Prof. Alawi Al-Hashemi

The Rhythm of Death Experience in Al-Jawahiri’s Poetry Professor Al-Hashemi Discusses the Connection Between Form and Content

Professor Alawi Al-Hashemi, a literary thinker, provoked controversy in his critical experience of death, in the prosodic experiment for the poet of the Arab nation, Muhammad Mahdi Al-Jawahiri, where Al-Hashemi assumed an authentic meaning in the poet’s conscience that decides the meter of his poem by its theme and the emotional experience he is going through, without agreeing to allocate poetic meters to certain themes.

In a literary symposium hosted by the Centre for Arabic Language and Middle Eastern Studies at Ahlia University, Al-Hashemi described the elements that influenced the receiver which are the meter, rhythm, and narration of the poem, and its role becomes greater in classical/traditional poetry. Professor Alawi Al-Hashimi presented unprecedented critical discourse in a sentimental atmosphere regarding Al-Jawahiri’s poetic death experiences, whom Taha Hussain called “the Poet of the Arab Nation”.

Al-Hashemi mentioned the concepts of included formation and formed content, in which the form and content are related and exposed to literary criticism from the poets.

Al-Hashimi received a great welcome in the main hall of Ahlia University, and he described it as the closest to his heart among the universities. He elaborated on the features of creativity and distinction in Al-Jawahiri’s poetic death experiences, and he could not hide his passion and love for his experience. The poetic lines took him further to decide and confirm that Iraq is the source of Arabic poetry and the first story of creativity.

Al-Hashimi had an experience in poetry and literature from an early age. Al-Mahwzi’s library inspired Al-Hashimi to expand his knowledge and cultural background in poetry and literature. He began his poetic life writing metrical poetry without knowing that it is a science. The Science of Prosody or the study of Arabic Prosody was first introduced by Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad Al-Farahidi. He was the first to formulate the rules to classify the meters of Arabic poems. According to his rules, Arabic poems consist of 16 meters and 11 or 12 feet.

Click here to watch the literary symposium by Prof. Alawi Al-Hashemi on YouTube.

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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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