
Ethical Conduct

Ahlia University

Student Complaint

All students at Ahlia University have access to a fair complaints system whereby students can file any enquiry, request or complaint they have into ADREG system.

The Inquiry/complaint system is monitored and managed on a daily basis by the Head of Dean’s office who works as a liaison between student, relevant faculty/staff members and the Dean of student Affairs.

Students may send their complaints to the Deanship of Student Affairs using the following link.

Contact Details:

Mrs. Fadheela Ahmed
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 17298963

Deanship Students Affairs

Non Retaliation Policy

Ahlia strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or student who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that her or she reasonably believes to be in violation of Ahlia’s Code of Conduct or policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations.

No employee or student should be discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, intimidated, coerced, or retaliated against in any other manner as a result of him or her making a good faith complaint or assisting in the handling or investigation of a good faith complaint. Ahlia prohibits employees or students from being retaliated against even if their complaints are proven unfounded by an investigation, unless the employee or student knowingly made a false allegation, provided false or misleading information in the course of an investigation, or otherwise acted in bad faith. Employees and students have an obligation to participate in good faith in any internal investigation of retaliation.

Ahlia takes all complaints of retaliation very seriously. All such complaints will be reviewed promptly and, where appropriate, investigated.

If you believe you have been retaliated against or that any other violation of this policy has occurred, or if you have questions concerning this policy, you must immediately notify Human Resources, or your immediate supervisor/advisor. You may also contact the Unit of Legal Affairs and Compliance.

Any employee or student who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary actions.

Deanship Students Affairs

Regulation the of provisions

Article (3)

The disciplinary penalties which may be imposed on the student are: 
a. attention notice verbally, or in writing.

b. properly taking out the student from the lecture auditorium.

c. evicting the student from the University buildings, or denying his excess therein.

d. depriving the student to utilize the services of a University facility or more, for the period specified in the conviction decision.

e. depriving the student from exercising a student activity or more for the period specified in the conviction decision.

f. serving the student with Warning classed as First, Second and Third (Final).

g. subjecting the student to a fine for not less than the value of the things which the student intentionally damaged.

h. deeming the student a “Fail” in an Examination or in a “Course”.

i. cancellation the student’s registration for a course or more in the Semester during which the violation uncured.

j. depriving the student temporarily or permanently from the financial assistance.

k. stopping the student from study for a Semester or more, in conjunction with denying the student to recover (refund) study fees.

l. final discharge (dismissal) from University.

m. cancellation the resolution by which the degree was offered, a decision in this respect shall not be concluded unless cheating and forgery to obtain the certificate is proved.

Article (8): Investigation & Discipline

a. The Dean in each College shall form a committee investigating
in the professional violations committed by the college students within the college buildings, or within its scope of specialization, for a renewable of the year to as follows:
– Head of an academic department, Chairman.
– Two Staff from the academic faculty.
– One Staff from academic department to which the Student is attached.
– One Staff from the academic faculty of the College of Law. – A representative of the Deanship of Students Affairs.

b. The Dean of the College shall refer the Professional Violation to the Investigation Committee in his College, and the Committee shall conclude the investigation within one month from the date of referring the student thereto.

c. At the commencement of the Academic Year, the Dean of the Students Affairs shall form a committee for one renewable year, to investigate the violation committed by the student within the
University Campus and outside the colleges buildings; provided that it shall be formed as follows:
– Director of Consulting and Guidance, as Chairman.
– Staff of academic faculty of the College of Law, as a member. – Two Administration Specialists in Students Affairs, a members, The Committee shall conclude its investigation within one month from the date of referring the student thereto.

d. Where the violation is committed by more than one student attached to different colleges, the violation shall be referred to the Committee formed by the Deanship of the Students Affairs, regardless the place where the violation has been committed.

Click here to view the document. 


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
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