Goal 4 / 4.3 / 4.3.1

Does Your University Provide Access to Educational Resources for Non-Students?

4.3.1 Does your university as a body provide access to educational resources for those not studying at the university? -e.g., computers, library, online courses, access to lectures?

Library Services


The universal ethos of the Library Service indicates that it provides professionally delivered services and that it facilitates the promotion of intellectual/talent development, the stimulation of thoughts and the educational and recreational needs of the mind as well as the informational requirements of the community. To ensure that the library service is a dynamic and proactive component in the interaction between the many cultures and also to ensure that every individual working for, attending or visiting Ahlia University will be within reasonable reach of a well-equipped state-of-the-art library facility

Taking care of complete Teaching and Learning Resources:

Ahlia Library works closely with faculty members to provide the use of information resources in order to support students. We provide resources for knowledge acquisition basically focused on academic and non-academic staff, students and researchers. We have printed and non- printed materials. The Library provides latest edition of course books as well as reference books. We expand, update and add to the number of books and electronic databases regularly.

Sale of Textbooks:

The Library is in charge of selling text book to students. Students are required to bring the class schedule for quotation and pay at the cashier desk ’ Accounts Department. Sponsored students are required to collect the quotation and then proceed to the Accounts department to produce order note to issue the books.

Online Purchase a Course Book

Student must send their request for course book thru email at [email protected] using only their own student account email or call library hotline ’ 17298982.
Students are required to provide the following information in their request:
(Student ID,Mobile number, Student class schedule, Required course book(s).
The team will send official reply thru email concerning the availability of the course book(s) along with the enclosed quotation.
Students are urged to pay online ’BenefitPay Fawateer service’.,Once payment is confirmed with the Accounts Office, the directorate will notify the students thru call to collect their course books at the Security Area (Gate 1) which are sealed in an AU paper bags.

E-Library Services:

Patrons can access the electronic databases provided by the library from the library page of the databases. Username & Passwords are available upon request and available in the library next to each computer. Students can use the e-library services on and off campus. Library staff provide assistance and training to help increase the level of digital literacy in the community.

Online Public Access Catalogue Services :

OPAC makes easier for patrons to find information about the library’s collection and Search books or theses. It will help patrons to Check their own account to find number of books borrowed in their names, overdue fines (if any) and any other transactions with the library. Patrons can access their accounts by collecting the access code from the circulation desk.

Photocopying Facility:

We have a dual function photocopier machine which students may use. Photocopier cards are available at BD 1 for 80 copies.

Printing Facility:

We have a dual function photocopier /printer machine, which is easy to use. You may also print directly from the machine. The photocopier card can also be used for printing.

Steps to release your print out:

  • Insert card
  • Press ’job status’

         Select ’private’

         Enter your password (the same as the one you provided in the computer)

         Press Enter

         Select your document

         Press ’release’

Assistance in Resource Location

We have a variety of resources for our patrons. Ahlia Library provide assistance or instruction, including location of materials, use of online catalogue, use of computers to access information and the use of basic reference sources. We provide Assistance in identifying library materials needed to answer a question. Providing brief, factual answers to questions, such as addresses, phone numbers and other information can be quickly traced.

Internet Facility

Ahlia library provides computer workstations with internet facility. Wi-Fi service is available at the library and through the whole campus.

List of Dissertation available at Library


Library Facilities


Online Library Booking System

There are available seats for individual or group study in the library that support academic need of our patron community. Most of the seats in the library are used as walk-in basis. However, we implement an online ticketing system to ensure that student has a fair chance to avail the study areas in the library and at the same time adhere to precautionary measure by Ministry of Health with regards to COVID-19. Thus, the availability of online booking system thru AdReg was established as an added service to the library.

Should a library patron wish to use our study spaces or the study hall, the following steps must be duly noted:

  1. Go to Admission & Registration System (AdReg). Log in to your account.
  2. Go to ’Library’ portal and select ’Library Booking’.
  3. Select your convenient time.


Ahlia University Library has been among the first in the Gulf Region to implement RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) based ’Virtua’ Library Management System. The RFID system makes the library protected against unauthorized removal of books and other materials out of the Library.


The Library is equipped with a theft detection system. If an alarm sounds as a patrons leaves the library, he/she will be requested to return to the Circulation Desk, where a staff member will assist him/her with the materials they need to check out.



OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue

To provide advanced superior service to the students and faculty, Ahlia University’s library initiates with pride it’s Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).

Use of OPAC makes it easier for patrons to:

  • Find information about the library’s collection,
  • Search books or theses
  • Check their own account to find number of books borrowed on their names, overdue fines (if any) and any other transactions they need to execute with the library.

Access to OPAC is fast and trouble-free via the LAN.


The library has added a new section called ’FICTION BOOKS’ in both English and Arabic. The books are written by well-known authors. The collection in this section includes real life stories and literatures written by great intellectuals such as philosophers, historians and adventurers with an aim of inspiring, motivating, and developing students.


The Library provides an area for the special collections for use by its patrons. The purpose of this area is to provide Students the opportunity to use the references materials in the libraries for their study purpose.


The Library staff is available to provide assistance in utilizing materials in the Reference collection which includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and atlases. These books are marked REF and should not be removed from the library by students. Faculty members may arrange for short loans of reference books for classroom use. To further aid patrons in research, the library provides access to printed indices on a variety of subjects, which contain the citations necessary to locate journal articles.


Computers are available in the Library to provide Internet access. Patrons may access the electronic databases provided by the library from the library page of the databases. Copies may be made from the Internet as per patrons use.


The Library provides a variety of periodical titles. Current issues are shelved on the periodical shelves in the library. Students may use the periodicals only in the library. Faculty members may arrange for short loans of periodicals for classroom use.

A list of periodical holdings is available at various locations throughout the library and on the library page Website (e- books, e-journals & e-periodicals).


The Library staff provides orientation sessions as well as bibliographic instruction to library patrons


The reading room of the library is available for quiet study. The library provides study area for group study. Wireless internet is available within the library building.


The Library provides a room for the Post Graduate students equipped with computers and printers. The purpose of this room is to provide students with the opportunity of using in the library’s materials for their research works.


The Library provides a room for PhD students equipped with computers and printers. The purpose of this room is to provide students with the opportunity of using in the library’s resources for their research works.


Students can now make use of our new 2 in 1 printer/ photocopy machine.

Ahlia University implements a new technology in the library for photocopy and printing services. This technology works with magnetic card. The student can use the copier after purchasing a card from the LIBRARY CIRCULATION DESK at of BD.1/- per card and use it to make up to 80 copies. Patrons may print out from the computers located at the library study area.


From Saturday to Thursday:   8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Friday: 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.


The Book Talk Programme 2024


To generate enthusiastic discussion and facilitate the sharing of knowledge with our community, the library department has organized ’The Book Talk’ programme. This activity is an interactive learning pursuit in which our distinguished faculty members will present their notable works, their most recent research publication, the findings, and so on, followed by a Question-and-Answer session. This event will be a forum for our faculty and students to engage in discussion outside the classroom.


Please join us on Wednesday, 16th October 2024, at 1:00 PM at Theater for an engaging presentation. Prof. Mukhtar Al-Hasimi will share his book entitled ’Let’s Talk Business’ written by Professor Mukhtar Al-Hashimi Following a discussion, our presenter will participate in a Q&A and book signing.


Please Contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have questions/requests.

We look forward to seeing you.


Research Day 2024


The Library and Information Directorate planning to conduct a research day for students & faculty at Library Directorate on 4th of March, 2024 related to exploration of various electronic databases that are subscribed. These electronic databases contain numerous types of learning resources that are necessary and useful in student learning. There is a general feeling that a direct interaction with students will help the students in browsing, accessing, downloading and retrieving learning material from the resources the University subscribes.


The delegate (our librarian) will be providing a special training on using our databases which Ahlia University has subscribed, the training will cover the following areas:


1.       Introduction to the databases.

2.       Demonstration of how to search through examples, covering all interface and functionality offered by the service providers.

3.       Explanation of the different search methods to extract the information from the databases.

4.       Overview of one (or both) platform(s)

5.       How to view, access and download content, make use of improved search functionalities as well as other tools

6.       Q&A session at the end of the training


The Book Talk Programme 2023


To generate enthusiastic discussion and facilitate the sharing of knowledge with our community, the library department has organized ’The Book Talk’ programme. This activity is an interactive learning pursuit in which our distinguished faculty members will present their notable works, their most recent research publication, the findings, and so on, followed by a Question-and-Answer session.This event will be a forum for our faculty and students to engage in discussion outside the classroom.

