

Ahlia University


  • Closing the Digital Divide: A Path Towards Sustainable Knowledge-Based Inclusive Development, in Allam Ahmed (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2017), World Sustainable Development Outlook 2017, (World Association for Sustainable Development,), PP. 13 – 32.
    Research area: NA
  • Trade and Knowledge Creation in GCC Countries: The Case for Sustainable Development, Amer Al-Roubaie and Abdulwahab Al-Ameen (2015), International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge management in the Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 4, No. 5,  PP. 1 – 13.
    Research area: NA
  • Social Capital Capacity for Knowledge Creation in the Middle East: Challenges, Prospects and Prescriptions, Amer Al-Roubaie (2015), Ahmet Diken (Ed.) Social Capital (Konya: Necmettin Erbakan University), PP. 491 – 499.
    Research area: NA
  • Localisation of Knowledge in GCC Countries: The Case of SMEs, Amer Al-Roubaie and Muneer Almubarak (2015), Middle Eastern Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 1.
    Research area: NA
  • Joint Estimation of Economic Growth and FDI in UAE,  Fahad Saif Harhara  and Amer Al-Roubaie (2014), International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014,  PP. 147 – 177.
    Research area: NA
  • Host Country Factors and Inward FDI Induced Technology Transfer: The Case of the UAE, Fahad Saif Harhara,  Amer Al-Roubaie, and Wafi Al Kkaragouli (2014), International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 3, No. 1,  PP. 7 – 38.
    Research area: NA
  • Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Development: East-West Collaboration?  Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi (2014), World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 11, No. 4,  PP. 242-255.
    Research area: NA
  • Building Knowledge Capacity for Sustainable Development in the Arab World, Amer Al-Roubaie (2013), International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 2, No. 1,  PP. 7 – 20.
    Research area: NA
  • Poverty Reduction in the Arab World: The Use of ICTs, Amer Al-Roubaie and Allam Ahmed (2013), World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2013, PP. 195 – 2011.
    Research area: NA
  • Poverty Reduction in the Arab World: The Use of ICTs, Amer Al-Roubaie and Allam Ahmed (2013), World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2013, PP. 195 – 211.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalization of Knowledge: Re-Orienting the Muslim Mind for Building Knowledge Societies in the Muslim World, Amer Al-Roubaie (2012), TAFHIM IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, Vol. 5,  PP. 1 – 44 .
    Research area: NA
  • Building a Knowledge Economy in the Muslim World: The Critical Role of Innovation and technological Learning, Amer Al-Roubaie and Allam Ahmed (2012), World Journal of Science, technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 76 – 98.
    Research area: NA
  • Building Knowledge Capacity for Sustainable Development in the Arab World, Allam Ahmed (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2012) World Sustainable Development Outlook (Brighten: World Association for Sustainable Development), PP 163 – 176.
    Research area: NA
  • Development Alternatives, Reflection on Ibn Khalduns’s Concept of Ilm-Umran, Amer Al-Roubaie (2010), Journal of Human Sciences, University of Bahrain, Issue No. 18/19 – 2010, PP. 117 – 138.
    Research area: NA
  • AlAttas Concept of Happiness: A Reflection on the Contemporary Meaning of Development in Wan Mohd Nor Daud and Muhammad Zainiy Uthman, (eds.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2010), Knowledge, Language, Thought and the Civilization of Islam, Kuala Lumpur: UTM, PP. 321 – 349.
    Research area: NA
  • Building Indigenous Knowledge Capacity for Development, World Journal of Science, Amer Al-Roubaie (2010), technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, No. 2,  PP. 113 – 129.
    Research area: NA
  • Development Alternative, Reflection on Ibn Khaldun’s Concept of Ilm Umran, Amer Al-Roubaie (2010), Journal of Human Sciences No. 18/19, PP. 138 -175.
    Research area: NA
  • Islamic Economics in a Globalized World: Opportunities and Challenges for Muslims  in Mohamed Ajmal Bin Abdul Razak Al-Aidrus (ed.),  Amer Al-Roubaie (2009), Islam Hadhari: Bridging Tradition and Modernity, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), Kuala Lumpur,  PP. 203 – 235.
    Research area: NA
  • Building Indigenous Knowledge Capacity for development, in Allam Ahmed (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2009), World Sustainable Development Outlook, World Association for Sustainable Development PP.  277-286.
    Research area: NA
  • Ibn Khaldun’s Concept of Asabiyyah: A Solution to Contemporary Problems in Muslim Societies, Osman Baker & Baharudin Ahmad (eds.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2009),   Ibn Khaldun’s Legacy and its Significance (Kuala Lumper: International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization), PP. 321 – 350.
    Research area: NA
  • Islamic Economics: An Approach to Development Alternatives in Muslim Societies, Christoph Marcinkowski (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2009), The Islamic World and the West (Zurich: The Asia-Europe Institute) PP 205 – 230.
    Research area: NA
  • Building a Knowledge Society in the Arab World,  Christoph Marcinkowski (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie and Rasha Shaker (2009), The Islamic World and the West (Zurich: The Asia-Europe Institute, 2009) PP. 231 -242.
    Research area: NA
  • Islamic Finance: A Bulwark against Contagion in the Global banking System, Amer Al-Roubaie (December, 2009), Islam and Civilisational Renewal, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 303 – 321.
