Goal 5 / 5.6 / 5.6.8

Does your university have a policy protecting those who report discrimination from disadvantage?

5.6.8 Does your university as a body have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage?

Student Complaint



All students at Ahlia University have access to a fair complaints system whereby students can file any enquiry, request or complaint they have into ADREG system.

The Inquiry/complaint system is monitored and managed on a daily basis by the Head of Dean’s office who works as a liaison between student, relevant faculty/staff members and the Dean of student Affairs.

Students may send their complaints to the Deanship of Student Affairs using the following link.

Contact Details:
Mrs. Fadheela Ahmed
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 17298963


Non Retaliation Policy


Ahlia strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or student who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that her or she reasonably believes to be in violation of Ahlia’s Code of Conduct or policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations.

No employee or student should be discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, intimidated, coerced, or retaliated against in any other manner as a result of him or her making a good faith complaint or assisting in the handling or investigation of a good faith complaint. Ahlia prohibits employees or students from being retaliated against even if their complaints are proven unfounded by an investigation, unless the employee or student knowingly made a false allegation, provided false or misleading information in the course of an investigation, or otherwise acted in bad faith. Employees and students have an obligation to participate in good faith in any internal investigation of retaliation.

Ahlia takes all complaints of retaliation very seriously. All such complaints will be reviewed promptly and, where appropriate, investigated.

If you believe you have been retaliated against or that any other violation of this policy has occurred, or if you have questions concerning this policy, you must immediately notify Human Resources, or your immediate supervisor/advisor. You may also contact the Unit of Legal Affairs and Compliance.

Any employee or student who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary actions.


Student Enquiry / Complaint System


’Ahlia University takes student concerns very seriously. In order to deal with them in an effective manner, an automated system has been set up to route any enquiry or complaint quickly and efficiently.

If the student has an enquiry or a complaint, he/she should log into the ADREG system through the Ahlia website (www.ahlia.edu. bh) and submit his/her ’Enquiry/complaint’ to the Deanship of Student Affairs Office.

Thereafter, the Student Support Officer will process the enquiry/complaint and will inform the student about any decision taken.

Please note that in case of any academic or non-academic complaint, you can directly contact the Deanship of Student Affairs or any directorate within the Deanship of Student Affairs. Students can refer to the Ahlia University website for further in-depth rules and regulations related to the academic and administrative procedures. Please note that all Ahlia University academic and administrative staff members are available to help you overcome any obstacles or problems you may face. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the Deanship of Student Affairs for any query or request. We will be pleased to assist and provide you with appropriate advice and guidance.


Discrimination-Free Learning Environment


In the course of student participation in the educational life at the university, academic and non-academic, Ahlia University is committed to a discrimination-free learning environment for all students -- regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sect or disability -- . based on principles of fairness and equity.





A student’s behaviour has a significant impact on their academic career and reflects on successful relationships between students, faculty members and fellow students. Further, good behaviour and conduct allows students to benefit from their experience with others, and enjoy a successful university life filled with mutual cooperation and understanding. As per HEC (Higher Education Council) directives, Ahlia University adopts a code of conduct aligned with the University of Bahrain student code of conduct. Violations of the code of conduct include but are not limited to

any type of insult, harassment, or threats made to faculty, staff or students.





The University is committed to ensure a safe and secure environment for teaching learning and all aspects of academic work. Any incident that could jeopardize safety and security should be immediately reported to Mr. Mohammed Jasim Ali, Director of Administrative Services at 17313541 or extension 3541. Overall security in the Gosi Complex is the responsibility of the management of the Complex (Telephone: 17291551). The Ahlia Head of Safety & Security Mr. Hameed Mansoor Abdulla (Telephone: 36258941) and our Administrative Services Director Mr. Mohammed Jassim Ali (Ext 3541) must be informed about any issue related to security and safety within the University premises.




’ Every employee has the right to complain and lodge their grievance/ complaint in writing within ten (10) working days of an occurrence and/ or within ten (10) working days of the employee having reasonable knowledge of the occurrence of the event that induced such grievance.

