Goal 4 / 4.3 / 4.3.3

Does Your University Offer Public Executive Education or Vocational Training?

4.3.3 Does your university as a body host event at university that are open to the general public: executive education programmes (this refers to short courses for people who are not attending the university; this specifically excludes courses like MBA) and/or vocational training?

Collaborative Research for Academic Growth: Building and Leading Research Groups


The Professional Development Unit invited the Academic Staff to attend professional development workshop on ’Collaborative Research for Academic Growth: Building and Leading Research Groups’. on Wednesday, 28th of October 2024, at 12:00 PM in Seminar Room.


This workshop is designed to help faculty members and researchers develop the skills and strategies necessary to establish and lead effective research groups. Attendees will learn about the key components of successful research groups, mentorship opportunities, and how to foster collaboration both within and outside their institutions. Join us as we explore ways to enhance research productivity, promote academic networking, and cultivate a research-driven culture in the university.


Workshop Outline:

         Key elements of a successful research group

         Mentorship opportunities for junior faculty and students

         Identifying potential collaborators (within and outside the institution)

         Collaborative publications and co-authorship

         Promoting research through conferences, symposia, and academic networks

         Building a Research Culture in the University


Prof. Mahmoud Abdelat

Dean of College of Graduate Studies & Research.


Basic First Aid Training


The College of Business and Finance in cooperation with The Security and Safety Section Cordially Invite you to attend a workshop titled ’Basic First Aid Training’. This event is scheduled for Monday, 27th November, from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM and will take place in the Theatre Hall at the Ahlia University.


Why to Attend?

         Life-saving skills: Acquire essential techniques like CPR, enabling you to respond effectively in critical situations.

         Immediate response capability: Learn to assess and act swiftly in emergencies, bridging the gap until professional help arrives.

         Enhanced safety awareness: Understand and minimize risks, promoting a safer environment for yourself and others.

         Empowerment and confidence: Gain the knowledge to handle emergencies with confidence, fostering a proactive approach to safety.


Mr. Mohamed Ali, American Safety & Health Institute.

Note: Seats are limited, for registration Kindly contact Ms. Bibi Almahdi via 17298986 or [email protected].


Join Ahlia University for a Free PhD Proposal Writing Workshop!


Are you aspiring to pursue a PhD from a prestigious UK university? Ahlia University, in collaboration with Brunel University of London, offers a unique opportunity to earn a British PhD right here in Bahrain. Our upcoming PhD Proposal Writing Workshop is your gateway to understanding the process and crafting a compelling proposal.

Apply now (for the workshop)

Email: [email protected]


Mashroui Competition


Mashroui workshop was held at the university, organized by the Entrepreneurship Center and sponsored by Tamkeen, to introduce students to project planning methods and enter the Mashroui competition.




EBSCO Training Session


Library and Information Resources at Ahlia University invites you to a valuable opportunity for enhancing your research. We are excited to announce a training session on EBSCO Group online databases on Tuesday, 14th November, 2023 at 11.00 noon. Venue: Theatre.

The following points are just a few of many key areas that will cover during your personalised training session:

         Introduction to the databases.

         Demonstration of how to search through examples, covering all interface and functionality offered by the service providers.

         Explanation of the different search methods to extract the information from the databases.

         Overview of one (or both) platform(s)

         How to view, access and download content, make use of your improved search functionalities as well as other tools

         Student and administrator account levels: how to download usage reports and manage your account effectively

         Q&A session at the end of the training


Awareness about cyber security



The Professional Development Unit invite you to attend professional development workshop on ’Awareness about cyber security’. To be able to introduce cyber security concept, threats and countermeasures to protect different types of assets on personal level. on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at 12:00 PM in Class 9.


Workshop Outline:

         Definition of cyber security

         Fundamentals of cyber security

         Cybercrime statistics

         Cyber security threats and attacks

         Cyber security Countermeasures

         Golden tips to protect your assets


Dr. Ammar Al Dallal

Chairperson of Telecommunications Engineering Department, College of Engineering.


The Role of HRM in Building Culture in the Workplace


The College of Business and finance cordially invites you to attend a workshop titled ’The role of HRM in building culture in the workplace’ on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 6:00 PM in the Lecture

Hall 12.

Instructor: Mr. Mahmood Ahmed

Human Resource Manager, IKEA

GW Alumni

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Scientific Research Approaches


The Mass Communication and Public Relations Club cordially invites you to the workshop titled Scientific Research Approaches on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 5:00 PM in the theatre hall.

Instructor: Dr. Mosa Fateel

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Anti-Bullying Hackathon


Join us for a good cause and prepare an artwork:

(Animation Video, Film, Computer Game, or any other multimedia system ’) to support ANTI BULLYING Awareness.

OPEN to all IT College Students & Alumni

Individual/Group (1-4)

Evaluation Criteria:

         Relevance to Topic




         Organization of Content

         Language Mechanics

Submit entries to: [email protected]

Deadline of registration: 30th October 2022

Deadline of artwork submission: 20th November 2022

How to write a news story in English for departments’ publications?


The College of Arts and Science has the pleasure to invite you to the ’How to write a news story in English for departments’ publications’ on Wednesday 30th November 2022 @ 1:00 pm in Ahlia University ’ Lecture hall 13.

How to write a news story for departments’ publications, the significance of gaining journalistic writing skills. She clarifies that such skills can promote the activities that faculties conduct as well as attract more media attention. Dr. Abdulnabi explains the news elements, sources, values, and writing structure. She also focuses on the main differences between news and opinion pieces.