    Research area: NA
  • The Global Financial Crisis and International Liquidity: The Impact of Petroleum Prices, Amer Al-Roubaie (2009), IKIM Journal of Islam and International Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2009, PP. 1 – 42.
    Research area: NA
  • Building Indigenous Knowledge Capacity for Development, in Allam Ahmed (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2009), World Sustainable development Outlook 2009, (London: WASD), PP. 277 – 286.
    Research area: NA
  • Islamic Economic in a Globalized World: Opportunities and Challenges for Muslim, in Mohamed Ajmal Al-Aidrus, Islam Hadhari, Amer Al-Roubaie (2009),  International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, 2009, PP. 203 – 235.
    Research area: NA
  • The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on Global Liquidity, Amer Al-Roubaie (2008), Al-Shajarah, Vol. 13, No. 2, PP. 147 – 178.
    Research area: NA
  • Building Capacity for Labour-Market Flexibility in a Globalized World : The Role of Universities in Abdulla Al-Hawaj, Wajeeh Elali and E. H. Twizell (eds.),  Amer Al-Roubaie (2008), Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges, London: CRC Press 2008, 57 – 70.
    Research area: NA
  • Amer Al-Roubaie, The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on Global Liquidity, AlShajarah, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2008, PP. 147 – 178.
    Research area: NA
  • Knowledge Creation and Global Readiness in GCC Countries, in Allam Ahmed (ed.) Science, Amer Al-Roubaie and Jamal Al-Zayer (2007), Technology and Sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa (London: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd,  PP 48 – 64.
    Research area: NA
  • Dimensi Global Kemiskinan di Dunia Muslim, Islamia, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006, PP. 79 -94.
    Research area: NA
  • Meeting South-South Challenges in a Changing World, Amer Al-Roubaie (2006), The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2006, PP. 15 – 29.
    Research area: NA
  • Dimensi Global Kemiskinan di Dunia Muslim, Islamia, Amer Al-Roubaie (2006), Vol III, No. 1, 2006, PP. 79 – 94.
    Research area: NA
  • Dimensi Global Kemiskinan Di Dunia Muslim: Sebuah Penilaian Kuantitatif, Islamia, Amer Al-Roubaie (December 2005), Vol. 2, No. 3, PP.  78 – 93.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalisasi dan Posisi Peradaban Islam, Amer Al-Roubaie (2005), Islamia, Vol. 1, No. 4,  PP. 10 – 26.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalization in Light of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Risale-I Nur: An Exposition, in Ian Markham and Ibrahim Ozdemir, (eds.), Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi (2005),  Globalization, Ethics and Islam, Ashgate, Aldershot,  PP. 136 – 147.
    Research area: NA
  • Labour Movement in the Middle East: A Regional Perspective in Usuki Akira, Omar Farouk Bajunid and Yamagishi Tomoko (eds.), Amer Al-Roubaie (2005), Population Movement beyond the Middle East: Migration, Diaspora, and Network,  National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka,  PP. 53 – 88.
    Research area: NA
  • Dimensi Global Kemiskinan di Dunia Muslim: Sebuah Penilaian Kuantitatif, Amer Al-Roubaie (2005), Islamia, Vol. II No. 3, 2005, PP. 78 – 93.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalisasi dan Posisi Peradaban Islam, Amer Al-Roubaie (2005), Islamia, THN 1 No. 4/JANUARI – MARET, PP. 10 – 26.
    Research area: NA
  • The Global Dimension of Poverty in the Muslim World: A Numerical Assessment, Amer Al-Roubaie (2004), Al-Shajarah, Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 147 – 192.
    Research area: NA
  • Heritage, Culture and Globalization, Amer Al-Roubaie (August 2004), International Journal of Muslim Unity, Vol2, Number 1, PP. 3 – 46.
    Research area: NA
  • Management of the Economic Crisis in Malaysia, Amer Al-Roubaie (2003), INTAN Management Journal, Vol. 6, No.1, PP. 144 – 187.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalization, the nation Setae and Sustainable Human Development, Amer Al-Roubaie (June, 2003), Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Vol. 5, No. 1,  PP. 41 – 56.
    Research area: NA
  • The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC): Nations in Search of Unity, Amer Al-Roubaie (2003), Al-Shajarah, Vol. 8, No. 1,  PP. 1 – 33.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalization and management of the nation State, Amer Al-Roubaie (2000), INTAN Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2000, PP. 1 – 46.
    Research area: NA
  • The Global Age: An Application to Societal Change In Muslim Societies, Amer Al-Roubaie (1998), Al-Shajarah, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1998, PP. 85 – 117.
    Research area: NA
  • The Concept of water in Islam and water Resource Stress in the Middle East: Economic Implications for International Security, Amer Al-Roubaie and Alex Vicas (1998),Al-Shajarah, Vol. 3, No. 1,  PP. 57 – 83.
    Research area: NA
  • Globalization and the Muslim World, in Syed Norulzaman bin Syed Kamarulzaman and Sharifah Munirah Alatas (eds.), Amer A-Roubaie (1998),The Impact of Globalisation on the Islamic World: issues and Challenges in the 21stcentury, Institute of Diplomacy and foreign relations, Kuala Lumpur, PP.  9 – 40.
    Research area: NA
  • Human Capital development and Growth prospects in the Muslim World, in Karen Pfeifer (ed.), Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi (1996), Research in Middle East Economies, JAI Press, London, 1996, PP. 27 – 49.
    Research area: NA
  • The Financial Implications of Economic sanctions Against Iraq, Amer Al-Roubaie and Wajeeh Elali (Summer 1995), Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 3, PP. 53 – 68.
    Research area: NA


