
Disability Policy

Ahlia University

Policy for Admitting and Supporting Students with Special Needs

Having identified the nature of his/her disability or special need, the student, after having been provisionally admitted to the University, will be interviewed by the Special Needs

Admission Committee, that includes a representative from:

a. A faculty member who has some background in the medical field
b. Admissions – Directorate of Admission and Registration.
c. Guidance/Counseling- Directorate of Counseling
e. Nurse (when available)

  1. If the Committee, by majority vote, determines that the University can accommodate the kind of disability or special need with which the student is encumbered, the student will be granted admission to the University, with a recognized disability or special need, after taking in to account the needs and the requirements of the academic program the student is applying to. Thus, making it possible for the student to avail of all the privileges/benefits conferred to students with special needs as contained herein.
  2. If the Committee, by majority vote, determines that the student does not have a known disability or special need, then the student will be granted ordinary admission – in which case the student cannot avail of all the privileges/benefits conferred to students with special needs as contained herein.
  3. If the Committee, by majority vote, determines that the student has a known disability or
    special need but which the University cannot feasibly accommodate, the student will be
    denied admission and the provisional admission will be rescinded. The University is not
    responsible for any costs the student may have incurred, of any sort, by reliance on the
    provisionally offered admission

Facilities and support for special need students

Ahlia University is equally inclusive to special needs students and non-special needs students. Students with special needs are welcomed to apply in all Ahlia University programmes. Admission of students with special needs is done through a special needs admission committee, which assess the potential of candidates to succeed in their chosen academic programme.

Special needs students are given support and guidance by Ahlia University faculty and staff, Directorate of Student Activities and Services and Directorate of Student Counselling. The university has a special needs committee that is responsible to pursue the welfare of all students with special needs.

In the case of undeclared special needs or in the case of a new development of any kind of special needs, the university’s special needs committee, faculty and staff at Ahlia University will endeavour to identify the special needs and will support students and their needs.


  1. Car Park: AU provides, where possible, special car parking slots for disabled students and students with special needs.
  2. Bathrooms: AU provides suitable bathrooms for disabled students and students with special needs.
  3. Entrances: AU provides suitable ramps on entrances as well as railings and elevator services (where appropriate) for disabled students and students with special needs.
    4. Classrooms: Where needed, especially designed seating facilities in classrooms and labs are provided.

AU will not provide a medical treatment for students with special needs. Rather, every effort will be made to provide these students with guidance to obtain medical treatment in public and private facilities in proximity to the University. The university has a full time nurse in the campus for any consultation and emergencies.

Classrooms and labs

  1. Assistive Devices: AU will allow students with special needs to use assistive devices in classrooms and labs and, where possible, will provide some supportive or adaptive devices that will help them learn better,
  2. Support in classrooms and labs: AU will respond adequately to the kind of impairment that the special needs student The impairments could be physical (like visual impairment or hearing impairment) or mental such as certain disorders (autism or epilepsy or others).


  1. Location and Duration of Exam: Where needed, the students with special needs will be provided with a separate location in a suitable environment to write the exam. Where necessary, additional exam time as appropriate will be provided for students with special needs to complete their exams.
  2. At all times, discretion in dealing with students with special needs is observed; an example would be if there is tardiness on arrival or difficulty in reaching the exam room.
  3. Where needed, we will provide necessary support for the student special needs to complete the exam and this support could be, for example, in the form of note-taking (or other).


Ahlia University strives to offer a healthy and enriching environment to support, guide, and encourage students with special needs to participate in general student activities within the university and/or beyond. We encourage all students to participate in local, regional, and international events that are designed to celebrate the achievements of all students in addition to events specifically designed for students with special needs.

Policy for Supporting Students with Special Needs

AU Application Form has a specific section for students to fill if they have any special needs support Special needs is an underrepresented group- Special needs students are given support and guidance by Ahlia University faculty and staff, Directorate of Student Activities and Services, and Directorate of Student Counselling. Further, a special needs committee was created to specifically look after the welfare of the students with special needs.

The student, after having been provisionally admitted to the University, will be interviewed by the special needs admission committee. If the Committee, by majority vote, determines that the University can accommodate the kind of disability or special need with which the student is encumbered, the student will be granted admission to the University. Thus, making it possible for the student to avail of all the privileges/benefits conferred to disabled students and students with special needs as contained herein.

Students with a disability or special need ought to disclose the nature of their disability on the AU admissions application form. Any student who fails to notify the University

Students with a disability or special need ought to disclose the nature of their disability on the AU admissions application form.

Any student who fails to notify the University

  • Waives any right that would otherwise have been obtained as per to this policy.
  • If assessed, based on the Universities sole discretion, that accommodating the nature of the disability or special need is posing hardship or risk to the University, then the student in question may be subject to having his/her registration cancelled and admission annulled.
  • Should registration be cancelled, pursuant to “b” above, the students forfeits all fees and tuition having been paid to the University

If the Committee, by majority vote, determines that the University can accommodate the kind of disability or special need with which the student is encumbered, the student will be granted admission to the University, with a recognized disability or special need. Thus, making it possible for the student to avail of all the privileges/benefits conferred to disabled students and students with special needs as contained herein. If the Committee, by majority vote, determines that the student does not have cognizable disability or special need, then the student will be granted ordinary admission – in which case the student cannot avail of all the privileges/benefits conferred to disabled students and students with special needs as contained herein.