Please join us on Monday, 20th November 2023, at 12:00 noon at Library Directorate for an engaging presentation. DR. RAFEEQA BIN RAJAB will share her book entitled منظومه الجمال النسقي في كتابه تجليات الحداثه ..ابن المعتز نموذجا.’ Following a discussion, our presenter will participate in a Q&A and book signing.

We look forward to seeing you.


Join Ahlia University for a Free PhD Proposal Writing Workshop!


Are you aspiring to pursue a PhD from a prestigious UK university? Ahlia University, in collaboration with Brunel University of London, offers a unique opportunity to earn a British PhD right here in Bahrain. Our upcoming PhD Proposal Writing Workshop is your gateway to understanding the process and crafting a compelling proposal.

Apply now (for the workshop)

Email: [email protected]



Orientation Summer Semester 2023


Dear all,

An orientation program for new and current students in using the library resources effectively will be held during the dates listed below; interested students may register their names and suitable timing with the library directorate.

Dates of Orientation:

         4 JUNE 2023 10am to 5pm

         5 JUNE 2023 10am to 5pm

         6 JUNE 2023 10am to 5pm

The library directorate provide a special training that covered the following:

  Introduction on the library facility, resources, and services.

  Basic database searching techniques.

  How to Locate resources and services within the library.

  How to navigate the OPAC (online catalogue).

  How to explore the library website.

Students are requested to utilize this opportunity and use the library’s resources effectively.

The Book Talk Programm


To inculcate critical discussion and facilitate the sharing of knowledge with our community, the library directorate has initiated a new event, ’The Book Talk’ programme. This programme is an interactive learning experience in which our distinguished faculty members will present their book, their most recent research publication, the findings, and so on, followed by a Q&A session. This event will become a forum for our faculty and students to engage in intellectual discussion outside the classroom.

It is our pleasure to announce the first presenter, our very own President Mansoor AlAali, to grace this activity. With his signature, our president will present and distribute copies of the book ’Bahrain Village Houses: A Walk in the Past.’ Furthermore, our president will also discuss his new book, published by IGI, entitled ’Assessing University Governance and Policies in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Following the discussion, there will be a question and answer session, as well as a book signing.

Please join us in the Theatre on Wednesday, 7th December 2022, at 12:00Noon for an engaging presentation.


Ninth Annual Research Forum Call for Papers



The Ahlia University Ninth Annual Research Forum under the theme ’Multidisciplinary Research Forum for Sustainable Innovation’ is planned to take place from Sunday 4th December to Tuesday 6th December 2022. The Research Forum is an ongoing tradition at Ahlia University to showcase recent research, books, posters, and creative projects.

The objective of the forum is to gather leading academicians, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas as well as to discuss current development in multidisciplinary fields.’ Research is one of Ahlia University’s strategic pillars reflecting on Ahlia’s values and strategic mission. Upon that, we encourage every scholar, academic faculty, postgraduate, and graduate student to participate in the upcoming 9th Research Forum which is an ongoing tradition.

We are pleased to invite you to take part in the success of this event by submitting your abstract by clicking here.

Please submit your abstracts by Tuesday 25th October 2022.

Training Session-IEEE Computer Society Digital Library IEEE’[6]


The library at Ahlia University strives to provide continuous professional support for its users. In continuation of this effort, Mrs. Michelle Tubb from the IEEE conducted a training on various aspects related to the electronic resources offered. The training was delivered on Wednesday, November 15, 2022, at 11 a.m. via MS-Team.

The speaker provided a special training on that covered the following areas:

1. Introduction to the databases

2. Demonstration of searching through examples, encompassing all interfaces and functionality provided by service providers.

3. explanation of the different search methods to extract the information from the databases.

4. Overview of one or both platforms

5. How to view, access, and download content; make use of improved search functionalities as well as other tools

6. Patron and administrator account levels: how to download usage reports and manage your account effectively

7. Q&A session at the end of the training

Library Research Day


The Ahlia Library will be conducting its research day for students & faculty at the Library on 13th of March, 2023 related to exploration of various electronic databases that are subscribed by us. These electronic databases contain numerous types of learning resources that are necessary and useful in student learning.