  • Linkages Creation And Economic Diversification: The Case Of Muslim Countries, Prof. Amer Al-Rubaie (11-12 August 2018), The 3rd International Conference On Leadership And Management (ISLM 2018), Malaysia
  • Building Capacity for Knowledge Economies in the Arab World: The Role of Human Capital, Prof. Amer Al-Rubaie (11-12 August 2018), 2nd ICMCR (2nd International Conference On Multidisciplinary Contemporary Research, Malaysia
    Area of research: Human Capital
  • ICT and Poverty Alleviation in Muslim Societies,  Amer Al-Roubaie (2010), in Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on information and Communication Technology for the Moslem World (ICT4M),  Jakarta, IndonesiaF13 – F20.
    Research area: NA
  • The Global Culture, Modernization and the Malay Dilemma: A Socio-Economic Exposition, Amer Al-Roubaie (2008), in Proceedings of the National Conference on Social Problems in Malaysia (Vol. 1 & 2) International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,  PP. 57 – 79.
    Research area: NA
  • The Global Dimension of Poverty in the Muslim World, Amer Al-Roubaie (14– 15,December 2004), International Conference on Poverty in the Muslim World and Communities: Causes and Solutions, International Islamic University Malaysia, kuala Lumpur, PP. 339 – 368.
    Research area: NA
  • Heritage, Culture and Globalization, Proceedings, Amer Al-Roubaie (13 – 14 October, 2003), International Conference: The Ummah at the Crossroad: the Role of the OIC, , Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Knowledge Advancement,  pp. 23 – 52.
    Research area: NA