Training Session-IEEE Computer Society Digital Library IEEE


The library at Ahlia University strives to provide continuous professional support for its users. In continuation of this effort, Mrs. Michelle Tubb from the IEEE conducted a training on various aspects related to the electronic resources offered. The training was delivered on Wednesday, November 15, 2022, at 11 a.m. via MS-Team.

The speaker provided a special training on that covered the following areas:

1. Introduction to the databases

2. Demonstration of searching through examples, encompassing all interfaces and functionality provided by service providers.

3. explanation of the different search methods to extract the information from the databases.

4. Overview of one or both platforms

5. How to view, access, and download content; make use of improved search functionalities as well as other tools

6. Patron and administrator account levels: how to download usage reports and manage your account effectively

7. Q&A session at the end of the training

How to transform your relationship with money?


The College of Business and finance cordially invites you to attend a workshop titled ’How to transform your relationship with money’ on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM in the theater hall.

About Daleel

Daleel is a financial marketplace that allows customers to search, compare and find the right financial products for themselves.

Founded in Bahrain as the brainchild of three tech enthusiasts, Daleel is on a mission to simplify the world of finance. Over the years, we’ve struggled with finding the right financial products for ourselves. We found the whole process to be long, tedious and overwhelming. Until one day we had enough of that, and decided to do something about it. Daleel was founded to help you save time, make better choices and grow your wealth. We’re committed to improving financial wellbeing in the MENAP region and helping customers like yourself lead healthier lives. But why are we passionate about that? Because, financial wellness is critical to our overall health.’ When people talk about health and wellness, they talk about the importance of exercise, good food and a good routine ’ but not necessarily what’s in your bank account. And in a region where financial stress looms large, we feel like it is our responsibility to step up and help people take charge of their finances in a better way.


’ Ms. Ridaa Shah, Daleel Co-Founder.

’ Mr. Pk Shrivastava, Daleel Co-Founder.


Free training workshops for all interested in Arabic calligraphy


Within the activities of the Arabic Calligraphy Forum at Al-Ahlia University

Free training workshops for all those interested in the art of Arabic calligraphy

The Chairman of the Community Service Committee at Al-Ahliyya University, Prof. Fouad Shehab, called on the students and graduates of the University and the general public to pre-register in the free training workshops in the field of Arabic calligraphy, which will be held by the University within the activities of the first forum of the National University for Arabic Calligraphy, on Tuesday and Wednesday, corresponding to the eleventh and twelfth of this April.

Shihab explained in a press statement that Al-Ahlia University organizes the first forum for Arabic calligraphy under the slogan "A Heritage Renewed", under the patronage of the Founding President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Abdullah bin Yousef Al-Hawaj, including an art exhibition that includes the creations of leading Bahraini professional calligraphers, and training workshops in the field of Arabic calligraphy, in conjunction with the day of celebration and celebration of the Arabic manuscript on April 4 of each year, which was called for by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO), where it aims to The forum is to embrace the university of talented Bahraini calligraphers and highlight this ancient Arab art.

Shehab said that the door to participate in the training workshops is open to all students and members of the university, as well as to all members of the community interested in the art of calligraphy and wishing to acquire professional skills in this field, noting that there are two workshops for beginners that provide an introduction to the art of Arabic calligraphy in terms of its origins and history, and everything related to calligraphy from artists, paintings and tools, and also provide an introduction to the calligrapher's pen types, forms, features of each type and places of use.

He added: "We will also offer two professional workshops targeting amateurs and professionals in the art of calligraphy, the first to introduce calligraphers to how to complete paintings accurately and professionally and the steps required for this, which are on two axes: theoretical and practical, and the other is a writing workshop open to professional calligraphers, in which they practice writing directly in front of the public.

He said that all the workshops accompanying the exhibition will start after four o'clock in the evening until eight o'clock, to allow all those wishing to benefit from them to participate, whether they are university students, graduates or the general public.

The Community Service Committee, headed by Prof. Fouad Chehab, plays a community role in advancing development, with the aim of meeting the various developmental needs of society, which is the third function of the National University after teaching and scientific research, where the University seeks to provide diverse programs to the local community in the skill, cultural and social fields, with a keen interest in keeping pace with the changes and developments in information and communication technology and knowledge management and organization.





The College of Engineering conducted an awareness session addressed to students of Engineering and IT about the importance and benefits of being a member of IEEE and ACM professional societies. The session was held by Dr. Raida Al Alawi and Dr. Ayman Alaiwi.

Societal Impact Seminars Series (Session 1)


As part of Ahlia University initiatives related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and its relationship with creating an impact to the society through the integration of strategies, operations, curriculum and policy standards. AU planned a series of seminars that are conducted virtually. The seminars will tackle (impact) of UNSDGs in different sectors including (education, wellbeing, climate change, gender and reduced inequalities).

The first event will tackle SDG3 and will be conducted as a Round Table discussions by inviting a number of guest speakers to tackle niche issues and used to develop/revise policies and practices. The aim of this event to share practices with leaders of higher education, policy makers and regulators important topics at national and international level. The event will support increasing awareness and integration of UNSDGs at multiple sectors and ensures engagement of AU to be the lead towards integrating UNSDGs.

The session will be conducted as a round table will discuss the following topics related to SDG3:

         Challenges to maintain good health and well-being post COVID-19

         Role of Higher Education Institutions in maintain good health and well being

         Proposed recommendations to policy makers and regulators

Target Audience:

         Leaders of Higher Education Sector

         Healthcare Professionals

         Students and Parents

         Faculty Members

         Support Staff

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19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details