Join us as we provide special training on the use of the research databases to which we subscribe.

Training will cover the following areas:

  Introduction to the databases.

  Demonstration of how to search through examples, covering all interface and functionality offered by the service providers.

  Explanation of the different search methods to extract the information from the databases.

  Overview of one (or both) platform(s)

  How to view, access and download content, make use of improved search functionalities as well as other tools

  Q&A session at the end of the training

Spring 2023 Library Orientation


We would like to inform you that an orientation program for new and current students in using the library resources effectively will be held during the dates listed below; interested students should register their names and suitable timing with the librarian as soon as possible.

Dates of Orientation:

         29 January 2023 10am to 5pm

         30 January 2023 10am to 5pm

         31 January 2023 10am to 5pm

The librarian will be providing a special that will cover the following:

  Introduction on the library facility, resources, and services.

  Basic database searching techniques.

  How to Locate resources and services within the library.

  How to navigate the OPAC (online catalogue).

  How to explore the library website

  Students are requested to utilize this opportunity and use the library’s resources effectively.


Library Policies


The Library is open to faculty, staff and students for use within the physical premises.


Instructors prepare the list of books to be ordered and the request is routed to the Dean concerned. The Dean approves the selection and forwards it to the Librarian. Once the list is passed by the Deans, the Librarian checks for any duplication and determines its appropriateness for inclusion in the Library collection.


Academic and administrative staff, as well as students are eligible to borrow books and other materials from the library for a specific period of time. However, reference materials, Library copy of textbooks, magazines and periodicals are considered as non-circulatory items. Students are expected to produce the valid university identity card to borrow any materials.


Borrowing privileges are available to faculty, staff and currently enrolled students.


1.       Individuals must complete a registration card and receive a library barcode in order to borrow materials from the library.

2.       For faculty, staff, currently enrolled students and PhD students, barcodes are attached to AU identification cards at the beginning of each semester or any other convenient time. This card must be presented to avail of all borrowing facility in library transactions. Library Department staff will create a four-digit number for the newly joined patrons.


The Library protects the confidentiality of patrons. The library staff will not disclose information regarding any patron’s circulation record, i.e., what materials are checked out to him/her. If a book is urgently needed, the staff will attempt to contact the patron to request early return.


Patrons who borrow materials from the library are granted the following loan periods:


10 days for General Circulations ’ 1 day for References (Textbooks’ only) and Special Collections such as (dissertation, dictionary etc... are not allowed to be taken out of Library.


10 days for General Circulations ’ 7 days for References (Textbooks only) ’ Special Collections such as (dissertation, dictionary etc’ are not allowed to be taken out of Library.


10 days for General Circulations ’ 1 day for References (Textbooks only) & Special Collections such as (dissertations, dictionaries ’ etc’ are not allowed to be taken out of Library.


7 days for ’ References and One Semester for General Circulations ’ Five books only, (Instructors may borrow the textbooks from the library and return them at the end of the semester). However, if an instructor continues teaching the same course in the next semester, she/he may keep the textbook until the end of that semester.) ’ Special Collections such as (dissertation, dictionaries’ etc. are allowed to be taken out of Library for the classroom purpose of use.

1.       Books are checked out to the patron upon presented the ID card. Students & Staff members may check out up to three books. Faculty may check out up to five books

2.       Part Time Faculty may check out up to five books only upon presenting the Personnel ID Card.

3.       Materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk during Library official working hours.


         Click here to search for titles online, patrons must access the Library Online Catalog (OPAC)

         Patrons must indicate the details of the book and mobile number in their request.

         To borrow a book from Ahlia University Library Catalog, patrons have to send an email to [email protected] (the library directorate will ONLY accept official AU E-mail address). 

         The Library Directorate will notify the patron through a call when to collect the book by presenting the patron ID card and CPR.


Patrons may renew any materials borrowed from the Library provided that no other person has made a booking request for the same item. On-campus students and local patrons must present the book and a current identification card at the Circulation Desk.


Registered patrons of the Library may place a hold on an item that is checked out to another patron.


Faculty members may place materials needed for course assignments on reserve in the Library. Students may request these reserve materials from the Circulation Desk. Most reserve books are for use only in the library, unless the instructor requested a limited circulation period.