  •  Amer Al-Roubaie, Globalisation and the Muslim World, Syed Norulzaman bin Syed Kamarulzaman and Sharifah Munirah Alatas (eds.), The Impact of Globalisation on the Islamic World: Issues and Challenges in the 21st Centaury (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, 2001) PP. 9 – 40., ISBN938-9449-19-2
  • Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi (eds.) Islamic Banking and Finance, 4-Volume set (London: Routledge, 2010), ISBN 978-0-415-48871-6
  • Amer Al-Roubaie and Safiq Alvi,Globalisation of Knowledge (Bloomington, Trafford Publishing, 2011),ISBN 978-1-4269-7518-9.
  • Globalizimi dhe bota islame (Shkup: SHB Furkan, 2009), ISBN 978-6082-160-03-0.
  • Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi (eds.) Islamic Economics, 4-Volume Set (London: Routledge, 2013), ISBN 978-0-415-52839-9
  • Wajeeh Elali ,Amer Al-Roubaie,Lawrence J. Gitman ,Chad J. Zutter, Principles of Managerial Finance Arab World Edition, 2013, Pearson

Monographers, Chapter in a Book

  • Amer Al-Roubaie, Labour Movement in the Middle East: A Regional Perspective, Usuki Akira, Omar F. Bajunid and Yamagishi Tomoko (eds.), Population Movement beyond the Middle East: Migration, Diaspora and Network(Osaka, Japan Center for Area Studies, 2005), pp. 53-88
  • Amer Al-Roubaie, Building Capacity for Labour Market Flexibility in a Globalised World: The Role of Universities. Abdulla Al-Hawaj, Wajeeh Elali and E.H. Twizell (eds.) Higher Education in the Twenty-First Centaury: Issues and Challenges(London: CRC Press, 2008), p. 57-70
  • Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi, Human Capital Development and growth prospects in the Muslim World, Karen Pfeifer (ed.) Research in Middle East Economics, 1 ( London: JAI Press Inc., 1996), PP. 27 – 49.
  • Amer Al-Roubaie ,Marginalisation of Indigenous Cultures in a Globalised World: the Case of Aceh, Darni Daud and T. Fadrial Agussabti, Budaya Aceh, Dinamika Sejarah, dan Globalisasi ( Budaya Aceh: Syiah Kuala University Press2005), P. 211 – 228.
  • Amer Al-Roubaie, Al-Attas’s Concept of Happiness, Wan Mohd Daud and Muhammad Zainiy Uthman, (eds.) Knowledge, Language, Thought and the Civilization of Islam (Kuala Lumpur: UTM, 2010), p. 321-349
  • Amer Al-Roubaie and Shafiq Alvi, Globalization in the Light of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Risale-i-Nur: An Exposition, Ian Markham and Ibrahim Ozdemir, Globalization, Ethics and Islam: The Case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, (London: Ashgate, 2005)
  • Amer Al-Roubaie, Islamic Economics; An Approach to Development alternatives in Muslim Societies, in Christoph marcinkowski (Ed.), the Islamic World and the West(Zurich, 2009) PP 205-230.
  • Amer Al-Roubaie and Rasha Abdul-Wahab, Building a knowledge Society in the Arab World, in Christoph marcinkowski (Ed.), the Islamic World and the West(Zurich, 2009) PP 231 – 242.

19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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