Directorate of Student Services & Activities

Ahlia has a “Directorate of Student Services & Activities”, where they are in charge of:
The Directorate of Students Activities and Services in the Deanship of Student Affairs assists non-Bahraini students towards finding an appropriate accommodation throughout the duration of their study programme. Ahlia University constantly monitors the student’s accommodation in order to
make sure the student is safe and comfortable.


The Directorate of Students Activities and Services in the Deanship of Student Affairs provides limited transport facilities for students studying at Ahlia, specifically students living in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Further, non-Bahraini students living in the kingdom of Bahrain are given guidance regarding the available transport system in Bahrain.

Student activities are an important aspect of the student’s university life. Activities provide the student with a lot of benefits and enjoyment. These activities strength the students association with their university and fellow students.

Further, these activities provide opportunities for students to develop their hobbies and interests, which will polish their personalities and help them utilize their free time wisely. All students have the right to participate in such activities which are normally coordinated and advertised by the Directorate of Students Activities and Services, within in the Deanship of Student Affairs.

The Student Council plays a major role in deciding the types of activities, and their coordination.

Directorate of Student Services & Activities

Committee of Special Needs

One of their special tasks is to have a special contact with people with disabilities and has a commite for supporting the special needs  students as:

  • Head of special needs
  • Medical doctor
  • Academic councilor
  • Student councilor

Special needs students.

Employing the E-Learning Environment to Support People with Special Needs During the Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Organized by the Professional Development Unit and the College of Business Administration, a lecture was held (Employing the E-Learning Environment to Support People with Special Needs During the Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic) by Dr. Osama Al Mahdi, Assistant Professor at the Bahrain Teachers College, via the application (Ms. Teams) [4]

As the lecture dealt with the concept of special needs and distance education. In addition, examples of applications of the e-learning environment for special needs and open university courses to support continuous distance education were reviewed.

Ahlia University policy allows equal access to different mentoring programs, along with support for students with disabilities - special needs supporting their social, emotional and academic needs.

The direction of counselgeria ensures that teachers and staff are aware of the needs and adaptations of students by promoting inclusion and confidentiality (based on the recommendations of SNAC) staff and faculty host an information session on the means to work with Special students, in turn, are recruited to improve support services.

The direction of counselgeria ensures that teachers and staff are aware of the needs and adaptations of students by promoting inclusion and confidentiality (based on the recommendations of SNAC) staff and faculty host an information session on the means to work with Special students, in turn, are recruited to improve support services.

Tuition Discounts

Item Discount
Orphans and people with special needs 50%
High school average of 95% and above 50%
High school average of 90% and above 25%
High school average of 80% and above 20%

Financial Aid for Undergraduate Degree Applicants with Special Needs

As part of Ahlia University’s community engagement, the university offers 50% tuition fees discount for all applicants with special needs/disability provided that they have a special need/disability card from the Bahraini Ministry of Labor and Social Development. Ahlia University aims to provide the appropriate care and learning environment for these applicants in order to qualify them to integrate into society and the business market.

Student Handbook

Ahlia University has the next funding strategies for persons with disabilities

  1. Students who have been acknowledged as disabled (students with special needs) by the Ministry of Social Development and issued a ‘disability card’ certifying their need are given a 50% discount in fee by Ahlia University.
  2. Students with special needs/disabilities might receive a full scholarship by the Ministry of Education.
  3. Students are also allowed to installment payment options for pending and remnant fees.


11.6 Financial Aid for Undergraduate Degree Applicants with Special Needs

As part of Ahlia University’s community engagement,the  university offers 50% tuition fees discount for all applicants with special needs/disability provided that they have a special need/disability card 
from the Bahraini Ministry of Labor and Social Development. Ahlia University aims to provide the appropriate care and learning environment for these applicants in order to qualify them to integrate into society and the business market.

Ahlia University has financing strategies for people with disabilities which are recognized by the Ministry of Social Development and have their “disability card” they receive a 50% discount on the Ahlia University fee, they can receive installment payment options of pension and remaining fees, or full scholarship from the Ministry of Education.

Regarding strategies for people with disabilities, the kingdom has developed “the national strategy for people with disabilities” which focuses on improving the promotion and protection of the human rights of people with disabilities.

The strategy provided by the kingdom includes government sectors, NGOs, the private sector, professional groups, educators, advocates and society in general; providing guidance to move forward in a way that ensures the inclusion of people with disabilities, with a focus on human rights. In accordance with this, various laws and resolutions have been issued that ensure the government’s commitment to support these people.

Ahlia University offers a limited number of scholarships each year for undergraduate studies to outstanding students, who have no other means to finance their studies these scholarships allow applicants regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, physical or learning disability. Scholarships are awarded with a 50% grant: 50% loan through a competitive application process. The university prioritizes applicants with the most opportunities for success based on aptitude, academic achievement, and motivation. Funding scholarships can also be accessed by applicants with disabilities in which case they must demonstrate eligibility according to their opportunity for completion of studies either undergraduate or graduate, the applicant must submit medical documents attesting to their disability.

Student Handbook


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details