’ All grievances shall be submitted to the employee’s Dean / Director with a copy to the HR Director. ’ Upon receipt of complaint/grievance the Dean / Director shall promptly address the complaint along the following lines:

Step 1:

The Dean/Director shall try and resolve the complaint at his/her level as within a week of receiving the complaints.

Step 2:

If the complaint/grievance is not resolved, the employee has the right to submit the written complaint to the Vice-President in writing for a resolution his/her grievance. The Vice-President shall respond to the employee’s complaint in writing within one week of receiving the complaint. If the grievance still persists, the employee can submit a complaint in writing to the President.

Step 3:

The President shall personally meet with the concerned employee and settle the grievance /complaint. The decision by President shall be deemed final.


Upon receipt of any grievance/complaint, Ahlia University shall decide to investigate internally or set up a disciplinary committee.

’ Investigation of the situation or incident has to be conducted as soon as possible.

’ In this investigation, the Dean/Director shall record all facts and statements of all witnesses to the event, including those of the employee concerned, and any witness the employee may wish to call.

’ All statements must be recorded in the first person, and the Dean/Director shall prepare a complete report along with the recommendation of the Vice-President and Legal Counsel (if any) and submit them to the President. After review of the report by the President, if accepted, Dean/Director issues a written warning to the concerned if found guilty in the presence of the Vice-President.

Disciplinary Committee

In the case of formulation of a disciplinary committee, to be appointed by the President, the disciplinary committee shall advise the concerned employee by a copy of the referral decision and of the date, time and venue of the committee’s first session at least one (1) week before the date specified for the first disciplinary session by a letter that needs to be delivered to the employee personally. If it is not possible to make a personal delivery to the employee, it may be sent by registered mail to the employee’s latest known address.

More detailed information about Disciplinary committee proceedings is available in the HR policy and procedure manual available in the University SharePoint.

Disciplinary Actions

As per the Bahrain labour law, a range of disciplinary actions can be imposed on employees if found guilty of an offence, ranging from verbal or written notice-of-attention or written warning, or termination of service.

Employee’s Refusal to Accept the Written Warning

In case of those employee(s) found guilty of an offence, the findings and decision of the disciplinary committee deemed is final, subject to the approval of the President. In the event of the employee refusing to accept the decision, the employee shall be informed of the action that will be taken, and a copy shall be filed in the employee file.


The decision of the disciplinary committee is subject to the approval of the President. Upon approval by the President, the employee will be informed of the decision and same will be implemented as per university policies and Bahrain Labour Law. More information is available in the Policy and Procedure HR manual available in the SharePoint of Ahlia University and can be accessed through www.ahlia.edu.bh


An employee may cease to work for Ahlia University when the employee resigns, retires, ends their contract or is terminated. Ahlia shall reserve the right to end the services of an employee for any of the following reasons which are explained in detail in the Policy and procedure manual available in the Ahlia’s SharePoint at www.ahlia.edu.bh:

’ Administrative staff reaching the age of sixty (60)

’ Medical incapacity- A certified physician has determined in writing that the employee remains or will be, unfit to perform his/her duty for more than twelve weeks after first becoming medically unfit

’ Resignation

’ Dismissal under a disciplinary decision

’ Incompetence

’ Absence that exceeds the limits as determined by contract and labour law

’ Restructuring and downsizing or elimination of the post

’ Conviction of a crime of honour or breach of trust

’ Unlimited duration opentended contracts can be terminated by either party (Ahlia University or the employee) by sending notification to the other party in advance for at least one (1) month

’ Ahlia University has the right to exempt the employee from the notice period.

’ During the probation period, the employee can resign without undergoing the notice period. However, the employee shall submit his/her resignation in writing at least three (3) working days prior to the date by which the employee is expected to leave.

’ In case of expatriates, upon termination, entitlements are granted as per the contract and Bahrain labour law.

