
Sustainability in Connectivity

Ahlia University

Ahlia University recognizes the need for strong connections within the university and between the university and global communities. Indeed, an important strategic objective of the University is to expand and nurture relationships with local and regional industries including small and medium enterprises in order to contribute to supporting aspiring entrepreneurs across the university and in our communities.The fabric of our community is strong, and so are our ties with the interconnected communities into which we are woven, from local to global. All members of AU’s community feel welcome, valued, relevant and informed—recognizing themselves as integral participants in the campus community.

 AU as a whole values its important role beyond the campus, and is connected with and responsive to Bahrain, GCC Countries and the whole world. Strong relationships, accessible information and multidirectional listening and learning are the norm. Sustainability in connectivity includes themes such as wellness & health, community engagement, belonging, accessibility, and knowledge sharing.

Health and Wellness

The health and wellbeing of the students and staff is an important element of sustainability at Ahlia University. Students can access a myriad of services to support their mental and physical health and help them lead balanced lives here at Ahlia University. The University provides student counselling, academic advising, special services for students with special needs. Furthermore, Ahlia University provides and supports a variety of student social, cultural and sports activities through a specialized directorate within the Deanship of Student Affairs. The Directorate of Student Activities also provides other student services such as student accommodation; internship and training; career counselling; and supporting the election of the students’ representatives in the Student Council. Students can access more info at Student Guidebook.

Moreover, the Human Resources Directorate arranges many activates to help staff lead healthy lives. Staff can spruce up their work spaces and bring a bit of nature to their desks thanks which affordable plants and plant care workshops to AU’s community.

Community Engagement

The students, faculty, and staff of AU are deeply networked with communities. AU’s community engagement activities reflect the decentralized nature of the university.  Deanship of Student Affairs enriches students’ campus life and community engagement by providing services and supports at the different stages in the student life at AU. Through the collaboration of various University colleges and departments as well as the student council, the University encourages student participation in the AU community engagement projects. These units also act as a go-to hub for connecting students to the resources and opportunities that will help students broaden their perspectives in ethical and social issues through community engagement activities and make the most of the student time at AU and in Bahrain.

One of AU’s core values which is essential to the achievement of its vision and mission is the Social Responsibility. We promote active participation in constructive social change through volunteerism, leadership and civic action on the part of our faculty, staff and students; further we accept a responsibility to contribute to the growth of our society through supporting worthy causes, conducting research that strives to advance human welfare, and by preparing professionals for leadership roles in their professions and their communities.

AU strives to be responsive to the social and economic challenges facing Bahrain and by extension the region through its Community EMPOWER Plan 2016-2020. This includes a strong focus on Entrepreneurship, Mentoring and Partnerships; Outreach, Widening access and lifelong learning; and Expertise sharing through Research. To this end AU continuously seeks to strengthen positive, mutually beneficial relationships with business, industry, government, social organizations and the wider civic community. In this way AU optimises the opportunities for all involved to lead more fulfilling and prosperous lives.

Sample of Community Engagement activities
Ahlia University’s Participation in the 15th Inter College Environmental Public Speaking Competition, organized by the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG).
Programmes Schedule Nov 25 ICEPSC. Programmes Schedule Nov 26 ICEPSC



19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details