange for the student to be taken by ambulance to the adjacent health center or in more serious cases to the nearest hospital.

Ahlia University boasts a comprehensive healthcare system to cater to the well-being of its community members. This includes a general clinic that offers essential first-aid services to address immediate healthcare needs.

’In addition to this, the university has established specialized clinics dedicated exclusively to providing sexual and reproductive health services, with a particular focus on the needs of female employees and students, including pregnant individuals.

A dedicated healthcare professional oversees these specialized clinics, ensuring that regular monthly appointments are available to provide necessary care, guidance, and support. This commitment to specialized healthcare services underscores the university's dedication to the holistic health and welfare of its diverse community.





Think Pink Cancer Awareness


We are pleased to inform you that the Directorate of student services and activities will be hosting Think Pink Awareness Event on Sunday 29 of October 2023, October Cancer Awareness Month to promote cancer awareness within the university and support and solidarity with all the affected cases. Ahlia University core goal is to give back to community, so as part of our community service we will be selling items and all the money raised will be donated to the Bahrain Cancer Society. Ahlia university students, staff and faculty members are invited to this Awareness/Fundraising event.

Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday.


Breast Cancer Awareness


We are pleased to invite you to attend Brest Cancer Awareness ’Think Pink’ on Tuesday 25th of October 2022 at Ahlia University ’ Mezannine.


Breast Cancer Awareness Multimedia Product Design Hakathon


Ahlia University, College of Information Technology Multimedia Science Department is calling for its First Multimedia Awareness Competition. The competition awards the best work being done for the Multimedia Product Design under the topic ’Breast Cancer Awareness’.


Breast Cancer Awareness


         To encourage the IT students to conduct hands-on projects and combine different fields

         To pave the way for employability or entrepreneurship

         To create awareness on potential Multimedia tools

         To nourish the creative thinking of students

         To instill the educational skills on community engagement


Ahlia IT College students and alumni are eligible to participate. Only one entry is allowed per participant which can be individual or in a group. A group entry can have 2 to 4 students.


The following criteria are considered to choose the best Multimedia Products



         Relevance to the topic

         Organization of the content


         Language Mechanics

Awards & Certificates:

Best multimedia products will be awarded with prizes and certificate of appreciation will be issued to all the participants.


         Last Date of Submission: 30th October 2021

         Only one entry is allowed (can be in a group of 2 to 4 students)

         At the specified date and time, team/individual required to present their work

         Judges’ decisions are final

         All the entries and registration can be forwarded to Ms. Sara Al Swad at [email protected]

Registration link: Click here


Think Pink

No photo description available.

Director of Student Services & Activities is organizing the ’Think Pink’ Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign on Wednesday 23th of October 2018 @ 10:00 at the theater hall.

The aim of this event is to support the effort in raising the breast cancer awareness, education, and care.

The program will include the following activities:

         Awareness Lecture.

         Free medical tests (weight, blood sugar, BMI)

         Consultation with a nutritionist

We're Stronger Together

#الجامعة_الأهلية #البحرين #مملكة_البحرين #التعليم_مستقبل_البحرين #مئوية_التعليم #مئوية_الإنجاز #AhliaUniversity#GoAhlia #Student

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'FACULTY OF MEDICINE AHLIA UNIVERSITY WE'RE STRONGER TOGETHER BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Join us on second event of breast cancer on ahlia university faculty of medicine 26.27.28 OF OCTOBER THINK +WEAR PINK'

Sexual Function Among Women Seeking for Sexual Health [5]


Ahlia University, made a participation in the following article Heart disease is the number one cause of death among women in America, representing 1 in every 4 deaths in 2009. This regular cardiovascular health screening is critical in preventing risk factors from reaching disease level.

Women’s Health’[6]



         Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Strength Recovery of Postnatal Diastasis Recti Abdominis Muscles, Dalia M. Kamel, Amel M. Yousif (June, 2017), Ann Rehabil Med, (3):465-474. doi: 10.5535/arm.2017.41.3.465. Epub 2017 Jun 29. 
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Rehabilitation and women’s health


         Experience of dysmenorrhea among a group of physical therapy students from Cairo University: an exploratory study, Dalia M Kamel, Sayed A Tantawy, Gehan A Abdelsamea (2017), Journal of Pain Research, 10 1079’1085.Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health


         Pulsed magnetic field versus ultrasound in the treatment of postnatal carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized controlled trial in the women of an Egyptian population, Dalia M. Kamel, Nashwa S. Hamed, Neveen A. Abdel Raoof, Sayed A. Tantawy (2017), Journal of Advanced Research, 8, 45’53. 
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health and Musculoskeletal disorders


         The effect of kinesio taping with exercise compared with exercise alone on pain, range of motion, and disability of the shoulder in post mastectomy females: a randomized control trial, Sayed A Tantawy, Dalia M Kamel (2016), J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 28: 3300’3305. 
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health, oncology and Musculoskeletal disorders


         Efficacy of lumbar mobilization on postpartum low back pain in Egyptian females: A randomized control trial, Dalia M. Kamel, Neveen A. Abdel Raoof and Sayed A. Tantawy (2016), J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 29(1):55-63. doi: 10.3233/BMR-150598.
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link / Research area: Women’s health and Musculoskeletal disorders


