
Library Services

Ahlia University

Library Services

The universal ethos of the Library Service indicates that it provides professionally delivered services and that it facilitates the promotion of intellectual/talent development, the stimulation of thoughts and the educational and recreational needs of the mind as well as the informational requirements of the community. To ensure that the library service is a dynamic and proactive component in the interaction between the many cultures and also to ensure that every individual working for, attending or visiting Ahlia University will be within reasonable reach of a well equipped state-of-the-art library facility

Taking care of complete Teaching and Learning Resources:

Ahlia Library works closely with faculty members to provide the use of information resources in order to support students. We provide resources for knowledge acquisition basically focused on academic and non-academic staff, students and researchers. We have printed and non- printed materials. The Library provides latest edition of course books as well as reference books. We expand, update and add to the number of books and electronic databases regularly.

Sale of Textbooks:

The Library is in charge of selling text book to students. Students are required to bring the class schedule for quotation and pay at the cashier desk – Accounts Department. Sponsored students are required to collect the quotation and then proceed to the Accounts department to produce order note to issue the books.

Online Purchase a Course Book

Student must send their request for course book thru email at using only their own student account email or call library hotline – 17298982.
Students are required to provide the following information in their request:
(Student ID,Mobile number, Student class schedule, Required course book(s).
The team will send official reply thru email concerning the availability of the course book(s) along with the enclosed quotation.
Students are urged to pay online ‘BenefitPay Fawateer service’.,Once payment is confirmed with the Accounts Office, the directorate will notify the students thru call to collect their course books at the Security Area (Gate 1) which are sealed in an AU paper bags.

E-Library Services:

Patrons can access the electronic databases provided by the library from the library page of the databases. Username & Passwords are available upon request and available in the library next to each computer. Students can use the e-library services on and off campus. Library staff provide assistance and training to help increase the level of digital literacy in the community.

Online Public Access Catalogue Services:

OPAC makes easier for patrons to find information about the library’s collection and Search books or theses. It will help patrons to Check their own account to find number of books borrowed in their names, overdue fines (if any) and any other transactions with the library. Patrons can access their accounts by collecting the access code from the circulation desk.

Photocopying Facility:

We have a dual function photocopier machine which students may use. Photocopier cards are available at BD 1 for 80 copies.

Printing Facility:

We have a dual function photocopier /printer machine, which is easy to use. You may also print directly from the machine. The photocopier card can also be used for printing.

Steps to release your print out:


  • Insert card
  • Press “job status”
  • Select “private”
  • Enter your password (the same as the one you provided in the computer)
  • Press Enter
  • Select your document
  • Press “release”

Assistance In Resource Location

We have a variety of resources for our patrons. Ahlia Library provide assistance or instruction, including location of materials, use of online catalogue, use of computers to access information and the use of basic reference sources. We provide Assistance in identifying library materials needed to answer a question. Providing brief, factual answers to questions, such as addresses, phone numbers and other information can be quickly traced.

Internet Facility

Ahlia library provides computer workstations with internet facility. Wi-Fi service is available at the library and through the whole campus.

List of Dissertation available at Library


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details