The Human Resources Directorate


The Human Resources Directorate works closely with all colleges, business units, faculty and administrative staff of Ahlia University. The mission of the directorate is to ensure adequacy and optimization of human resources and excellence in employee performance in order to support the overall Mission of Ahlia University; to attract a highly qualified, diverse workforce and retain it through a stable and credible work environment; to provide equal opportunities for development and growth; and ensure delivery of exemplary customer service through modern human resource management techniques and methodologies.


Legal Affairs & Compliance Unit


Welcome to the homepage for Ahlia’s University Legal Affairs & Compliance Unit.

Unit Role

         Be the primary University representative in responding to and/or reporting to government investigations and queries.

         Provide in-house legal advice and counseling to the University through its administrators, faculty and staff in the course of their duties.

         Administer the University’s grievance and dispute resolution procedures.

         Provide policy/law/regulation interpretation.

         Manage actual or threatened litigation in which the University is involved.

         Provide legal advice in drafting and reviweing agreements, contracts, memoranda and other legal documents.

         Seek to ensure compliance and adherence to the legal and regulatory obligations imposed by the University, government and other oversight agencies.

         Develop and implement a University-wide compliance program.

         Work with senior management to identify compliance areas.

         Detect compliance issues and suggest corrective actions.

         Seek to ensure that all appropriate employees are knowledgeable of legal and regulatory obligations.

         Provide all employees with an opportunity to report issues of potential non-compliance in a manner that preserves confidentiality.


Employment Orientation


An induction/orientation programme is normally conducted to new staff members of Ahlia University. The programme is coordinated by the Human Resources Directorate and includes an introduction to the university constituent units and resources. The programme also includes an orientation to the respective college and programme offered by the dean/chairpersons and or directors. Additionally, new employees receive general information and an overview of the organization during orientation that would help them to settle into their new role in the university.


Employer Satisfaction Survey


The following survey is an important tool for obtaining critical stakeholder feedback. All respondents’ information and details shall be treated with utmost confidentiality. The information you provide, and your honest opinion and evaluation will help Ahlia University monitor the employability and professional success of its graduates. The results of this survey will be analysed for continuous improvement purposes, to ensure Ahlia University can produce job-ready graduates that are equipped with 21st century skills, so that your needs as an employer are best served.

This survey is estimated to take 5-10 minutes of your time. We thank you for your kind cooperation.


Student Protection Policy


In the university exist policies that protect the persons that reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage. Ahlia University (AU) provides education and assistance to impoverishe students and staff. This Student Protection Policy arises from Ahlia University commitment to the protection of its beneficiaries and its ’zero tolerance’ approach to abuse and child pornography. AU is determined to take all necessary steps to manage and minimize any potential risk of abuse for the staff and students assisted by the organization and to protect them from harm.




This Student Protection Policy ( AU ) has been developed to provide a practical guide to prevent student abuse in Ahlia University facility and programs. It outlines a range of risk management strategies that will be implemented and which will reduce the risk of students being harmed.


The AU will demonstrate commitment to protect students from harm and abuse.


         The AU aims to educate staff and others about student abuse and promote a student-safe’ and friendly culture where everyone is committed to keeping students safe.

         The AU aims to create an open and aware environment where concerns for the safety’ and well being of a student can be raised and managed in a fair and just manner that protects the rights of all.

         Additionally, the AU will provide guidance on how to respond to concerns and allegations of student abuse. It provides guidance to staff and others on how to work respectfully and effectively with students. This will provide all stakeholders, including staff and others with a safe working environment.





Non-Retaliation Policy



For those students who are being the target of bullying or abuse at the university or in their environment, they will be effectively protected avoiding further harm, they will receive the appropriate guidance and their safety and punishment of those responsible will be ensured.


Ahlia University is committed to a discrimination-free learnıng environment for all students for that reason defined the Equity and diversity policy of Ahlia University.

As a higher educational institution, Ahlia University is committed to maintaining equity amongst its diverse community of students, faculty, and staff. The University ensures that all members of the unıversıty communıty are treated equitably and with respect ın accordance with the Equity and diversity policy of Ahlia University.