         Effect of abdominal versus pelvic floor muscle exercises in obese Egyptian women with mild stress urinary incontinence: A randomised controlled trial, Dalia M. Kamel, Ali A. Thabet, Sayed A. Tantawy, Mohamed M. Radwan (2013), Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, 31(1):12’18.
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health and pelvic floor disorders


         Influence of second-degree flatfoot on spinal and pelvic mechanics in young females, Neveen Abdel-Raoof, Dalia Kamel, Sayed Tantawy (2013), International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20(9):428-343.  
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health and Musculoskeletal disorders


         Detrusor instability responses to transvaginal versus posterior tibial nerve stimulation, Adly AS, Ali AT, Dalia MK, Sayed AT (2012), The Health; 3(4): 90-93. 
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health and pelvic floor dysfunctions


         Efficacy of Ultrasound on Bone Mineral Density and Quality of Life in Females Post- Mastectomy Patients: Pre-Post Intervention Study, Sayed A Tantawy, Dalia M. Kamel (2012), Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy. 2012, 6(4): 254-258. 5p. 2 Charts. 

Abstract (pdf) / Journal link/ Research area: Women’s health and Musculoskeletal


         Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Responses Antiemetics P6 Accustimulation, Sayed A. Tantawy& Dalia M. Kamel (2010), Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 78, No. 2, September 205-211.
Abstract (pdf) / Journal link / Research area: Oncology and Women’s health


         Investigating the effect of Kinesio tape over the convential physical therapy management of shoulder related complications in post mastectomy females: A randomized control trial, Sayed A. Tantawy, Dalia M. Kamel (10-11 March 2016), 17th International scientific conference of faculty of physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

Abstract (pdf) / Research area: Women’s health and oncology

         Postural balance profile in primigravidae women, Dalia M. Kamel (16- 19 April, 2015), 23rd women’s health congress, Washington DC.
Abstract (pdf) / Conference link / Research area: Women’s health

Recent study examines effective treatments for post-prostatectomy disorders’[7]


Conducted by the Community University and published in major international journals Court

A recent study conducted by the Community University recommended the use of variable-intensity seismic frequencies (WBV) to treat urinary system disorders after prostatectomy, as a safe treatment with numerous physiological effects on the muscles of the body and pelvis, strengthening them and rapidly restoring their vitality.

A research team formed by the National University reached this conclusion among several results of a study published by one of the world's best-judged journals in the field of physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation, physiotherapy published by the international publishing house Elsevier Ltd., and is one of the first category magazines (Q1) ranked seventh in the field of physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation worldwide according to the international classification Web of Science and Scopus database.

The research team was formed by the team leader and professor of physiotherapy at the Community University, Dr. Sayed Tantawi, Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies at the National University, Dr. Dalia Kamel, Dr. Walid Kamal Abdul Basit, Assistant Professor of Physiotherapy at Prince Sattam Bin Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia, and Dr. Hani Al-Jawhari, Assistant Professor of Physiotherapy at Cairo University in Egypt.

On this occasion, the founding president of the National University and chairman of its board of trustees, Professor Abdullah al-Hawaj, praised the growing interest of the university's professors and researchers in scientific research and the conduct of research studies that are of interest to various institutions and research centers around the world, noting the effort sought by the research team formed by the university and its good results, and this is evidenced by the interest of one of the best international journals courted by its adoption and publication.

He added: We encourage our teachers and students to carry out joint research projects, and strengthen them with Gulf and Arab expertise to make a mark on the National University and the Kingdom of Bahrain in the process of scientific research.

For his part, the leader of the research team Dr. Sayed Tantawi said that this study is the first of its kind in physiotherapy for cases of urinary disorder after prostatectomy, and was built on various applications tests while it took about three and a half years to prepare and publish.

He added: There are many therapeutic methods in such common cases after this type of surgery, including bioflux, electrical stimulation, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these strategies, but with rapid scientific progress in the field of physical therapy may emerge new treatment methods such as variable-intensity seismic frequency therapy (WBV) which has been tested and applied in many cases of illness.

Dr. Sayed Tantawi noted that the journal Physiotherapy stated in the letter of approval for the publication of this research that it is a promising and distinctive beginning in the field of rehabilitation for men's health due to the scarcity of distinctive research directed to this type of specialization and this has increased the insistence of the research team to complete the journey and focus on scientific research in this field.

This scientific achievement is the result of the University's policy of supporting serious and sober scientific research, which is based on promoting scientific research that addresses issues of concern to Bahrain and the Gulf as a whole, and in line with the 2016-2020 higher education and scientific research strategies launched by the Higher Education Council and its Secretariat and supervised its implementation with all due course.




Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign


In collaboration with Al-Kindi Hospital, the Deanship of Student Affairs is organizing the ’Think Pink’ Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign on Wednesday 24th of October 2018 @ 12:00 at the theater hall.

The aim of this event is to support the effort in raising the breast cancer awareness, education, and care.

The program will include the following activities:

         Lecture by Ms. Zahra Baqer entitled Spiritual Wealth

         Free medical tests (weight, blood sugar, BMI)

         Consultation with a nutritionist


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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details