1.       Materials borrowed from the Library are subject to the following overdue fines:

2.       All Books overdue :100 fills per day

3.       Weekends and days during which the library is closed are included when overdue fine is calculated

4.       The book drop is always available for returns.

5.       Overdue notices will be sent out of courtesy. Failure to receive a notice does not constitute a basis for altering or negating a fine.

6.       Patrons must present their library card to pay overdue fines. Patrons will not be allowed to check out further materials until their record is cleared. Defacement or mutilation of any library material will result in a fine of 100 fils and appropriate disciplinary action. Delinquent borrowers will not be permitted to receive grades, transcripts, or other credit for work completed at University until all charges are cleared.

7.       Patrons who lose books are expected to pay the replacement cost of the book at the Accounts Department and present the final receipt of payment to the circulation desk to clear their record at the Library system. Patrons who lose books are expected to pay the replacement cost of the book.

The digital Library


Ahlia University Library has always believed in providing the best available resources to its students and faculty members. Contrary to traditional physical libraries, our University Library reaches out to all its patrons on their desktop in the University campus. Ahlia University has implemented a Digital Library to cater for the needs of its students and faculties.

The Library provides access to 2,500,000 e-journals and 11,000 e-books through subscription to tens of on-line databases from various publishers such as EBSCO, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library ,Brunel University, High wire Press , OCLC ,VIRTUS INTERPRESS , ARAB INFORMATION NETWORK , Academic Journals, RESEARCH ARCHIVE , Digital Public Library of America, Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), Eldis, Elsevier Open Access Journals, EThOS (e-Theses Online services), Google scholar, JSTOR (Journal Storage), Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), Open Access Theses and Dissertations, SpringerOpen, SSRN (Social Science Research Network), Taylor & Francis Open Journals, UNESDOC Digital Library, Virginia Tech Electronic Library, Wiley Open Access, World Bank Publications and World Digital Library across disciplines taught at the University, which strives to keep both students and faculty in touch with current academic literature. For a full list of available databases please click here. At present the Library accommodates a collection of more than 12,000 conventional books including Smart books from McGraw-Hill & Pearson across the disciplines offered by Ahlia.

In addition, postgraduate students enrolled in the Brunel PhD without Residence program, administered by Ahlia University enjoy access to the entire electronic holdings of Brunel University’s library encapsulated in a further 139 databases. The virtual library’s mission is to provide 24 hours/day 7 days/week access to patrons and strives to be the best virtual library in the Kingdom of Bahrain that uses this cutting edge technology to drive its knowledge acquisition process.

Access The Digital Library

         List of online databases contains 85 online databases covered all the disciplines taught at the University.

         The list itself explains the subject coverage, the patron directly can select the file required.

         Patron can click on the related link, which will allow downloading of the list of online databases and then will require a username and password to process.

         Usernames & Passwords are available upon request from the Librarian and next to the computer workstations at the Library.


Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams

Description automatically generated




Access Ahlia Catalog


E-Books & E-Journals

         At the right hand side, you can see the list of online databases. Once you click on these databases it will ask for a (Username and Password).

         Username & Password will be available upon request with the librarian and next to the computer workstations at the library department.

         Access can be reached in and off campus.

Physical Volume - Books (General, Reference & Dissertation)

         At the left hand side of the page you can see the Quick search & Browse areas.

         There you can search which are the titles of books and dissertations available in the library.

Library and Information Resources Training Session


Ahlia University’s
Library and information resources
Present a training session

Library Induction Day ’ First Semester 2021 / 2022


’ Library ’

Event Details:

         Start Date:29/09/2021

         Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

         Location: Microsoft Teams

         Event Links

Microsoft Teams Link

Greetings from Library Directorate!

We are happy to welcome you all to our Library Induction Day. In that time, we will cover the following important agenda:

’ Introduction about the Library

’ Library Resources: Physical and Digital resources

’ Library Facilities and Services

’ How to Purchase Boks ’ Online

’ How to Borrow Books ’ Online


Please join us on Wednesday, 29th September 2021, at 12 a.m. via MS Teams.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Thank you.






Ahlia Invention Centre


A place for visionaries and future planners to redefine their business.

About the AIC

Ahlia Invention Centre is an innovation and invention fab for anyone interested in innovation and invention from the university or outside the university.

