○ Ahlia shall provide a female employee maternity leave as per labour law.
○ A female worker shall be entitled to maternity leave on full pay for sixty (60) days which shall include the period before and after her confinement provided she produces a medical certificate attested by a government health centre or one of the clinics approved by the employer stating the expected date of her confinement.
○ A female worker may obtain an additional leave without pay because of her confinement for a period of fifteen (15) days in addition to the aforesaid leave period.
○ A female worker shall be entitled after her maternity leave and until her child is six (6) months of age to two periods to suckle her newly born child each of which shall not be less than one hour. She shall also be entitled to two periods of care for 30 minutes each until her child completes one year of age. A female worker shall have the right to combine these two periods and such two additional periods shall be reckoned as part of the working hours without resulting in any reduction of the wage. An employer shall fix the time of the care period referred to in the preceding paragraph according to the female worker’s conditions and the interest of business.
○ The female employee shall submit her request for maternity leave to their respective Dean/ Director.
Pregnant female employees are entitled to a reduction in working hours by not more than two hours per day, in a manner that does not conflict with the interests of work. Employees should present a medical report advising a light burden throughout their pregnancy until the expected date of delivery, when seeking to obtain approval of the director concerned.
Female employees are entitled to 60 consecutive calendar days as Maternity Leave, provided that a medical certificate attested by the health authorities concerned clearly states the expected date of confinement. Such leave may include the period before or after confinement.
Female employees may also avail of an additional leave without pay for f ifteen calendar days after the completion of their maternity leave.
Following childbirth, after the end of maternity leave, and until their child reaches one year of age, female employees shall be entitled to two breastfeeding periods of not less than one hour each. The two periods may be combined, whereby the entire period shall be deemed part of the working hours and will not entail any wage deduction.
The above maternity and feeding periods benefit must be coordinated with the respective Director, College Dean/Chairperson to avoid the disruption of normal duties.
’Ahlia University shall grant three days leave for male employees on the birth of a new child.
’ Female employees are entitled to 60 consecutive calendar days as Maternity Leave, provided that a medical certificate attested by the health authorities concerned clearly states the expected date of confinement. Such leave may include the period before or after confinement.
’ Female employees may also avail an additional leave without pay for fifteen calendar days after the completion of their maternity leave.
’ Ahlia University shall grant one day leave for the male employee on the birth of a new child.
Pregnant female employees are entitled to a reduction in working hours by not more than two hours per day, in a manner that does not conflict with the interests of work. Employees should present a medical report advising a light burden throughout their pregnancy until the expected date of delivery, when seeking to obtain approval of the director concerned. Female employees are entitled to 60 consecutive calendar days as Maternity Leave, provided that a medical certificate attested by the health authorities concerned clearly states the expected date of confinement. Such leave may include the period before or after confinement. Female employees may also avail of an additional leave without pay for fifteen calendar days after the completion of their maternity leave. Following childbirth, after the end of maternity leave, and until their child reaches one year of age, female employees shall be entitled to two breastfeeding periods of not less than one hour each. The two periods may be combined, whereby the entire period shall be deemed part of the working hours and will not entail any wage deduction. The above maternity and feeding periods benefit must be coordinated with the respective Director, College Dean/Chairperson to avoid the disruption of normal duties.
Ahlia University shall grant three days leave for male employees on the birth of a new child.
A Muslim female employee shall have the right to one month leave on full pay in the unfortunate event of death of her husband. She shall also be entitled to complete the death Eddah from her annual leave for up to three months and ten days. If she does not have annual leave in balance, she shall be entitled to avail & leave without pay.
Female employees are entitled to 60 consecutive calendar days as Maternity Leave, provided that a medical certificate attested by the health authorities concerned clearly states the expected date of confinement. Such leave may include the period before or after confinement.
Female employees may also avail an additional leave without pay for fifteen calendar days after the completion of their maternity leave.
Following childbirth, female employees are entitled to two hours off-duty per day as a feeding period. The feeding hours may be taken in two intervals of an hour each, for a total period of 6 months.
Female employees are also entitled to two periods of care per day for 30 minutes each until the child completes one year of age. Female employees have the right to combine these two periods for a total of one hour.
The above maternity and feeding hour benefits must be coordinated with the respective Director, College Dean/Chairperson to avoid interruption of normal duties.
As per Article 32, A female employee working in Bahrain shall be entitled to maternity leave as stated below:
A worker is entitled to leave for one day leave with full pay upon the birth of his child.
Almost all companies across all the countries have provisions for casual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, earned/privilege leave, loss of pay (LOP), compensatory off, etc. Along with these leaves, countries such as Bahrain grant employees paternity leave, compassionate leave, marriage etc, which let them manage their professional and personal lives perfectly.
Under a section entitled ’Employment of Women,’ the Bahrain Labour Law presents policies pertaining to women’s rights, protection, and welfare. Among these are rules on taking maternity leaves, caring for children, and having equal career opportunities as male workers.
The Bahrain Labour Law contains special provisions for women? Articles 29 to 36
Female workers are subject to all provisions governing the employment of male workers, without discrimination in similar situations (Article 29).
The Minister in charge of labour-related matters shall decide on cases and occasions wherein women may not be employed at night (Article 30).
The Minister shall determine the works wherein the employment of female workers is prohibited (Article 31).
A female worker is entitled to a 60-day maternity leave with full pay. This includes the period before and after delivery, provided that she submits a medical certificate indicating the expected delivery date (Article 32).
In addition to the leave mentioned above, the female worker may apply for a 15-day unpaid maternity leave (Article 32).
The female worker should not be employed during the 40 days following the delivery (Article 32).
After the end of her maternity leave, the female worker is entitled to breastfeeding periods: 2 one-hour periods until her child reaches 6 months, then 2 half-hour periods until the child reaches 1 year of age. These periods shall be considered as part of the working hours and does not entail any wage deduction (Article 35).
The employer should not dismiss or terminate the female worker’s labour contract as a result of her marriage or during her maternity leave (Article 33).
The female worker is entitled to an unpaid leave to take care of her child not exceeding 6 years old. She can apply for this leave 3 times throughout her period of service, up to a maximum of 6 months each time (Article 34).
The employer should display
a copy of regulations governing female workers on
a prominent location in the workplace (Article 36).
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