Equity and Diversity Policy


The policy has the following elements:

Diversity: Appreciation and acknowledgement of dıfferences amongst the members of the university community that promote acceptance and belonging, regardless of factors that span age, color, disability, employment status, ethnic or national origins, language, family status, marital status, race, religious or spiritual belief, gender, socio-economic circumstances and taste.


Equity: A standard of treatment of people that ınvolves reasonable efforts to ensure fairness in decisions impacting all members of the university community. However, equitable treatment does not necessary mean equal treatment as a range of interests impacting all parties need be balanced.

I.                   Equity and diversity among the student body is as follows:

Ahlia University believes that all students, regardless of color, race, religion, and physical or learning disability, have the right to the best education. Admission to Ahlia University is selective based on prior academic achievement. The most qualified candidates -- regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sect or disability -- will be selected to fill the available places. In the course of student participation in the educational life at the university, academic and non-academic, Ahlia University is committed to a discrimination-free learnıng environment for all students -- regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sect or disability -- . based on principles of fairness and equity.


II.                Equity and diversity among staff is as follows:

Ahlia strives to treat its staff fairly by maintaining a healthy, safe and productive work environment which is free from discrimination based on any other factor that is unrelated to Ahlia legitimate interests. Ahlia shall not tolerate any offensive, intimidating or inappropriate statements or behavior undermining equity ın the work environment. Harassment in all its manifestations is prohibited. Committed to applying an effective recruitment policy that is based on the principles of equity and fairness, and equal employment opportunity, Ahlia shall ensure to identify, efficiently and effectively, the right candidates for vacancies in Ahlia and recruitment shall be based on qualifications, experience, and merit. Supervisors and managers are expected to ensure that work-related decisions regarding task allocation, compensation, performance evaluations, the administration of Ahlia benefits et. al. reflect principles of fairness and equity.


The University mandates that members of the University community pay heed to applicable codes of conduct as well as to the University’s Anti-Harassment Policy.




Student Enquiry / Complaint System [4], page 43

Ahlia University takes student concerns very seriously. In order to deal with them in an effective manner, an automated system has been set up to route any enquiry or complaint quickly and efficiently. If the student has an enquiry or a complaint, he/she should log into the ADREG system through the Ahlia website (www.ahlia.edu.bh) and submit his/her ’Enquiry/complaint’ to the Deanship of Student Affairs Office. Thereafter, the Student Support Officer will process the enquiry/complaint and will inform the student about any decision taken.


Please note that in case of any academic or non-academic complaint, you can directly contact the Deanship of Student Affairs or any directorate within the Deanship of Student Affairs. Students can refer to the Ahlia University website for further in-depth rules and regulations related to the academic and administrative procedures.


Please note that all Ahlia University academic and administrative staff members are available to helpyou overcome any obstacles or problems you may face. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the Deanship of Student Affairs for any query or request. We will be pleased to assist and provide you with appropriate advice and guidance.


Figure 5. Student Enquiry / Complaint System, taken from [4], page 43



Ahlia provides adequate space to make complaints and Suggestions to the entire academic community through its website, that is performed as from login in:


Figure 6. Taken from[5]


All students at Ahlia University have access to a fair complaints system whereby students can file any enquiry, request or complaint they have into ADREG system. The Inquiry/complaint system is monitored and managed on a daily basis by the Student Support Officer (SSO ’ Dedicated staff member within the Deanship of Student Affairs), who works as a liaison between student, relevant faculty/staff members and the Dean of student Affairs [6].


Students may send their complaints to the Deanship of Student Affairs using the following link: https://ahlia-regapp.ahlia.edu.bh/AdmissionsandRegistrationSystem/User/login.aspx


Figure 7. Taken from[6]


Ahlia University maintains a policy of non-retaliation, strictly proving any form of retaliation against any employee or student who in good faith files a complaint, raises a concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding any conduct that represents a violation of the code of conduct, policies, laws, or regulations applicable at Ahlia university.

therefore, no employee or student may receive retaliation in any way for her acting in good faith.


Ahlia University maintains this policy even if the complaints are unfounded by an investigation only if not a false accusation, provided false or misleading information in the investigation, or acted in bad faith. Any employee or student who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action.

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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

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