This Centre believes that the practice of innovation brings out skills within us to compete in a global environment, leading to a more prosperous society and world economy.

The purpose of the Innovation & Invention Centre is to further develop and support the community of inventor and innovative talent at the Ahlia University staff and students, and also for any innovator in Bahrain they are welcome to join the center.

The Centre will further the knowledge, spirit, and passion of innovators while providing resources for educational, social, networking, teaching, and researching events where entrepreneurial and innovative skills can be applied. This center fosters, inspires, and supports the creation of new venture opportunities, whether in an existing firm or the launch of a new firm.

Our Vision

Creating a new culture of invention and innovation in the university that allows for the development of new and existing inventors and innovators, realizing those ideas and enabling Ahlia university students and other innovators from Bahrain of the future to flourish.

Our Mission

The Kingdom of Bahrain competes internationally harnessing invention and innovation, creating original IP leading to a new order of sustainable wealth creation.

Discover New Possibilities

Creating a new culture of invention and innovation in the university that allows for the development of new and existing inventors and innovators, realizing those ideas and enabling Ahlia university students and other innovators from Bahrain of the future to flourish.

Drive innovation

Creativity is born from a need. It is a process, not a product. The best ideas don’t emerge when you’re alone ’ they might start that way, but they grow and change with input from others. New experiences, themes and inputs are the things that push you to a new level. Through a cooperation with key players from research and industry.

Where future planners and decision makers come together, excite creativity and experience the whole innovation process.

Network with experts

Sometimes you don’t need to know everything or do it on your own ’ but you have to know whom to ask! When talking about innovation, networking is a must. As a partner of the AIC you are part of an ever-growing community of industry and research partners and have the opportunity of frequent exchange with ’the real practitioners ’.

Enhance your innovation skills

In our Ahlia Invention Center we train the innovators inventors from Bahrain.

You learn how to transfer agile methods into your hardware development.

Our workshops prepare you for the future.

Check your own ’innovation readiness level’ and get answers to the questions you have in mind but don’t know whom to ask.

Library Brochure


Ahlia Library has a collection of thousands of printed books, periodicals, pamphlets and other print materials covering the disciplines of Business, Management, Information Technology, Physiotherapy, Interior Design, Mass Communication and other subjects taught at the University. Moreover, students and faculty at Ahlia University enjoy access to a wealth of online resources including e-books, e-magazines, e-journals and e-dissertations. Our print collection includes more than 10000 volumes, ranging from references, books, periodicals, journals, pamphlets, newspapers, thesis and dissertations.

Any member could use the library resources free of charge, any physical resource could be used at the library through walk-in visits. With regard to the electronic resources it could be accessed through the support of librarian with no charges.

Online Data Base


                     Lexis Nexis



                     Brunel University Researc archive


                     Highwire Standford University

                     OCLC ’ The Oaister Database

                     Arab information network ’ Ain portal

                     Virtus interpress

                     Al Manhal collection

Infrastructure, Class Rooms, Labs and Theatre Use:

Ahlia University maintains relationship with various channels such as Embassies, Educational Societies and well as Vocational Institutes who wish to deliver any event or short-term courses. Recently Ahlia University offered its teaching facilities to various channels examples of which are provided below:

Korean Embassy to deliver short courses (Community-Based)



AU offered the use of classrooms as well as the lecturers’ part time offices to prepare for their teaching materials. The offices are equipped with all the required facilities including personal PC and printing facilities, which supported the lecturers to have an appropriate teaching environment to deliver short-courses in Korean Language in collaboration with King Sejong Institute.

INJAZ Bahrain to deliver activities


AU supported to conducted various events for INJAZ Bahrain to be conducted at AU premises, a Certificate of Appreciation from INJAZ Al- Bahrain Recognizing Ahlia’s support in spreading the institutions’ message of inspiring & preparing Bahrain’s youth for success in a global economy.

INJAZ Bahrain to participate in Annual Young Entrepreneurs CompetitionOn June 2, 2019, was executed the Universities Young Entrepreneurs Competition 2019 for INJAZ Bahrain.

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Ahlia University


19th Graduation Ceremony

Date: 07/12/2024 | Time: 06:30 PM (UTC+03:30)

Watch the Ahlia University 19th Graduation Ceremony live on YouTube by clicking on the button below.
See Event Details